Southwestern zone of Marriage and Love according to Feng Shui: how to activate

The energy of each room influences a person’s destiny and can either help in business or ruin any endeavors.

Feng Shui zones along the cardinal directions simplify the organization of home space and harmonize the flows of Sha and Qi.

You can determine directions using a compass, housing plan and Bagua diagram, after which you should proceed to activate the sectors.

What is this zone responsible for?

The southwestern direction in the apartment accumulates energy, which can help you find a suitable partner for family life. This sector affects the relationship of an already established couple. If people often conflict, do not understand each other well, and have distrust of their partner, then this may mean that the sector of love and marriage is not organized correctly.

Elements of the southwest

According to Feng Shui, the area of ​​relationships and marriage is controlled by several elements at once.

The Earth is dominant, so this sector should be activated with objects with its elements. For example, you can place vases or dishes made of ceramics, plaster or natural stones. You can hang canvases depicting mountain landscapes or beautiful houses on the wall.

The element of Fire strengthens the zone of love and marriage, so candles or aroma lamps installed in this part of the house will help harmonize the love sphere. It is necessary to add as much light as possible to this sector, for which you can use beautiful sconces or floor lamps.

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You should be careful with symbols of other elements. For example, Water elements installed in the southwest zone will extinguish the power of Fire. This can affect the intensity of the partners' feelings in a couple. You cannot place aquariums, fountains or images of rivers, waterfalls or the sea here.

A tree has a negative impact on the Earth because it destroys it with its roots and takes away vital juices. It is better not to decorate the southwestern direction with flowers or plants in pots. Dry bouquets or wood products will not be the best elements for decorating this area.

Metal products will weaken the effect of the Earth, introducing unfavorable energy into the zone of love and marriage, which can bring discord into family life.

How to determine sectors in an apartment yourself

We know that we have 8 cardinal directions: North, South, West, East, North-West, North-East, South-West, South-East.
Each of these directions corresponds to a specific family member. In other words, depending on your social status in the family, you have an important connection to one (or more) of these areas, which are most often called palaces.

In order to understand where each sector is located, you need to take the apartment plan, complete this plan to an even rectangle, divide each side into three equal segments (putting dots) and connect these points to each other. You will get a grid of 9 rectangles (or squares, if the apartment is square). Next, you need to use a compass to determine the directions and enter them into 8 sectors.

So, there are eight directions and nine squares. We have another Palace on our plan - the central one.

The Central Palace does not correspond to a specific person, but it has its own important rules.

Color scheme and shapes

To activate the zone, you should use shades of brown, yellow, beige, ocher, gold, red (a little) and pink. Colors such as terracotta and soft pink are best suited. These shades will help attract a suitable partner into the life of a single person.

Shades of blue and light blue should not be used in the southwestern part of the home. Silver and white colors will also extinguish the energy of this sector. Decorating the love zone with green shades would not be the best solution.

The shapes of objects that are installed in the southwest direction can be square or triangular. You can also use a rectangle placed horizontally.

You can enhance the energy of the southeastern sector with the help of aromas, using aroma sticks, candles or essential oils. The choice should be the scent of orange, rose, geranium, jasmine or cedar.

Southern sector according to Feng Shui

This is the fire sector. His emotion is joy. In the body it represents the cardiovascular system and the eyes.

Connected with the middle daughter in the family (she will have the most significant influence).

It is unfavorable to place water facilities (toilets, bathrooms, swimming pool) in the Southern Palace. If this is the case and there is no way to change the purpose of the rooms, use a lot of green shades, natural wood and living plants in the interior of the room.

If the apartment is of irregular shape and this sector is absent, this can lead to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and emotional difficulties - it is difficult for those living to experience joy and fun.

Methods for activating the defect zone

The design and activation of the love zone should be carried out only in a good mood and using those things that a person likes and evoke strong positive emotions in him.

The southwestern sector of the apartment can be decorated with different objects, but they should be placed in pairs. At the same time, several more principles should be observed.

Keeping it clean

An important rule in Feng Shui is to keep all work or living spaces clean. Dust, dirt, old things can destroy positive energy, which will affect all areas of life.

It is impossible for broken things to be in the zone of love and marriage, for disorder and neglect to reign there. You must constantly monitor the cleanliness of this area. At the same time, cleaning should be accompanied by a positive attitude. A person’s desires and thoughts should be aimed at strengthening the action of the sector.

Two candles will help clean this part of the house, one of which will be white and the other red. Long candles can be lightly secured with red ribbon. Once every 7-10 days they should be lit so that the fire eliminates all the negativity that has accumulated in relationships between loving people.

