How to activate different zones in your home using Feng Shui knowledge

The origins of Feng Shui are very ancient and can be traced back over several thousand years, but its roots extend much further back into the centuries and originate in the practice of the very first shamans of antiquity. These ancient mystics placed great importance on the powers of the four cardinal directions and used their magical prowess to activate the powers and energies of the four cardinal directions. They sought help and advice from the Guardians of the four cardinal directions using their meditative abilities. These shamanic traditions have survived centuries and over time received their development in the culture of many peoples, each of which called them differently. This is how Feng Shui appeared.

Symbolism of the four cardinal directions in feng shui

Each of the four cardinal directions has a special impact on the energy of your home and all its inhabitants. To activate the power of the four cardinal directions in your home, it is helpful to understand some of the symbolic meanings associated with each of the four cardinal directions. This is necessary because these symbolic meanings will activate their inherent properties in your life. The symbolic meanings inherent in each of the four cardinal directions may vary in the cultural traditions of different peoples. The colors, components, animals, and characteristics of the four cardinal directions may vary among different cultures. And although the various mystical teachings here differ in some details, they all recognize those aspects of the power of the four cardinal directions that are associated with the cycles of nature, the cycles of life and the changing seasons of the year.

In the northern hemisphere we associate the north with winter, while in the southern hemisphere we associate the south with winter. Thus, the characteristics of the four cardinal directions that are listed here will change depending on which hemisphere you live in. However, since the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, west and east will be relevant (i.e., significant) for both hemispheres.

Activation of the Glory Zone according to Feng Shui

Let's consider the existing activators of home zones according to Feng Shui:

  • South. Element – ​​Fire. Color – red.

This sector of the house supports you as an individual and helps you achieve success and recognition in society. By working on it, you can achieve fame and success faster and more efficiently. The traditional activator of the Glory zone is your diplomas and awards, as well as all upward-moving items. Peacock feathers are considered especially auspicious - they attract potential opportunities. In the absence of peacock feathers, you can use pigeon feathers.

The color red dominates in the south, so if in your southern sector there is a painting of Niagara Falls, you are unlikely to achieve much in life - water extinguishes fire! That is, the element responsible for your success suffers in this case. Although, in fairness, I must add that a little water won’t hurt if you have a powerful source of fire, such as a fireplace, in the south. Fire and water give birth to steam - a moving type of energy. We must learn to operate with such abstract concepts to successfully apply Feng Shui in life.

Which device is better to buy?

For the initial study of Feng Shui and facade measurements, any accurate compass (tourist, military, liquid, digital with magnetic resistors) will be useful. The main criteria for choosing a device are:

  • stability of its arrow;
  • scale frequency – 360º;
  • high accuracy;
  • rectangular base;
  • possibility of vertical and horizontal alignment (arrow buoyancy).

To get complete information on Feng Shui techniques, it is better to purchase a professional combined model of Zong He, and then choose a compass whose technique will be used. To determine the favorable and negative energies of the Flying Stars, you will need a San Yuan compass.

Souvenir inexpensive fakes of professional compasses will not only give incorrect measurements, but will also mislead you regarding the fundamentals and laws of the doctrine. To consistently study Chinese age-old wisdom, you need an expensive instrument with many clues on a large number of rings. A good device becomes an assistant and advisor to the owner.

Activation of the zone of Love and Marriage according to Feng Shui

  • Southwest. Element – ​​Earth. Color – pink, red and all shades of earth.

This sector will help if you need to attract love into your life. For the harmony of your relationships, I recommend that you carefully ensure that the place is always clean. In the case of “stagnant” relationships, sort out this sector more often and never store photographs in this sector depicting you with lovers from the past! This prevents a new feeling from coming into your life.

It is best to place two red candles here. Paired items would be good: two vases, a pair of pillows, two candlesticks, etc. All symbols of love and romance are appropriate in this sector - hearts, chocolates, paintings depicting happy couples.

Attention women seeking to find a mate! Never hang pictures of single women here! Such paintings carry exclusively Yin energy and cause the opposite effect - the woman remains lonely. Bring romance into your life using the age-old wisdom of Feng Shui and hang pictures of a man and a woman together on your wall!

Activation of the Travel Zone and Feng Shui Helpers

  • Northwest. Element – ​​Metal. Color - white, metallic, gold and silver.

This is the sector of the patriarch in the house, influencing the owner of the house. Its proper activation helps to receive help from the most unexpected sources. This is a good place to place portraits of people you consider to be your mentors.

A metal bell can work miracles in this sector. It is often enough to call it with a request for help - and help will certainly come from where you did not expect it at all.

This sector of the house is also responsible for travel. If you have long dreamed of traveling around the world, hang here tempting views of distant exotic countries and you can be sure that you will find yourself there!

Correct layout

It all starts with drawings

According to Feng Shui, a successful layout begins with choosing the right shape of the house (square or rectangle).

Irregular shapes (in the form of zigzags, the letter P or G, etc.) significantly complicate the definition of zones; sometimes a house with such a layout clearly lacks one or another zone. In addition, the principles of symmetry, harmony and balance, which are key to the science of Feng Shui, are violated.


