Bell in the house: how to get rid of negative energy and bring good luck into the house

In the Eastern teaching about the harmonization of space, there are objects that can positively or negatively affect the environment in the house.

Feng Shui calls Chinese bells one of the most beautiful and powerful amulets, which dispels negativity and brings joy to the residents of the house. Let's talk about what this item can look like, what meaning it carries and where it is best to place it so that it “works” for the benefit of the household.

History of the bell

The miraculous power of bells has been known since ancient times. This amazing item was used as a powerful magical amulet by our ancestors. Bells were hung on sacred trees, sewn into clothes to protect against damage and the evil eye, and also placed over graves.

Even scientists have not ignored this phenomenon, and have found that bell ringing can really have a positive effect on the atmosphere and people, since it travels on special ultrasonic waves.

Traditional healers also used the healing power of bells. It was believed that the greasy coating removed from the bell treated several types of lichen and other skin diseases. In Slavic traditions, women washed themselves in the spring while the Easter bells were ringing - this improved health and added beauty.

And, of course, girls began to tell their fortunes at Christmas while the bells were ringing - it was believed that the miraculous sound made the predictions true.

Installation on a stand

Experienced feederists argue that even if you use a bell, you need to hook it to the stand on which the feeder is installed. This immediately solves all the problems - there is no constant ringing when casting and retrieving, there is no need to farm anything on the rod itself, there is no need for constant installation and removal when casting. Installing the bell on the feeder by attaching it to a stand is the most correct option. However, there are pitfalls here too. A bell that is incorrectly attached to the stand may simply not respond to bites. The rod should be placed on the stand so that it lies on it in the upper third, almost at the quiver tip. In this case, the farthest (first) stand, closest to the tip, on which the bell is hung, should not be inserted tightly, but hingedly and have a slight movement to the right and left. Then, when biting, vibrations will be transmitted to the bell, and it will jingle.

A convenient option for an amateur is a swinger on a chain, without any electronic fillings (then it costs 100-200 rubles). It operates on the principle of a simple counterweight, like on the good old kiosks. This gadget is needed in cases of hatching rarely biting fish when fishing not with a quivertip, but with free reeling. For example, when fishing for carp or carp, especially with inline montages. Moreover, if the tackle is left for a long time, a large fish can simply pull the feeder into the water if the clutch is not loosened. The swinger is attached with a chain to the stand, and the heavy part is attached to the fishing line in the area of ​​the first ring from the reel with special hinges. When jerked during hooking, it simply breaks off the braid and remains hanging on the stand. A bell is placed on the chain, and when the swinger twitches during a bite, the ringing will be heard from afar. This is useful when fishing with several gears installed at a distance from each other.

Homemade barbell

Attaching the bell to the feeder with your own hands to the stand can be done through a special additional rod, which is not tightly attached to the slingshot. This increases the articulation and allows the stand itself to be firmly stuck into the ground. This is an additional stand on a stand. Such an arm can be bent from steel wire and wrapped with electrical tape to protect the rod from damage when permanently installed in it.

For all these operations, ordinary penny bells on green clothespins are suitable. For night fishing, choose bells with a slot for fireflies (Light stick). Then the alarm in the dark and its movements during a bite can be observed not only by sound, but also visually. All this can also be illuminated with LED flashlights on the shore.

Feng Shui bell: meaning

In the Feng Shui tradition, bells are given special attention. This item is believed to be capable of many things. For example, its miraculous sound disperses the negativity accumulated in the room and attracts positive Qi energy into the space.

A special bell design made of thin tubes, called wind music, not only protects the house from negative influences, but also gives the household joy and good mood.

Chinese bells also know how to retain positive energy in a room, preventing it from escaping with air currents through the door or windows.

Feng Shui paired bells work well to attract the other half: if a single person hangs them in his home, his chosen one or chosen one will appear very soon after hearing their music. Bells can be hung not only at home, but also at work: it is believed that their sound prevents quarrels between employees.

A small Chinese bell can be carried with you as a travel talisman. If you are standing at a bus stop and waiting for a very long time for transport, you need to take it out of your pocket and play with it a little, thinking about your desire - and the necessary transport will immediately appear.

