“Double happiness”: a mystical knot in Feng Shui, where to place it, how to make it yourself

The mystical knot is one of the most powerful tools for finding good luck, success in any endeavor, prosperity and happiness. The knot consists of repeatedly repeated eights (i.e., many beneficial infinity symbols), multiplied and intertwined. And in the period from 2015 to 2024. this extraordinary knot will work for the benefit of a person, unusually powerfully attracting good luck and success in everything. And wearing the image of a mystical knot also protects its owner from any negative influences and troubles. In the east, there are different names for this knot, for example: the knot of happiness, the knot of luck, the knot of success, the knot of infinity... But it doesn’t matter what you call this knot, the main thing is to use this beneficial knot. Being in your home, the mystical node harmonizes space, attracts positive Qi energy, and neutralizes the aggressive effects of corners and other negative objects. The Mystic Node can be placed anywhere, depending on what you want to attract. You can place it in your apartment, in the desired sector, you can wear it on yourself, like a pendant or bracelet, in a bag or purse, but that’s later, but first we’ll look at what Mystical Knots are.

Types of Magic Knots and additions to them.

There are different types of Magic Knots. There are simple, complex and even double ones. These talismans are available for sale, consisting of one knot, usually ending with a tassel; they can be made of two or three knots. There are also more complex amulets in stores, with all kinds of pendants and additions, here is a description of some of them. Basically, the cord from which the Mystic Knot is made is red; there may be inclusions of other colors (for example: pink, yellow, orange, crimson, lilac...), but the main color is red. Amulet for a car (amulet) - can consist of a Mystical knot, on top of the knot there is a loop (to make it convenient to hang in the car) and at the bottom of the knot, first a bead (mostly gold color) ends with a tassel. It’s even better if between the tassel and the knot itself there is a medallion (mostly made of golden-colored metal with a pattern printed on it), for example: a silhouette of a car, an auspicious Chinese character: “Happiness,” “Safety,” “Health.” And of course, you can buy a talisman for your car, like a small figurine of a horse (preferably galloping and pointing upward), i.e. in combination with a mystical knot, it (the horse) will not only protect the driver and passengers, but will also lead its owner to good luck, success, happiness, wealth... Talisman for the home (amulet, amulet, talisman) - if you want to attract prosperity and wealth in your home, hang a Magic Knot in it, consisting of a loop, a bead, a knot, a medallion with a pattern of auspicious hieroglyph Wealth, Money, Abundance printed on it; if happiness and love - the hieroglyph Happiness, Love, Kindness; if your goal is health, then the hieroglyph is Health. Also, if your goal is to expand your living space or buy a house, then instead of a medallion there may be a small figurine of a house or a key. The following can also be attached to the knot: coins (Chinese, with a square hole in the middle), several Chinese coins tied with a red thread (three or more fastened in a column, 9 coins in a circle, one in the middle, eight around). And also here are a few more additions to the mystical knot for different desires and purposes: an image of a Phoenix or Dragon; figurine of Money Toad, Hottei, Kitty (Moneko), fish, (arrowana), turtle, etc. Any such talisman ends with a tassel. Talisman for the office, work, business (amulet, amulet) - at work it would be nice to have a talisman with a mystical knot, supplemented with the following elements: a figurine of Ganesha (for good luck in business, for successful negotiations), a figurine of Hottei, coins, bells, gold bars ( to increase wages, increase income), a figurine of an elephant (with its trunk raised up - for development, for example, business; with its trunk down - for protection), images of Chinese characters “Career”, “Business success”. Talisman for wearing on oneself (amulet, amulet, talisman) - Talisman-decorations (images of the Mystical Knot) that can be worn on oneself in a great variety: pendants and earrings, bracelets and rings, rings and hairpins, cuffs and pendants. But the main thing is to decide what you want, your goals and preferences will help you choose the right talisman and, most importantly, its location.

The history of the appearance of the Tibetan knot

There are 3 legends that explain how this knot of luck came into being. The first claims that this item was a gift to a sage from the Shakya family. Moreover, he was the eighth element. The remaining 7 are goldfish, a vessel with jewelry, a conch shell, a lotus, an umbrella, a wheel and a victory banner. According to the second legend, this gift was presented to Buddha. It was made by the god Ganesha. It is believed that the decoration was meant to be the decoration of the Buddha's heart.

