How to attract good luck into your life using magic, psychology and feng shui

From this article you will learn:

  • What psychology says about how to attract luck into your life
  • How to attract good luck into your life using magic
  • How to attract luck into your life according to Feng Shui
  • How to attract wealth and luck into your life

There is a category of people who are always lucky in everything. But there are also those from whom the capricious Fortune has turned away, and for them, as in the famous song, “the crocodile cannot be caught, the coconut does not grow.” But you really want to become Fate’s darling! Let's talk about how to attract luck into your life.

What psychology says about how to attract luck into your life

People have long tried to attract luck into their lives, associating a lot of beliefs and rituals with it. Luck's favorites can be divided into two types. The first ones bask in happy coincidences almost every day. And for the latter, a single happy event occurs in their lives, but it is large-scale. For example, a fateful acquaintance, healing from a terrible illness, receiving a valuable prize.

According to psychology professor F. Gabiye, there is a third type of lucky people - those who “cultivate” luck and do not expect accidents. And such an art is quite within the capabilities of any of us to master and put into practice in life.

Richard Wiseman also agrees with this statement, having studied the question of how to attract luck and luck into your life using the example of several hundred lucky people. According to this psychologist, professor at the University of Hertfordshire, there is “passive” luck (for example, winning the lottery) and “psychological” (the prerequisites for it are created consciously and purposefully, by setting and declaring personal goals in life). The professor discovered that the second type of luck can be repeated many times, so it was defined as “long-term”.

Luck of both types, according to Wiseman, consists of five components


  1. Meeting the right person.
  2. Obtaining the necessary information.
  3. The ability to learn (accept something new into your life).
  4. Sudden receipt of a request.
  5. An incident that breaks the usual way of life and changes fate.

Philippe Gabiye has an addition: in order to attract luck and money into your life for a long time, it is important to create a base for this, a foundation for the further construction of a successful destiny. And for this we will take into account four postulates.

Set a task

According to the professor, in order to attract luck and luck into your life, you need to create and launch a program for a “success generator” in accordance with your goals, as if you were to specify a destination for a navigator. Purposefully and systematically, you will approach the fulfillment of what you want, events will be generated that will provide the necessary result.

Canadian A. Bandura, who introduced the concept of “self-efficacy” into scientific circulation, noted three decades ago that the group of values ​​chosen by a person and his vision of himself and his qualities through their prism largely determine the range of meetings and events in life. There is no self-determination and desire to achieve certain ideals - there is no luck. It is not at all necessary to turn life into a detailed planned project. It is enough to understand what you really want, determine ways for further improvement and the importance of the final result.

Articles recommended for reading:

  • How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign
  • Strong amulets for the home and their meaning
  • Feng Shui sectors - Eastern wisdom for your well-being

The driver for the materialization of successful coincidences in life will be the habit of positive intention - directing thoughts to the objects of your desires. Find what your soul responds to, what activities bring pleasure. This will be the starting point in the dilemma of “how to attract luck into your life.” Your thoughts and desires need to be translated into material form: write down in a diary, communicate with a circle of like-minded people, and gain relevant knowledge.

Open up to the world

The willingness to learn, comprehend and let innovations into your life, to perceive the slightest signs of the world is a most valuable skill. Conscious perception of events will help you see and not miss a chance, feel all the opportunities that open up behind it and use your luck as effectively as possible.

As a result, the likelihood of success increases significantly. Stop sometimes, turn on awareness as opposed to the everyday automaticity of thoughts and actions. Intuition will tell you how to attract good luck. And let luck into your life with or without your active participation - decide for yourself.

Use failures

No one is immune from unpleasant force majeure circumstances, which, by the way, can also be put into action with a long-range view. Successful people do not throw hysterics or funeral ceremonies over failed plans; they comprehensively analyze the situation and process it. When analyzing, the results of one’s own actions (direct or indirect) are distinguished from inevitabilities and accidents. And in the tangle of failed events, a seed of a new chance will suddenly flash; it is only important to find the right angle for viewing.

The key is to learn from the incident. Finding benefit in such cases, learning something, turning everything or at least part of what happened to your benefit, getting new “sources” (information, acquaintances, skills) - that’s what’s important.

As a result, a reboot will occur and the luck generator will issue a new chance with new initial data. Everyone has different methods of rebooting: a new type of activity, debugging old connections, collecting information on an interesting topic, assembling your own team or participating in someone else’s project. Since it is easier to attract luck into your life with the infusion of innovations, think about what it will be - important information, new people.

