Northern zone Careers according to Feng Shui: how to activate

It’s wonderful when there is complete harmony in life and desires come true as if by a wave of a magic wand. For those who are seriously interested in the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, this does not seem like a naive fairy tale. Surprisingly, proper home improvement can really help improve your personal life, attract wealth, improve your health, or get a new job. According to Feng Shui, a certain area of ​​the house is responsible for each area of ​​life.

The northern sector is responsible for career, activity, and creativity.

Initially, according to Feng Shui, the meaning of this direction is the Path zone. That is, the meaning is broader than is currently believed. However, for some, a career is a full-fledged life path, while for others it is just a way to earn a living. And an activity that brings pleasure is something external.

One way or another, everyone who cares about the proper arrangement and activation of the sector located in the north of their home or office saturates their lives with energy for self-realization. In addition, the zone is responsible for spiritual development.

Feng Shui meaning of career zone

According to Feng Shui, for successful work and a fast-growing career, you just need to properly arrange your home. This will attract into the individual’s life the energy of abundance and prosperity, the right bosses and loyal colleagues. The career zone (it also has the name of the Life Path sector) is responsible for a person’s status in society. It corresponds to the water element and the symbol of the turtle.

Workplace in the house according to Feng Shui

First steps to develop the northern sector

According to Feng Shui, the northern sector will begin to work if certain conditions are met:

  1. There should be no peeling wallpaper or stains on the walls or ceiling in the area. If any of the above is present, it is better to make cosmetic repairs and eliminate the shortcomings.
  2. Check the condition of the lamps. All light bulbs must be clean and in working order.
  3. Clear the room of unnecessary items. Feng Shui does not accept clutter and strives for free space to activate vital energy and attract favorable events.
  4. Water will help clean the sector, so wet cleaning is the next step in preparing the area and getting rid of negativity. Adding salt to water will enhance the effect.
  5. To get rid of dark forces, a bell is suitable. If it is not available, just clap your hands.
  6. Incense also helps cleanse the sector of negative influences. The aroma can be different: rose, cedar, orchid, laurel. The ritual scheme is simple: move clockwise 3 times with a bell and an incense stick along the walls, starting and ending at the door.
  7. Positive energy will be attracted by wind music - a graceful chime will clear the space and correct the energy. When choosing wind chimes, you need to pay attention to the cord, which should be made of natural material, and the number of tubes: 5 will destroy negative energy, and 6 or 8 will attract good luck and prosperity.

Where is the career zone according to Feng Shui?

The life path sector, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is located in the northern part of the home. In order to accurately find this place, you should use a compass (regular or built into your phone). You can highlight the north both in the total area of ​​the living space and in a separate room.

In the apartment

And in an apartment, you can choose an office or a library to arrange a career area. If there are not enough square meters, then it is worth determining the north side in any room (but not in the bedroom or in the bathroom). In a one-room apartment, it is better to place the life path sector in the kitchen or hallway.

In the northern part of the selected space, you need to place your desk so that your back is near the wall and your face is opposite the window. This is necessary in order to receive energy protection. Under no circumstances should the table be located:

  • opposite the entrance;
  • on the aisle;
  • near mirrors;
  • in the corner of the room.

In the house

In a private house, all the same rules apply as in an apartment. And if the building has several floors, then you should select the top one and define a career zone in it.

Suitable talismans

Having identified and cleared the northern feng shui zone in the apartment, you need to select talismans that will help you achieve success in your career:

  1. The most common mascot for this zone is a turtle. It can be black or metal-colored. It is a symbol of heavenly support, wisdom and longevity. There should be only one turtle, since the number of this sector is 1. It is best to have a live turtle, but an image or figurine with a portrait of the owner attached to the shell will do. The most powerful talisman will be a live turtle, which is in an aquarium with water.
  2. An amulet that attracts financial well-being is a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, which should not be glued. It is best to place the figurine in water, for example, in a fountain or aquarium.
  3. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money, made of any material, will become a symbol of material wealth.
  4. A ceramic vase, inside of which there are special Chinese coins, symbolizing the unity of Heaven and Earth, has similar properties.
  5. A ship with raised sails and filled with coins appears only in a house that expects financial stability. The nose is directed to the right, but not towards the door or window, otherwise the wealth will go away.

Zone activation

Activation is what the career zone requires. This will help anyone:

  1. Find prospects for your further development in the professional field.
  2. Destroy obstacles and finish important work-related matters.
  3. Advance your career ladder.
  4. Change your current position.
  5. Increase the amount of income received.

What exactly should you do? First of all, it is necessary to tidy up not only the place where it is planned to create the Life Path sector, but throughout the entire home. Then you should get rid of old things as much as possible, especially those that have not been used for a long time. This is necessary so that the energy does not stagnate and begins to circulate in the direction the owner needs.

Only after this are water elements placed in the quarry area. But do not forget that if you place them in excess in one room, this will only lead to fatigue, and the money will not linger in life. Water elements should be diluted with metal symbols.

If you want to join a specific firm or company, you should place a logo, poster or photo of the building in which the organization is located in the northern zone.