Feeder alarms

In feeder fishing, many different bite alarms have been invented. These are a variety of pendulums, rattles, swingers, side nods, electronic signaling devices and, of course, bells or bells. Most often, all these solutions are used for targeted fishing for carp or carp, when the gear is installed for a long time. At the same time, the fisherman is engaged in some other business on the shore, and reacts to the activation of a sound or light detector. Read more in the article about feeder alarms


This kind of fishing is highly specialized and more similar to carp fishing. For ordinary amateurs, all these bells and whistles are not needed, but sometimes an alarm is required, especially when bites are not frequent. In this case, the principle “the simpler the better” works. The main inconvenience of all these gadgets is installation problems. Additional structures appear on the gear, making it more difficult to work with. If this is justified in the waiting tactics, then in active fishing problems may arise - overlaps, entanglements, loss of time for installation. The vast majority of anglers use simple bells. If you need it, you put it in, if not, you take it away and you catch it using the quivertip. Let's look at how to place the bell on the feeder correctly so that it does not interfere with active work with the tackle.

Finding the bells themselves is not a problem - there are plenty of them in all fishing stores for a penny price (unlike expensive special alarms). These are both ordinary sleeves with tongues, which used to be hung on hooks, and spherical bells with balls inside on a clothespin, attached directly to the fishing rod. You can hang a bell on the feeder on the rod itself, as well as on a stand for it.

Bells on a clothespin

The most common option is ordinary bells on a clothespin for donks. You can hang the bell on the feeder directly behind the quivertip. You can find a variety of fastening designs in stores. In addition to clothespins, these can be various connectors, magnets or latches. The standard method of attaching rods with clothespins leads to the following problems:

  1. The bell flying off while working with tackle, especially when hooking.
  2. The bell may fly away during casting. Each time you have to remove it and install it after throwing it. This is inconvenient, especially on long rods.
  3. Constant snagging of any clothespins, and especially metal crocodile clips, on the quivertip leads to microdamage to this part of the rod, which will ultimately render the tip unusable.
  4. Some anglers simply don’t like too loud sounds and ringing when reeling in or retrieving gear. This violates the general silence and idyll on the pond.

With axial fastening for quivertip

Problems with bells constantly flying off, taking off and putting on when casting are solved by another design - on a bar with axial grooves for snapping right on the tip of the rod. The bell for the feeder can be secured more firmly with this design. It can still fly out when casting. And fishermen easily solve this problem by wrapping the attachment point with a couple of turns of electrical tape. You can tear off a regular bell with a spring from a clothespin and tape it to the quivertype with electrical tape. However, such fastening of the bell to the feeder gives rise to another problem - an increase in the likelihood of the braid getting caught on this alarm when casting, which, when using heavy feeders, leads to the shooting of the braid or breakage of the quiver tip.

There remains an ethical drawback - a constant and loud ringing while working with the feeder. To get rid of the constant ringing that plagues everyone, some fishermen make structures using neodymium magnets. In them, the bell jingles when there is a bite, but with strong vibrations (reeling, casting) it sticks to the magnet and is silent. However, this design is also located on the rod itself and can lead to overlap.

How to choose the right bell

Before you buy such a talisman, you need to decide on its appearance. Let's look at what types of bells there are and for what purposes they are suitable.

The material from which a protective talisman for the home is made can be anything except plastic - such bells have a purely decorative meaning and do not affect the energy of the space in any way. The most popular materials are metal and wood. Ceramics and porcelain are used less frequently.

A “correct” bell must have an empty cavity so that the tongue, in contact with it, produces a certain sound. In wind chimes, the pipes must be empty - if they are filled, the energy will not be able to get inside and transform, so such an object will turn into an ordinary decorative element and will not be able to protect you and your home.

The most common options for the home are a single bell on a red pendant with a long tongue, paired bells and wind chimes. The latter can have a different number of tubes, as well as various decorative elements, for example, feathers, coins, stars, hearts and other shapes.

The most important criterion by which you need to choose such a talisman is its sound, since it is much more important than its appearance.

Before you buy a bell, be sure to listen to how it sounds - you should like the sound and not cause irritation. Only in this case will the amulet work correctly.