There is also a radically different opinion. Some believe that this is a modified Egyptian symbol that was transferred to India. That is, this is kundalini, which is 2 intertwined snakes biting their own tail.

Manufacturing scheme

The most effective and energetically charged is the Tibetan knot, made by yourself. In this case, you can independently unravel and braid it again on one side or the other to release energy. In addition, making it yourself allows you to make it for love, business or health.

You need to follow the instructions:

  1. Take a long red ribbon about 3 m long.
  2. Make serpentine loops on the plane.
  3. After this, pass the right end of the tape over the loops according to the 1-3-1-3 principle.
  4. Now you need to work with the left end of the tape, which must be threaded under the loops, following the 2-1-3-1-1 principle.
  5. At the end of the loop you need to align and tighten.

Symbolism of the Tibetan knot

The Tibetan knot can help clearly formulate desires and attract good luck. But for every action there will definitely be a reaction, since this symbol is identified with justice and karma.

This talisman connects everything with each other: material and immaterial, living and inanimate. If you pull the thread on one side and tighten the knot on the other, events will be attracted to the owner. If you do something for others, then others will do the same in return.

The knot requires self-confidence; this is the only way it can recharge its owner’s energy and attract good luck.

Where and how to place the Mystic Node

First, decide what you want, what goals, desires, dreams you want to fulfill first. If you don’t yet know what you want, then you can hang the Mystic Knot anywhere, the talisman will simply harmonize the space. Well, if you know what you want, then hang talismans depending on your desires. And additions to the mystical knot can be made of different materials, for example: metal or stone, plastic or glass. If your desire is money, wealth, increasing your standard of living, then the sector: Wealth, Helpers, Glory, Career and Wisdom. But here are the elements in addition to the Mystical Knot that these sectors should have: a Chinese coin or 9 coins, figures of a Money Toad, Hottei, a gold bar, hieroglyphs of “Glory”, “Money”, “Wealth”, “Abundance”, etc. Yours the desire to succeed at work, in business, creativity, or you want to become famous, hang the Mystic Knot in these sectors of Career, Fame, Assistants and of course Wealth. Additions to the mystical knot: figures of a galloping horse (preferably upward), Hottei, Ganesha, Dragon or Phoenix, 9 or 8 Chinese coins connected to each other, hieroglyphs “Career”, “Glory”, “Prosperity”, “Business”. If your desire is: to find your love, start a family, have children, improve your health, the sectors you need are “Love and Marriage”, “Family”, “Children”, Helpers” and “Health”. Additions to the mystical knot in these sectors: figurines of a pair of mandarin ducks, hearts, a pair of doves or cranes, a phoenix bird or the goddess Lakshmi. And naturally, when you stir your beneficial Mystic Knot, be sure to think about your desire or dream. But the main thing is to awaken your creativity, be bolder, fantasize and perhaps make a wonderful talisman of good luck, happiness, abundance with your own hands, but more on that a little later.

Main rules of weaving

For the ritual to work, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. For a positive attitude, tie knots during the waxing moon. To get rid of negativity, the decreasing phase is suitable.
  2. Weave amulets in nature, near energetically strong places, such as a church or temple. If you make an amulet at home, you need to put things in order so as not to interfere with the flow of energy.
  3. Do not weave amulets in a bad mood, because... they will bring negativity into life. Obsessive thoughts should not distract you from your studies.
  4. Use natural and durable materials so that the knot does not become deformed later.

The color of the thread also matters: pink for love, green for money, red symbolizes love and protection.

How to make your own Mystic Knot.

Of course, you can buy a Mystical Knot in a store, but it is better, of course, to make the knot yourself, it will work even better and attract beneficial energies. The thickness of the cord should depend on the size of the knot. Usually the cord is chosen in red (beneficial, active) color. And so, take the red cord, make a loop in the middle (to make it convenient to hang your talisman in the chosen place.) Then make a regular knot and thread the bead through both ends of the cord. Next, knit one of the types of the Mystical Knot. Next, attach (sew, tie) the desired figurine, hieroglyph, miniature figurine, netsuke, coin (or several coins connected to each other). Next, you can attach another bead and complete your talisman with a tassel. That's all, your talisman of abundance of good luck is ready, hang it in the chosen place and be happy! And here are several schemes according to which you can make (link) your beneficial Mystical knot.

