Feng Shui Family Zone: where is it located and how to activate it?

Let's talk about what is family? The question seems naive, doesn't it? It’s already clear to everyone what a family is, you say. However, it is something different for each person.


If we take a “dry” definition, then this is a group of people united by marriage or blood ties, living together. Of course, all this is true, but apart from this, mutual understanding and respect should reign in the family, at a minimum (at least, I think so).

Here are some answers from various people on the Internet to this question.

Someone says: “For me, Family is both joy and worries... And school and resort... And emotions and tranquility... This is a small world of understanding.... mutual understanding...”.

Another says: “This is such a detail of my picture, without which the overall meaning would change.”

What do you think? What is family to you? Share your opinion in the comments.

Well, this is a digression from the topic.

The purpose of this article is to explain how the teachings of Feng Shui can help improve relationships between family members or maintain existing strong family ties. To do this, of course, you need to correctly set up the family zone in the house according to Feng Shui.

What is this zone responsible for?

The family sector can have a significant impact on strengthening family ties between children and parents, as well as previous and future generations. Family relationships can be improved and even the preconditions for the birth of a new person can be created by stimulating the Qi energy in this sector. Activation of this zone increases the financial well-being of the home owners, since, according to Feng Shui, the eastern part of the room is a reserve center of wealth, capable of feeding the home with this energy.

Feng Shui colors: the meaning of colors

Many people may not attach much importance to what color they most often choose, what colors predominate in their wardrobe, apartment and house. However, for the science of Feng Shui, colors have a special meaning. It is generally accepted that different colors have different effects on a person, his condition and life in general.

  • Red. This color is bright, defiant, passionate and even dangerous. This color excites a person’s consciousness, evokes not only positive but negative emotions and can provoke conflict. If we are talking about the color red in a house or apartment, then it is better to use it where a person is awake and engaged in active work, but in the bedroom it is better not to use this color, or at least use it in small quantities.
  • Blue. This color, unlike red, represents calm, balance, and the usual course of things. Blue promotes peace and inspiration; it feeds a person with positive energy and does not cause negative emotions. However, you need to know that a lot of blue in one room is also not good, since it can aggravate the atmosphere and boredom. It is appropriate to use blue in the bedroom and relaxation areas.


  • Grey. This color is very similar in its characteristics to blue; it also represents calm and peace, but at the same time it can cause trouble to a person in the form of a depressed mood, etc.
  • White. This color always symbolizes purity, innocence, the beginning of something new. White always represents something good and positive. This color is suitable for the bathroom, where the body and soul are also cleansed, and the kitchen.
  • Black. Despite the fact that black is often considered a mourning color, in this case this color has nothing to do with such an opinion. Black represents wisdom, stability, restraint and elegance. This color symbolizes calmness and slowness. Indoors, it is best to combine black with brighter colors, such as white, blue, purple.
  • Violet. This color is considered strong, powerful and domineering, as well as mysterious and to some extent even mystical. It is this color that activates the previously mentioned Chi energy.
  • Orange. The bright, light-filled color represents peace, joy and happiness. Orange is the color of inspiration, creativity and creation. Using this color indoors can eliminate dullness, boredom and depression.
  • Yellow. Another color that brings joy, happiness and peace. Yellow represents kindness, wisdom, openness to the world and a willingness to accept it as it is.

Meaning of colors

  • Green. The color of harmony, nature, vitality. This color heals the soul and nervous system, stabilizes a person’s emotional state, fills us with energy and instills faith in a bright future.

Of course, it is impossible to study Feng Shui and understand the essence of this science by simply reading a few rules and definitions, however, following some of the advice of this philosophy is not so difficult, especially knowing that this will bring you and your family well-being and prosperity.

Where should it be located

According to Feng Shui, the eastern zone of the family, depending on the layout of the house or apartment, can be in any part of the room. It is best if this sector falls in the living room. The kitchen is also a good option, because... family members gather there quite often, have dinner, and communicate. A suitable place can also be considered the hallway, where residents constantly walk, preventing the positive energy of Qi, which penetrates through the front door, from stagnating.

