The meaning of the dragon in Feng Shui philosophy, the rules for using figurine and image of a mythical creature

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, the Dragon is a real symbol of prosperity. It brings good money to its owner and represents power, prosperity, generosity and wisdom. Chinese mythology says: "The dragon is a powerful animal." And although in many European legends it is simply a nightmare reptile of gigantic proportions, the Chinese worship it as a deity. The strong magical abilities of this character, combined with his powerful will, allow him to help solve problems for anyone in need.

The dragon, made in the form of a Feng Shui figurine, has a flexible body reminiscent of a snake's body. Its distinctive features are sharp spines on its back and four clawed paws. Most often, the reptile is presented with an open mouth and a pearl clutched in its front paw (in some cases, the paws are empty).

Despite the fact that the Chinese Feng Shui Dragon does not have wings, it flies beautifully, and this is not its only unique feature. The ears of this creature are very similar to those of a goat, the horns resemble those of a deer, the claws are similar to those of an eagle, and the scales are the same as those of a lizard. For dedicated people, the Dragon personifies nobility; for the vast majority, it is a fairy-tale character. For those who know him more than others, he is an amazing creature endowed with unique abilities.

Feng Shui symbol meaning

An ancient Chinese legend tells that one day the heavenly son Dragon descended to Earth in the guise of an emperor. He was supposed to protect people and make them rich and happy. This creature possessed Qi energy and brought happiness with its breath. Therefore, in China, the Dragon is still treated with respect and love - its image can be found in almost any Chinese home.

The talisman symbolizes security, rebirth and change. In modern eastern cities, fire-breathing dragons are often depicted on the walls of houses and institutions to attract wealth, as well as for protection from various kinds of evil spirits. This Feng Shui talisman protects businessmen from unscrupulous partners, it promotes career advancement, provides support in financial transactions and various endeavors.

The coloring of dragons is quite varied. In specialized shops selling Feng Shui souvenirs, you can buy figurines in green, gold, blue and red. Each shade symbolizes certain magical properties:

  • Green represents prosperity, luck and happiness;
  • Golden – prosperity;
  • Blue – financial power, power;
  • Red – passion, excitement, energy, luck.

The Feng Shui dragon is the patron saint of men, as it symbolizes the male Yang energy. In addition, he is the true personification of natural strength. The corresponding number “9” is a sign of good luck. The creature is also associated with stability and abundance.

Legend of the Dragon (Qing Long)

Qing Long is a mythological sacred creature in the East. According to legend, there are 9 dragons - heavenly creatures that fulfill people's aspirations. Dragon's breath is priceless cosmic energy, and the art of feng shui is to create and attract this energy. It is believed that the dragon that emerged from the waters of the river prompted the sage Fu Shi to discover many symbols.

In China, there is an annual dragon festival and carnival where people wearing dragon masks perform a dance to scare away evil spirits and attract success. The Chinese consider the dragon to be a symbol of their nation; the azure dragon is the protector of the East and a harbinger of good changes, a symbol of imperial power in China.

Which figurine should I choose?

Shops selling Feng Shui symbols offer several options for images of Chinese Dragons. Each talisman has its own strictly defined purpose. A curved Dragon with an open mouth, holding a pearl in its claws, is the most common version of the amulet. He is characterized by harmony and purposefulness, but he should not look at the wall, door or window opening. Therefore, install the figurine “facing” the room.

Sometimes a Phoenix is ​​depicted next to the Dragon. As a rule, these creatures look at each other, and a precious pearl lies between them. The dragon's mouth is open, and the bird's wings are spread. This composition, painted gold, is a symbol of family well-being. If such a talisman is in the office on the desktop, then it reliably protects its owner from slander, intrigue and lies.

There are figurines that, according to Feng Shui, depict the Dragon-Turtle. A flying snake sits on a mountain of coins, and on its back is a small turtle. Such an amulet can attract happiness and health for young children. It can be installed in a child's bedroom or playroom.

There are images of Feng Shui dragons with different numbers of fingers: it can have four or five. The five-fingered reptile has the most powerful energy; such a Dragon is called imperial.

For a home environment, the best option would be a four-fingered specimen. He will never bring an excess of energy to the family, but will become a reliable protector of the home.

Sometimes the image of a fabulous reptile decorates textiles and carpets. In interiors you can find carpets, pillows, bedspreads, curtains or screens with the Dragon on them. There are rules for using such things. For example, a panel with a Dragon should be hung on the wall. A carpet lying on the floor will not give him the opportunity to fly. There should not be such a talisman in your bedroom - the dragon can become a hindrance when you fall asleep, and then you will have disturbing, difficult dreams.