Become a talisman for others

People blessed with good fortune believe that their relationships will also bring success to all participants in this relationship. Unless, of course, this communication is based on self-interest, and you provide all possible assistance without any ulterior motive, with the best intentions. Otherwise, your whole life will turn into pompous self-promotion. The energy of gratuitous good deeds and someone else’s faith in your luck forms a long wave of good luck. By turning into a talisman for those around us, we strengthen our position in life as Fate’s favorite.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Ritual candle “Lucky Witch” Witch’s luck for any endeavors

1 070 ₽


Incense HEM Hexa Good Fortune "Fortune" Indian Incense

65 ₽


Amulet “Horseshoe of Good Luck” Luck and luck

155 ₽


By sharing our luck, knowledge and love with others, we do not reduce, but, on the contrary, increase their quantity. They are an important basis and value of Humanity, a counterbalance to greed and ignorance, leading to disunity and oblivion in the end. Listen to the person, show concern and help him overcome failure, share your vision of the situation, or otherwise open the door to a new, better life for him. And you will not only bring good luck to others, but also generate opportunities for yourself in the future to attract more luck and luck. As a result, you will introduce into your life a chain of happy events related to the successes of people around you.

Health, longevity

These are the main values ​​in the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. After all, age is invariably associated with wisdom.

The most powerful talisman that helps maintain health according to Feng Shui is the gourd gourd. Jade is also considered a symbol of health. A wand made from it, located in the eastern part of the apartment or in its center, will bring longevity and prosperity.

Tangerines will also ensure longevity and prosperity for all households. It's better if they are fresh. An addition to them are peaches: a symbol of immortality, which has been included in longevity elixirs in the East since ancient times.

Since venerable age is associated with wisdom, it is logical to place an image of a wise old man with a thinker’s high forehead in the health zone. It is advisable to place images of a deer or crane next to it - they also symbolize prosperity, wisdom and longevity.

The character for longevity is a special Chinese symbol. It can be painted or embroidered.

How to attract good luck into your life using magic

  • Law of Attraction.

Esotericists often give the following advice on how to attract luck into your life quickly and almost guaranteed: use the “Law of Attraction.” In their understanding, this is how positive and negative events are attracted into our lives. Thoughts are connected to the real world and positive thinking helps create a line of success in business. It is enough to mentally experience the best scenarios for the development of events as vividly as possible and set a successful algorithm. For example, when going for an interview, play a “movie” in your head that your future boss is smart and has already offered you a good position with a high salary.

If a program aimed at success fails, you cannot give up. All events in your life are for the better. This is probably not your workplace, and if your chosen one decided to exchange you for someone else, then, as in the old song, “you don’t know who’s lucky.”

  • The power of affirmation.

In the books of the American writer Louise Hay, who overcame a lot, a lot of space is devoted to affirmations that not only helped a woman attract luck and money into her life, but literally saved her life. This principle of simple statements has been known for a long time and is often found in the formulations of prayers and conspiracies. The main character of the film “The Most Charming and Attractive” transformed her life using a similar method. Yes, it’s not at all easy to convince your subconscious by repeating positive phrases that things are going great and you have a lot of money if you are on the verge of poverty and there is no prospect of finding a job. Just don’t even hope for luck without self-confidence.

  • Visualization.

The next skill after affirmations that will allow you to attract good luck and luck into your life is visualization. All the power of imagination is needed here. In a place where you will not be disturbed, make yourself comfortable and mentally transport yourself to a new life full of happiness.

Consider in detail a new prestigious job, count your lottery winnings, furnish the house you just bought. To help yourself, make a “wish card”. On a large sheet of paper or magnetic board, highlight the sectors responsible for love, health, abundance, and self-realization. In the center there will be your best photograph, which will remind you of happy days; attach pictures from magazines to the sectors - symbols of your luck in life.

  • Magic rituals.

The previous actions were the setup that will be followed by certain rituals. Laurel laurel is famous not only as a spice and a material for wreaths of winners in ancient times. For magicians, it symbolized victory and abundance; it was used in appropriate rituals. These are not necessarily complex actions, since you can quickly attract good luck into your life not in an alchemist’s cave, but in completely modern home conditions.

Rituals with laurel leaves to increase luck, wealth, and health are recommended to be carried out during the waxing moon (I - III lunar days). As the night star grows, the chances of success will increase.

Ritual No. 1.

For a ritual that will allow you to attract luck and luck into your life, use five dry laurel leaves or a small twig with the same number of leaves, as well as a large piece of scarlet cotton thread. The leaves are tied into a kind of bouquet with a thread, and a knot is simply tied on a branch. With the words “The laurel that grew under the hot sun, bring happiness and good luck to my house!” the composition is strengthened above the doors to an apartment or house (you can also enter a room or office). The ritual is considered especially effective for people of creative professions who communicate a lot in their activities, often receive guests and are not from among their relatives and friends.

Ritual No. 2.