It happens that the apartment does not have an eastern sector. Although this is not an entirely favorable moment, you should not be upset, because Feng Shui is a fairly flexible teaching that allows for the use of backup options. To correct the situation, you can strengthen the money zone, because it is directly connected to the family area, or use another room, highlighting the eastern sector in it and activating it.

Unfavorable places for a family zone

There is no need to be upset if this area is in the bathroom or toilet. In this case, it is worth using the option proposed above. It’s bad if from the window of a room located in the eastern sector the view is not aesthetically pleasing: power lines, abandoned buildings, a noisy highway, high-rise cranes, billboards, mirror surfaces that reflect bright light and rays of the sun into the room.

The landfill located right outside the window has a negative impact, weakening physical activity and taking a lot of energy. A place for joint relaxation is the center of well-being and wealth, so it is necessary to take into account all the nuances that affect the positive energy of Qi.

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design of the family zone
According to Feng Shui, the family zone is located in the eastern sector of the home.

The dominant element in the east is Wood. Supporting element – ​​Water. Accordingly, elements and symbols of Fire will be contraindicated here, since they will be destructive for this zone. Just like the element of Metal.

Family zone number -3. Therefore, three talismans will work most effectively. For example, three chrysanthemums in a vase.

Favorable colors for the family zone will correspond to their elements. The elements of Wood include green and brown colors, as well as their shades of light green, light brown, and so on. To the element of Water - blue, indigo, black, and their shades of emerald, turquoise and so on.

image of bamboo in the family area

Feng Shui style photo wallpaper “bamboo”

Not suitable: red, orange, pink, in a word, the colors of Fire. Metal colors – white, silver. They will have a negative impact on the family zone according to Feng Shui.

Favorable shapes: rectangular, elongated, oblong (symbolizing growth), wavy, cylindrical. Not suitable: triangular objects (“fire” shapes).

And the last thing to consider when designing a family area is talismans and symbols. There are quite a lot of them, read more about them in the article “Family Symbols according to Feng Shui.”

How to activate the family zone

To better activate the energy of this sector, it is a good idea to hang panels and paintings depicting water in it. Let it be a small forest stream or calm river water. An aquarium or decorative fountain will do. The main color symbolizing the element is green. The surroundings may include green wallpaper, curtains, a tablecloth, or simply a piece of paper attached to the wall.

Since the Tree serves as the main element of the sector, it is recommended to decorate the room with various decorative figurines, dishes, etc. A small tree would be a good addition, especially if it is capable of bearing fruit. A symbol of wisdom and prosperity will be a family tree, in the planting of which all residents of the house participated. A healthy, flowering and fruiting plant will symbolize the health of each family member. If the tree is sick, then people should be prepared for future troubles and health problems.

Perfect cleanliness

It is necessary to keep the house clean. In a dirty room, cluttered with old, unnecessary, broken things and objects with sharp corners, it is quite difficult to create a cozy atmosphere. Negative Sha energy will displace Qi, introduce irritability and aggression, reflecting off sharp corners aimed at the owners and neutralizing all efforts spent on creating comfort.

It is a good idea to support the well-being and health of the inhabitants of the house with plants with large leaves pointing upward. Bamboo is good for this sector.

It is undesirable to place dried flowers and thorns, which can cause discord in the family and provoke conflict situations. Plants should be looked after, watered, and dry leaves should be picked off.

What to give up

The element of Metal is inappropriate in this sector, because it “cuts” Wood. If it is impossible to completely avoid metal objects, then you should at least minimize their presence in the room. The presence of elements associated with the element of Fire is also undesirable, which will “burn” the Wood, greatly reducing the effectiveness of the methods used by the owners of the house. Don't get carried away with orange and red shades. Good lighting and order in the room, when every thing is in its place, is beneficial for the family budget. Then financially there will be complete order.

How to create a family zone in other areas of the apartment

The family sector can be created in almost any part of the living space. An excellent solution is to place photographs of all living family members in this area, including those who live at a different address. It would be good if these were group images with smiling, happy faces. Talismans will also help in improving the aura of this zone: figurines of the Green Dragon, the guardian of the family hearth - Zaoshen, figurines of Star Elders, bamboo sticks.

The lighting solution is also important, in which it is undesirable to use candles. The best option would be a small sconce with a pleasant warm light. It’s a good idea to place hand-made items in the family sector.