Common options

In modern Chinese culture, there are several hundred patterns that have a certain meaning and are a symbol of a certain energy. A few of the most common nodes:

  1. Swastika, or the pattern of true love and virtue. Outwardly it resembles the symbol of the Buddhist sun and brings prosperity to the home of its owner.
  2. Good luck. Common Chinese weaving. Most of the patterns in the shops are simply called lucky knots due to their Chinese origin.
  3. Six petal flower. A symbol of complete well-being.
  4. Josephine, or money coin. A symbol for those who dream of becoming rich.
  5. Mystical. In translation, the name of this node means infinity. Those who find it difficult to cope with this pattern try its elongated variation.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

Before you start weaving your talisman, it is recommended to carefully study the technique so that the work brings pleasure and brings good luck.

What does the hieroglyph for “double happiness” mean?

The character "double happiness" represents the word "happiness" written twice in Chinese. It means double luck for the person who uses it correctly. The sign has powerful energy and contributes to the appearance of money in the family and good luck in business.

The hieroglyph can attract luck not only for one person, but also for several people connected by one goal, so it is often used to attract good luck in business.

Correct placement of the hieroglyph in your apartment

The hieroglyph “double happiness” can be used to fulfill desires in various areas of life. In order for it to work correctly, it must be placed in special places:

  • to conceive a child and increase sexual activity, place the talisman on a sleeping place or in close proximity to it,
  • for good luck in business and business, hang this symbol in your office, preferably in its northern part,
  • to attract new partners, sponsors, and meet the right people, hang a sign in your workplace (office, study) in its northwestern part,
  • for financial well-being, good luck in money matters, carry the hieroglyph in your wallet or inner pocket of your outerwear,
  • for greater understanding between spouses, harmony in the family, hang a sign above the bed

Money Tree Node

How to tie a Chinese Money Tree Knot, which will help attract money from a variety of sources? This symbol is woven from a single rope. First you need to tie the base knot. Next, the ends of the thread are crossed. The end that is at the bottom of the knot will go on top of the other. Now we need to move on to knitting. The end of the rope is threaded into the left loop from the bottom up and brought out again down. Another loop is placed under the previous “eye”. The end of the rope is brought up. Next, the left knot made is stitched, and the tail of the thread goes under the central knot, that is, exactly where the tree trunk will be. Then the knot must be turned from left to right. The part that was previously below will be at the top. Now you need to repeat all the above steps again, only on the other side. Now the node for attracting money is ready. It will enable the owner to find money in the most unusual places and help in running a successful business.

Meaning in Buddhism

The Tibetan Infinity Knot signifies the attainment of Immeasurable Virtues and the Five Kinds of Primordial Wisdom.

Also, one of its root meanings is “twelve interdependent causes of samsara:

  1. Ignorance of one’s true nature and the root nature of the surrounding world, ignorance of the four noble truths and self-centeredness, which gives rise to:
  2. Samskaras are formative factors, impressions that consist of the karma of past lives, that is, actions. Formative factors determine the occurrence of:
  3. Consciousness - perception of signals from sensory receptors; here we mean “individual reborn consciousness” with the seeds of aspirations in the form of habitual karmic behaviors. Consciousness descends into the mother's womb, where the formation begins:
  4. Nama-rupa - the totality of the psyche and body, formed from five skandhas, such as:
  • rupa—material sheath, body with five sense organs;
  • vedana - reactions arising from the contact of the mind with the perception of the five senses;
  • Sanjna - understanding, representing, analyzing information from the five senses and forming concepts;
  • Samskara - formative factors, inclinations, will, experience, habits and impressions that shape the appropriate way of life;
  • vijnana - concentration on one object of perception from the five senses, more in-depth control of attention.

Nama-rupas in turn form:

  • Six spheres of knowledge: the spheres of seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, tasting and recognizing the mind; this generates:
  • Contact of the spheres with the senses (the sphere of the audible with hearing, the sphere of the visible with vision, the sphere of the tangible with touch, the sphere of smell with smell, the sphere of taste with taste, the sphere of the perceived mind with manas). Contact gives rise to:
  • Pleasant, unpleasant and neutral sensations, resulting in:
  • Thirst or craving that gives rise to:
  • Appropriation (attachment) or clinging as an attempt to hold on to objects of thoughts and feelings. Attachment is a key element of the chain, and if it is removed, the system can be destroyed: if attachment ceases, then the possibility of existence ends.
  • Existence is the possibility of rebirth in different worlds, in different bodies. Existence (becoming) leads to:
  • Birth is a phenomenon associated with the emergence of vijnana, nama-rupa and the six spheres of knowledge. Birth inevitably entails:
  • Old age and death.

