What is the symbol of a cat according to Feng Shui philosophy?

Features of cats

According to Feng Shui (feng - wind, shui - water), a cat is a kind of accumulator of the divine energy of Qi; it perfectly feels where its flows pass, fits well into their movement, and knows how to use them to attract prosperity and good luck. It is not for nothing that many nationalities have a superstition: if a cat comes to the house, it brings with it material wealth and harmony in the family.

The cat does not need to be pointed to a place in the house; it itself knows where it is better to settle. Receiving positive energy, she distributes it throughout the house, wherever she sees fit, and at the same time breaks up the clumps of negativity accumulated in dark places, neutralizes its power, and weakens the harm it causes.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, a cat of any breed has magical properties and can be a talisman in the house, but its color is of great importance. Black cats get the most negativity. It is the black cat that is responsible for all the troubles happening in the house. However, here everything depends on the karma of its owner - a black cat will bring even more suffering to a person with karmic debts. If the karma of its owner is not burdened by anything, the black animal will bring him even more positive things.

In a word, everything depends on the person himself, and you should not blame what is happening on an innocent animal. And yet, in order not to aggravate the problem, the black cat needs to be removed from the house from time to time, of course, if there is such an opportunity. For example, take it to the countryside. But under no circumstances should you burden your karma by killing an animal.

A ginger cat, or a ginger cat, will be a good helper in your personal life, will help you find the right person, and maintain a relationship for a long time. Since a ginger cat, according to Feng Shui, is conducive to improving your personal life, think about whether such an animal needs to be spayed or neutered, and how this will affect your own health, family relationships, and even the appearance of offspring. If there are no children in the family yet, perhaps you should not rush into surgery.

According to Feng Shui, a gray cat is able to protect its owner from the effects of negative energy. Moreover, it strengthens his health and brings good luck.

A two- or three-color cat helps to harmonize relationships between family members and will attract harmony and peace into the home.


Such animals live on their own. They are very calm and quiet, so they do not require attention from their owners. If you are getting a rodent, you first need to put the cage in the right place. Just like a cage with birds, so with rodents, it should be placed on the southeast side of the apartment or house.

It is prohibited to place the cage on the east side. It is there that a lot of negative energy accumulates, and from it your pet can get sick or even die.

Feng Shui does not recommend having rodents in your home. They attract failures, hinder the financial and spiritual development of household members, and can also easily weaken the energy of your home. If you want to buy a pet, but don’t have time to take care of cats or dogs, it’s better to buy fish or turtles.

A healthy owner means a healthy cat

Cats of any breed and color, just like other animals living in the same apartment with a person, are a reliable shield from negative influences - the evil eye or damage. They take on some of the negative messages, and often in such cases they get sick together with their owners, and even die in their place.

In addition, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, cats have Yang energy, which gives them healing properties and the ability to treat people from various diseases and give them part of the accumulated positive energy.

In order for a cat of any breed and any color to bring happiness to the house, it itself must be healthy. It is important to monitor the animal’s condition, provide it with good nutrition, and treat it if necessary.

The Chinese believe that if a cat starts to get sick, it means that something is wrong in the house - perhaps one of the family members has developed an illness. Moreover, not necessarily on the physical plane - there may be severe discord in the soul, depression or constant negative thoughts. In this case, too, the cat absorbs some of the negativity emitted by its owners and becomes a kind of lightning rod, but it itself begins to lose health.

A cat can only be truly long-lived in a home where peace and harmony reign, where the owners are happy and healthy. In such conditions, animals will not have to waste energy on neutralizing the negative, take on part of the problems of their owners, get sick and die instead of them or because of them.


Although turtles are slow and clumsy, they symbolize movement. It is recommended to keep turtles for those people who strive for new achievements and victories. According to Feng Shui, the turtle is a talisman of good luck. They will give confidence and bring success in any endeavor.

Turtles are long-lived, they promise their owners longevity and wisdom.

Turtles emit exceptionally good energy, but as with other pets, you need to place the aquarium in the right and correct place. Turtles have strong energy and thanks to it they can improve any area in your home: where you place the aquarium is influenced by what you want to achieve. Feng Shui experts say that most turtles live on the north side of the house.

To have or not to have a cat at home?

Everyone knows Exupery’s phrase that we are responsible for those we have tamed. However, esotericists have a different opinion on this matter; they claim that animals voluntarily take on part of the negativity intended for man, and by suffering in his place, they themselves rise to a higher level of development. This suggests the conclusion that our pets are nothing more than angels who voluntarily take care of people on their path in life. After all, you must admit, few people will give up their pets just because they can take on their problems and troubles.

And yet, you shouldn’t have a cat in your house if you don’t have the time and money to create favorable conditions for them - feed them, care for them, and treat them if necessary.

There is no need to adopt a kitten if you do not understand that this is not a toy, but a living creature, with its own needs and characteristics.

