How to attract health and longevity using Feng Shui

Hieroglyph “Health”

We do not attach importance to our health as long as we have it. As soon as a problem appears in this area, everything that made sense before: money, career, relationships fades into the background. If you feel good, then most likely you already follow many well-known recommendations for improving your health. But if trouble has settled in your family and everyone in the household begins to get sick, you should start acting consciously! In the study of Feng Shui, health and its maintenance are of enormous importance. After all, the rest of the qualities of our life are possible only with the normal functioning of our body.

So, what should you do to improve your health from a Feng Shui point of view? You should pay attention to three main parameters: your thoughts, your body and the condition of the apartment.

Calm, just calm

A calm environment is where you should begin your arrangement. After all, it is possible to reach your thoughts and mind only when you are in a harmonious, calm environment, protected from the outside world. A calm environment can renew the body and spirit. This is a great opportunity to restore both body and energy. It is such a home that can remove all physical and psychological pressures, helping to improve the health of the owner.

Calm environment

How to find a health zone?

To determine and improve the sector in the practice of Feng Shui, the Bagua grid is used . It indicates their clear location, color and elements required for activation. In the classic rules for reading trigrams, the health zone is the east. A compass will help you quickly determine the location.

Attention! Do you have the opportunity to admire the sunrise through the window? Great, then this is the eastern side we need.

Another branch of Taoist practice says that the central part is responsible for health. It is here that the streams of life converge into a single whole. Therefore, try to leave the center free from furniture and other clutter.

Each guest gets a pair of slippers

The rule for guests is: each guest gets a pair of guest slippers. As a rule, our friends or acquaintances usually come to our house as guests, so you don’t have to tell them to ask them to take off their shoes every time. You just need to have a pair of “guest” house slippers ready.

Each guest gets a pair of slippers

Feng Shui diagnostics

The theory of five elements is effective for diagnosing health. The character and physical characteristics of a person are associated with water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

Each organ has its own element. Knowing this connection, you can balance the desired element and get rid of health problems.

Five elements and health:

WaterUrinary system, central nervous system, libido
TreeLiver, gall, eyes, tendons, muscles, menstruation, coordination of movements
FireHeart and vascular system, small intestine, speech
EarthStomach, pancreas, hemoglobin amount, hemorrhoids, obesity or underweight, problems with lymph and immunity
MetalLungs, allergies, colon

Color matters

Sometimes all it takes to change energy is to bring in a new bright color. According to ancient Chinese teachings, yellow is considered the color of health; peach, amber, sand colors - also. These colors can be used for finishing walls, ceilings, and floors. Such color “spots” can also be used in interior items. You can even paint the plastic windows of your home, why not? Doctors from China advise purchasing yellow bed linen, which will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental state.

Arrangement of the zone

The main element that must be present is wood . Place solid wood furniture and figurines.

Water is a generative element. Mandatory paraphernalia - aquarium, fountains.

Reference! An excellent combination would be a painting depicting a waterfall or the sea, framed in a wooden frame.

No more unnecessary details . If only there was an even larger chandelier on the ceiling. Let it emit enough light for the entire room. If the chandelier is made of crystal, it will be able to collect energy, charge it, and disperse it in space. Avoid candles . Fire weakens the power of amulets. In general, pay attention to the laconicism of the furniture in the interior.

Do not use items made of metal . This material has a destructive effect.

Suitable colors: green, turquoise, blue , light blue, brown, black and other water-woody shades.

Patronizing element - Earth . Make sure you have decorative items made from glass, clay and ceramics. Elemental color: yellow, brown .

What do the flowers say

Plants carry real living energy, which has a positive effect on the state of the owner of the house. Aloe, senporia, ficus, geranium, bamboo, azalea, Kalanchoe, and anthurium have enormous healing energy. According to Feng Shui, it is highly recommended to have a lemon tree in your home - the plant emits balanced energy that promotes healing.

It is recommended to protect the house from cacti, which only draw out all the energy and confuse the movement of the “Qi” energy. Are you a fan of these thorny plants? Then place an indoor rose next to them - it is not only beautiful, but also capable of capturing all the negative impulses of its neighbor.

Pine is another symbol of health. You can have it in your home as a bonsai. Pine is an interesting plant that does not get sick due to its healing substances, which allow it to treat not only itself, but also its immediate environment.

Pine in the house

Clearing the area

Cleaning begins with general cleaning of the place: wipe off dust, remove debris. An excellent option is to use melt water with the addition of rose oil. Fix broken items. Get rid of clutter. All this blocks the flow of positive energy and harms household members.

Look around: are there any sharp corners in your room? These can be protruding shelves, racks and partitions. They also create obstructions in the circulation of Qi energy.