This ritual works as protection from envious people, unpleasant events of various sizes, robberies and losses. Four laurel leaves are laid out crosswise at the door to a house or apartment (can be hidden under the carpet). Every month, on the new moon, the amulet is updated, the sheets are replaced with new ones.

Ritual No. 3.

Do you want to attract luck and money into your life and the lives of your loved ones? Take three bay leaves and orange essential oil. The aromatic oil is applied on both sides to the leaves, which should immediately be hidden where money storage facilities are located in your home: a safe, a cell in a secretary or table, etc. Moreover, for each sheet there is a separate cash reserve.

Home magical rituals are similar to culinary arts. Connoisseurs of spices do not store laurel leaves for more than a year: the essential oils contained in them and giving them specific aromatic properties partly evaporate, and partly become rancid, and such a seasoning is no longer worth using. For rituals, choose leaves that are fairly fresh, untouched by pests, and have a beautiful shape; this is believed to give them great strength.


The arrangement of the kitchen must be approached with special care. Your workspace should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. Of course, in our six-meter spaces you can’t really roam around, but you can visually increase the size of the kitchen by hanging a mirror. The kitchen door should not be located next to or opposite the front door, as this encourages the flow of wealth, which food symbolizes. It is advisable to equip the kitchen with a hood for constant air circulation. Smells from cooking should not penetrate into living rooms (if the kitchen is part of the dining room, then it would be correct to separate them from each other, at least visually), as this provokes negative energy that “feeds” on scandals and quarrels.

How to attract luck into your life according to Feng Shui

Knowledge of the art of Feng Shui also helps to attract luck and luck into your life. According to the beliefs of ancient China, certain spirits can attract various benefits to a person’s home, which can settle there and work like a magnet for prosperity. These mythical entities can be attracted to your home by placing their symbolic images in certain areas of your home: the Azure Dragon, the Black Turtle, the fire-winged Phoenix, the White Tiger.

The Azure Dragon is most revered as the guardian of luck and creative power.

The symbolic dragon can be purchased from a souvenir shop, preferably carved from blue or green stone, preferably jade. The direction subject to this spirit is the East, decorate the windows in the house facing this part of the world with green or blue curtains, place pots with indoor flowers.

The White Tiger can be replaced by a cat figurine and is placed in the western housing sector. He is responsible for stability in life and peace in the family; his home is furnished with vases and mirrors.

The southern direction is protected by the fiery Phoenix, whose image on a carpet or painting can be placed on the corresponding wall. The fairytale bird will open new doors for you and provide a lot of opportunities.

The Black Turtle should live in the northern sector. Traditionally, a metal turtle is used, but a real animal will do just fine. The Chinese put keychains in the shape of turtles in their pockets when preparing for an important meeting. If you want to quickly attract luck and money into your life, add to your “pantheon” a toad with a coin in its mouth and a cheerful, round-sided Hottei.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Candle made of wax “Spark of luck” with basil For the magic of success and prosperity

290 ₽


Dream job (candle-cross) Ready-made ritual for attracting a new job or promoting an old one

460 ₽


Crystals “Talisman of Good Luck” Set of crystals

1 150 ₽


Tree element – ​​arrangement by zones

Feng Shui symbols associated with wood greatly influence our lives. Thanks to them, you can forget about health problems, always have a full wallet of money, and not worry about your relationships with your family. Such talismans will take care of everything and clear your path in life of all debris.

This element includes house plants - essential companions of the comfort and beauty of your family nest. They support the spark of love between spouses, help find a compromise in the most difficult situations and, of course, contribute to procreation.

Paintings as feng shui symbols

Drawn or photographed plants do not lag behind living representatives of the flora. Such Feng Shui symbols also extend their effective power to the family members living in the house.

You've probably noticed more than once that Chinese products, such as curtains, tiles or plant pots, are usually decorated with sprouts stretching upward. It is this version of the depicted plants that can favorably change your life and bring joy into it.

The use of such talismans has long been proven by many years of experience - they can help you find a profitable place of work. If it is now necessary to resolve a similar problem, then in the Career zone hang a small picture with fresh growing plants and flowering trees.

In the kitchen and bathroom you are constantly using piping. If these premises are located in the Wealth zone, then every time you open the tap, you wash your hard-earned money out of your apartment. But don't despair, Feng Shui has several secrets that will help in this situation.

It is the pictures of the plant world that will destroy the adverse effects of flowing water. After you use this advice, water will “water” the depicted sprouts and will no longer destroy your financial situation.

Flowers as feng shui symbols

Home flowers are useful in any sector. But they also need to be used in moderation. The correct arrangement of plants in the Glory sector will increase the respect of your friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. They will listen to your opinion, your words and suggestions will be taken into account and your mind will be valued.

A couple of house plants in the Family zone will forever bring harmony, mutual understanding and joy for your partner into your bedroom. You will stop quarreling over trifles and trying to prove something. Feng Shui symbols help you hear and understand your soul mate.

