Talismans of the unity of the material and spiritual world are ancient Chinese amulets. Rules for selection and use

Hi all. In this article we will talk about Feng Shui talismans. We will look at the most powerful in influencing and attracting wealth, love, luck and health.

Chinese Feng Shui talismans for the home have special energy, especially if they are in the right place and complement the interior. All these items are based on a legend. See what you can buy to attract good luck, health, wealth and love.

Famous Chinese amulets

Chinese amulets will protect you from evil forces.
The Chinese religion is characterized by many patrons who act as helpers during life’s troubles and protect against evil forces.

Talismans are found in every home and workplace. Residents of the country carry them with them as additional protection.


The most revered god in China is Buddha. In homes there is an image of him, which serves as a talisman for all occasions. These could be books, clothes, jewelry.

So, if he:

  • with children - helps couples in the birth of a long-awaited child;
  • with rosary - promotes spiritual growth;
  • with a scroll - attracts success in learning;
  • with a fan - repels deception and gossip.

Buddha is a talisman for all occasions.
In addition to the famous Buddha, we can highlight:

  • God of Longevity - protects against diseases;
  • Cao Vanya - guides you on the right path in life, protects you from conflict situations and troubles;
  • God of Luck - improves financial condition and brings abundance;
  • Hotteya - bestows happiness and wealth, fulfills any desire;
  • God of Prosperity - promotes procreation.


The Chinese strive for unity with nature, so they widely use talismans depicting animals.

Among them are:

  • Pixio (mythical lion with wings) - scares away evil forces;
  • the dog Fu (or the heavenly lions of Buddha) - prevents quarrels and family discord, fills the home with peace and goodness;
  • elephant - strengthens marriage bonds, helps to overcome trials and difficulties;
  • golden cat - transforms negative into positive;
  • tiger - fights evil, protects from night demons;
  • turtle - gives patience and self-confidence;
  • hedgehog - bestows wisdom, friendliness, a sense of security;
  • dolphin - protects the family from ill-wishers;
  • pig - attracts good luck in all areas of life.

The Chinese make talismans with animals.


Trees and plants occupy a special place in the life of the Chinese people. Therefore, Chinese houses are filled with amulets in the form of figurines, paintings and living plants.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  • bamboo - builds endurance, creates peace, trains mental abilities, protects against negativity;
  • grenade - protects from envious and evil people;
  • pumpkin - heals diseases;
  • sakura - attracts personal happiness and love;
  • makam - protect family ties, bring mutual understanding to relationships, and facilitate a quick search for the other half.

Bamboo protects against negativity.
Lotus and peony serve as excellent amulets for women.

Amulets preserve beauty and youth for many years, help to find a family and children, and also bring prosperity and well-being.

Other talismans

In China, red and yellow paper is believed to have magical powers. Therefore, residents of the country put religious texts and spells on strips that are glued to their entrance doors and walls. This scares away demons and brings success in all endeavors.

The magic of knots is a special attribute of good luck. Each type has its own shape and area of ​​protection. The most common is clover. It is presented in the form of a flower with a round middle and 6 looped petals around it. Chinese nodes are placed anywhere. Preference is given to red with yellow splashes.

Tattoos with Chinese symbols are popular. To apply them, use black paint. These talismans accompany a person throughout his life, and removing a tattoo is not a guarantee of getting rid of the influence of the signs.

There are other items to which the Chinese people trust their fate:

  • sword (made of coins, willow or peach tree) - symbolizes financial well-being, protects against evil spirits;
  • flute - blocks the path of negative energy and ill-wishers;
  • umbrella - puts your thoughts in order and gives you a good mood;
  • a vase with divine liquid - gives good health and long life;
  • a white shell twisted to the right - symbolizes bliss;
  • the banner of victory - helps to overcome crises;
  • Dharma wheel with 8 spokes - helps in learning the religion of Buddha.

The sword symbolizes financial well-being.

The meaning of the talisman.

This symbol has not one meaning, but several:

Wisdom. The turtle is naturally very slow. Therefore, we apply the principle “the slower you go, the further you go.” As for wisdom, in this case we do not mean slowness, but carefulness in making important decisions. There is no need to rush - everything goes as the Universe intended. You need to define a goal and slowly but surely move closer to achieving it, without committing rash acts.

