Sign: lips itch – meaning by day of week and time of day

Many modern people to this day listen to the interpretation of various superstitions and signs. Even in ancient times, the sages said that you need to listen to your body, since all the changes that occur in it lead to certain changes or events in life.

So, for example, previously there were many signs associated with lips, this is not surprising. The fact is that lips are especially sensitive and can “tell” a lot about upcoming events. So, first of all, the interpretation of the sign will depend on who exactly has an itchy upper lip: a young girl, a woman, a guy or an adult man.

A girl or woman's upper lip itches

an unmarried girl's upper lip suddenly itches , then there is a chance that she will communicate with a stranger, and the meeting will end with a hot and passionate kiss.

a married woman's , this may indicate that she will receive gifts in the near future. There may also be some signs of attention from relatives or pleasant promotions in the store.

How to deal with severe itchy lips

The methods that you will use to stop itching of the lips must be chosen in accordance with what exactly caused this phenomenon:

  • Chapping and dry air - lubricate lips with balm, hygienic lipstick or nourishing cream. The best result will be provided that they contain jojoba, cocoa or almond oil, as well as beeswax. You can also lubricate your lips with honey, which, in turn, will make them softer and more nourished.
  • An allergic reaction - if this is a side effect from eating certain foods, then you should exclude them from your diet. You can use antihistamines, but you should consult a specialist before taking them. Corticosteroid ointment applied to the lips may also help. If this doesn't help, you should see a dermatologist.
  • Sunburn - under these circumstances, you should resort to anti-burn medications, sour cream or curd masks.
  • Vitamin deficiency - you need to start strengthening the body - you can drink a mineral and vitamin complex. It is better to lubricate the cracks with syntomycin ointment.
  • Herpes virus - use medications based on acyclovir. Be attentive to personal hygiene so as not to aggravate the disease.

Why does your upper lip itch by day of the week?

For a more accurate interpretation of the sign, it is important to take into account what day of the week your upper lip itched.

1 On Monday . If the upper lip begins to itch on Monday, then the person will soon receive a pleasant and long-awaited invitation to a romantic date from someone who arouses the strongest interest.

Those who are not thinking about dating will simply be given some sign of attention on this day, for example, in the form of a sweet gift.

2 On Tuesday . If itching on your lip occurs on Tuesday, this means that you need to completely devote this day to yourself. On this day, a person who has an itchy lip is recommended to spend pleasant hours with loved ones, as well as go to beauty treatments, a movie or a cafe. The entire Tuesday should pass in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, then the rest of the days will be very successful and prosperous.

According to some beliefs, if your upper lip itches on Tuesday, this may mean that you will soon have a serious and useful conversation with your superiors, after which pleasant changes in your career will occur.

3 On Wednesday .
If itching on the upper lip appeared on Wednesday, then you need to study your diary; perhaps some important matters that require a quick solution were accidentally forgotten or pushed aside. For example, some important work responsibilities were not completed or the project was not fully completed. Therefore, on Wednesday it is necessary to concentrate and resolve all important matters in the near future.

Doctors' opinion about itchy lips

Itching in the lips may indicate upcoming events, but despite this, medical professionals rationally justify what causes this phenomenon:

  • This could be an allergy to certain foods. Since the lips are very sensitive, they can react to those foods that do not cause discomfort in the stomach. They begin to turn red and itch. In addition, this may be a consequence of exposure to cosmetics intended for lip care.
  • This can be caused by bad weather conditions (wind, sun, cold, dry air), under the influence of which the lips begin to dry out very much and minor injuries occur on the skin, causing itching.
  • Itching is a consequence of nervous tension, as a result of which people have the habit of biting or picking at their lips.
  • Lips may itch due to hormonal changes in the body as a result of pregnancy. The lips become more sensitive already in the early stages, and they can “burn.”
  • Itchy lips may appear due to the presence of the herpes virus in the human body. Since it is very difficult to cure, the symptoms of the disease can only be dulled. Itching signals that the virus is being activated.

Interpretation of signs by time of day

Those whose upper lip begins to itch the morning of any day should expect an invitation to the festive table or pleasant signs of attention. If a young girl’s lip starts to itch early in the morning, she will receive some sweet gift.

If the itching of the lip began during the day , then this may mean that in the late afternoon there will be a not very pleasant, but very important conversation.

If a girl suddenly has an itchy upper lip towards the evening , then she will have a detailed conversation with some older relative.

It happens that your upper lip begins to itch late in the evening or at night - this may mean a difficult and difficult conversation with your significant other, which cannot be avoided.

How to neutralize a sign

If the corners of the lips or the entire area itch, the sign may have a negative meaning. Don’t be alarmed - remove it by performing a simple set of measures to avoid negative meaning.