If it is not possible to change the interior , then at least create protection from “poisoned arrows”. To do this, use live plants, Chinese bells, crystals . Ventilate the room, as clean air can rid the space of negativity.

Center of gravity of the house

In ancient Chinese teaching, the center of the house is an important component. According to Feng Shui, all healing energy is concentrated in the center. Healing energy originates in the center of the house. It would be wise to place a small table in the middle of the room, and place a flat dish without any patterns on it. It is better to choose a transparent dish with many edges. Around the dish, place minerals and stones that have healing properties, such as jade, amber, carnelian, agate, etc. And place a quartz stone in the center of the dish - it will enhance all the energy of your companions.

Defining zones in the apartment

The health sector has a beneficial effect not only on a specific person, but also on other people in the room . Special attention is paid to him, because only a healthy person can cope with even the most difficult task. Then wealth, fame, and love will be nearby .

First, take a look at the apartment as a whole and create a harmonious space around you.

Choose the zone definition option that suits you. So, this can be done in two ways:

  • Divide the apartment area into sections. The advantage of this division is that you can choose wallpaper and interior in accordance with the color scheme inherent in the selected sector. More fully complement interior details and lighting.
  • The second method involves dividing the territory of a separate room into sectors . Then you need to fit attributes and talismans into a limited space. It is clear that the fullness will not be maximum. But everyone here will be charged with positive energy from all spheres.

Important! Apartments and houses are often located in different cardinal directions , so draw a sketch of the entire house (apartment) on a piece of paper and put a Bagua grid on it. Some sector may be completely absent due to the irregular shape of the room, for example, the shape of the letter G.

An example of combining a Bagua grid with an irregularly shaped apartment

Feng Shui symbols

Feng Shui symbols can do amazing things in your home and your life! Thus, the pyramid is the most famous symbol of health. With its wide form, it takes away energy that is stagnant, polluted, sick, and with its “top” the pyramid releases the energy of health.

The gourd pumpkin is another symbol that will fight for your health. Its healing power and energy can completely heal both the house and its owner. Such an item can be purchased in a special store that sells talismans and amulets.

Feng Shui symbols

Search for the health sector in the home

You can find out where the health zone is in the apartment using the Lo-Shu square and a compass. The health sector is eastern. There are also personal sectors that are calculated taking into account the year of birth and gender. But it is common for the whole family - in this direction.

The eastern sector should be kept open. You cannot place furniture there or pile up any other items, especially unnecessary rubbish.

What is important in Feng Shui for health is to track where the windows of the living space face. If it is in an open area or green space, a park, then this is good. If the windows overlook buildings, especially those with corners facing windows on the east side, since the health sector is located in the east, then this is bad. In this case, you need to hang curtains made of thick fabric and blinds.

If a cemetery or hospital is visible from any windows in the house, this is a life-threatening sign. The energy flow of Yin predominates in the house. And health is Yang. How to avoid problems in this case: paint the doors red, close the windows tightly. It is worth fixing a Bagua mirror above the front door. It will help reflect all the negative energy that is trying to enter the house.

Example: How to use a table

If a person suffers from colds, you need to pay attention to metal (lungs) and earth (immune system). These elements are poorly configured.

The task is to strengthen them or weaken them. You need to carefully study the house by superimposing the Bagua octagon on its plan or drawing of the room. The fire area will always be opposite the front door, and the center of the octagon should coincide with the center of the room.

How to balance water

  • take up painting, dancing or any activity related to movement;
  • keep your lower back warm;
  • stop drinking coffee and eating salty foods;
  • drink water only when you feel thirsty;
  • Place a fountain or aquarium in the room and listen to the relaxing murmur.

They say about the abundance of water:

  • mess;
  • broken things;
  • non-closing doors;
  • broken water pipe;
  • an abundance of blue tones or images of water;
  • disproportionately large aquariums and fountains.

Setting the table for the New Year according to Feng Shui

Preparing a festive table according to the rules of Feng Shui begins not with drawing up a menu, but with interior design, because a comfortable and clean space is a key condition for success and safety in the coming year.

How to decorate a table for the holiday

How to decorate a table for the New Year according to Feng Shui.

The first rule of 2021 Tiger is to avoid sharp corners. Therefore, the table should not have a strictly square or rectangular shape. If the house has a table with beveled or rounded corners, it is quite suitable for a festive feast. Round or oval countertops will look even better. Pay attention to the tablecloth - it should be made of high-quality material and have a pleasant shade.

The main shades of decor and textiles and their properties according to Feng Shui:

  • yellow or orange – the personification of warmth and positive energy;
  • red or pink - shades symbolizing love and health;
  • green or blue – luck, material well-being.

These colors should be present in any elements of the New Year's table decor - on the tablecloth, in the drapery of chairs or napkins. Green and red fit perfectly into the New Year's atmosphere, and therefore the decor will be spectacular and in keeping with traditions.

