Southeast Money Zone according to Feng Shui: how to activate

» Feng Shui » Activation of the southeast zone according to Feng Shui



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According to Feng Shui, the southeast is responsible for the financial sphere of our lives. With the help of various means and tools, you can activate this zone of wealth and get quite a lot of efficiency from its work.

Activation of the southeast zone according to Feng Shui

What is this zone - what is it responsible for?

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the southeastern energy zone is responsible for money, wealth and everything connected with it. It is believed that the activation of the southeastern zone according to Feng Shui can increase the well-being of its owner many times over. The element Wood corresponds to the southeast, and the color of this zone is green in all its shades.

The season corresponding to this zone is late spring-early summer. It is best to start all new business projects at this time of year.

Time of day: from 10 to 12 hours. It is recommended to resolve the most important financial issues at this time of day.

Organs: bladder and liver. If the wealth sector in an apartment or house is neglected, this can lead to diseases of these organs.

The trigram is Xun, consisting of two continuous Yang lines located above a broken Yin line.

According to Feng Shui, any room - apartment, house or office - can be divided into 8 sectors, according to the cardinal directions. And not only the premises, but also any piece of land: a summer cottage, a personal plot, a site in front of an office or enterprise.

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Feng Shui zones in the apartment


What is the glory zone responsible for in feng shui?

Correct design and activation of the energy zone can change the aspect of human life for which this zone is responsible.

The southeastern part of the apartment or house is well suited for production and entrepreneurship. It is recommended to place your workplace or office in this area. Even if the work area cannot be placed in the southeast, make sure that the work table is oriented in this direction. This will help attract good luck in business.

The southeast is especially good for those involved in construction, gardening, cooking, fashion, advertising, woodworking, and media.

The office is the best room for the South-East zone.
However, the South-East zone does not have its influence on everyone:

  1. For people whose birth year ends in the number 8 or 9, the southeast sector has no effect. To improve their well-being, it is better for them to use the northeastern energy zone.
  2. For people whose birth year ends with the number 0, 1, 2 or 3, the southeast sector has a good influence.
  3. But the southeastern sector has the greatest influence on those whose year of birth ends with the number 4, 5, 6 or 7. For them, the southeastern zone is the happiest.

The southeast direction can even be used when applying for a job. It is believed that in order to successfully get a well-paid position, it is better to enter the building and office from the south-east direction. If this is not possible, mentally visualize a large compass near you, which shows that southeast is behind you. According to Feng Shui experts, this will provide additional energy opportunities for passing an interview.

When resolving financial issues or any conversation related to money, try to keep the southeast behind your back. This will help solve all money problems with maximum benefit. It is recommended to do the same when participating in a lottery, competitions with cash prizes, etc.

Symbolism of the four cardinal directions in feng shui

Each of the four cardinal directions has a special impact on the energy of your home and all its inhabitants. To activate the power of the four cardinal directions in your home, it is helpful to understand some of the symbolic meanings associated with each of the four cardinal directions. This is necessary because these symbolic meanings will activate their inherent properties in your life. The symbolic meanings inherent in each of the four cardinal directions may vary in the cultural traditions of different peoples. The colors, components, animals, and characteristics of the four cardinal directions may vary among different cultures. And although the various mystical teachings here differ in some details, they all recognize those aspects of the power of the four cardinal directions that are associated with the cycles of nature, the cycles of life and the changing seasons of the year.

In the northern hemisphere we associate the north with winter, while in the southern hemisphere we associate the south with winter. Thus, the characteristics of the four cardinal directions that are listed here will change depending on which hemisphere you live in. However, since the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, west and east will be relevant (i.e., significant) for both hemispheres.

Earth - element of the southeast

Just as a tree grows on the earth, the main element of the southeast is Earth, on which the main element of the southeast grows - Tree. All living plants located in this sector should be in ceramic and clay pots and vases, growing in good, well-fertilized soil.

The southeast correlates well with the element of Water, a symbol of the energy of prosperity. This is perfectly explained by the analogy with a tree: just as every tree needs regular watering to grow, so the element of Water supports the element of Wood in its development.

The most conflicting element for the southeast is Fire. Therefore, when decorating this sector, it is important not to use candles and not to overdo it with lamps. The lighting should be even and moderately strong, not bright and not blinding to the eyes.

Selecting the color of textiles

Large details such as curtains or bed linen deserve special attention.


Since Qi energy enters the apartment through the windows, curtains should not interfere with its flow, but enhance it. The easiest way is to choose by room: pink ones will create the ideal atmosphere in the bedroom, green ones in the office.

Bed linen

There are 2 options: energizing for activity or promoting rest and peace. In the first case, a blue, black, orange set will work perfectly. In the second - any calm tones - soft pink, cream, beige, blue, white.

Methods for activating this zone

In order to activate the south-eastern zone of the room, it is necessary to decorate it accordingly and keep it tidy and clean.

The following Feng Shui symbols are well suited as a talisman:

  • antique Chinese coins tied with a gold or black band;
  • money or images of money;
  • jewelry box;
  • red mat, napkins or paper towels;
  • oranges in the amount of 9 pieces.

If you plan to place furniture in the wealth zone, try to make sure that this furniture is made of wood. The best thing is rattan. When arranging furniture, avoid creating corners. Any corner is a place where positive energy stagnates, as it prevents its free circulation.

