Do-it-yourself frame bath: everything according to Feng Shui! Part two

The term “feng shui”, which denotes the ancient art of living in complete energetic harmony with oneself and the world around us, consists of two hieroglyphs: “feng” and “shui”. The character "feng" can be translated from Chinese as "wind", and "shui" means "water".

The meaning of the art of fep shui is to live meaningfully and purposefully, existing in harmony not only with the world around you, but also with yourself. The concept of harmony is considered here in the widest range of semantic shades, which reflect the place where a person lives, where and how he works, and how his relationships with other people are built.


First of all, pay attention to the environment. It's better to find a good place in the first place than to try to fix it later. There should be no big roads, noise, swamps, chemical waste dumps, etc. near the site. Often we focus more on the price of the site than on its surroundings. But a dirty place, while harming our health, ultimately affects our ability to earn money. The circle closes. On the contrary, if, with some effort, we buy a more expensive plot, but in a better location, we will be able to enjoy life in nature, accumulate strength in order to earn more money and, in the end, repay all debts.

A person identifies himself with his home. We are pleased when there is open space in front of us, our eyes are not resting on the wall, and there is some kind of protection behind us. The back is our unprotected place. A person unconsciously strives to control the space in front of him, and is afraid of a threat from behind. It’s the same on the site: it’s good that there is something closing behind the house - a mountain, a forest, rural houses, and in front - an open space. According to Feng Shui, the ideal place for a house is on a hill. Not at the top, not at the very bottom, but somewhere in the middle of the ascent, so that the lowland was located in front of the entrance.

It’s good if the area has a more or less regular shape: not very elongated, not “L”-shaped or “Z”-shaped. Square or rectangular is best. However, a site in the shape of a “bag” is also not bad: if you place the entrance from a narrow “neck”, energy will collect in the rear part of the site, which means the ability to accumulate both energy and material wealth.


Not a single plant in nature, even a poisonous one, carries negativity. The greener your area, the better. The Chinese principle of qi (qi is life-giving energy, the basis of all living things) states: favorable energy is where there is good, green, lush vegetation. There the air is fresh and the land is fertile. Of course, the plants must be healthy and not withered.

The house represents us. The facade of the house is our face. Stand with your back to the entrance: the left side will be “yang”, the right side will be “yin”. It’s good if there is more greenery and fruit trees on the “Yang” side. It is better to place the vegetable garden on the right. However, again, the approach must be individual: the orientation of the site to the cardinal points, the location of the house, etc. matters. Sometimes grass of different colors grows on the same site. Places where it is greener are considered the most favorable. At the same time, you should not place a house above them - green grass may indicate underground water. It is better if a green piece of land is located in front of the house, then we can let in beneficial energy.

In our northern latitudes there are not many evergreen plants that diversify and decorate the white landscape in winter. First of all, these are fir trees and pines. It’s good if there is some kind of coniferous forest near the site. At the same time, pines are considered healthier trees, while fir trees absorb energy. A lone tree growing in front of a house is considered one of the most unfavorable cases in Feng Shui. It “cuts” the space in front of the entrance. Cut it down or plant bushes next to the tree to neutralize negative chi. Shrubs are generally welcome on the site - smaller ones with thorns, more lush, broad-leaved ones. Fruit trees are very good. Cherry, sweet cherry, apple tree... Fruiting in itself is positive, symbolic: something that gives birth, bears fruit, produces. If there is something fruitful on your plot, it means that your life will also be fruitful.


If there is water on your site, this is very good. It is advisable that the reservoir be clean! - located in front of the house. A river, sea, lake, small waterfall are wonderful sources of qi. There should not be a lot of mud and duckweed in the pond. If it's a pond, let it have at least a little flow. Extremes are not good: a stormy mountain river is too fast, a stagnant swamp is too slow, there is no movement in it. Always look for the golden mean. It is best if a slow, smooth river with winding banks flows in front of your house.


You have decided to build a summer house. Trying to save money, choose from the proposed standard projects. In practice, the savings are dubious. A typical project is tied to a specific area and may not be suitable for you or your site. Then you will have to fix a lot of things. So isn’t it better to immediately involve specialists and order a new project focused on your site and your family?


It is best to place the house in the middle of the plot or slightly behind. An open area in front of the house - albeit small, at least corresponding to its height - gives a feeling of “possibility”. A fence, wall, bathhouse, barn built in front of the entrance closes off these possibilities. The entrance to the house should be open and inviting. If you can get inside only by passing through side dressing rooms, long corridors, small outbuildings, the beneficial energy of qi cannot freely penetrate to you.

Don't make the path straight to the house; let it curve. Take an example from the palaces of the past: there was never a direct road directed towards the house. It was blocked either by a fountain or by a driveway. Peaked houses are not very suitable for our latitudes. A high triangular roof does not retain energy and heat well. A house with such a roof will have to heat more. A roof that is as close to a semicircular roof as possible is good both from the point of view of qi - it retains energy in the house, and from the point of view of economy - heat is retained better.


It is not customary to build a stable in a house: different smells, different energies... Then why has it become fashionable to place a garage under the house? Moreover, the owners, forgetting about the front entrance, drive into the garage and enter the house through it. As a result, all the negative energy from the garage, along with odors and gases, penetrates into the home. This is not a feng shui solution at all.