  • Chairs. It is better to protect the chairs placed around the table - their backs should be high enough, and the upper part should be decorated with thick fabric. This will protect guests from the influence of dark forces.
  • Napkins. It is best to arrange them in a fan - this shape attracts money. Folding napkins into shapes with sharp corners will bring confidence and protection into the home.
  • Serving. The table should be set according to all the rules of Feng Shui, using transparent glass or crystal dishes. Such elements create trust between guests and attract good forces.

What to cook for the New Year's table

Next year's predatory patron dictates his own rules - he will be very pleased if he sees a wide variety of meat dishes on your table. Therefore, housewives will be able to prepare almost any treat to their taste. Don't skimp on different dishes. Be sure to prepare a rich menu, as the Tiger respects diversity and creativity.

Small exceptions - these dishes should not be placed on the holiday table:

  • Porridge is a food completely incomprehensible to the Tiger.
  • Carbonated drinks are not perceived by the Tiger for the same reason.
  • Fish and seafood may be present on the New Year's table in limited quantities, but if possible it is better not to include them in the menu.
  • Beef - you should not cook this meat for the holiday.

Why can't it be beef? The last point is especially interesting because it is associated with an ancient legend. According to legend, in the confrontation between the Tiger and the Bull, the victory went to the latter, and as a result he took the leading place. In the eastern cycle, the year of the Tiger indeed immediately follows the period of the Ox, which hurts the pride of the patron of 2022. Try not to irritate him by eating beef - use lamb, chicken and other options.

Element and color concept

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui connects any color with a specific element, each of which affects a specific area of ​​human life (Bagua octagon).

Element Color Peculiarities
Water Blue, black The colors symbolize a waterfall, that is, energy goes down, and this has a bad effect on the energy of the home, people lose physical strength, their activity, and their health deteriorates.
Earth Beige, brown, pink Shades give a feeling of self-confidence and calmness, but their excess has a negative effect, a person feels boredom and the monotony of his life.
Fire Red It is a symbol of power and greatness. Most often it is recommended to use shades of red and preferably pale ones, otherwise family members will be hot-tempered, greedy and power-loving.
Tree Green, purple This is the optimal color for a roof, but it needs to be diluted with others, for example, green roof-blue facade. A large amount of green and its shades make residents angry and stubborn.
Metal White, gray (silver), yellow (gold) Colors are favorable for residential buildings, but their oversaturation gives homeowners such traits as short temper and tension.

Decorating the interior for the New Year

You can use any decorations in the interior - classic, ethnic, modern or even homemade. For decoration, it is better to use natural materials - paper, fabrics, wooden pendants.

  • The color scheme is all shades of sea green, blue and light blue. White details with gold or silver plating are also welcome.
  • Decorations should not clutter up the space or irritate the eye, because their task is to create a cozy atmosphere in which the Tiger will enjoy being.

New Year tree according to Feng Shui

How to put up a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui for the New Year 2022.

On New Year's Day, the tree is the main symbol of the coming year and a kind of “center of power” of this holiday. When choosing a place for a New Year tree, the most important thing is the cardinal direction in which the decorated tree will be installed. The right choice will tell the Higher Powers what exactly a person wants to achieve, and what gifts are best to please him in the New Year.

Feng Shui cardinal directions and their meaning:

  • south – popularity and respect of others;
  • southeast - financial success, wealth;
  • southwest - mutual understanding in the family, success in personal life;
  • north - success in promotion, high position;
  • northeast - a wise outlook on life;
  • northwest – communication with interesting people, trips to other countries;
  • west - the birth of a long-awaited child;
  • East – harmony and love in family or romantic relationships.

When placing a Christmas tree in the house, be sure to keep in mind that the tree must certainly have a top, since it is through it that all good forces penetrate the house. An artificial spruce will not suit you; if you cannot buy a live one, then you can simply purchase several spruce branches.

A Christmas tree, decorated a few days before the holiday, will create an ideal atmosphere in the house and prepare all household members in advance for the holiday.

Advice. The ideal time to install a spruce is December 26–27 . By this time, the house should already be in perfect order - it needs to be cleansed of negative energy and dirt, and also filled with creative aromas. The installation should be carried out without haste, choosing the right decorations and maintaining a good mood.

Golden rules

  • You probably already realized that this is a completely unusual manicure. Accordingly, its design must be approached with full responsibility. Even your mood matters. In order for your idea to succeed, you should listen to yourself: is irritability, resentment or other negativity dominant within you? If you have pleasantly stated only peace and a great mood, then it’s time to experiment in the Feng Shui style.

