Symbolic language to attract money. Signs of runes and gods  

Recently, in a sincere conversation in the kitchen over a cup of tea, a neighbor admitted to me:

I've been making ends meet for years now... Money is slipping through my fingers.

I look at others and envy them, because they have renovated their apartment, bought a new car, and fly on vacation 3-4 times a year...”

If you are also wondering why you get money through sweat and blood, while it seems to stick to others, this article is for you!

Get a step-by-step system for attracting money based on the universal laws Get a step-by-step system for attracting money based on the universal laws of attraction!

You will learn how to program yourself to wealth and increase your income with the power of thought >>>

And in this article I will share with you one not very common, but very effective way to attract money. This is the most ancient method, which is used along with meditative techniques.

Can you guess what we're talking about?

Let's talk about the language of symbols of wealth and prosperity.

The symbol of money is an energetic key that opens the door behind which material wealth is hidden. Our ancestors used these keys. They passed on knowledge from generation to generation and literally imprinted magical symbols in the collective memory, which we will talk about later.

Every person on earth, raised in society, in one way or another uses the language of symbols to attract material wealth. However, most often this happens at the level of cultural traditions and superstitions.

Figurines of eastern gods, coins, talismans, money frogs and other symbols can be found in almost every home. But money symbols are often used incorrectly. Therefore they don't work.

How to learn to understand the language of symbols and make magical signs attract real wealth?

Andrey Levshinov talks about this in detail in his work “Book for Multiplying Money.”

Who is Andrey Levshinov

Andrey Levshinov is a Doctor of Psychological and Philosophical Sciences, laureate of the National Greatness Prize, author of numerous works on psychology, yoga, oriental medicine, healthy lifestyle and transformation of consciousness.

He spent 8 years traveling, immersing himself in Eastern culture. He studied Buddhist psychopractices from great masters, studied yoga practices, and practiced karate and other martial arts.

Levshinov “packed” the accumulated knowledge into a system of spiritual and physical development understandable to the Russian reader. The system teaches that the laws of the Universe and meditative practices are the key to health, love, success and wealth.

Pentacle of Solomon

The Pentacle of Solomon is the strongest amulet that attracts wealth. Symbol of power and wealth. It is made exclusively from clay or metal. For maximum manifestation of strength, it is located near the heart.

Brings success in business, helps improve financial situation, increase wealth. It is a talisman against groundless risks and unpromising investments.

The Star of Solomon should be periodically fumigated with incense and kept under running water, washing away negative energy from it.

The talisman has powerful energy that not everyone can handle. This amulet is contraindicated for people with unstable psyches.

The energy of money: three laws of the Universe that you need to know and follow

What is money in its essence?

Everything we see around us - people, animals, plants, stones, rivers, clouds - is nothing more than material manifestations of energy. And money is no exception, it is a type of universal qi energy; coins, bills, jewelry are its visible embodiment.

Money is energy. Clean and neutral. It acquires color only when we begin to use it.

While the rich get richer, the poor get poorer...

Considering money to be something evil and bad, and the desire for it to be low, a person turns the energy of money into a negative direction, thereby bringing adversity upon himself. An imbalance of energy leads to the destruction of well-being, health and other areas of life.

Money can denigrate the soul of a person who has put it above all else in the world and seeks it at any cost. But they can also enrich it, help to do good, reveal and realize their abilities, make the world around them better.

Therefore, before you begin to study the language of symbols to attract wealth, it is important to know the laws of the Universe that govern the energy of money.

Law 1. “The energy of money is obedient to attention”

What kind of energy (abundance or need) you charge your life depends on your thoughts, focus and concentration.

Money loves attention. There is no need to be shy or afraid of them. Dream, think about wealth as often as possible. Focus on the energy of money, open your heart to abundance.

It is the wrong attitude towards money that gives rise to greed, theft, poverty and poverty, full of problems, a joyless existence.

Law 2. “Any message invariably comes back”

Like attracts like. Love attracts love. Hatred attracts anger and enmity. And the fear of big money attracts poverty. This is how the Universe protects a person from unnecessary worries. No money - no fears.

But when you are open to money, focused on its energy, then your state, like a magnet, attracts abundance in response. To attract money into your life, you need to pay attention to money energy on yourself.

On the subject: How to become rich and get rid of money blocks

Law 3. “You must give (money) in joy in order to receive in joy”

The energy of joy attracts the energy of money.

Therefore, when repaying a debt, paying a loan or utilities, mentally focus on the fact that the money given now will soon return to you in much larger quantities. Share the energy of money without regret.