Keep it clean

Cleanliness and order in the energy zone of wealth is of great importance in order for it to be constantly activated. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, any dust, dirt, old and unnecessary things become clots of negative energy and interfere not only with proper circulation, but also with access to positive energy in the room.

To protect against dust and dirt in the welfare sector, lay down a red rug.

Color spectrum

The south-eastern sector of the apartment or even the entire apartment can be decorated in colors and shades that attract the energy of money. Favorable colors include the following colors of the east:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • emerald;
  • violet.

If possible, choose tall, oblong-shaped objects to decorate the energy zone.


Considering that the main element of the money zone is a tree, the best design for it would be living plants. They have a strong ability to attract money energy when they are in this sector. The strongest magnet for suitable energy is the money tree. You can buy it, but it’s best to grow it yourself by placing a coin at the bottom of the pot.

In China, Feng Shui followers, when starting a new business or project, plant a money tree and place a large coin at the bottom of the pot. This tree becomes a mascot for business: as the tree grows, so does the business. If a tree begins to wither or become sick, this is regarded as a signal that the business may be in danger.

Plants and flowers living in the money sector must be carefully taken care of. Regularly water, feed, wipe the leaves from dust. Sick plants have no place in the wealth sector - they will symbolize problems in cash flows. Therefore, diseased plants need to be urgently moved to another sector or disposed of.

Artificial plants have no place in the southeast zone. Only paintings and photographs with their images can replace living plants.

The Wood element does not combine well with the Metal element, so it is highly not recommended to keep metal objects in the southeastern sector unless they are money or figurines.

Water elements

Feng Shui advises placing an aquarium with nine fish in the wealth zone, of which 8 should be red and one should be black. Instead of an aquarium, you can put a fashionable artificial waterfall, a fountain, an air humidifier, a bowl of clean water and any other items closely related to this liquid.

If for some reason all this is difficult to implement, hang pictures depicting water: the ocean, sea, river, lake or waterfall. You can even hang up your own paintings or photographs of water.

If you are designing an outdoor area, you can arrange a pond with live carp in the southeast. Carp is also considered a symbol of wealth and monetary prosperity, so it will also attract financial well-being.

All water elements must be moving, not stagnant. You can install an aerator in the aquarium, which will create the effect of water movement, or install a spring in a pond on the site as a source of fresh water.

When arranging water elements, Feng Shui experts advise not to get too carried away. Firstly, if the element of Water is represented stronger than the element of Wood, the water will flood it and it will wither. Secondly, because Feng Shui still teaches harmony and balance.


It is better to use as paintings those that depict the main element of the southeast - wood, and the main element - Water. All paintings with images of water and living plants will attract the energy of wealth and will serve as a good activator of the welfare sector.

Paintings depicting money, riches and treasures, red and gold tapestries and jewelry perform their role well.

You can also use paintings depicting the main supporting element of the southeast - the Earth. They can depict fields of grass or crops, landscapes, canyons, etc.


In China, various figurines are used to activate the southeastern sector of the house, such as:

  • three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth;
  • laughing god Hottey or laughing Buddha;
  • god Fu-Xing;
  • figurine of a turtle;
  • ship of abundance;
  • any piggy bank with coins inside.

"The music of wind"

Wind chimes are sounds created by four hollow tubes suspended from the ceiling. Such music restores the free circulation of positive energy and makes the money zone fill with good energy.


Before you begin to arrange the space in the room, the wealth zone needs to be prepared and cleared of negative energy to allow positive energy to circulate freely throughout the room.

What do we have to do:

  1. Get rid of excess junk and things that you haven’t used for a long time. It is believed that all this contributes to the accumulation of negative energy, establishing financial blocks. Therefore, take items that have been stored in closets for years to the trash.
  2. Do some general cleaning. There should not be a speck of dust left in the room. Look into all hard-to-reach places, free the space from dirt, debris and dust. Ventilate the room to bring in fresh air.
  3. At the end, the room needs to be cleansed on the subtle plane. To do this, you need to walk along it with a wax candle and light incense. The most “money” aroma is considered to be patchouli essential oil. You can carry out cleaning with prayers or mantras - their sounds increase positive energy vibrations.

And only after you have cleared the space, you can begin to arrange it.

Cash zone in other areas of the apartment

According to Feng Shui, the toilet in the southeast of the apartment can also be used to activate the money sector. Lay it out with red or green tiles or just lay down a red rug. And be sure to keep the toilet clean and tidy.

You need to hang a mirror on the outside door of the toilet or bathroom so that the room visually “disappears” from the apartment. The mirror must be hung in such a way that it does not coincide with the direction of the front door.

To prevent positive energy from being “flushed away” in the toilet, keep the toilet lid closed and the bathroom curtain drawn. Tie all drain pipes with red and gold ribbon. It is believed that such a symbol will prevent positive energy from being washed away along with used water.


Water is also a good activator, attracting cash flows for the southeastern segment. It is recommended to give preference to mirrors, images with the water element, and aquariums with fish.

The water should be clean, not stagnant. The best images would be a flowing river or a fountain with a jet gushing upward.

Falling waterfalls should be used with caution, since according to Feng Shui, a downward flow of water can destabilize the material sphere.

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