Symbols and silhouettes

All items that decorate the southwestern sector should carry the energy of love and happiness and be associated with warmth and joy in relationships. The figurines should be placed in pairs, they will symbolize the unity of Yin and Yang. Figurines of mandarin ducks, doves or swans are suitable for these purposes.

You should not put photos here where a person is lonely or sad. Photos with ex-partners are also not suitable for activating the love zone. There is no need to hang pictures with castle ruins, desert or autumn landscapes here. Canvases with the sun at sunset are not suitable for decor. The best option would be a photo where the couple is captured at a happy moment in life. Such a photo will radiate positive energy and repel negative flows from the sector.

Antique items are not suitable for decorating the southwestern sector, since they retain the energy background of the previous owners.

If there are electrical appliances in the love zone or nearby, it is better to move them to another part of the room, since they create flows of Qi energy that are difficult to control.

Images of wild animals, such as tigers, bears or leopards, bring aggression into relationships. Dolphins or butterflies, on the contrary, will contribute to the development of lightness, trust and love in relationships. The figures should also be installed in pairs.

You can awaken sensuality and passion in a relationship with the help of interior items related to the element of Fire, for example, horse figurines or paired red candles.

A small crystal crystal placed in the southwest zone will help to attract love into life. It can be hung on a red thread, and its length must be a multiple of 9.

Before using the transparent symbol, it should be kept in salt water for 7 days, and only then installed. By bringing the crystal to your heart or warming it with the warmth of your hands, the amulet can be charged with positive energy. Affirmations are also suitable for the same purpose. By reflecting the sun's rays, the crystal will send energy in all directions, which will speed up the fulfillment of your desire. This talisman should be cleaned once a month, again by immersing it in salt water.

Simple stones will bring a feeling of stability. They are laid out in the love sector in the amount of 9 pieces, and 2 stones should be larger. They are also pre-cleaned in salt water. You can put your favorite candies in the love sector.

Peonies, painted on canvas or in the form of fresh flowers, will bring love and harmony to the relationship of 2 people. They should be installed only in the southwest. This symbol cannot be used for the bedroom.

Pink or red wind music will help improve the circulation of love energy, and the design of such an amulet should not have sharp corners. A photograph of the couple should be placed next to the talisman.

Transferring the defect area to another area

The indoor love and marriage sector can occur anywhere. If the layout of the apartment is such that the bathroom or toilet is located in the southwest, this is not a reason for frustration, since there are several ways to smooth out the adverse effect.

To do this, you should decorate the restroom with green shades. If repairs are not possible, you can use rugs of this color or curtains in the bathroom. You can decorate the pipes with ribbons or put candles. You should always close the doors to these rooms tightly or hang a mirror on them.

You can neutralize the negative impact of a toilet located in the love sector by strengthening the love zone in another part of the apartment.

If the bedroom is located in the southwest, then to activate the energy you should use bedding in beige and pink tones. Decorating your bedroom in beige will also bring happiness. You should pay attention to the position of the bed. It should not fit tightly to the walls. Chi energy needs space and the ability to circulate throughout the space, so there should be a small distance between the bed and the wall.

North according to feng shui

This is the water sector. It is associated with communication, the ability of those living in the house to communicate with each other and with other people. In the body it represents the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

Connected with the middle son in the family (he will have the most significant influence).

It is not favorable if fiery objects (stove, fireplace) are located in the Northern Palace. If this is the case and there is no way to change the purpose of the rooms, the use of green, living plants and natural wood will again help us.

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties in communication and potential problems with the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

The magic of red

The color red has the strongest impact on the energy of the love and marriage sector. If no amulets help you attract a loved one into your life, you should use red. To do this, you can put new red linen in the southwestern part. With him, the woman will have many new fans.

You can cover a wall facing southwest with red wallpaper. If this is not possible, then decorate the inner wall of the cabinet with red paper or fabric.

If you put a piece of red cloth or a red ribbon under your partner’s mattress, this will bring sexual energy into the relationship, which for some reason has disappeared from the lives of loving people.

Northeast sector according to Feng Shui

This is the land sector. It is associated with accumulation, preservation of finances and social position, reputation, authority. In the body it represents the hands and fingers, nose, spine.

Associated with the youngest son in the family and boys under 15 years of age (they will have the most significant influence).

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties with reputation, authority, accumulation and preservation of wealth and status; problems or diseases (injuries) of the hands and fingers, and spine may also arise.

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