Perseverance. The turtle represents hard work, which invariably leads it to its destination. Despite its slowness, the animal moves forward, not paying attention to obstacles.

Health, longevity. These animals are among the longest living on the planet. The measured flow of their lives, the absence of fuss and haste - this is what people should learn too. This behavior is the key to good health. A strong turtle shell symbolizes protection from damage.

Wealth. Turtles lay many eggs, which is why the Chinese considered them to be animals that represent wealth and prosperity. However, this symbol will not bring easy money. In order for money to appear in life, you will have to work hard and fruitfully.

Chinese characters as amulets

Symbols in Chinese have a powerful influence on a person’s life and destiny. Hieroglyphs contain a direct message and a secret meaning.


This hieroglyph improves any area of ​​life that the owner needs. The symbol helps in love affairs, career, financial condition.


This symbol means material and spiritual benefits, improves the financial situation and character of the owner, and creates a positive atmosphere around him.

The symbol of wealth means material and spiritual benefits.

It is better to choose a place for the inscription above the front door of the house. A figurine with a symbol can be kept in the workplace; it creates a favorable environment.


Such a hieroglyph fulfills cherished desires, brings fame and success in one’s career, and provides material wealth.

The role will take

In the culture of every nation, special attention is paid to the role of omens and predictions in a person’s fate, be they good or bad.

Trying to protect their health or well-being and protect themselves from life's adversities, people try to surround themselves with special objects that, according to various beliefs, can bring them good luck.

Many people try to avoid what could be a bad omen, so numbers, words or things can create an individual characteristic of "good" and "bad" omens.

All these signs find their purpose in the ancient practices of Feng Shui, which use talismans, amulets or Chinese amulets, which are widely used even today.

Criteria for choosing amulets

When choosing a talisman, you should study its meaning, evaluate your weaknesses and understand how this thing works. It is important to choose the right amulet, otherwise you can worsen the situation.

For home and family

You can bring mutual understanding and respect to your home and protect your family from adversity with the help of:

  1. Playing carp - an amulet for married couples. It embodies harmony in relationships, endurance and wisdom. Images of fish are often found on dishes and clothes.
  2. Chinese lanterns. The amulet is suitable for single and family people. It helps some people find a life partner, and others help them maintain and strengthen their marriage ties. Lanterns should be bright red and placed in the kitchen or living room.
  3. Butterflies and dragonflies. Talismans bring love, happiness and mutual understanding to the home.
  4. Flamingo is an amulet that makes a wish come true.
  5. Cranes are children's patrons from the evil eye and damage.
  6. Phoenix. The amulet helps to cope with a crisis in family relationships.
  7. Peacock. The talisman brings family harmony and happiness, and the eye depicted on the bird’s tail symbolizes wisdom.

Chinese lanterns are suitable for family people.

To attract money

Magical help for financial difficulties can be obtained from:

  1. Money tree (or crassula). It symbolizes wealth. The best option for a talisman is a self-grown plant. If a large tree has already appeared in the house, then for the desired result you need to put 3 coins in a bowl with earth.
  2. Toads with 3 legs and a coin in their mouth are a symbol of family wealth. The amphibian animal must stand on a stand made of money, and the coin must move freely.
  3. Bowls of jewels. She provides assistance in difficult issues and situations, and brings good luck in the financial sector. After each monetary reward, coins or jewelry must be placed in the bowl. The amulet must be made of gold, silver or copper. A prerequisite is the presence of a lid, which will help you save and not waste your money.
  4. 3 Chinese coins held together with red thread. They help you gain financial benefits. A suitable place to carry it is a wallet or purse. If there is only one coin, then it is allowed to wear the thread on the left wrist.

Financial assistance can be obtained from the money tree.

For good health

The Chinese differ from other nations in their life expectancy. This is facilitated not only by proper nutrition and a healthy image, but also by the use of amulets.

Great importance is given to:

  1. The heron is a symbol of longevity and positive life changes. The figure protects the family hearth, cleanses the house of negativity, and improves physical and mental well-being.
  2. Cranes - the personification of a calm life, harmony in relationships, good health.

For good luck

You can restore or increase luck in all areas thanks to:

  • Yin-Yang - catches luck even where you shouldn’t expect it;
  • to the ship - symbolizes prosperity and success;
  • peacock, fan, eagle, rooster - help to achieve fame and power in any area of ​​life.