A good option would be wooden figurines, forest sculpture, baskets woven from wicker and other objects, as well as paintings depicting a forest. Various indoor plants in pots will help create a favorable environment.

For believers, it is recommended to place figurines or images of deities in the room and set up an altar. It is not advisable to store collections of old banknotes and ancient coins that have long gone out of use in this part of the room. This will not only contribute to stagnation, dragging back family well-being, but will also hinder the search for the right solutions and new progressive views.

This area has nice fountains, house plants with leaves resembling coins, aquariums with 9 fish, and figurines of three-toed toads. The Crassula plant is excellent. It is permissible to imitate it by making it from beads, coins and paper bills.

Feng Shui and harmony in family relationships

We all passionately desire love and loving relationships—perhaps more than anything else! And we all strive to have a family filled with harmony and kind, sincere relationships. Why then do so many people live alone and in search of love? If what we desire most is love, why is there an unprecedented increase in divorce and broken families? Why do many people feel so lonely and isolated in crowded cities?

Contrary to popular belief, love is not just a result of fate or luck, and it doesn't "come and go", we create it? and each of us has the ability to create it. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved, each of us has the ability to create relationships full of love and joy. No matter how we live now - alone or under the burden of an unhappy, exhausted relationship - life can change, and it is we who can change it.

The necessary components of any endeavor, including changes in a love relationship, are the right time, the right place and the right people. If one of these components turns out to be inappropriate, achieving the goal will become a long and difficult task. If two of them are missing, any attempt to achieve a result may turn into an impossible desire.

Of course, we cannot always determine and choose the right time, and it is even more difficult to find people suitable for us - these are rather questions of our heavenly luck, but we can always find or create the place we need. And everyone can do this, you just need to put in some effort and be patient.

In any business and, of course, in love and creating a family, the environment is one of the most important factors. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the place where the future family lives or plans to live. The shape of a house, its size, configuration, floor layout, design (as well as color, decoration, furniture arrangement) naturally influence the people living in it. All this affects our health, emotional state, well-being and, of course, our relationships with people, including love.

What is it like, a house ideal for love? What type of home or dwelling is capable of nurturing family relationships? An ideal home should have an abundance of Qi - beneficial, positive energy. This will manifest itself in the correct location, integrity of form, smooth flow of energy and a feeling of warmth and comfort.

A good location is a harmonious and balanced home environment. According to classical Feng Shui concepts, it includes the Turtle, Phoenix, Dragon and Tiger. The turtle supports the house from behind. It could be a mountain, a small hill, a building, a rock, or a neighboring house. The Dragon and Tiger are accompanying structures on both sides of the house, a kind of guardian of your home. They should not be too large, should not protrude too much or be isolated or close together. Phoenix is ​​an open space that should be in front of the house, it allows energy to accumulate and enter the house, it allows the residents of the house to make plans, feel space and new possibilities.

A solid form implies a pleasant appearance, not too strange or disturbing, regardless of the size and material of the building. The building should not be too fragmented, with strongly protruding parts, when viewed from a bird's eye view or from the side. The layout of residential floors is preferably regular in shape: rectangular or square.

The smooth flow of energy depends on the layout of the house, on how the living space is divided into separate rooms. The layout of the house should not be too open, as is the case with one large room, or too limited, cramped and confusing, as in a maze. Each room should be well connected to the general flow of energy of the house; it is good when there is a hall or corridor where all the entrance doors of the rooms go.

Feelings of warmth and coziness refer to those feelings of comfort and well-being that certain places evoke in us, sometimes for no apparent reason. Our bodies intuitively respond to the energy of the surrounding space. If it fits well with our own energy, we will feel comfortable, even if we cannot find the reason for these feelings. In general, if the three previous conditions (location, shape and flow of energy) have been met, you will most likely feel a certain warmth from that place.

Below is a short list of criteria that are important for love and family relationships.