And also in the Life Path sector you need to place a model of a sailboat or ship. Moreover, you need to place it with its bow in the corner, and its stern on the door. Only such an arrangement will bring labor achievements. It is worth placing gold or bronze fish near the sailboat.

Feng Shui symbols for the career zone

How to set up your workplace

First of all, it is necessary to study the theoretical part of this eastern art. After all, Feng Shui is represented by various nuances and little things that must be taken into account. Therefore, below we list the factors responsible for the career zone according to Feng Shui philosophy:

  • it is necessary to place the desktop in the northern part of the room or office,
  • give preference to gold and silver colors, blue shades, and black. They should be the main ones in the design of your work sector if you want to program it for success,
  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the water element is responsible for attracting money, as well as eliminating any troubles from a person’s path. Therefore, it is necessary to have a water theme in your work area,
  • The placement of special plants in the workplace is also very important. So, for example, the money tree will attract material benefits, geranium will calm even very aggressive people, dracaena will provide stable financial profit, and the Chinese rose will help to intensify creative processes. To enhance the effect, Feng Shui recommends placing these plants not only in your office but also in your home.

Interesting detail. To provide even more inspiration, hang portraits of celebrities or people who have achieved certain professional heights on a nearby wall in your office. Also, be sure to put photographs of people near and dear to your heart on your desktop, which will remind you of pleasant things, especially at the end of a hard working day.

How to strengthen the career zone?

There are several techniques that will enhance the area for career growth:

  • It is necessary to constantly maintain perfect order in this part of the room. Even a tiny mess will disrupt the harmony and the energy field will weaken.
  • All items located there must be in good condition. If an item wears out, it must be immediately replaced with a new one.
  • Paintings and photographs located in the zone should depict a calm sea or river surface on a sunny day. There should be no type of storm, rain or swamp. Reproductions with mountain landscapes are also chosen. It is worth considering that the overall mood of the artwork should be calming. It is not worth purchasing ominous deep gorges or sharp peaks.
  • Certificates and diplomas in beautiful frames must be hung on the walls.
  • The shelves need to be filled with bronze awards, gold cups, and silver figurines. The energy of the metal will help strengthen willpower and the desire to achieve goals. Do not forget that you need to periodically wipe off dust from all horizontal surfaces.

In order for the quarry area to function harmoniously, it is necessary to distribute certain aromas in the room: cedar, rose, citrus. You can use candles, oils, and sticks for this purpose.

Career zone colors and elements

Once a career zone has been determined, you need to place certain things there. A number of symbols have the ability to enhance the energy of the Life Path sector:

  • Crystal pyramids accumulate and store the energy needed for career growth.
  • Bells can accumulate a flow of positive energies.
  • A metal or stone three-legged toad is one of the strongest talismans for attracting money.
  • One metal or stone black turtle is placed in any container filled with water. The latter enhances the effect of the talisman.
  • An aquarium with fish of any color will become a symbol of a successful life and material well-being.
  • A ceramic or clay bowl of wealth with a few Chinese coins inside will remind you of your goal.
  • A man with bags filled with coins is the strongest talisman of prosperity. It will become an activator of energies in the Career zone and will fulfill the owner’s wishes.

You need to choose two or three talismans that a person likes.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

You should also choose the right color scheme for the zone, using blue, purple, green, and cyan shades. Red, orange, light brown colors should not be used.

Unfavorable for the career area

Items related to the elements of Earth and Wood cannot be placed in the career area. You should not decorate the space:

  • Items in green, lemon, brown, flesh and scarlet shades.
  • Rectangles and squares.
  • Things made from crystal, ceramics, wood, clay or porcelain.
  • Images of fire and earth.
  • Fireplace.
  • Indoor flowers in pots.

Once you activate the zone, remember that changes do not happen on their own. Therefore, even one talisman of wealth will work if it is constantly fed with the right thoughts and the right actions. Therefore, first of all, after arranging and activating the career zone, it is worth sorting out your thoughts. Do they interfere with the emergence of positive energy and improvement in work-related matters? Also, clear your head of negativity and sadness!

North-West and North-East according to Feng Shui

The neighboring sectors - northeastern and northwestern - are responsible for related areas of life (gaining knowledge and acquiring useful connections).


Interestingly, according to Feng Shui, cuisine in the North-West is considered a fairly successful solution - experiments that contribute to the emergence of new skills are welcomed in the Wisdom Zone.

The main colors of the northwest according to feng shui are warm, earthy (brown, beige, sand with elements of orange or yellow). Ceramic and clay vessels and live plants in pots would be appropriate here.


According to Feng Shui, the North-East (as opposed to the North-West) is under the auspices of Metal. There shouldn’t be a lot of land here, but you won’t have to give up water symbols.

The sector is responsible for successful trips, selfless friends and important patrons who can change the situation in your favor at the right time. It’s great if there is a living room in this area, and in it (on the walls) there are diplomas, photographs, iconic items, good luck talismans (like horseshoes or images of totem animals).

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