Another fashionable trend: swimming pools under the house. Those who have lived in such a house for several years know how damp and damp it becomes. There is no room for such a large amount of water in the house. If you decide to make a swimming pool at your dacha, let it be outside the house. A pool is a lot of unstable, moving energy, so, in any case, it should not be located under a bedroom or living room, where stability is necessary. The bathhouse is not used so often; it can be placed in the house. But, again, preferably not under the bedroom.

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The center of the house is very important. Everything rests on him. This is a place where everyone gathers, a pleasant place for everyone - a dining room, a living room, but you should not place a staircase, a chimney, a ventilation riser and, especially, a toilet in the center of the house. It’s good if the toilet is located outside the home or at least on the side, as an extension. A common case: on the ground floor there is a kitchen, on the second there is a toilet and a bathroom. Both are “tied” to one riser. It is not right. The toilet and kitchen are rooms designed for different types of activity. The kitchen is the preparation and consumption of food, food, the toilet is getting rid of its remains. These completely different functions must be separated in the house, in the country, in the same way as they are separated in our body. In ancient times in Rus' it was customary to place cowsheds, pigsties, and chicken coops on the north side of the house. Cold air comes from the north, so this side needs protection. People entered the house from the south side.


It is always good to build a house from natural materials. In addition, they must be tied to the area. Let your home receive energy from its surroundings. Let us remember how in Feng Shui the elements support each other: “wood” feeds “fire”, “fire” gives “earth”, “metal” is obtained from “earth”, “metal” melts and turns into “water”, “water” "feeds the tree." If your house is located in a forest, it means there is a lot of “tree” energy nearby. It would be good if the house was also made of wood. The element “fire” can also manifest itself in its shape and color: build a house of red brick, let it have more protruding, sharp parts, a triangular roof.

In a site located in a flat area, the element “earth” dominates. Here the most successful house would be a “yurt”. “Earth” gives rise to “metal”, the symbol of “metal” is a circle, so the round yurts of the nomads fit perfectly into the space. A semicircular roof, rounded corners, circular elements in the layout - all this will support the energy of “metal” and “earth” in your home.

"Metal" dominates in areas with semicircular hills or surrounded by buildings with metal roofs. For your home to be fueled by the energy of this element, it must represent “water.” The “water” house is irregularly shaped and has a lot of blue in its exterior. If there is a lot of water around your site, build a house on stilts or with columns. It will belong to the element “wood” and will receive the energy of water.

Surrounded by “fire” - rocky mountains, for example - a house with a flat roof, like they are built in Switzerland, is good. The Swiss often place stones on their roofs, thus receiving the support of the earth element. You should not use metal and reinforced concrete when building a house. This is not material for life. Iron is a conductor of electricity. Living surrounded by electromagnetic fields, reinforced by iron reinforcement of walls, you harm your health. In general, new building materials are advertised only to sell: people buy old, but new ones need to be sold. Feng Shui in this sense is conservative. He is six thousand years old, he recommends what is time-tested and has long been used by humanity.


Try to strengthen the element of your trigram on the site and in the house, or the element that feeds your trigram (you can determine this element by your date of birth by contacting Feng Shui specialists or special literature).

Strengthen the “tree” - plant a tree, add green color.

Feng Shui rules for a garden plot

Strengthen the “earth” - build an alpine hill from stones, build a stone shed. Strengthen the “water” - dig a hole in the area, add blue color, bring water to the area, lay a walking path.

Strengthen the “metal” - make a round flowerbed, build a garage, make a metal roof. Strengthen the “fire” - add red color (perhaps red brick), install a bathhouse, allocate a place for a barbecue, for a fire, make a triangular roof for the house.

Regulatory framework for placing a bathhouse on personal plots What are the fire safety standards for the construction of a bathhouse? Distances between objects on the site according to the standards. Sanitary and hygienic standards for the design and operation of a bathhouse.

The correct location of the bathhouse at a distance from the boundaries of the site is one of the main requirements for its construction, since it ensures fire and sanitary safety. If the development plan is carried out by a design bureau, you don’t have to worry about meeting all the requirements. But if you decide to plan the location of the house and bathhouse on the site yourself, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information that we will present later in the article.

Regulatory framework for placing a bathhouse on personal plots

All standards and rules for the construction of baths are developed to ensure the comfort of being indoors, as well as its safe operation. If you neglect these settings, you can endanger not only your health while staying in the steam room, but also put everyone else at risk.

To understand how to properly locate a bathhouse on a site, you will need to study the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP 30-02-97
    is a document establishing the rules for the construction and placement of buildings on a personal plot. It must be studied without fail before any actions to begin construction.
  • SP 11-106-97
    - contains standards for the correct design of a bathhouse on the site. According to this document, it is possible to draw up a detailed plan in which to prescribe all the technological stages of constructing a bathhouse and avoid mistakes. In addition, this regulatory act contains instructions regarding the preparation of conciliation documents and the procedure for submitting them to the relevant authorities.

We will present some excerpts from these documents in detail below.

Feng Shui bath

When building a bathhouse, the main attention should be paid to the stove, since it is a source of high temperatures and open fire. Note that the walls of the furnace should not heat up more than 120 ºС.