— The shape of the house should be simple, without strongly protruding or missing parts. — There should not be too many or too few windows in the house. — The front door should be located close to the center, and not offset to the right or left. — There should be no conflict between the elements of Fire and Water in the kitchen. The sink and stove should not be placed next to each other or opposite each other. — There should be a solid wall behind the head of the bed, not a window or door. — The door to the bedroom should be visible from the bed. - When you go to bed, the front door to the house should be in front of you, not behind you (although this door usually cannot be seen from the bedroom). — There shouldn’t be a mirror in the bedroom that reflects your bed. - Even if you don’t have a partner at the moment, but you want to attract him into your life, your bed should not be against the wall, you need to provide approaches to it from both sides, especially if you already have a partner. — You shouldn’t arrange a marital bed on two beds pushed together. It is better to have one large bed with a shared mattress. — You shouldn’t put aquariums and fountains in the bedroom. This leads to misunderstandings and sleepless nights.

If all these requirements are met, you should not have much difficulty in finding love or in family relationships. The more requirements left unfulfilled, the greater the likelihood of difficulties arising. If your family relationships leave much to be desired, and you do not have deep knowledge of Feng Shui, you can seek advice from a specialist; there are probably negative influences in your environment that you do not see. You can also try to do some steps yourself. These recommendations do not apply to classical Feng Shui teachings. They are more based on positive thinking and the use of symbols and are general in nature, but have the advantage of being easy to use.

According to the “Eight Life Aspirations” school, in our home there are sectors that are responsible for family happiness and relationships between people. You can work with them and activate them.

The southwest is responsible for family happiness, well-being, and partnership. Southwest is the element of earth. If you are looking to find a partner or want to strengthen an existing relationship, use paired symbols made of ceramic or natural stone. Other paired symbols will also work. These could be two vases or a double sculpture of people (a man and a woman). A sculpture made of red or orange stone of two mandarin ducks is considered a very strong symbol.

The East is responsible for family, health, change.

East is the element of Wood. Plants of any kind are suitable here, except thorny ones. Since the East is about change, don’t try to intensify it too much if everything in your life suits you, when everything goes as usual. If your problems are ripe and cannot find a way out, then you can carefully attract changes: add water in the east, which helps the Tree grow. It could be a blue vase of flowers or an image of a calm river flowing in your direction or a quiet, clean forest lake. In this sector it is appropriate to place such symbols of longevity as a blooming or fruiting peach or the fruit itself.

You can significantly improve your Feng Shui and family well-being if you use the Ba Jai ​​system. The Ba Jai ​​system is an integral part of Feng Shui, which works with directions. Using this system, it is easy to orient a bed, a workplace, or a cooking fireplace. Energy coming from different directions of the world has different properties, and this is the basis of the Ba-Jai system.

Feng Shui within Ba Jai ​​is divided into 2 groups - eastern and western. Favorable directions for people of “eastern orientation”: South, North, East, South East; and 3, NW, SW, NE - for “western”. According to the Ba-Jai school, all people of “Eastern” and “Western” orientation are divided into 9 groups. The number of this group is called the Gua number, and is the basis for working on this system.

How to calculate your Gua number?

The Gua number can be taken from the Chinese calendar, but if you don’t have it now, then use the formulas below.

1. For people born between 1900 and 1999. Take the sum of the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add its digits again. The Gua number for men is 10 minus the result. For women: 5 plus the result obtained. If you get a two-digit number, add its digits again.

2. For people born after 2000, the calculation is the same. But in the formula for men, 10 changes to 9, and in the formula for women, 5 changes to 6.

Note: if the final result is 5 (there is no such Gua number!), then for women we replace the number 5 with 8, and for men with 2.

An example of calculating the Gua number of a man born in 1961:

1961 6+1=7; 10-7=3 – Gua number of a man

An example of calculating the Gua number of a woman born in 1978:

1978 7+8=15; 1+5=6; 6+5=11; 1+1=2 – woman’s Gua number

Now, knowing your Gua number, you can determine your favorable and unfavorable directions using the table.

Eastern group Western group
3 4 1 9 6 2 8 7

Direction values:

The most favorable direction for you is indicated by +4, which corresponds to Shen Qi, the type of Qi that brings you prosperity and success. This is the best direction for you when doing business, studying and other active activities. The +3 direction corresponds to Qi, which brings good health and harmony in relationships. This is the third most favorable direction. +2 is the second most favorable, it brings longevity and love and is considered romantic. The +1 direction corresponds to the type of Qi that brings peace and stability. This is the fourth most favorable direction. You will sleep well if you lie with your head in the +1 direction.