The Health Zone needs the freshness of green sprouts more than anyone else. After all, this is a sign of good health. You will fill your home with oxygen, clarity and harmony.

How to attract good luck into your life (spells)

It is better to carry out such actions on the days of the new moon.

Several types of rituals are known:

  • Conspiracy of life luck.

    The ritual is performed to generally improve the quality of a person’s life, and more often it serves as a prologue to deeper work. Aimed at attracting successful life circumstances.

  • A ritual for good luck and abundance in life.

    It is performed to expand financial flows and to ensure success in a person’s business. Sometimes it can be used to find a job with a good salary or to increase this salary.

  • Ritual for bad luck.

    This is for those cases when a series of unpleasant events and failures has dragged on in all areas of activity. The ritual removes all negative layers (grievances, the evil eye, etc.), creates favorable conditions for a person to attract luck and luck into his life.

  • Conspiracies to win.

    Such rituals are almost completely guaranteed to allow you to draw a winning ticket in a lottery or become a lucky winner in any gambling game.

  • Rituals for successful business management.

    Such magical actions are suitable for a person who is at the start of organizing his own business, as well as for already existing businessmen to attract luck and money into their lives - this will allow the company to quickly achieve prosperity and increase turnover.

  • Rituals to achieve happiness

    they remove everything that anchors a person down: negative thoughts, attitudes, memories, etc. As a result of such cleansing, a surge of fresh strength and a desire to start acting are felt.

Magic rituals are a universal tool; they can be easily used to resolve various issues - from salary increases and job positions to good luck on the personal front. What is important here is the desire to engage in your life and faith in the result.

For a conspiracy to work, you need to unconditionally believe in its effectiveness. This is not entertainment in the style of teenage curiosity, since attracting luck into your life as a joke is a sure way to offend and push luck away.

If conspiracies for getting rich are purely individual, then rituals for good luck can be done in groups. The reading of such verbal formulas is enhanced if done during the waxing moon. The first day of the birth of the month will strengthen the conspiracy many times over. And it is advisable to get rid of unnecessary things on the body - jewelry, belts, watches - everything that can constrain you.

Such ritual words are often used for one’s own well-being, but it is also possible to help loved ones attract good luck and money into their lives. As an additional tool, you will need a photograph above which the formula will be read, and just the mood to carry out the ritual will not be enough - you need complete confidence in the absence of envious thoughts and resentments towards the person to whom you direct the action of this conspiracy.

Often the impact on life occurs immediately, because rituals for good luck are a powerful means of helping on the path to fulfilling a dream. However, sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure several times. And don’t forget that luck can be not only getting what you want, but also the option when “this cup passes from you”, or when everything doesn’t go according to your plan. For example, you didn’t win a trip on a sea liner, but you received a unique job offer that will simply make you rich and allow you to go on trips even several times a year. A conspiracy is a guide that allows you to both attract good luck into your life quickly and be mentally prepared for it.

Be sure to rewrite the texts; it would be nice to use a new A4 piece of paper. It is much easier to read and learn words on paper than on a computer screen.

Talk yourself into good luck

The room for the action must be cleaned and fresh air allowed in. At the initial moment of the emerging sunrise, light a candle and place it on the table, in the very middle. Say the text below seven times.

“The sun is red, the sun is clear! Come out from behind the forest, light the way for me (name of the reader) and attract good luck, so that in the light of day it accompanies me and never leaves me anywhere. May it be within my power to complete this task. Created. Closed. Hidden. Forgotten."

Spell to attract luck and money into your life

Place a few new coins (three pieces) at or under your own threshold and say:

“Gold to gold, silver to silver, money to money, to this threshold, to this house.”

For those who work at home (permanently or take part of the work home) and are private entrepreneurs, it is good to use a ritual with an herbal talisman for good luck in business.

Prepare the following in a linen bag:

  • ten pinches of basil;
  • five pinches of mint;
  • three pinches of coarse salt;
  • the peel of three apples, crushed into dust and dried;
  • three copper coins;
  • one coin of any white metal.

Whisper to the workpiece: “Things are behind, things are ahead, profits are in the middle.” You should perform a ritual to attract luck and money into your life in the room (or part of it) where you work. Such magical actions will help to establish business connections and soften the atmosphere in the team. The talisman bag needs to be periodically recharged with energy. How often you will understand. It is enough to say the spell over the bag again.

Such rituals are performed barefoot, wearing clothes that will not restrict you. It is necessary to remove all large jewelry, watches, belts - everything that can disrupt the flow of energy in the body. The result of such magical actions is usually immediate: in all areas, the life of the object on which the ritual was performed improves. But in especially severe cases it is necessary to carry out repeated measures.

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