Yin-Yang catches luck.

For a career

Help to realize yourself in the service and achieve growth in the business sphere:

  1. Dragon - promotes career advancement, helps make the right decisions in difficult situations, brings financial success, rewards with wisdom and good luck.
  2. Horse - creates the image of a prosperous and accomplished person, increases well-being, and leads to a quick career build.
  3. Goldfish scare away competitors and have a beneficial effect on business negotiations.

Custom Magic Items

Talismans and amulets are considered individual items, so when creating them you should also rely on your intuition. If you decide to make a love or money talisman, then try to imagine what you associate your desire with.

When making love talismans, you can use a heart, a rose petal, a candle, or even a small photo of your lover

It is important that you associate this particular item with your goal. The meaning of such an item will be purely individual. When making money talismans, Chinese coins are most often used

You can make a strong amulet from a piece of a high-denomination bill or a small coin, it all depends on your imagination. Animal and insect figures can also be used as amulets.

When making money talismans, Chinese coins are most often used. You can make a strong amulet from a piece of a high-denomination bill or a small coin, it all depends on your imagination. Animal and insect figures can also be used as amulets.

A small figurine of a horse will attract good luck, and a bee as a pendant around the neck will help you achieve success in your work. But even here, the animal that you choose should be pleasant to you and mean something specifically for you.

Wearing rules

Personal amulets should not be given to other people, even touched. It is better to wear them constantly and under clothes. Talismans in the form of jewelry can be placed on any part (neck, arm, finger), but always close to the body.

Personal amulets should not be allowed to be touched.

Family amulets, which are passed down from generation to generation, are considered the most powerful and effective.

It is forbidden to wear amulets of different directions at the same time.

Money talismans are placed in a wallet or purse. A talisman in the form of a picture or figurine must be periodically picked up for a while so as not to lose the energetic connection with it. You must believe that the amulet will protect and help in a difficult situation.


Before using the amulet for your own purposes, you need to clear it of extraneous energy and activate it.

There are 4 methods of cleansing:

  1. Hold the item under running water. At this time, think about how the negativity goes away.
  2. Place in the ground for a while. It is better to do this in the forest, but it can also be done in the black soil of a flower pot.
  3. Pass over the candle from left to right (3 times).
  4. Fumigate with the smoke of wormwood, juniper, St. John's wort, and saffron. It is allowed to open the window and leave the amulet on the windowsill.

The method of cleansing depends on the material of the amulet. Then the item can be placed under the pillow.

Uniqueness of signs

Inaccessibility and closeness for many years from various countries and peoples helped China create a truly unique system of symbols, which may indicate their traditionality and uniqueness.

Thanks to this, there is no country or people in the world that could compete with China in symbolism, since it can now rightfully be considered the country’s national treasure.

There are opinions that many other peoples turned to Chinese symbolism as the basis of their magical rituals, philosophies and customs.

Symbols have enormous power, and those who have not neglected Chinese amulets and talismans can confirm this. There are different categories of symbols: some of them generate various kinds of energy, which can attract any situations and events like a magnet.

Where to place it in the house

The result of its actions depends on the location of the talisman in the house, so you need to pay special attention to this point.

Children's talismans are placed in the child's room. These can be amulets with the image of a tiger, hieroglyphs or symbols of knowledge. Charms for married couples are placed in the bedroom, closer to the bed. But it is forbidden to store eagle or rooster figurines there.

The toad with the coin and the ship should be located near the front door, facing the center of the room.

It is recommended to store money talismans in the south-eastern part of the apartment, and the north side is intended for amulets related to work and additional income. The East is good health and self-realization, the West is creativity.

To improve your health

Many residents of the Middle Kingdom are real long-livers. This is influenced by the Chinese lifestyle and internal harmony. But we should not underestimate the impact of magical helpers that can improve health:

  • Heron. The bird has the meaning of longevity. The Chinese see it as a symbol of positive change. A heron figurine improves spiritual and physical health.
  • Bamboo. This hardy plant can protect your home from evil spirits. The Chinese believe that bamboo will improve the health of households.
  • Cranes. The people of China have long revered these magnificent birds. The image of a crane can be found almost everywhere. This is a symbol of health and longevity. The talisman must be paired, otherwise it will not have any effect.

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