  • Postpone meetings scheduled for the next day. Relax and have fun. Keep your conversations short.
  • Plan your day in detail to avoid conflicts.
  • Don't beat yourself up. Warnings do not state that something bad will happen. Perhaps a positive set of circumstances will develop.

It's up to you to decide whether to believe the signs or not. Don't take the signs seriously, but pay attention to them.

If your lower lip itches

If we are talking about constant itching on the lower lip, this means that the person with whom we recently had a pleasant meeting constantly thinks about his partner and wants to continue a serious relationship or communication.

If we are not talking about a romantic meeting, then constant itching on the lower lip may mean that the person is being discussed in the most positive way. A person whose lower lip itches will soon experience delight, as well as praise at work, a lucrative deal or career growth.

If a girl’s lower lip begins to itch, it means that a friendly kiss and pleasant communication await her.

Signs about food

One of the main functions of the lips is related to nutrition. From birth, the baby wraps its lips around its mother's nipple or bottle nipple to receive nutritious milk. It is with our lips that we first touch food and feel its temperature and consistency. Hence the folk signs: “Itchy lips mean a noisy and generous feast”, “Itchy lips means a tasty treat or an edible gift”, “Itchy lips means there are gifts.”

Physiologists have noticed one of the conditioned reflexes of a person associated with the desire to drink or eat: a person begins to touch his lips and mouth. This reflex explains signs about eating."

Both lips of a girl or woman itch

The meaning of such a sign can vary greatly, since much depends on who exactly has itchy lips.

So, if a girl’s , then she will soon have a very serious conversation or conflict.

If we are talking about an adult
unmarried woman , then she will have the man for whom she will show strong feelings.
According to ancient interpretations, if an unmarried girl has itching on both lips, then she may soon have a love adventure or a meeting with a new admirer.

If itching on the lips occurs on the left side, then the woman is in for not very pleasant events. If your lips itch in the right corner, then you need to wait for some good news.

A girl or an unmarried woman will be left alone in the near future if there is prolonged itching in the center of the lips.

About talkers and talkers

Lips are involved in the formation of sounds. Before an important conversation, speech, or interview, some people get nervous and begin to pick and scratch their lips. Most likely, it was precisely this behavior of people that gave rise to folk signs that affect the function of the lips associated with conversations and speech: “Itchy lips - talk a lot”, “Itchy lips - have a serious and important conversation”, “Itchy lips - have an interesting conversation”.

The word is not a sparrow

For words spoken to another person and not pleasant to him, a person can be hit on the lips. Popular wisdom says: “Itchy lips - someone will hit you on the lips”, “Itchy lips - a quarrel with a loved one.”

Signs about upcoming troubles can protect a person from bad circumstances and make him think about his thoughts, mood, and upcoming conversations. That is, do everything so that the omen does not come true

Lips are a reflection of mood

A person demonstrates his emotions to others by folding his lips into various shapes. Joy is expressed in the form of lips stretched into a smile, doubt - in the curvature of the lips, sadness - in the drooping corners of the lips. For the emotional function of the lips, people did not forget to notice patterns: “Lips itch closer to the right corner - to joy and smiles, to the left - to grief, in the middle - to prolonged boredom.”

There are signs that combine several interpretations at once: “Itchy lips - get a tasty treat from someone with whom you will passionately kiss”, “Itchy lips - get hit on the lips for empty chatter.”

Both lips of a guy or man itch

But if a representative of the stronger sex has both lips itching at the same time, this may indicate that in the near future the man will have a confidential and sincere conversation with close friends. Such a meeting will be very useful and important, so it should not be cancelled.

If a young guy's , then he needs to wait for a visit from his female relatives, for example, his sister, mother or mother-in-law.

If both lips itch in an adult man , this means that the women from his inner circle are worried, waiting for a decision from him.

To believe or not to believe

Expert opinion



All signs may not work. Itchy lips are often caused by an allergy to a new lipstick, gloss or lip balm. Itchy lips can also be caused by various diseases. The most common is herpes. When the lips become chapped and dry, the skin becomes flaky and they begin to itch and sometimes hurt.

Lips are one of the most attractive parts of the face, so to maintain beauty, you need to take care of your lips: moisturize them, make lip masks. And signs come true for those who believe in them.

Interesting to note

that signs about lips differ among different nations. The signs of the Russian people are incomprehensible to other nations; they cause surprise, smile, and sometimes misunderstanding.

What does itching in a specific place mean?

Listen carefully to your feelings. Where is scabies concentrated - on the upper lip, lower lip, in the corners?

Upper or lower lip

  • The upper lip predicts kisses with a man, the lower lip predicts kisses with a woman. Moreover, both of them can be either passionate or simply welcoming.
  • The upper lip also trembles in anticipation of hot love “smacks”, and they are provoked by the one who has itching. Don't expect favors from fate, take the bull by the horns! If the fan is too indecisive and slow-witted, start acting without this dubious signal. What if you manage to have a stunning romance?
  • The lower lip is in a friendly mood to poke into the cheek of one of your family, friends or child.
  • However, even here there remains a chance to receive a light romantic kiss from a representative of the opposite sex. Signs assure that in case of itching of the lower lip, the initiative will not come from you. Just relax and enjoy watching events unfold.