What feng shui masters will tell you about the dragon

The element of water has the ability to awaken the dragon and force it to produce a flow of invaluable Qi energy. Therefore, it is allowed to place dragon figurines near the aquarium and even in the kitchen next to the sink, because tap water is a symbol of clean water that enters your home. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the amulet should under no circumstances be located towards the toilet or in the bathroom. In an opposite situation, you risk quickly losing your financial well-being and luck. The southern part of the house, which represents the sector of fire, is also not suitable for this mystical creature

Please note that the ideal amulets would be an animal made of jade. But in general, the material of manufacture for the figurine does not play a big role, unlike the color. The most favorable colors will be green and blue.

Do not forget also that a dragon, which was brought into the house for the purpose of change, can attract both positive and negative changes. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from the wrath of this whimsical animal, you should control its hot character; this can be done by the Wise Turtle, the beautiful Phoenix and the eternal antagonist of the Dragon, the Tiger. With harmonious feng shui, the Dragon will always restrain the emotions of the Tiger and vice versa.

It is very important that the dragon is not too large, otherwise this creature will become dominant in your home and its energy will become very unpredictable. Instead of a dragon, we can use a plant, preferably one that is alive, but in principle we can also take an artificial one, most importantly, green. And if the plant is in the flowering phase, it is ideal that it has blue or blue flowers, but the use of holly or thorny plants is strictly prohibited.

Where to place the figurine

This talisman is incredibly powerful! Its incorrect location in the house will lead to the fact that the reptile will begin to manipulate you and put pressure on you. A similar effect can also be observed when the image of the Dragon is too large and occupies an unreasonably large area in the room.

Typically, Feng Shui figurines are placed in the eastern part of the living space. If this is not possible, then you need to at least ensure that the head of the mythological creature is facing east. Place your amulet to the left of the entrance, facing the room, and it will protect you from any negativity. People who have the Dragon in a prominent place in their living room will be gifted with wealth and health.

To attract financial success, the Feng Shui Dragon is located in the office or directly on the desktop in the southeastern part of the room. A figurine located in the northern part of the office promotes career advancement. To attract the patronage of powerful people, the talisman should be placed in the northwestern part of the office. To determine the desired direction of the world, use a regular compass!

Dragon tattoos: cool ideas for girls in photos

By the way, Angelina Jolie is one of the star owners of a tattoo with an ancient fire-breathing creature.

Increasingly, fans of tattoos prefer monochrome options. After all, in 2021, black and white tattoos have become a leading trend and are not going to lose ground.

And yet, the colorful and solid images of dragons on the female body look impressive.

How to activate the amulet

The dragon will be beneficial, regardless of what material it is made of. It can be copper, bronze, jade, porcelain, etc. The color of the wonderful creature can also be almost any. But in order for the talisman to start working in full force, you need to “open” its eyes.

For this purpose it is necessary to perform a special ritual. It is held from seven to nine o’clock in the morning (in Chinese mythology this is the “hour of the Dragon”). During this time period, apply two small black dots with a brush to the reptile's eyes. For this purpose, you can use any black paint, liquid ink, etc. When performing the ritual, it is important that the Dragon's gaze is turned to the east. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, awakening the Dragon activates Yang energy, which will bring good luck and prosperity to your home.

If you bought a painting or reproduction of a fairy-tale reptile whose eyes are already open, then you will need to use incense to activate the amulet. During the “dragon” hour, pass an incense stick over the creature’s eyes - this symbolizes its awakening.

Amulets with dragon symbols

Never wear a Dragon amulet near your heart - this will negatively affect your well-being. It would be better if it was a pendant on a short chain. A dragon on the neck is an excellent means of protection from enemies. In addition, such a pendant or brooch looks very attractive.

A pin with a Dragon pinned to the collar is a powerful talisman. Women should wear it on the right, and men on the left. This Feng Shui amulet reliably protects against any adversity and disease.

Wall art prints or posters of this mythological creature are used in office spaces. They are necessary for the successful creation of business plans, fresh ideas and a new life. If you hang such a talisman above your baby’s crib, then the child’s entire future life will pass in joy, love and prosperity.

Brief recommendations for placing a design on the body

  • According to tattoo artists, the back is the ideal “canvas” for applying a spectacular dragon tattoo. This part of the body allows you to experiment with style, scale and the overall concept of the drawing. The permanent picture will look great on the shoulder blade, lower back, shoulder or hip.
  • The neck area, wrist and ankle are considered not the best places to get dragon tattoos. True, now masters can offer girls a lot of non-trivial solutions. Therefore, even small images in these areas can look really cool, the main thing is to choose the right sketch.

From the point of view of semantic load, a sleeping dragon or a dragon spreading its wings is suitable for the fair sex. You can also apply a tattoo with a dragon in flight, the main thing is that the creature’s head is directed upward. But pictures of a mythical character with a grin or flying down can have a negative meaning.

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