Walls directly adjacent to or located near the stove must be insulated in one of the following ways:

  1. Plastering over a metal mesh with sand-cement mortar.
  2. By attaching a sheet of galvanized iron to the fireproof wall of the furnace, or by covering the wall over an insulating material.
  3. When working with wood, the walls can be lined with asbestos cardboard.

A metal sheet measuring 50x70 cm should be screwed onto the floor directly in front of the firebox.

In those places where the chimney pipe comes into contact with the ceiling, insulation must be installed. In addition, it is best to install a sand trap at the junction of the pipe and the ceiling, which will extinguish any sparks coming from cracks in the chimney.

It is worth remembering that the chimney cannot be made of iron or asbestos-cement pipes, since these materials become very hot. But coaxial pipes with a double-circuit insulator placed inside are quite appropriate.

We should not forget about fire extinguishing means - in the bath they should be located as conveniently as possible for quick use.

Do-it-yourself frame bath: everything according to Feng Shui! Part two

In the first part of the material “Do-it-yourself frame bath: everything according to Feng Shui!” our portal talked about the preparatory stage of the construction of a pile-screw foundation and the construction of frame walls. Let's continue the topic we started. Today we will describe the stages of further construction of the bathhouse, which aroused increased interest at FORUMHOUSE.

Construction of the roof of a frame bath

As we already said in the first article, Sashauzer chose flexible tiles as the final roofing covering. According to technology, such material must be laid on a special prepared, even and continuous base. For such a base, the user chose OSB with a thickness of 12 mm and a sheet size of 2440x1220 mm. Next he began making the rafters.

Sashauzer FORUMHOUSE user

For the rafters I took a board 10x5 cm. The ridge board was 15x5 cm. Of course, for the rafters you can take a board 15 cm wide, but, based on strength calculations, my rafters fit. I made 5 rafters 1 meter longer than the others. This is necessary to create an extension over the porch.

Because The construction of the bathhouse is carried out almost alone; convenience and the ability to work “with one hand” come first. In order for the gable to be in line with the wall, the user nailed a board to the side.

This makes it easier to navigate visually and avoid mistakes during installation. To minimize waste and to put all the boards into use, Sashauzer made the skate composite. In addition to saving money, it is easier to haul it up and install it.

For the ridge, the user left a board in advance, twisted with a “helicopter”, and straight, specially selected boards were used to construct the upper and lower frame of the walls. This approach made it possible to bring all the walls to “0” without the need for additional alignment. And this saves effort and time. The crooked board was sawn in half and, having been extended with scraps left over from the joists, was installed in place.


In fact, my skate turned out to be composite, from 3 parts, but at the same time even.

Also, do not forget that during any construction you need to have covering material on hand. The weather is changeable, and sudden rain can soak the stonework or boards, which you have already spent time and money drying and impregnating with an antiseptic.

During the construction of the bathhouse, polyethylene film left over from lumber was used as a covering material. At the same time, because weather forecasters promised rain, the user was not lazy and nailed the rafters until nightfall in order to complete this stage of work and have time to cover the frame.

Although it didn’t rain in the morning, the sky was overcast, so just in case, the frame was urgently covered with a moisture-proof membrane. It rained later, but nothing got inside. Next, the user began making extensions on the gables.

According to Sashauzer, Larry Hohn’s film “How to Build a House” provided him with great help in construction. As a result, having seen enough of the “American frame”, the user decided to make overhangs without traditional soffits and leave the ends of the rafters open. To do this, we purchased clapboard, painted it and nailed it along the edge of the roof, “face” down.

Having purchased more boards for the gables and cornices, the roof was covered with OSB slabs.

Lifting the sheets to the top alone turned out to be difficult. That's why Sashauzer resorted to such a trick. I nailed a support board to the wall like a ladder. I put 2 sheets of OSB and, with the help of my mother, who helped me get the sheet with my hands, I pulled them up.

When building yourself, it is important to think in advance about how to move heavy objects - beams, boards, etc. This is especially important when working at heights. Everything is taken into account - is it possible to attract help or will it be necessary to purchase lifting mechanisms.

The slight angle of the roof made it easier to move along the slopes.

Soon the rains returned and, in order not to interrupt work, the user began preparing boards for the cornices. A board was used on the cornice, which was planed with a planer. As a result, the board from 15x4 cm in size turned into a 14.5x3.5 cm board.

Finally, the precipitation has stopped and the installation of flexible tiles can begin. Having removed the plastic film from the roof (it protected it from rain), the user rolled out a lining carpet, which (note that this was not using the technology prescribed by the manufacturer) used ordinary roofing felt.


We considered buying a special lining carpet an unjustified waste of money. I glued the edges of the roll with roofing mastic and nailed it with a stapler. I didn’t immediately glue the very edge, leaving space for installing the drip.

Further operation of the bathhouse did not reveal any problems with the roof. Let us add that the method of protecting a pile-screw foundation from rust, used by Sashauzer (this was discussed in detail in the first part of the material), also worked 100%, while the same foundation of the neighbors was already a little rusty.