If you want a talisman to help you in a certain area of ​​life, pay attention to the pattern applied to it - various symbols and hieroglyphs can be engraved or drawn on bells and wind chimes that bring good luck, love, money, vocation. Choose the one that best suits your situation.

Where to hang the “wind chime”?

to protect 5 tubes
Before answering the question “where to hang it?” you need to decide for yourself what you want from this talisman. With it you can protect your home from negative energy or use it to activate energy in a particular sector

For guard:

In places where energy stagnates and needs to be given movement (these can be places formed by sharp or right angles of the walls of the room). Periodically touch the “tongue” of the bell so that a pleasant melodic ringing “is born” and the talisman works in full force.

In long narrow corridors or if the door is opposite a window, in this case the energy rushes through in a rapid stream without lingering in the room. By hanging a hairdryer shui “wind chime” here, you will help the positive energy linger and dissipate throughout the house.

Outside, for example, if there are “secret arrows” outside the window (to neutralize the hair dryer bell, shui is hung in the window opening).

Above the front door, to cleanse the energy “entering” the room.

According to the general rules of Feng Shui, to protect a room from sha chi, “wind chimes” should be placed like this:

Wind chime bamboo

  • Metal bells in the northern, western and northwestern sectors.
  • Wooden or bamboo in the eastern and south-eastern sectors.
  • Ceramic (porcelain) in the northeast or southwest sectors.

For protection in traditional hair dryer shui, air bells with five tubes are usually used.

To activate by sector:

Sector Helpers and Patrons

(Northwest) to gain support in life - metal “wind chime” hair dryer - Shui with 6 tubes.

Love Sector

(Southwest) to improve existing relationships or to attract new ones - ceramic (porcelain) “wind chime” with 2 tubes.

Children and Creativity Sector

(West) to bring creative plans to life, to improve relationships with children, or if you want to have a child - a metal air bell with 7 tubes.

Career Sector

(North) for career advancement. Obtaining new opportunities for self-realization in the service or changing jobs to a better one - metal “wind chime” hair dryer - shui with 6 or 7 tubes.

metal wind chime

Sector of Study and Self-Improvement

(Northeast) for self-improvement or successful study - a ceramic air bell made of 8 tubes.

Family Sector

(East) to improve relationships in the family and with your surroundings - a wooden “wind chime” with 3 pipes.

Wealth Sector

(Southeast) to improve your financial situation - a wooden “wind chime” with 4 pipes.

Success Sector

(South) for success and self-realization in life - a wooden “wind chime” of 9 pipes.

The number of handsets must correspond to the number of the selected sector.

And now we would like to tell you where it is best to hang these magic bells.

Energy rises through the “wind music” tubes and is harmoniously distributed in the room. If there is a narrow corridor immediately from the front door, especially if it ends in a bathroom or toilet, this is unfavorable from a feng shui point of view and can cause chi energy to leak into the sewer. If you hang bells or “wind chimes” in the middle of such a corridor, this will prevent energy loss.

If the room is located at the end of an uncomfortable corridor, and also not bright enough, then it is recommended to hang a bell in the center of the door frame. Bells can be placed above the window, especially if there are a lot of unfavorable objects outside from the point of view of Feng Shui - corners of buildings, lonely trees, power lines. Bells will reflect negative energy and attract positive energy. The optimal size of “wind chime” tubes located in the house is no more than 9 cm.

Do not hang wind chimes above your head or where you sleep, as it may harm you. The general rule is that bells should never be above your head, and should not be placed too high or too low. The best place for them is a window. When opening and closing the curtains, we will involuntarily touch the tubes, thus producing the sound of metal hitting metal, which is an excellent means of combating negative qi energy. The sound of bells and singing bowls is also very useful for offices where many people work to prevent hostility and quarrels between employees.

To successfully conduct business and attract customers to the store, it is good to hang bells or “wind chimes” on the outside of the door or on the handle. Symbolically, the sound of the bell announces profit, prosperity and good news. But don't go overboard in choosing bells or wind chimes. Their size should not be very large. And be sure to consider the direction of the door. Before opening the store, ring the bell several times to attract more customers.