And of course, you should not get a cat for cruel experiments and experiments on it - the animal’s suffering can return like a boomerang.

QI theory

Chi theory is one of the most important principles of Feng Shui. "Qi" is a Chinese word meaning spirit, breath, vitality, vital energy, life force. Similar terms exist in other cultures. So, in Japan it is “ki”, in India it is “prana”, in Hawaii it is “mana”, in Western philosophy it is “life force”. In what follows we will use the term "qi". Qi pulsates in all living things, filling them with energy and movement.

In China, qi is called the Cosmic Breath of the Heavenly Dragon. If the energies of space are harmonious, qi is considered favorable. If there is no harmony, qi becomes deadly, turning into its opposite - sha energy. Good feng shui of a certain place depends on how much qi has accumulated in it and how long this place remains a source of favorable energy: in places of constant accumulation of qi, feng shui is favorable, in places where energy becomes obsolete or absorbed, feng shui is bad.

Animal surrogate

If it is not possible to keep a cat in the house, to attract good luck and happiness, to harmonize relationships in the family and neutralize negativity, you can purchase a cat figurine, and photos of cats and kittens, and place them in the love zone or in the zone of well-being and happiness. The main thing is that you like these figures and images and evoke positive emotions - this will be a positive start.

In the evening, after a hard and stressful day, admiring the images of cats and kittens, you can get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day, relax, fill your heart with pleasant emotions, feel love for animals and a sense of peace.

Material well-being will be brought by a figurine of the Money Cat, or Happy, golden cat Maneki-Neko, with a raised paw. Moreover, there are figurines with a mechanism and a truly movable foot.

With one paw the cat calls for good luck and happiness, in the other he holds a sign with hieroglyphs of wealth and happiness. To activate the action of the figurine, it must be installed in the wealth zone.

There are several legends about Maneki-Neko in Japan. According to one of them, during a strong thunderstorm, a cat suddenly appeared in front of a rich man who was lost in the forest and led him out of the forest. At the same time, lightning struck the tree under which the rich man was sitting - thus, Maneki-Neko not only showed the rich man the way to the temple, but also saved his life.

According to another legend, the cat settled in a poor temple, where there were few visitors and income. He sat on the threshold with his paw raised, as if inviting people. People did not remain indifferent to the animal’s request and began to come, bringing him income. By awakening good feelings in people, the cat attracted material well-being and prosperity to the temple.

Another belief says that the cat lived with a poor woman. In a dream, he asked her to make a figurine out of clay. The woman listened to his request. Soon a wealthy man drove past the house, heard the woman’s story, and decided to buy a cat figurine for good money. The woman began to sculpt and sell figurines, and she herself became rich.

Modern craftsmen make a Maneki-Neko cat from clay or porcelain, with its left or right paw raised. Thus, a figurine of a cat with its left paw raised attracts money, visitors to a restaurant or store, and guests to the house. A figurine with a raised right paw protects already acquired wealth and helps protect the owner’s interests in court.

In any case, the Maneki-Neko figurine should be in the wealth zone - that is, in the northeastern part of the room. Also, it can be placed on your desktop, on a store or restaurant window to attract clients and customers.

Two Lucky Cat figurines will have a double effect - they will attract money and good luck, and relieve loneliness. But for this you will need figures of cats with different raised paws - right and left.

Figures for success and wealth

If there are obstacles to having an animal in the house, it is enough to purchase a small figurine with the image of a cat and hieroglyphs meaning good luck and wealth. A talisman with a raised paw (Maneki-Neko) can significantly increase existing successes and open the way to new opportunities; it serves as a symbol of financial prosperity. This figurine is very popular in China and Japan.
A porcelain or ceramic Feng Shui cat with a raised left paw attracts money, visitors to stores, and to guests' homes. When the figurine’s right paw is raised, the talisman protects the wealth already in the house. According to Feng Shui, the money cat needs to be placed in a certain place, then its properties will manifest themselves to the maximum:

Cats and cat sculptures tend to fit into space so organically that they seem to be an inseparable symbol of comfort and harmony.

The cat uses the mysterious power given by nature, the ability to be a conductor of the vital energy of the universe, for the benefit of the people in whose house it lives. The Maneki-Neko symbol will also help protect the home, bring peace and harmony to it, giving both good luck and wealth, averting troubles and misfortunes. By presenting such a figurine with good wishes to relatives or friends, they help people fill their homes with positive energy and make life successful and harmonious.


Slavic beliefs

The Slavs believed that a dark-colored pet brought good luck. Such animals were respected. Their qualities in catching mice and their ability to remove dark energy from housing were valued. When moving, the pet was allowed in first. The cat's task was to establish contact with the spirit of the house. The black one established friendships faster than any other.

The importance of a black cat in those days could not be overestimated. They believed that he brings calm, peace, harmony to the house; protects the family from quarrels and disagreements, misunderstandings. A pet of a dark color drives away thieves and ill-wishers, protects from the evil eye, damage, and dark witchcraft.