Direction -1 corresponds to the type of Qi, which is considered the less powerful of the harmful energies. If your bed or the entrance to your home is oriented in this direction, it may cause disagreements or unpleasant incidents. Qi direction -2 is considered the second most harmful. Such Qi can cause unwanted encounters, sexual frustration and relationship breakdowns. Harmful Qi of direction -3 can cause fires, accidents, loss of friends and family. Direction -4 corresponds to the most dangerous and harmful type of Qi. You should spend as little time as possible in this area of ​​space or avoid it altogether. Qi -4 brings illness, misfortune and ruins one's career. If your home's doors are oriented in this direction or your bedroom is located in this area, it is detrimental to your health, well-being and relationships with loved ones.

Once you've determined the directions that work best for you, you can move the furniture in your home—your bed, your desk, your stove—so that they're oriented correctly. Where possible, increase the number of “pluses” and your life will begin to change and bring harmony, prosperity and new opportunities to your family!

Activation of the wish card

Once your wish card is ready, you need to activate it.

To do this, in the center in the health sector, we draw (glue) desires that we can fulfill ourselves in the near future.

For example, tangerine, delicious chocolate. Look carefully at all the sectors to see if you have the opportunity to place such desires in any other sector. For example, in the creativity zone I drew a sheet and how an article is written, and the next day I wrote an article. In the wealth zone, I drew the desired dress that I had wanted for so long and bought it for myself. In the love zone, I wrote about a romantic evening with my loved one and arranged a romantic dinner for my husband. We need all these little wishes to activate the card, so that the fulfilled wishes will pull the rest with them and the magic process will go faster.

What to do if the wishes on the map are no longer relevant?

If you can’t carefully peel them off and stick new ones on, then just redo the card. That's why I love cork boards.

How to choose the right pictures for a wish card?

1. Your pictures should be as similar as possible to your desires; they should simply give you goosebumps with delight!

2. They must be colored. Black and white won't do.

3. There should be no strangers on them, except for patrons and desired assistants, mentors, this was indicated in the career and travel sector.

4. You can add yourself in Photoshop to the desired house, next to the desired car, to the desired office and on the carpet.

If you want a slim figure, stick a sticker of yourself when you were thin, or draw a picture of yourself being thin. Through experimentation, I realized that this is more effective than gluing your head into the desired body. Although I used to think differently.

In the children sector, if you want children, it is better to draw yourself with a child in your arms, so the desire will work faster. You can, of course, just paste a picture with a child, it will also work, but it will take longer to complete.

In the love and relationships sector, we glue a couple in love from behind, who are more or less similar to you and your type of man.

Correct wish card number three.

This option is convenient for those who are afraid to place the map at home and are embarrassed that they will see it.

This is a version of the card in the form of a notepad or book.

Buy the most beautiful wish book or notebook.

It should evoke joy and a feeling of magic!

Open the notebook and paste your photo on the first sheet, maybe a portrait. The most beautiful and happiest.


I (full name) am the happiest and here all my wishes are fulfilled in the best possible way for me and for the benefit of everyone! Let it be so!

And in order, starting with the wealth sector (the order is maintained as in the first card), we fill in our desires.

There is 1 wish on one page. Be sure to paint the background, matching the color of the sectors.

You can also draw wishes, you can simply paste pictures. Everything must be signed! Everything is the same as in the first card, only in the notebook.

My friends tried this particular option, and within a year 90% of their wishes came true.

They partly drew, partly glued pictures.

Correct wish card number two.

If drawings don’t inspire you in any way and you don’t like drawing at all, then this method will suit you. Although, according to my observations, it is less effective, or longer.

When I started not just pasting pictures with desires, but rather drawing, the card began to work much more actively. Desires that had not been fulfilled for a long time began to come true, she worked especially well with wishes for health, and they are the most difficult.

So, if drawings are not your thing at all, then we select pictures for the wish card and paste them on.

We do exactly the same as with the drawings, only we glue the pictures, or attach them if you have a cork board.

Be sure to sign each picture.

Don't repeat other people's mistakes - make your own!

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