Sometimes itching of the upper lip is explained by the fact that you will have to talk a lot when discussing an event or person. It’s better not to use unverified information so as not to be known among your friends as a gossip or a gossip.

Right or left

  • Itching on the right side or in the right corner of the lips is considered a sure sign of joy that is about to find their owner. If you rely on the opinion of your ancestors, then there is an angel behind a person’s right shoulder who suggests the right decisions and warns of good events.
  • The left side of the mouth is responsible for grief and sadness. It is easy to conclude that the unclean one hanging on his left shoulder is in a hurry to report them.
  • Itching right in the center of the mouth portends unbearable boredom. Start choosing a hobby for yourself so that you don’t lose heart even in a period of complete calm in life.

Above or below the lips

The itchy lips of the bride on the wedding day foreshadow a passionate and happy family life for the newly-made spouses

Most of the signs associated with different parts of the face around the lips relate to the wedding day.

  • If a bride's lips itch at a wedding, the passion between the young couple will never go away. And if the mouth burns along with the chin, then the spouses will quickly get tired of each other.
  • When the neck joins them, and even more so - the décolleté area, this means that the marriage will be strong, happy, and the couple will carry their love throughout their lives.
  • If the bride's lips and nose itch, the husband will turn out to be a drunkard: every now and then he will dip the tip of his nose into a glass.

It only remains to add that itching is often a consequence of nervous tension, and anxiety at a wedding is quite appropriate for a girl. Don’t rush to look askance at your betrothed; perhaps the reason for the strange sensations on your face lies in simple stress. Where and how he decides to manifest himself - on the nose, at the navel or on the left heel - no one can guess.

If the area above the lips itches, a person will have to face ingratitude. On the other hand, a tickle under a man's mustache means a gift (often edible) or a date. Nature has not endowed ladies with this decoration, but it is worth remembering that on girls of the southern type, a small fluff above the lip is sometimes clearly visible... Here, as they say, look twice to see for whom the omen promises grief, and for whom - gingerbread.

Itching of a young unmarried girl

  • The sign foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance, which can end in a hot kiss.
  • At the same time, an itch in the right corner notifies about imminent pleasant changes in life. This could be interesting travels, new acquaintances, resumption of old relationships, a wedding, the birth of children.
  • The left corner of the mouth itches due to bad circumstances.

If the bride feels itching on both lips on the eve of the wedding, the marriage will be successful. But itching on the day of the celebration means imminent problems in the relationship with the newly-made husband.

Rational explanation for itching

For someone's lips, strawberries are the strongest allergen

  • Lips are one of the most delicate parts of the body, and they are the first to suffer from sun, wind and dry air. Thin skin dries out, becomes covered with microscopic wounds, and these begin to itch.
  • Sometimes cosmetics can be the source of problems. Used a new lipstick, a random sample from a magazine, or an unfamiliar brand of toothpaste? Don't be surprised by allergies you never knew you had before.
  • Some allergenic foods act in the same way. You can eat pineapples by both cheeks without experiencing stomach discomfort, but you will pay for your love for the tropical fruit with flaming lips.
  • The reason is unexpected, but pleasant: pregnancy! The first hormonal changes in the body begin a few days after conception. In some women, the skin at this time acquires increased sensitivity, in others it is characterized by an unprecedented greasy sheen, and in others it begins to dry out and peel. The lips get it first.
  • Sometimes the cause of itching is herpes or gum disease.

Lips are very flexible predictors. If you don’t like the interpretation of signs based on gender, you can always turn to the time of day. When in this case you are not satisfied with the value, guess by the place where the scabies appeared. And as soon as you find an explanation that completely suits you, try your best to believe in it. It will come true - good. No? So, better luck next time.

A person must listen to the signals of his body and interpret them correctly. The sign of why lips itch is considered one of the strongest signs. She warns of events that will happen soon. The meaning of the superstition depends on the place where it itches, as well as on other nuances - time of day, day of the week and gender. Knowledge of signs will help you prepare for life situations, averting a threat or benefiting from a positive sign.

Why do lips burn at certain times of the day?

  • From morning until noon, lips itch from the desire to eat tasty food. This is exactly what the sign promises them.
  • From lunch until late at night, they tune in to a serious conversation with their families.
  • If midnight has struck, and the restless part of your face still haunts you, the conversation will still take place, but you will not show yourself in the best way. Try not to succumb to irritation - an offense inflicted on a loved one during this dispute will easily result in a very unpleasant and long confrontation .
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