This is one of the most difficult laws of the Universe to implement. After all, as they say about debt: “You take someone else’s for a short time, but return your own.” And I really don’t want to give away my hard-earned money.

But it is precisely this law that is the path to understanding the management of the energy of money.

Through giving, we deepen our experience of managing the energy of money. Joyful thoughts travel faster than gloomy, despondent ones.


Maneki-neko is an ancient Japanese talisman for attracting good luck and money, also known as the "Luck Cat", "Luck Cat" or "Money Cat". This sculpture, widespread in the east, mainly in Japan and China, is made of porcelain, paper and wood, depicting a fat cat with its paw raised in an inviting gesture, which lures money, luck and happiness to its owner. Figurines of “Lucky Cats” are usually displayed in a prominent place: in shop windows or at the entrance to a store, temple or office. For a long time it was believed that a cat washes its face in anticipation of the rain. Researchers suggest that the prototype for Maneki-Neko was a Japanese proverb from the 9th century: “if a cat washes its face and ears, it will rain.” In the rain there may be unexpected visitors. This is probably where the superstition arose that if a cat washes itself, expect guests. The color of the Money Cat will depend on what you want to attract into your home. Thus, white Maneki-neko symbolizes luck and good fortune. Black - prevents misfortune and protects from evil. The color gold is good luck in money matters and business prosperity. Pink - attracts love, brings wedding closer and improves relationships. A cat with closed eyes lures “near wealth”, with open eyes - “distant wealth”.

Language of symbols. How do wealth symbols work?

There are many cultures around the world, each with their own symbols of abundance.

The symbol of money is a sign whose semantic code is inscribed in the genetic memory of the people. You may not even believe in its power or know of its existence. But the collective subconscious (the memory of tens and hundreds of generations) has already imprinted the codes of these signs into the subcortex of your brain.

Symbols have phenomenal power. They are able to accumulate and release energy.

By using this or that symbol of wealth, you tune in to receive the energy of money. Like a golden key, it opens the door to a hiding place where your inexhaustible energy resources are hidden.

And here you may think: I have a figurine of Hotei at home.
There is also a frog on coins and a huge money tree. There are many different talismans and amulets. In short, there are a lot of symbols, but zero effect.
Why? On the subject: Money amulet: how to attract wealth and prosperity

You need to understand that methods of attracting wealth are designed for a certain circle of people involved in the culture in which these methods were born.

It's the same with symbols. The language of symbols is an imprint of a particular culture, a reservoir of collective experience. And if you have nothing in common with the culture of China, then even if you decorate your whole house with Feng Shui symbols, it still won’t make you any more money.

For a money symbol from another culture to work, you need to be imbued with the spirit of the people who created this sign. And for this you need to go to another country, live and experience its culture, study history and traditions, and learn from experience.

Another thing is the Slavic symbols of abundance. They are the ones imprinted in our subconscious and should work by default, says Andrey Levshinov.

Slavic symbols of wealth are runes and signs of the ancient gods. These symbols are written in the energy information field of hundreds of generations of Slavs. And you have a family connection with them.

But no amount of runes, spells or meditations will help if you don’t get rid of it >>>

Important Notes

To summarize, I would like to say that a well-being amulet is a mystical assistant tool that helps:

  • get rid of debts;
  • protect yourself from fraud, deception and theft of funds;
  • set up a business or build a career;
  • see new opportunities for making money;
  • rebuild consciousness towards prosperity;
  • prevent financial losses.

And, despite the lack of a scientific explanation, for many centuries amulets have attracted good luck, health and prosperity to their owners. Moreover, the latter should not only sincerely believe in the power of the magical artifact, but also make great efforts themselves to obtain material benefits. Because only if there is a close tandem of “man-mascot” is it possible to quickly achieve the desired financial wealth.

Learning to understand the language of symbols: interpretation of runes to attract wealth

Runes are essentially signs of the ancient alphabet. There are many myths and legends associated with them. The runic writing system was used by the peoples of northern Europe and the ancient Slavs.

Runes have strong energy; they are able to influence the inner and outer world of a person. The energy of the rune acts in accordance with your goals. With their help you can attract love, achieve success, solve a problem, etc.

To create a talisman rune for yourself, you can draw it on an object made of natural material (wood, paper, clay, stone).

The following runes will help you in attracting wealth:


Denotes wealth and prosperity in all its manifestations. Money, gold, property.