Installation of windows and insulation of frame baths

The plastic windows were installed on anchor plates, 3 pieces each. on each side. I placed 1 more anchor plate on top of the large windows. As window stands, squares were cut out of bakelite plywood 1 cm thick. Before foaming the cracks, the outside of the frame was covered with aluminum tape. This is necessary to protect the foam from moisture and adverse weather conditions. Also, the tape prevents the foam from coming out, and it does not have to be cut off from the street side.


I installed the windows quickly. At first I screwed the anchors onto black screws, but then I thought about it and screwed them onto yellow galvanized ones. This way their hats won’t fly off.

This article describes the features of installing windows in stone, frame and wooden houses.

After installing the windows, we move on to insulating the bathhouse. According to the user's plan, 15 cm of insulation is provided in the walls (of which 5 cm is cross-insulation on the outside), 15 cm of insulation in the floor and 20 in the ceiling.

How external cross-insulation is done can be clearly seen in the following photos.

In the first article we already said that floor insulation is left “for later”. Due to the non-standard spacing of the logs, the slab mineral wool insulation had to be cut to secure it into the spacer between the boards. There was some rationalization involved here.


First, I cut the insulation with a large kitchen knife with a straight blade. But this is inconvenient and not fast. After thinking, I took an old dull hacksaw, cut off all the teeth with a grinder and turned it into something like a large “bread knife”. The blade, although straight, has waves.

With this knife things went faster. You can even saw through a whole package of insulation at once. The only negative is that... mineral wool insulation is essentially a foamed stone; it works like an abrasive and dulls the knife. You have to constantly sharpen the tool.

We had to insulate the floor from below, climbing on our backs on the ground. The height of the foundation allowed this to be done without any hindrance (from the soil to the logs - 0.7 m), and the user was able, by laying a thin sheet of plywood, to insulate an area of ​​24 square meters. m. The work was also simplified by the fact that the ground was covered with ASG in advance. From below, the insulation was covered with a windproof membrane, “shooting” it with a stapler and gluing the joints with double-sided tape.

The main layer of insulation is inserted into the walls from the inside, and the ceiling is also insulated. Don't forget about installing a vapor barrier and gluing joints!

The outside of the house, along the lathing, is sheathed with imitation timber. The entrance door was also installed and the cornices were installed.

Making a porch, comfortable staircase and external finishing work

At this stage, the outside of the bathhouse began to look like a completed structure. Let's move on to making the porch and stairs. 2 two-meter piles with a diameter of 57 mm were screwed under the porch. The user twisted the piles independently, using a crowbar, and at the finish, to increase the force, he increased the lever with a piece of pipe.


On top of the piles I welded metal supports under wooden beams, from a 65x65 corner. The supports are screwed to the wooden grillage of the bathhouse on wood grouse 100x8.

After cleaning off the rust, the metal was covered with waterproofing bitumen mastic, and the beams and boards were treated with a non-washable antiseptic intended for heavy-duty use. Also, the boards were planed with a plane, chamfered and laid with the core of the wood facing up so that they would not be bent in a boat.

The gap between the boards is 6 mm. This is necessary so that the sand falls down and does not accumulate in the cracks, which over time can lead to rotting of the boards.

Having made the porch, the user began making the finishing stairs. Although the original plans included an option for metal stringers, this was abandoned in favor of wooden ones.


I got metal stringers practically for free, but it turned out that they have different lifts - 180 and 190 mm. I didn’t want to bother with alterations, so I chose wood.

This is what ended up happening.

As you can see in the photo, the ladder rests on 2 metal posts, with corners welded to them, with a 4x4 cm shelf. The pipes are driven into the ground to a depth of 1 meter.

The entire structure is covered with bitumen waterproofing, and a strip of roofing material is also laid. The stringers were assembled from two boards 15x5 cm, into one package - 30x5 cm, and the boards were spliced ​​together using metal plates screwed onto self-tapping screws.

The upper part of the stringer is attached with a beam holder to the vertical board of the porch, from the inside.

The steps are screwed with yellow 5x100 self-tapping screws. An 8 mm gap was left between the boards so that debris would not accumulate between them and moisture would not be retained. The boards were also well soaked with a non-washable antiseptic.

Stair parameters:

  • Tread 30 cm.
  • Rise 16 cm.
  • Width 110 cm.


The result is a comfortable staircase that is easy to walk on.

From this article you can learn about the features of constructing stairs in a house.

Also, while the weather permitted, we installed a plastic drain and painted the bathhouse.


I painted the overhangs white and the walls a dew color. I nailed trims to the windows and pillars, painted the corners of the bathhouse, and the building began to play! The style is Finnish minimalism. What happened in the end can be clearly seen in the following photographs. I like!

You can learn more about interior decoration, electrics and choosing a sauna stove in the topic “Do-it-yourself 6x4 frame sauna in Tosno.” We also recommend reading the articles: what to build a frame house from - wood or LSTK, how to cover a large span with wooden beams and how to build a proper bathhouse.

And this video shows the nuances of choosing materials for building a frame house.

Distances between objects on the site according to standards

Clear standards have been developed that determine how many meters from the fence a bathhouse can be built, as well as how objects should be placed on the site. Failure to comply with these standards may result in unpleasant proceedings with regulatory authorities.