Hieroglyph placement

The placement of the talisman according to Feng Shui also depends on your goal.

In many cultures of Europe and Asia, knots are given a special meaning, since they have two semantic facets. The first is dissolution, alienation, release of different energies. The second is the opposite, binding, creating, creating, tying a person to fate. In Feng Shui, it is believed that knots are ideal for activating good Qi, since they are very harmonious and do not have sharp corners, and therefore do not have an aggressive effect.

The magic of knots among the Slavs

The ancient Slavs, before the establishment of Christianity, believed that an ordinary colored thread, tied in the right way, had certain abilities. Nauz is a technique for connecting threads. Moreover, this process is accompanied by positive thoughts. After all, if you miss this moment and think about something bad, then the amulet will have negative energy. He will not be able to help the owner.

In the old days, craftswomen wove knots to attract wealth, love, good luck or protection from envious glances. Girls who wanted to find a husband made the nauz of Mokosha - the goddess who controls fate. Sometimes plant stems and figurines were connected together with threads. The amulets themselves were smeared with incense, and bags with ritual objects were hung on them.

Knotted bracelets were worn as amulets on the wrist, belts were worn at the waist, and on the neck were pendants. After the death of the owner, her amulet was buried in a hole. Before this, the whispering grandmother had to transfer the positive energy of the talisman from the real world to the afterlife. Then the relatives could be calm, because in the other world the woman was protected by a talisman, which during her lifetime became close to her heart.

Amulet on the wrist

Weaving methods and spells for activating the talisman were passed down from generation to generation, from grandmother to granddaughter. But with the advent of Christianity, all pagan traditions were eradicated. In many villages there remained witches who spoke amulets, but over time their wisdom was lost. Few information about knot magic has survived to this day, but there is enough of it to create a powerful assistant.

Influence of a node in different zones of space

The hieroglyph plays its own special role in different sectors. Must be used in the appropriate zone of the palette:

  1. Office, south-eastern part, will help increase profits.
  2. Children's, western part of the room, to improve the child's academic performance, thirst for knowledge.
  3. Office, northern zone, for a successful career.
  4. Bedroom, southwest, a red amulet helps in love and conceiving a child.
  5. Living room, eastern part, for good luck in the family.
  6. They put it in the wallet to activate the energy of money and receive the desired amount.

Accordingly, for money the hieroglyph should be green or gilded, for study - beige or yellow, for career - aquatic, for love - red.

Using the symbols and amulets of Chinese science, do not rely only on a magical moment of luck. All of them work for those and for those who are not lazy and take active steps to achieve their desires. You need to use different methods and keep your home clean.

After all, if you remember, Qi changes to Sha in cluttered and dirty spaces. Only an integrated approach to intentions can quickly bring you closer to your goal. Even in fairy tales, success came to those who fought for it.

Source: jekstrasens.ru

What does it mean?

The dual nature of knots in feng shui makes them very unusual talismans. They can mean rupture, alienation, or the release of various energies. Or carry the opposite information: formation, interweaving, inevitability in human destiny. Knots are mandatory items for magicians, sorcerers, warlocks and fortune tellers. When a knot is tied, it means the subordination of higher powers to people, and when they unravel it, it means the release of internal forces. Cutting a knot carries a notice of a sharp turn in life, unexpected difficulties, bold decisions or categorical changes. The Chinese knot, according to Eastern beliefs, can protect a person from the influence of evil forces, help in difficult life situations, bring money and prosperity to the house, protect the family from the evil eye and gossip.

How does the happiness knot work?