Wooden bells can be hung in the east and southeast. By doing this, we activate the family sector and the money sector. They are also good in the south. The element of the south is Fire, and the tree supports it, which means that by doing so we are strengthening the glory sector. In the east you can hang a “wind chime” of three tubes, and in the southeast - of four. Ceramic bells are best placed in the northeast, southwest or center. They will support the Earth element corresponding to these zones. To increase your popularity, hang a “wind chime” made of ceramic or crystal in the southwest of your living room or apartment. Don't be stingy - fame and recognition will not keep you waiting.

That is why crystal chandeliers in the center of the apartment are very good. Their sparkling pendants, playing in the rays of light, create good energy for the inhabitants of the house. West and northwest belong to the elements of Metal. Therefore, metal bells are appropriate in these sectors. Even a small metal bell in the northwest will help attract strong patrons into your life. Call it more often, heavenly helpers will hear you and introduce people into your life who will help you solve the most difficult problems.

  • When choosing protective Feng Shui bells for your home, pay attention to how they sound. The sound should be unconditionally pleasant for you, only then will it fill your home with the energy of harmony and prosperity.
  • Bells should be placed in the house so that they can ring from air currents, for example, in a doorway, near a window.
  • The cord on which the bell hangs should be made of natural material and of such length that you do not touch the talisman with the top of your head.

The peculiarity of Chinese bells is that they slow down the flow of beneficial energy entering and leaving the house through the openings of doors and windows, and thus harmonize the space.


In the early days of feng shui, buildings communicated with their occupants through what the Chinese called the “sound of the house.” When the Chinese talked about the "sound" of a house, they were actually talking about its elements, because the five notes of the Chinese musical scale corresponded to the Five Elements. The note "C" was equivalent to the element Earth, "D" was equivalent to Metal, "E" represented Wood, "S" represented Fire, and "A" represented Water. The five notes of this scale must be in tune. If “do” was lame, the ruler could turn out to be arrogant, if “re” - the fault lay with his ministers, if “mi” - an uprising was to be expected from the people, if “salt” - problems in trade were to be expected. A false “la” foreshadowed natural disasters. If this scheme was applied to the government of a state, then even more so it could be applied to an individual house; the head of the house was the ruler, the wife was the adviser, the role of the people was played by family members and servants, while trade and natural disasters are easily correlated with the various problems of the family itself. The path to eliminating problems at home was through setting the right tone at home. This is where the use of wind chimes originates, which are universally and certainly accepted as a remedy for feng shui.

Traditionally, one bell was placed in the house, the sound of which corresponded in energy to the energy of the owner of the house. The widespread use of various pendants made of pipes and bells began in the last decades of the twentieth century.


Chinese air bell of the servant of the transformation of subtle energies. The correct selection and placement of a bell leads to the purification of energy in the place where it is placed and in the entire room as a whole.

What should the bell be like? An air bell consists of several hollow tubes suspended vertically and a “tongue-check” striking the tubes, resulting in a melodic sound. The tubes of the bell must be hollow - energy enters them and is transformed into them. If this condition is not met, then you get a simple decoration without any additional useful functions.

The material from which the main elements (tubes) of this popular Feng Shui tool should be made is:

Wood (bamboo works best*);

Metal (steel, aluminum, copper or, if wealth allows, silver and gold);

Porcelain (ceramics).

Air bells are placed in places where the energy of a certain element is activated.

1.If a bell is to save you from the influence of unfavorable energy, it should be chosen like this:

For the east and southeast, choose a metal bell;

For the northeast and southwest - a wooden bell;

For the north, choose a ceramic bell.

The material of the bell is selected in accordance with the classic circle of damage; for each cardinal direction, a material is selected that oppresses the element of this direction.

The next important detail for choosing protective bells is the number of tubes in them. So, to protect against negative energy there should be five tubes.

2. Now let’s look at the rules for selecting and placing bells to activate the energies of certain cardinal directions and, accordingly, improve the selected types of luck. To achieve this effect:

Hang a wooden air bell in the east or southeast. A bell for the east should have 3 tubes, for the southeast - 4.

Place a ceramic bell in the northeast or southwest. The northeast bell should contain 8 tubes, the southwest - 2.