So, the bathhouse must be located at least 3 m from the fence, since the outflow of dirty water from the bathhouse must be organized. If the design provides for a separate septic tank or waste pit, the distance can be reduced to 2.5 m.

According to other standards, the indents should be as follows:

  • the distance from the bathhouse to the neighboring house must be at least 8 meters;
  • if there is a well on the site, then you need to retreat at least 12 m from it to the bathhouse in order to avoid contamination of groundwater and, accordingly, the water in the well;
  • As for the distance from the bathhouse to the border of the neighboring plot, in this case it should be at least 8 meters.

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These standards can also be used as a guide when designing a bathhouse, taking into account buildings in adjacent areas. In particular, the distance from the bathhouse to the neighbor’s bathhouse must be calculated based on a distance from the fence of 3 m, therefore, you can build no closer than 5 m from the fence.

Another important point is the presence of sunlight. Following the standards, the distance from the bathhouse to the neighbors’ fence should not be less than the height of the building, so that the shadow from the building does not fall on the territory of the adjacent plot, so as not to cause discomfort to the neighbors.

If some violations were made during construction, and the distance between the bathhouse and the house on the neighbor’s property does not meet the standards, all disagreements should be formalized in a written agreement with the neighbors in order to avoid misunderstandings when reselling the property.

Sanitary and hygienic standards for the design and operation of a bathhouse

Sanitary hygiene standards are adhered to very strictly and strictly in public places, but in home baths they are not followed so carefully.

However, there are also rules for the operation of private baths, in particular the following:

  1. After each use of the steam room, it must be thoroughly ventilated.
  2. Each person must sit strictly in one chosen place in the steam room. If there are a lot of people, you can use towels or mats that need to be washed after the procedures.
  3. After leaving the steam room, you need to wash off the sweat from your body, preferably with warm water.
  4. If you visit someone else's bathhouse, it is better to wear slippers to avoid fungal infection.
  5. Upon completion of the bath procedures, all shelves and floors in the steam room should be rinsed with plenty of water.

To facilitate compliance with all hygiene standards, a number of bathhouse features can be provided at the design stage.

In order for the steam room to heat up quickly, the stove must be heat-intensive and comparable in power to the size of the room.

Ventilation outlets should be provided so that the room can be quickly ventilated.

It is forbidden to use artificial and semi-artificial materials such as plywood, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, antiseptic substances, varnishes and paints to decorate the steam room.

To facilitate the removal of debris, such as from brooms, the deck chairs should be arranged in such a way that there is access to the floor underneath them.

A prerequisite for a steam room is the presence of a drain for water, so that after cleaning it is quickly removed from the room to the outside.

The source of water supply can be a warm shower.

It is advisable to study all these subtleties provided for by the project before starting to build a bathhouse on the site.

Taking into account the information contained in the regulations and brief excerpts in our material, you will be able to independently build a bathhouse on your territory, ensure compliance with all fire and sanitary safety standards, obtain all permits, and also maintain good relations with neighbors on the site.

More and more often, modern summer residents, when building a country house, are turning to the Eastern theory of harmonization of space.

The topic of our conversation today is the location of the bathhouse on the site according to Feng Shui, because we all want that the cleansing of the soul and body complies with all the rules.

Let's figure out which side of the world is more suitable for this building and how to refine it inside, according to the treatises of eastern wisdom.

Bath magic

We are all under the influence of the water element - after all, our bodies are 90 percent water. Therefore, ablution rituals have special significance in our lives.

Magical traditions of the Russian bath

The bathhouse played a significant role in the life of our ancestors. They steamed there, had dates and even gave birth to children.

Since the bathhouse was considered an “unclean” place, despite its purpose, certain rules had to be followed during its construction. So, the bathhouse was usually placed on the outskirts, at the very edge of the yard, or even beyond it. If the place was chosen incorrectly, the bathhouse spirit (“bannik”) could send a fatal illness to people. But as soon as the bathhouse was shifted, the patient immediately recovered.

Sometimes the banner appeared in front of a person’s eyes. He was described as a tiny, naked old man with a long beard covered in mold. The evil grandfather amused himself by scalding visitors to the bathhouse with boiling water, causing them to faint with the heat, splitting boulders in the stove and shooting fragments at people. They also told even more terrible things - allegedly the bannik dragged those washing into a hot oven and tore off their skin alive.

To avoid such disasters, after washing in the bathhouse, steam, a fresh broom and a tub of clean water were left for the “owner”. Also, according to the rules, it was impossible to apply too much heat and push each other while washing. And if the bannik gets angry with you, you should run out into the street and call for help from other spirits - the barnyard or the brownie. They helped out.

But the most important thing was that you were not supposed to go to the bathhouse alone, and when going there you had to ask permission from the “owner.” Otherwise, various troubles could happen.

Feng Shui bathroom

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, since water is associated with monetary wealth, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the taps in the bathroom do not leak. Otherwise, you will “wash away” the money. If possible, install a semicircular or oval bathtub - it symbolizes wealth.

Try not to throw your clothes and dirty linen around in the bathroom. The washing machine can be in the bathroom, but it is better to hang freshly washed clothes somewhere else to dry.