Fehu helps people get out of poverty and get back on their feet. Promotes the acquisition of material wealth. Protects against mistakes associated with the material world.


Meaning: transformation, breakthrough, beginning of the day (new life).

This rune helps to achieve a long-awaited breakthrough in business. Marks a time of success and prosperity.


Denotes secret, hidden information, return of lost things.

Perto helps to discover sources of unexpected profit, as well as an unexpected return of lost material wealth (money, things, etc.).


Meaning: victory, power, triumph.

A powerful rune, which is a symbol of upcoming victory and success in business. Helps successfully complete projects and resolve difficult situations.


Meaning: property, acquisition, inheritance.

This rune is used to “build up” property and create a family heritage. Helps attract unexpected money and material benefits.

Practice with runes

Choose a few runes that suit your goals. Take a piece of paper and draw a rune, focusing on your desire. It is better to draw with a green or red felt-tip pen, says Andrei Levshinov, since these colors attract the energy of money.

Draw the rune, carefully drawing out each line, putting maximum attention, desire and inner strength into it.

Every time before going to bed, look at the image of the rune for a few minutes and fall into a dream. Then hide the paper under your pillow and hold the image of the goal in your head until you fall asleep.

Where is the wealth zone in the house?

An ancient teaching says: in order to attract love into the house, you should start arranging the southwestern part of the house, and to advance up the career ladder - its northern part.

Such a vital sector as wealth and material well-being is located in the southeastern part of the house, where the element of wood rules. This sector can be activated using colors and materials that match the ruling element, as well as other decorations that symbolize wealth.

For the interior, you can use any wooden elements and furniture in shades associated with wood - woody, green, and blue-blue colors are also allowed, relating to the element of water that nourishes wood.

Additionally, you can use photo wallpapers, paintings or photographs that display seething energy, growth, movement, for example, depicting a waterfall, stream, reeds, forest grove. Representatives of the woody element – ​​indoor plants – should also be placed in this part of the interior. Crassula or money tree, ficus, lemon bush, palm trees are preferred.

Symbols of Slavic gods are the key to abundance and wealth

The ancient Russians believed in the power of generous gods, who protected the well-being of their children (Slavs) and showered them with gifts.


- the god of light and all blessings, both material and spiritual. This is the “wealth-giving” god and it was to him that our ancestors always turned with requests for material help. And even now, when turning to higher powers, people often say: “God willing,” unconsciously turning their request to the ancient patron of the Russians.


- brother of Dazhdbog, master of three worlds, giver of good luck and wealth, god of the family economy, patron of merchants and sages.

Veles and Dazhdbog are the favorites of the Slavic peoples. Therefore they

symbols have accumulated the energy of generations for dozens of centuries.

Our ancestors “prayed” these signs, like icons in churches, due to which they have powerful power.

Work with the symbols of the gods in the same way as with runes. You need to focus on your desires related to money.

It's better to focus on the end result. For example, if you need money for a car, then imagine yourself driving this car. Then select the symbol of Veles or Dazhdbog.

Draw an image of a symbol on a piece of paper, putting the power of a dream into the drawing. And look at the symbol every time before going to bed, mentally making a request to God.

It is important to understand that the runes and symbols themselves are just drawings. The energy you put into their image can “revive” them.

You can also use the language of symbols (signs of runes and gods) to enhance meditations, affirmations and other practices. With each exercise, the energy of the symbols will grow, and along with it your “money magnetism” will increase.

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Also, as in many Mediterranean countries, in Spain, where winemaking was the most ancient occupation, the grapevine is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. In addition, in Portugal it is a symbol of good health and family warmth. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the Portuguese pay tribute to grapes on New Year's Day. It is believed that by eating a grape at the chime of the New Year's clock, they will fulfill their wishes. That is, each stroke of the clock is accompanied by the eating of one grape. At the same time, every resident of Portugal and Spain makes one wish. As a result, during the 12 strokes of the New Year's clock, everyone can make 12 of their most cherished wishes.

Language of Symbols. 3 conditions for raising money

For proper circulation of money energy, it is important that your energy channels are tuned to it.

But negative attitudes regarding money block energy channels and do not allow cash flows to fill your life.

Do you think money is evil? That rich people are liars and criminals? Or are you sure that money should come only through pain and calluses?

Such attitudes block the flow of energy of abundance.

Imagine that your life is a safe and you have a lot of cash in your hands. You open the door, and everything is filled with rubbish: trinkets, old newspapers with headlines about the crisis, boxes of matches and a bag of buckwheat “for a rainy day,” a handful of Soviet coins. The safe is full, but there is no room left for money.