Hang a metal air bell in the west or northwest. In the west, hang a bell with 7 pipes, and in the northwest - with 6.

The material of the bell is selected in accordance with the element of the cardinal direction (not to be confused with the classic generation circle). The number of rods is calculated according to the distribution of numbers in the Lo Shu square.



. This pendant is best suited for temples and monasteries. You should not hang it in the house, as it attracts spirits who usually live in the upper part of the pendant.


. The pagoda symbolizes the peaceful sky above, tranquility and peace in the home. It is considered optimal for dispersing negative energy and serves as a protective talisman for the residents of the house.


in the shape of a heavenly circle - a symbol of completeness; harmony and abundance. It is especially favorable for the hallway and living room.


- a symbol of good luck and prosperity.


and the main feng shui symbols brings happiness.


Moving structures, windmills, silk flags or pennants are used to improve the circulation of qi and prevent energy from accumulating and stagnating in the corners of rooms. Watches also introduce an element of movement, but when choosing them you need to be guided primarily by considerations of personal experience and common sense. Moving objects can be placed where you would like to stimulate the chi energy. For example, a movable structure in the northeast corner of a child's bedroom will promote the circulation of energies associated with knowledge and education.


Bamboo flutes are a powerful talisman that brings good luck and protects against evil. Here are some qualities associated with bamboo flutes:

Peace, security, strength and longevity are symbols of bamboo;

Step-by-step improvement of life: each subsequent section of the bamboo flute is longer than the previous one;

Development and well-being: powerful growth of bamboo stems symbolizes good luck in business;

Spiritual Blessing: The bamboo flute symbolizes enlightenment and insight.

The appearance of the flute and the way it is hung is important. The flute should be made of bamboo with intact bridges between sections. You cannot use a flute with polished ribs as a talisman. It is best if each next section is longer than the previous one: this symbolizes a gradual improvement in life.

The flute should hang on a red cord or ribbon with red tassels where the ribbon is attached. Hang the flute with the shorter sections pointing down and the longer sections at the top.

Bamboo flutes can be used to dispel negative energy created by ceiling beams. Hang a pair of flutes from a ceiling beam at a 30-degree angle from horizontal with the holes pointing down. Tying them with a red ribbon will bring good luck.


Plants are also the source of this energy, symbolizing life and refreshing the atmosphere in the house. It is imperative to take care of the plants, watering them on time so that they do not dry out, because then they will cease to be a source of qi. Flowering plants will help you activate certain elements with their colors.

Plants can be used to stimulate chi in the corners of rooms and to enliven spaces that are not being used. They are excellent at smoothing out sharp corners and reducing the negative impact of arrows, especially if potted plants mask the corners of bookshelves or office furniture.

Plants with sharp leaves contain more yang and make the qi energy move faster. Plants with rounded leaves reflect more yin qualities.

All plants are associated with the element of wood, so they should be placed: to reinforce the element of fire - in the southern parts of the rooms; to reinforce the earth element - in the center, southwest and northeast.

The best rooms for plants are the living room and dining room. Plants should be placed carefully in the kitchen and bedroom. In bedrooms, a slight predominance of Yin energy is desirable, and a lot of flowers in this place can affect the tranquility of your sleep. There are hypotheses that some plants draw energy from a person and disrupt his biofield - this is another reason for removing living plants from bedrooms.

Cacti and other thorny plants should not be placed very close to people, especially in the southwest - the zone of human relationships. However, some authors advise placing them on the windowsill as a kind of “psychic protection” from thieves.

Artificial plants and flowers are less effective, but can still stimulate the movement of chi if kept clean and dusted regularly with a damp cloth. Compositions from dry plants do not, in principle, affect the energy balance. If you have them, keep them in the least accessible places and change them according to the seasons.


Pictures are especially powerful symbols. They should be chosen only based on personal taste. In accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, they can occupy either a very noticeable position in the house or not noticeable at all. If what is depicted in the picture is associated with the five elements or their symbols, then the picture should be placed in the place corresponding to this element. For example, the ideal place for a painting depicting a couple in love is the southwest side, which is associated with family relationships. However, a picture depicting a lonely traveler wandering along a deserted beach is unlikely to be appropriate there. Beautiful landscapes bring good luck in life. Paintings depicting waterfalls increase the well-being of residents. The picture must necessarily show a body of water where the water falls - a place where qi accumulates.