Entering the bathroom (especially if women live in the house), we often admire the orderly rows of bottles with shampoos, gels, creams, liquid soap, bath foam, hairspray, air fresheners, etc. In a visible place, as a rule, there is a washcloth, a hair dryer and an electric razor, as well as cleaning and detergents. Not to mention the accessories for brushing your teeth. Remember that a bathroom is not a department store! These numerous objects slow down the flow of favorable energy! Therefore, you should hang a special closed cabinet in the bathroom in which you will put everything you need. Only soap and towels should be visible!

Ritual of attractiveness

For women, the ablution procedure is a kind of magical ritual that gives femininity, helps to feel more attractive and younger.

Thus, washing in a real Turkish bath (hamam) is furnished with all the pomp of Islamic traditions and is more like a procedure in a beauty salon. The process is described in detail by the Ukrainian writer Pavlo Zagrebelny in his novel “Roksolana”:

“She had just stretched out on the hot marble of Göybek-tasha when, without asking, a wiry, mustachioed woman with hands as rough as a leathern’s hand silently attacked her, grabbed Khurrem’s head, began mercilessly rubbing her forehead, temples, cheekbones, jaws, then began to work on her neck , by the arms, legs, fingers, breasts, belly, hips, beat, slapped, stretched, squeezed, twisted arms and legs, played on the vertebrae and ribs, like a cymbal, pressed her knees into the back, jumped, grunted, purred, then began to dance on Hurrem, trampling her with her feet. Khurrem moaned, groaned, screamed and no longer knew where the pain was, where the pleasure was, where life was, where death was. This is what hamam is!”

But in order to perform the sacrament of ablution, it is not necessary to go to the hammam. Bioenergetics experts advise: if you want to become more beautiful, you should take a bath in the morning. If you want to find love, take a bath on Fridays!

The fair sex is also highly recommended to take a bath late in the evening or at night, in the light of the moon. You can light candles and smoke the room with incense sticks. Fragrant oils and herbs should be added to the water - for example, mint, lavender, rosemary. This creates a special mystical atmosphere...

Once you enter the water, try to mentally put aside all everyday worries and relax. Remember that the water should not be hot!

Now there are specialized stores selling bath accessories. There you can buy towels, bath clothes, brooms, scrapers, wooden hair combs, special washcloths, massagers and, of course, numerous bath incense.

If you go to a bathhouse or sauna, you can splash a little essential oil on the heater to fill the room with a pleasant aroma. When washing in the bathroom, the oil should be poured directly into the water.

The correct bathing ritual will allow you to find harmony with the world around you, which will promote good luck, love and health.

What is a bathhouse from a philosophical point of view?

Since ancient times, the bathhouse has been considered a symbol of human purification. Here we mean not only physical cleansing, but also spiritual. In the East, bath procedures are treated with special attention, because it is so important that during the procedures negative energy disappears, and positive energy, on the contrary, is attracted to the person.

The magical properties of bathhouses and birch brooms were also known in Rus'. It was believed that through the procedure of steaming in a bathhouse, all bad thoughts come out of a person, and the birch broom itself was considered a powerful amulet against evil spirits.

We are looking for a suitable place

The construction of a bathhouse according to Feng Shui must be carried out on a strictly defined site, if, of course, you want to activate all the healing power of this building. Thus, the best directions for a bathhouse are considered to be the center of the site, the southwestern and eastern directions.

The center and east of the site are responsible for health, which means that when you steam in such a bathhouse, you will invariably receive a surge of vitality and energy. The southwestern part is more suitable for friendly communication, so in a bathhouse built in this zone, gatherings with friends and relatives will be a blast.

According to Feng Shui, a bathhouse in the east will be completely safe: here you will never get burned, slip or lose consciousness from the strong steam. However, such troubles will not threaten you if you simply follow basic safety precautions.

The bathhouse itself is considered a “fiery” building, so it can be secured by placing any element of the water element nearby, for example, a barrel of water, a well or a swimming pool. This way the energies will be balanced with each other.

It is best if the bathhouse on the site, according to Feng Shui, is made from the type of wood that is most common in the area where your country “possessions” are located. With this option, it will be fueled by natural forces and will become a natural part of the landscape. Exotic tree species “feel” like strangers when surrounded by unrelated vegetation.

The bathhouse is an excellent place for relaxation and psychological relief, plus, according to the principles of Feng Shui, it is a place for spiritual cleansing of a person from negative energy. Therefore, it was not in vain that the sages in the East tried to collect as much knowledge about it as possible, especially regarding its arrangement.

And in order for relaxation in the bathhouse to be beneficial, according to Feng Shui experts, it is necessary to arrange its space correctly. For example, it is advisable to locate the bathhouse in the trouble zone (in the east). With this arrangement, you can not only cleanse yourself of troubles, but also avoid burns and loss of consciousness from strong steam.

To improve the circulation of positive Qi energy, it is necessary to pacify the fiery element of the water bath. To do this, it is desirable that there is at least a small pond next to the bathhouse.

Feng Shui experts strongly recommend that the bathhouse create a harmonious tandem with nature. To do this, choose materials for construction from those trees that will surround it in the future.

We design a bathhouse

It is important to take into account the correct location of windows and doors, because in the teachings of Feng Shui, every detail matters. It is best to place the entrance door on the south side - from here the most powerful flows of vital energy Qi will enter the building. In this case, it is better if the door opens into the room.