The entrance to the home should be sufficiently (but not excessively) spacious. There should not be a tree or other obstacle in front of the front door. From the outside, the entrance should be well lit, and the door itself should be beautifully and efficiently decorated. It is better to make the path leading to the door winding.


There should not be a shortage of windows, but they should not be abused either (there should be no more than 3 windows for each door). They cannot be placed opposite the entrance doors or opposite each other. Wooden frames are preferred for windows, but the main thing is that windows should always have intact glass and shine clean.


The shape of the roof should be symmetrical. Feng Shui has a negative attitude towards pitched roofs: it is believed that this form promises discord in the family. A good option would be a symmetrical gable or hip roof. In addition, the roof can be shaped like a pyramid or pagoda, round or oval.


According to Feng Shui, the staircase should not be placed in the center of the home, or opposite the entrance. The best direction to climb the stairs is from the east side to the west or from the north side to the south. A successful staircase shape is a smooth curve (not straight or spiral).


Having a ready-made house project, a Bagua grid consisting of squares or divided into triangles is applied to it. Next, the sectors are compared according to cardinal directions with the potential to place this or that room in them. If when planning rooms it is not always possible to correspond to Bagua, you can highlight the appropriate zone using color, symbols and talismans.

To arrange rooms, you can use your personal Gua number, which allows you to determine favorable and unfavorable directions using special tables. The rooms that are most often visited are placed in favorable directions: bedroom, children's room, living room, possibly kitchen. In unfavorable directions a storage room, bathroom, toilet, and utility rooms are placed.

Activation of the Career zone according to Feng Shui

  • North. Element – ​​Water. Color – black, blue, light blue.

Everything that is related to your work, career - everything is presented in this sector. Clearing the rubble here will give you a clear vision of your life path and perspective. The traditional way to activate this area is to place a turtle and any water-related objects, such as a fountain or aquarium, here. Placing metal in this sector helps many. These could be Chinese coins, “Wind Chimes”, or a metal bowl of water. In the cycle of generation of elements, Metal generates Water, and thus the harmony of the elements is restored.

Precautions during measurements

To obtain correct measurement data, you need to follow the established rules that are contained in the instructions for using a professional compass:

  • remove metal objects (keys, buckles, coins, jewelry, phones);
  • check that there are no magnetic interference nearby (large metal pipes, beams, cables);
  • move a few meters away from a metal door or large obstacles;
  • Do not place the device on the ground (magnetic fields change);
  • measure the direction of the facade several times in different places;
  • take measurements of the rear and sides of the house to verify the accuracy of the measurements.

The technique of determining Bagua zones in Feng Shui is the simplest method of harmonizing the sectors of the elements in a room, but it will become false if the location of the facade is incorrectly measured. Measurements with a compass should be made without fuss, following all the recommendations of the experts.

Activation of the Family zone according to Feng Shui

  • East. Element – ​​Wood. Green color.

Family affairs, relationships between parents and children, grandmothers and grandchildren - everything is represented in this sector. By carefully caring for it, you can significantly improve the climate in the family and even help add to your family! For the symbolic prosperity of your family in the east, it is good to have a “family” tree. Keep it healthy and looking good as this plant truly represents a healthy family and its growth.

It is also believed that this sector “feeds” energy to the neighboring Wealth sector. The family zone is “responsible” for basic necessities: money for rent, food, education and clothing. Keep this area clean. Live plants and good lighting will bring essential vitality to your family.

© Ogudin Valentin

Room layout rules

Arrange the rooms correctly

The circulation of energies in a private house or apartment begins with the hallway. It should not be dark or cramped - it should be organized where there is no shortage of free space. (The wall to the left of the door can be decorated with an image of a waterfall - a symbol of increasing prosperity). The hallway can be connected to a hall or living room, and an office can be located nearby.

Living room

This room plays one of the leading roles: it is good if it is located in the center of the house. Starting from the entrance, Chi energy should flow freely into the central room and circulate in it, so the living room should have a minimum of furniture. The sofa, armchairs and chairs are placed against the wall and cleaning is done more often - accumulation of dust is unacceptable here.


Even at the planning stage, this room is located as far as possible from the entrance. The next rule: the bathroom and bedroom can be across the wall, but not opposite. In a two-story house, it is possible to place a bedroom on the second floor. It’s great if the windows from here face southeast or east, the western direction is undesirable.


Even at the design stage, it should be taken into account that the kitchen does not belong opposite the bedroom and office. The unfavorable option is to get here from the hallway: such a scheme is negative for financial well-being. The kitchen room should not be a walk-through room, and it is better to place the windows in it to the north. To avoid conflict between the elements, install the stove away from the sink and refrigerator.

Other rooms

The best place for a nursery would be next to the parents' bedroom - you can place them next to each other, but not opposite. As for the bathroom, Feng Shui recommends southern directions, and in addition, it is advisable to make a small window in this room for sunlight.

Studying the rules of Feng Shui, you can come to the conclusion that there is no place for a toilet in the house at all - it causes damage to almost all sectors. But since it will still have to be placed somewhere, this is done taking into account particularly disadvantageous options (bad - opposite the front door or bedroom, in the center of the room, in the money zone, in the family and marriage zone). The main rule is to keep the toilet clean, then the negative Sha energy will not reach you.

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