Today, most people live with black cats in their apartments to decorate their lives and are human companions; in those days they were powerful amulets against witchcraft.

The Slavs knew: a pet would never enter into an agreement with a witch.


Due to the yin nature of the bathroom, it is not advisable for your cat to spend a lot of time there. When she pays a visit, you may find that she is fascinated by running water, especially if you have a dripping faucet in the bathroom. (By the way, just as water goes down a drainpipe, so too does chi flow out, so any problems should be corrected immediately.) Some feng shui practitioners recommend leaving plugs in the bathtub and sink when not in use to prevent chi leakage . Likewise, the toilet lid should always be down to prevent the qi from using it to escape.

Cats usually find bathrooms overly yin-filled, but they are always captivated by water, so they may love to join you and stand guard while you take a bath.

In our time

Modern superstitions say: the cat is a natural healer; The one painted dark has special power. There is no doubt whether a black cat in a home is good or bad. From their own experience, pet owners are convinced that the animal can heal even serious diseases. It gives vital energy to a loved one, restores the balance of power.

The Japanese believe that a sneezing black cat protects against toothache. You just need to tell him in time: “Be healthy.”

Author of the article: Nikolay Kostyuk. Expert in the field of esotericism and world culture, candidate of philosophical sciences. Email to contact the author

Clearing space

Take a moment from your text and take a long look at the room around you. If your cat is contentedly sorting through a half-open drawer, overflowing with bills and letters that fall out on the floor, or if she has settled among

Disorderly stacks of books on a shelf? Is it making a nest among the piles of magazines you've saved because you think you'll remember a recipe in one of them in the future? Or maybe she's sleeping on the top shelf of her wardrobe, lying on a jumper you bought three years ago but never wear anymore? Is there a vase of half-dead, cat-chewed flowers in a dusty corner, or clumps of cat hair under the seats? If so, then it is time for decisive action to improve the flow of energy.

While you can leave your cat to intercept areas of negative chi, you can't expect her to take over the entire house! You will need to do some work yourself. One of the most fundamental principles of Feng Shui is that your home should be kept clean and tidy. The reason for this is that dust and dirt will stain the qi, and clutter will block its movement through the house and confuse it (is a trap for it). How much time and energy do you waste searching for your keys or your notebook when your apartment is full of junk, when the depths of your drawers need tidying up? In addition to all this, dead plants or wilting flowers standing in a vase with stagnant water will generate harmful energy. So it's time for a thorough, vigorous cleaning. Be careful: it may be better to lock yourself away from the cat in every room where you clean, because all the energies will be released as you begin cleaning, and the potential chaos may overstimulate her. As a result, you risk being distracted by her playfulness or irritated by her being so persistent in your path that you quit halfway! On the other hand, she might actually be happier being away if you're doing a really serious purge of useless stuff. When your cat grooms herself, she doesn't leave any part untreated. Follow her lead so that you can be sure that you clean out every nook and cranny inside your home to prevent any new build-up of bad chi.

Interesting beliefs

If a stray cat comes into the house, colored dark, a light stripe begins. He chooses a home that will protect him from dark forces and evil influences for the rest of his life.

The place where your pet likes to relax is a source of good energy. It is better suited for placing a children's bed than others.

The Serbs knew that the coloring of a dark cat resembles black soil - fertile, kind, useful land. A cat painted this way is a symbol of a good harvest. He was considered a talisman and was kept in many houses in villages to protect himself from hunger due to lack of food.

Superstitions say: if a girl gets a dark-colored cat, she will get a lot of male attention. This person is a success.

Negative interpretations

The Slavs believed: a darkly colored satellite meant the danger of lightning striking a home. It was believed that the pet attracted electricity. If a thunderstorm started, he was let out of the house in order to be safe.

The British believed that an animal painted in a dark color was the most capricious and capricious of all possible animals. They believed that it influenced the owners, re-educating them. People living under the same roof with him become irresponsible, unfaithful, and loving. Once you get such an animal, love affairs will appear in your life.

Modern superstitions

Modern superstitions about black cats are mostly related to the healing abilities of these animals. It is popularly believed that cats of a dark color have powerful energy, and therefore can treat their sick owners. To do this, pets themselves lie down in the right place and lie there for the necessary time for healing. Whether to believe in this or not is up to everyone to choose for themselves, but many owners of black cats claim that stories of healing with the help of a pet are the pure truth.

Many owners of black cats claim that their pets help not only with a common cold, but also with more serious diseases, such as joint pain, as well as with depression, severe mental conditions and even addictions. An animal is able to support its owner, transfer its energy to him, restore the balance of power, and lift his spirits.

Japan also has its own ideas about black cats: in this country, people consider such an unexpected situation when a black cat sneezes very favorable. You urgently need to tell him: “Be healthy,” and this will guarantee you a complete absence of toothache for life.

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