But the water drains should be placed on the side opposite the door. The best place for window openings is the eastern wall, since with this location in the evenings the rays of the setting sun will illuminate your bathhouse, filling it with comfort and warmth, and creating a romantic mood.

Don't cut through too many windows. If the location of the bathhouse according to Feng Shui corresponds to Eastern teachings, then it is better to adhere to the rules with the number of windows: there should not be more than three.

Some people prefer to paint over their bath windows with dark paint to protect themselves from prying eyes, but this should not be done. If you are afraid that someone will look into the window while you are washing, simply position the window openings closer to the ceiling, but the glass itself must be transparent.

Looking for a place for the stove

In a Feng Shui bath, an important place is given to the stove. It must be positioned so that the energy flows emanating from it circulate correctly. You cannot place the stove directly opposite the front door, and you must leave some free space near the fireplace.

If you want your stove to be not only functional, but also beautiful, paint it yourself: this way you will pay respect to the element of Fire, and it will give you its protection and strength.

The best stones for a bath according to Feng Shui are the mineral soapstone. It gives a very soft, non-aggressive warmth, and at the same time harmonizes and calms the space. In addition, with such stones you are definitely not in danger of fainting due to extreme heat.

Bath stove

The heart of the sauna is rightfully the stove, so special attention should be paid to it. Since the stove belongs to the element of fire, it is it that gives you spiritual energy and strength to achieve success and confront problems.

  1. The first rule you must remember is to never place the stove opposite the door. Otherwise, the necessary energy will constantly leak out of the room.
  2. The next rule is to leave some space in front of the oven. In this case, the benches should be located so that they are not between the person and the stove.
  3. Many experts advise painting the stove. You don't have to limit your imagination here. This way you enhance the positive impact of the stove.
  4. It is very important to choose the right stones. After all, if they give too much heat, which leads to a semi-fainting state or, on the contrary, leads to a state of unhealthy activity, then it is better to replace them with more soothing ones, for example, soapstone. These stones provide soft and unobtrusive warmth.

How to store bath accessories?

Feng Shui experts say that all washcloths, shampoos, soaps and towels should be stored where they are used. Don’t drag your bath accessories into the house after washing - leave them where they should be, because in the bath they can be saturated with positive energy and next time they will definitely pass it on to you.

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But you shouldn’t make a mess in a “clean” place. It is better if all things have their own corner, for example, a small wooden cabinet with a closing door. It can be hung on the wall where the front door is located.

As you can see, the location of the bathhouse on the site according to Feng Shui will help you get true pleasure from washing, and every time the bath procedure will give you a great mood and a charge of vivacity.

If earlier our ancestors, before putting a house on the site, built a bathhouse, today everything happens exactly the opposite - a bathhouse is often squeezed into the available free space. Experienced developers advise that it is better to immediately calculate the location of the bathhouse on the site and the distance from the boundaries to other buildings and neighbors, even if you do not plan to build it in the same year as a residential building.

Layout of a bathhouse in a summer cottage

Therefore, before building anything in a new place, approach the issue seriously and decide how to position the house and bathhouse on the site, as well as the rest of the buildings on the territory, since they will stand for decades.

What location of the bathhouse on the site is correct?

If earlier our ancestors, before putting a house on the site, built a bathhouse, today everything happens exactly the opposite - a bathhouse is often squeezed into the available free space. Experienced developers advise that it is better to immediately calculate the location of the bathhouse on the site and the distance from the boundaries to other buildings and neighbors, even if you do not plan to build it in the same year as a residential building.

Layout of a bathhouse in a summer cottage

Therefore, before building anything in a new place, approach the issue seriously and decide how to position the house and bathhouse on the site, as well as the rest of the buildings on the territory, since they will stand for decades.

Where to put the bathhouse

If there is a body of water nearby

So, where on the site to place the bathhouse? The best option is to install it on the shore of a natural body of water - a lake, river or pond, but such areas are extremely rare (see also the article “Building a bathhouse with your own hands: stages of high-quality construction”).

If you are lucky and have a real opportunity to become the owner of an amazing place, the following knowledge will not hurt you:

  1. Do not plan to build near the water or where it could be flooded during the spring flood. The best option is 20-30 m from the reservoir.
  2. Prevent dirty water from getting into a river, lake or pond. Make a special sewer exit in the opposite direction.
  3. Hide the bathhouse from prying eyes, for example, by planting tall shrubs or trees with your own hands if neighboring houses are located nearby. Not everyone can adequately perceive your nudity. Also fence the paths leading to the pond.

Bathhouse on the shore of a pond

If there is no lake, river or pond nearby

How far is it to walk to a natural reservoir? Don’t despair - you can make a pool right next to the bathhouse. But even here you must observe the limits of decency, protecting it from prying eyes.

Swimming pools today can be purchased in various shapes and designs.

For a summer cottage, the following have proven themselves well:

Advice: if the price is not suitable, then create a pool yourself from available materials, for example, from an old rubber boat.

Sauna with swimming pool

And if on a hill

Are you thinking about how to properly place a bathhouse on your property? Look around - a great place for a bathhouse on a hill. You can install a sewer system that operates by gravity thanks to the natural slope.