Junk is your negative attitudes. By getting rid of them, you will gradually make room in your life for the energy of money.

On the subject: Negative attitudes: how to identify everything at once and remove it forever?

Therefore, the first condition for attracting money
is to get rid of incorrect attitudes.
The 2nd condition
is to adjust the body at the energy level
in order to become a magnet for material wealth.

Yoga asanas are also symbols that we create using a certain position of the body in space. Each asana cleanses and strengthens one or another chakra, opens the body to accept various energies, etc.

Andrey Levshinov explains exactly how to work with energy channels and chakras in his work “Book for Multiplying Money,” as well as in books on the topic of yoga.

The 3rd condition is to believe.

Skepticism and negative thinking block the mind, preventing it from opening to new experiences.

This way you protect yourself from encountering the wonders of the Universe. Faith is the key to all energies of the Universe.

Arrangement of the workplace

Attracting money according to Feng Shui should be accompanied by proper arrangement of the workplace.

When organizing your workspace, you should follow these tips:

  1. You should leave as much space as possible between the back of the table and the wall. This distance will symbolize the prospects for the owner of the workplace.
  2. The table cannot be placed under ceiling supports. A place will be considered unfavorable if it is located on the same level as a door or window, since ideas and profits will flow into the openings.
  3. Do not place the table in such a way that a person sits with his back to the door or corner. A good option is to place it behind a cabinet or a smooth wall.
  4. For lighting it is better to use a table lamp.
  5. The table must not be positioned so that there is a mirror in sight.

It is better to purchase a work chair with armrests.


When designing a space at work, special attention should be paid to plants. The boss’s office should be decorated with a pot of Crassula arborescens. Ever-flowering begonia is suitable for these purposes. A tub with a young tree with rounded leaves will bring financial well-being to employees. Cacti should be avoided.

It’s worth giving up not only cactus! Find out the details in this article: Auspicious indoor plants according to Feng Shui.

Crescent asparagus, Montezuma pine, dracaena, pachira or bamboo - these plants bring prosperity to both the home and the office.


Feng Shui money talismans not only activate cash flows, but also decorate the room. The strongest symbol of wealth is the image of Hotei. This is a figurine of a fat little Chinese man who carries a bag of money over his shoulders and holds coins and peaches in his hands.

Another image that can be used to decorate, for example, a table is Daikoku - the god who guards monetary wealth. You can enhance the energy of the god with the help of the Tai fish.

3 Chinese coins with the image of hieroglyphs will bring material wealth to the one who puts them under the rug, hangs them on the southwest wall, or simply puts them in their wallet. If you tie the talisman with a red thread or a yellow ribbon, its effectiveness will increase. However, adding coins is not recommended, since each number in the teachings of Feng Shui is symbolic. So, for example, 4 brings death. And if you add even 1 coin, you can lose your existing savings.

You can place an owl near the money tree, which symbolizes stability. According to Chinese beliefs, this bird will help avoid losses.

In the depths of the house you can place a three-legged toad with coins in its mouth. The frog can be any size, but should always be placed away from door or window openings.

Rat or fish figurines placed in the wealth sector also bring good luck in financial matters.

You can attract quick, easy money into your life using images of citrus fruits or their dummies.

To store money, you can use a money envelope decorated with a Chinese character meaning prosperity.

An important talisman in attracting money is the vase of wealth according to Feng Shui. A small wooden or porcelain pot with a lid should be filled with soil and money and hidden away from prying eyes. The power of energy that a person gave by choosing this item and filling it will attract cash flow.

Money napkins and mats activate the energy of wealth.

Money mat

A special rug, placed on the desktop or attached to the wall in the form of a panel, attracts cash flow. It will be better if the color of the talisman is red, brown or yellow. It should depict a hieroglyph with the meaning of wealth. You can put 3 coins worth 5 rubles under the mat, and they should be placed with the heads facing up.

This item should only be used as a symbol. You should not treat the money mat with disdain, place dishes on it, or throw it in different places. It is better to place it in the same southeastern sector, and only talismans that activate financial well-being are allowed to be placed on top.

If you get into the habit of counting your savings on a money mat, this will add positive energy to the money mat.

Bonus: Andrey Levshinov’s practice “How to become a magnet for money”

Pick up an item that is associated with wealth, for example, a high-denomination bill, a gold ring, a bank card (your own symbol of money).