Mirrors attract and transmit chi energy, so they are used in different ways in feng shui.

When a room or house is missing one of the zones of the Bagua octagon due to the layout, a mirror can create a “presence effect” and restore balance. By reflecting the harmful effects of sharp angles, the mirror directs the flow of energy through a narrow or cluttered passage. Mirrors are also used to visually disguise certain places - for example, if the toilet is located next to the front door.

Another property of mirrors is the ability to double the qualities of the objects they reflect, so it is important to place something useful or pleasant in front of the mirror. The ideal use for a mirror can be found in the dining room, where it will reflect the food on the table, which is why mirrors are so often seen in prestigious restaurants. However, it is not so good if the mirror reflects the food that is being prepared in the kitchen.

You should use mirrors in the bedroom with extreme caution. The mirror should not reflect the marital bed, as this creates a “double image” of the marriage, which is unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui. The placement of a mirror opposite the toilet or front door is also considered unfavorable. In the latter case, the qi energy that has just “entered” the house is immediately reflected back.

The hallway mirror should be large enough to reflect the full image, especially when it comes to a person. Pieces of furniture around the mirror should be arranged so that they do not hinder the reflection. Ideally, a mirror in the hallway shows all family members well, that is, it does not “cut off” the legs of children and the heads of parents.

Pay special attention to the edges of the mirror. Since mirrors are made of glass, they have sharp edges that not only create “secret arrows” but also pose a potential threat, especially if there are small children in the house. The mirror must either be framed or inserted flush with the adjacent surface. In this way, only the reflective characteristics of the mirror are preserved, and its sharp, "cutting" aspect remains hidden.

Mirrors should be kept clean and wiped regularly with a damp cloth. Avoid cracked mirrors and try to replace them as quickly as possible. It’s not for nothing that a Russian folk superstition says that a broken mirror is bad luck, so you need to immediately take it out of the house and buy a new one.

A special Bagua mirror (octagonal in shape, with images of trigrams on the outer rim) can only be used outside the home. It is used to reflect negative energy from road intersections, building corners, etc.

One of the most powerful Feng Shui talismans is the bell. This home amulet will not only attract good luck in business, but will also cleanse the house of negative energy. In order for the magical power of this talisman to work, you need to know a few tricks of handling it.

Where to hang a bell according to Feng Shui

If you want to protect your home

from uninvited guests, negativity, damage and the evil eye, it is recommended to hang the bell directly above the front door. It’s good if it rings when the front door moves. The ringing will dispel all the evil intentions and thoughts of all strangers entering the house.

If you want to attract luck in love

, then hang a bell in the bedroom. According to Feng Shui, this room symbolizes family relationships and personal life.

If you want good health

, hang a bell by the window. It will protect you from all ailments coming from the street.

If you want to attract money

, Feng Shui recommends hanging a bell in the kitchen, preferably above the door or above the dining table.

How to activate a feng shui talisman

Activating a talisman is an important step in attracting good luck. If you just hang a bell, then it will just hang there, delight you with its ringing, but nothing more. In order for it to work, it must be charged. To do this, you need to say the words of the conspiracy and hang the talisman on a ribbon.

  • To attract love, the talisman is hung on a red ribbon.
  • To attract money, the bell must be hung on a green ribbon.
  • For good luck in business, use a blue ribbon.
  • To attract health and money, use a green ribbon.

When tying a ribbon, think about what you want to attract into your life. Be sure to imagine your happy future and the result you want to achieve.

These simple rules for attracting good luck to your home according to Feng Shui will help you fulfill your desires and change your life for the better. And remember, if after some time the bell begins to ring sadly and pitifully, immediately remove it and hang a new one! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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In some situations, a bell on the feeder is still used, although in the classic version it is customary to track the bite by vibrations of the quiver tip. During active tempo fishing there is no time to bother with bells. However, when fishing is slower, for example, when waiting for large fish or when fishing with flat rigs, many amateurs consider the use of such alarms to be advisable. Let's look at how to install the bell on the feeder correctly and what technical solutions to use for this.

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