Another name for the luck knot is the Chinese knot of happiness. The shape of this product in itself already speaks of the numerous incarnations of a person, of his karmic connection with the universe. The knot also contains the symbolism of learning the secrets of eternal life and youth. Most often, the knot of happiness is used as a talisman and amulet. It can be made using metal wire, tape, rope, thread, cord, or even simply drawn on a piece of paper. You can buy this symbol of good luck in a store or make it yourself. If you use the knot as a decoration, for example, as a pendant or pendant, this will help protect you from wrongdoing and imprudent actions. The owner of such a symbol will be able to gain power over time, find in himself the ability to clearly set the right goals and go towards them, avoiding all dangers and obstacles.

“Button” is the easiest way

How to weave a Chinese knot, the easiest to perform? It's easy. It's called "Button". Each step taken must be secured with a needle or pin. The knot is woven from one cord. To begin, the left end of the rope must be pinned to the surface. Next, a loop is made, with the long end placed on top of the short one. The loop is secured with a pin. Now that the first loop is ready, the second one is made, which will be on top. The main thing is that now the long part of the rope will lie under the short one. Then the long end of the thread is threaded through all the loops made. The pins are removed. All that remains is to carefully tighten the knot. The result is a ball. To make the knot more round and voluminous, you need to tie another regular knot over the resulting “button”. From knots of this type you can make various jewelry and accessories, for example, bracelets and pendants.

What does the infinity knot symbolize?

The Buddhist infinity knot has many meanings, let's list a few of them:

  • the interdependence of all karmic causes: the knot cannot be partially untied without affecting the remaining threads;
  • the infinity of samsaric manifestations: samsara moves cyclically, like the paths of the threads in a knot;
  • interaction, interdependence of dual forces in the Universe and interweaving leading to their unification, and ultimately to harmony;
  • the union of wisdom and method;
  • the inseparability of emptiness and manifestation, which directly constitutes the world of samsara;
  • this is a symbol of the wisdom of the Buddha, since the knot is beginningless and endless;
  • the relationship between wisdom and compassion;
  • the continuity of the twelve links of dependent origination through which all things exist;
  • the relationship of all living beings in samsara;
  • in China this symbol means long life, constancy, love and harmony;
  • In Indian and Chinese images of the Buddha, a nandyavarta or swastika is often shown on his chest, as a symbol of his enlightened mind.
  • DIY Feng Shui knot

    Knot weaving pattern

    We invite you to weave a Feng Shui knot yourself that will attract prosperity to your home.

    1. Take a thread 2-3 m long (it is advisable to choose bright, catchy thread colors; red is most often used). Count exactly in the middle of the thread and pin this place onto the pillow, then form a loop from each end and pin it as well.
    2. Take the end on the right side, form a long loop from it and thread it through the two vertical loops created in the previous step.
    3. Now take the end on the left side and, leading along the upper part of the knot, wrap it around all the vertical threads, excluding the “eye” that was formed by the end of the thread on the right side. Make sure that the thread wraps around the loops, passing first over and then under them. Stab it.
    4. Then move the same tip to the right and do the previous step, but in the lower half of the knot.
    5. When you remember the basic sequence of actions, continue to do the same with the left and right ends of the thread alternately. Remember the rule: when the thread is threaded at the top, it goes under the odd-numbered vertical lines and over the even-numbered vertical lines. When you pierce it at the bottom, the opposite happens. And don’t forget to pin the loops, this will make it much more convenient for you.
    6. Once the work is completed, use gentle movements to begin tightening the knot. At the same time, grab its free ends and outer loops. Align all petals and nodes to size.

    Now your talisman is ready, and you can be sure that very soon your life will begin to transform. Source: gadanienasudbu.ru

    The originality of the knot is an important factor

    The most important condition in weaving knots in Feng Shui is their uniqueness. Each knot must have its own individual characteristics: size, density, knitting and weaving method. Interesting fact: it is almost impossible to “tie” a good and high-quality knot in Feng Shui with your own hands. Be sure to use a variety of weaving techniques. As you weave the knot, you are allowed to use various decorations, but modest ones and without unnecessary details. If, as the knot is decorated, simplicity tends to chic and sophistication, then, according to Feng Shui beliefs, this will be wrong and can change the strength of the knot. Basically, each node is made based on certain intentions. When weaving, you need to carefully think about the purpose for which the knot is made and keep this idea throughout the entire work. After weaving is completed, the Chinese knot must be placed in a specific sector that will correspond to the chosen purpose. It is always better to use the sector of the same name, for example family, career, wealth, luck.

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