  • If you are planning to get a manicure to improve your health, then you need to choose a special place. This is the living room, bathroom or bedroom - all these areas are considered areas of care and personal care.

  • The shape of your nails is another important condition. Feng Shui concept against extravagant and long variations. This advice is due to the fact that uncomfortable nails can “cut” your luck. If you want to achieve the desired goal, choose a natural length and a shape that suits you personally.

  • Keep fussiness to a minimum. To do this, you can prepare all the necessary tools in advance, get everything done and eliminate distractions.
  • When creating a design, it is important not only to choose the right colors, but also to tune in to the desired result. Imagine it while creating a manicure and everything will come true!

Feng Shui influence

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the roof of a house is a protective dome for everyone living in it and controls the threads of Qi energy passing through the house, which contribute to:

  • Good luck;
  • Welfare;
  • Health;
  • Harmony of relationships.

For this reason, adherents of the Taoist practice of organizing space consider the selection of the color of the roof covering and the shape of the roof as one of the most important tasks before starting roofing work. An atmosphere of harmony will be observed only when the chosen color matches the biofield of the owner, and it does not matter what gender he is, male or female.

The essence

What is the secret of the popularity of such a manicure and how can energy stand guard over stylish nail art? Let's find out!

The whole essence of this nail design lies in the theory that fingers are conductors of energy. It's simple - the left hand is responsible for absorbing energy (this is yang), and the right hand (yin) releases it.

As soon as this trend began to rapidly gain momentum, the nails were covered with one varnish, and after it dried, one or two middle fingers were contrasted with another shade from a similar or opposite palette. But as we studied this philosophy, it turned out that different nails can be distinguished, and the color here depends not only on personal preferences.

Interesting: Fashionable masks made from handkerchiefs

Eliminating unnecessary things

As soon as you correctly design the sector responsible for health according to Feng Shui, you need to pay attention to interior items, which can be called, according to teaching, poisoned arrows. These include all sharp corners directed at you, shelves with racks hanging above your head. It can also be beams. Such things have a destructive effect on the owners of the Feng Shui premises. That's why they try to get rid of them. For example, plants can help with this by blocking corners directed towards us. It is possible to use air bells or crystals in such places.

Please ensure that your bedroom is not located next to the bathroom or kitchen. According to Feng Shui, such proximity is harmful to health, especially if the bed is adjacent to the wall bordering the bathtub, toilet or kitchen stove. Before moving into a new home, find out how the previous owners lived. If they quarreled, this may affect your well-being. It is not advisable to sleep in the place where there was previously a bed with a long-sick person. To cleanse your home, it is good to invite a priest to perform the necessary ritual.

For positive energy at home, constant washing is required. It is done in this way: add 5 drops of rose oil to a bucket of water, wipe with this liquid everything that protrudes in the room, including doors and frames. Home renovation can be done with the help of air bells. All corners are ringing with them. Another beneficial effect on the energy of the house is cleaning unnecessary things from the mezzanine. They accumulate negativity for many years, so you need to get rid of it.

The view from the window plays a big role. If within your view there is a park area and playgrounds, then this is good, but if there is a cemetery and a hospital, it is urgent to weaken their influence. Checkered curtains will help you cope with this. But you need to place a lot of flowering plants on the windowsill.

If you properly arrange your health zone according to Feng Shui, this does not mean that you will immediately become healthy. It is important to maintain a positive attitude at home. It’s good when this sector is filled with fun and smiles. Pleasant music and bright thoughts should always be there. Among other things, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and take extra care of yourself.

Which image affects us the most?

The strongest influence of images on us is the bedroom, and, funny as it may seem, the toilet. Be sure to keep this in mind. Ladies can use the flowers they need in the form of brooches, designs on clothes and on avatars on social networks - this also gives a strong influence.

However, one of the most powerful energy recipes is a photograph of yourself taken at a happy moment. You should be healthy there, reasonably beautiful, you can be with someone, the surrounding landscape is better bright and open, with flowers - that’s even better. Your gaze should often come across this image and not cause sadness, but lift your spirits, give the spark for an active life, for further opportunities.

When you begin to realize that the images on the walls are no longer influencing you in the right direction, it is advisable to update the exhibition. Life is fast now, it forces you to move and change directions, so a stationary environment can slow down your development.

When the tulip trembles under the morning dew, And the violet bows low to the ground, I admire the rose: how quietly the bud picks up its floor, drunk with sweet slumber! Omar Khayyam

Feng Shui health talismans

There are special talismans that can activate the health sector and strengthen the bodies of everyone living in the house.


This is a symbol of health and longevity. Only a pair of birds has symbolic meaning.

The crane is generally a favorable symbol. His images are used in Chinese art. A pair of cranes helps strengthen family relationships, health, prolongs the life of all family members and promotes strong mutual affection between spouses.

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