Focus mentally on this object, and then imagine that your biofield is opening up like a wallet. It gradually pulls the object into itself.

You and this attribute of wealth are now one. There is a powerful connection between you.

Now imagine an object inside your biofield. He is shrouded in a golden glow. Take a deep breath and imagine that you are drawing in this golden glow and it is accumulating in the area between your eyebrows. Now, along with your exhalation, lower this clot of light to the center of your chest. Visualize the golden energy of money accumulating in your chest.

Breathe steadily, focusing on the energy in your chest for a few more minutes until you feel a slight tingling, coolness, or “blowing” in the area.

Repeat as often as possible. This exercise will allow you to better understand the language of symbols and open the energy of money into your life.

What items do you use to attract money into your life? Do you believe in symbolic language?

Birch bark

The ancient Slavs considered birch a tree endowed with magical properties and made various amulets from its bark. Spring birch bark has a special power that attracts well-deserved cash flows and protects against financial misfortunes.

Approaching the birch tree, ask for forgiveness and place bread or a coin under its roots. Then, with your non-working hand, tear off a piece of bark and say: “I took it as ordered.” For good, not for evil." At home, the talisman should be placed where the money is kept.

A natural amulet will not cast untold wealth at your feet, but will help you earn money, repay debts and solve similar financial problems.

Feng Shui talismans and their meaning: plants

  1. Lotus is a symbol of purity, tranquility and creativity. The lotus makes the water in the swamp clear, which means it will bring you good luck.
  2. Bamboo is a symbol of confidence, resilience and invincibility. A bamboo flute or recorder tied with a red ribbon is perfect for hanging on the ceiling.
  3. Peonies. They are quite often depicted in engravings as a symbol of true love. Peonies are also often present in wedding dresses.
  4. Peach is a symbol of immortality.
  5. Pomegranates and cucumbers are a symbol of having many children, as well as any dried fruit.
  6. Tangerines are a symbol of good luck, longevity and prosperity for the whole family and a successful marriage.
  7. Aichreson is the tree of love.
  8. Anthurium - male happiness and spaciphylum - female happiness will be symbols of family well-being for you.
  9. Mac - will help you understand people, show you the right path and unravel the most difficult relationships

Feng Shui talismans: symbols of health

  1. Scroll with a symbol of longevity.
  2. Gourd pumpkin - brings wealth and bestows health.


The legendary fish, dragon fish or Aravana is a fish with the beauty, amazing plasticity of movements and elegance of a real Asian Dragon. She is a direct descendant of dinosaurs that went extinct billions of years ago. An entire culture is associated with it. In Asia, for example in Taiwan or Singapore, these fish represent abundance, the dragon brings wealth and prosperity, and the golden dragon is the energy center of the home. And Aravana, which combines two symbols of wealth at once - a fish and a dragon, means a double blessing for wealth. Contents Aravan is an honorable tradition for very rich and influential families, as they believe that the dragon fish helps their business prosper and provide a constant large income. And the larger the Aravan, the more prosperous its owner will become. Not everyone can afford such luxury, and it takes many years of life - the price of elite individuals can be simply fabulous. Adults, for example, elite “red Asian dragons” can cost from $100 thousand.

Fourth group - Monetary protection of human and home energy

Special secret symbols leading to wealth for the Slavs in this group are:

  • The Star of David is two equilateral triangles that intersect at three points);
  • Cross;
  • Thistle;
  • Large umbrella;
  • St. George the Victorious;
  • Sword.

These items, which bring success according to Feng Shui, can provide protection for already accumulated funds. Protection will be provided not only from the evil eye and bad people from outside, but also from influences inside the house. For example, if the owner is a spender, he will be able to stop and be more thrifty.

rich bowl

There is an opinion that you can attract material well-being by installing a cup of wealth in your home. This bowl is one of the main money amulets of the Feng Shui system. It is believed that it contains great magical power that can bring what a person needs so much.

These bowls are made from natural metals. But, in principle, you can use a ceramic bowl or crystal vase. The main part should be round and the neck elongated. This form implies that money is easy to come in and money is difficult to leave. If you believe in folk superstitions, then this monetary symbol had a slightly different purpose. The gods kept their divine drinks in such a bowl.

The bowl should be filled with Chinese coins and threaded on a red thread. It is the red color that helps attract wealth. You also need to put the money of your country in the vessel (this can be 9 different coins or 9 different bills). Banknotes must be separated from coins. It is better to put them in 2 red bags.

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