A steep slope is also suitable for a sauna, where it can be made in the form of a dugout or half-dugout with a veranda on pillars. The latter will be an excellent addition to any sauna. Here you can spend time after the steam room, setting up a natural solarium, or it can become a play area during rainfall.

Elevated sauna

Recommendations for the correct placement of the bath

  1. Place the entrance on the south side. The answer is simple - it’s warmer here, and in winter there’s less snow, and it melts faster.
  2. Install windows on the west or southwest side, so you can capture more light from the sun, which will definitely lift your mood.
  3. The entrance and the bathhouse should be clearly visible from the house so that you can control the firebox and quickly fix it in case of danger. If south and visibility are in different directions, give preference to visibility.

Placement relative to the bath structure

Before determining where it is best to place a bathhouse on the site, you must decide what type it will be.

Everyone has their own requirements according to the law.

  1. Smoky sauna or black:
  • place it on the site no closer than 12 meters from the nearest buildings and its boundaries;
  • take into account the wind rose so that smoke does not blow into residential buildings;
  • It is not allowed to install baths of this type in densely populated villages, and it is not advisable to do this in rural areas due to the increased fire hazard.
  1. Smoke-free sauna or white sauna:
  • place it away from other buildings;
  • it can be combined with garden and country houses, which will save on the installation of water supply and sewerage, as well as on the area of ​​the site;
  • combination with a residential building requires approval from the architect. You should not place a wet sauna in a residential building; it is better to give preference to a dry-air sauna;
  • to avoid negative consequences when combining a bathhouse and a house, you should take a responsible approach to waterproofing the room and its ventilation;

When placing a bathhouse, you should not forget about your neighbors. Take into account all the rules and sanitary standards when building a bathhouse, which regulates its distance from the neighboring property, wells, etc. This way you can avoid conflicts on this matter.

In the photo - a bathhouse next to an artificial pond

Standards for placing baths according to SNiP 30-02-97

Today, special rules have been developed for the location of the bathhouse on the site, as well as other buildings, which must be strictly followed.

Below is a brief guide to the main distances to objects on the site:

  1. From the garden house - 3 m or more;
  2. From other outbuildings - 1-4 m;
  3. Minimum distance between buildings to:
  • toilet from the cellar and garden house - 12 m;
  • baths or saunas and showers – 8 m;
  • toilet from the composting device and well - 8 m.

These conditions must be observed between buildings on the same site and between buildings on adjacent sites. Make a sanitary approval for the planned facilities in advance, and always keep a copy with you.

How to arrange a bath according to Feng Shui

Another way to find the right place for a sauna is to use the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, which literally means “wind-water.” Both components are inextricably linked with our lives - they can be beneficial, or they can be harmful.

After dividing the area into zones according to Feng Shui, the bathhouse should be placed in the sector of minor troubles so that you are not haunted by injuries during the procedures. When choosing a place for construction, you should pay attention to areas located in the southwest and northeast of the house. This is the most preferable option, since it is undesirable to build a bathhouse on the south side.

Delineation of a site according to Feng Shui

When laying sewer drains, take into account their direction, which should also be unfavorable. When preparing places for windows, remember the Feng Shui rule - you cannot install more than 3 windows in a room if there is only one door. By the way, it should open inward.

Tip: Place the sauna entrance in a good direction.

Arrangement near the bathhouse

If you have decided how to place the bathhouse on the site, one more important question remains - creating a real recreation area near it so that the sun does not get hot and it is not cool.

Experts tend to:

  • gazebos;
  • a swimming pool or other artificial body of water;
  • ornamental shrubs and flower beds.

With their help, you can create a corner in your garden for spending time with friends and family.

Bathhouse on site according to Feng Shui

If earlier our ancestors, before putting a house on the site, built a bathhouse, today everything happens exactly the opposite - a bathhouse is often squeezed into the available free space. Experienced developers advise that it is better to immediately calculate the location of the bathhouse on the site and the distance from the boundaries to other buildings and neighbors, even if you do not plan to build it in the same year as a residential building.

Layout of a bathhouse in a summer cottage

Therefore, before building anything in a new place, approach the issue seriously and decide how to position the house and bathhouse on the site, as well as the rest of the buildings on the territory, since they will stand for decades.

If you are lucky and have a real opportunity to become the owner of an amazing place, the following knowledge will not hurt you:

Bathhouse on the shore of a pond

How far is it to walk to a natural reservoir? Don’t despair - you can make a pool right next to the bathhouse. But even here you must observe the limits of decency, protecting it from prying eyes.

Swimming pools today can be purchased in various shapes and designs.

For a summer cottage, the following have proven themselves well:

Advice: if the price is not suitable, then create a pool yourself from available materials, for example, from an old rubber boat.

Sauna with swimming pool

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Are you thinking about how to properly place a bathhouse on your property? Look around - a great place for a bathhouse on a hill. You can install a sewer system that operates by gravity thanks to the natural slope.

A steep slope is also suitable for a sauna, where it can be made in the form of a dugout or half-dugout with a veranda on pillars. The latter will be an excellent addition to any sauna. Here you can spend time after the steam room, setting up a natural solarium, or it can become a play area during rainfall.

Elevated sauna

Before determining where it is best to place a bathhouse on the site, you must decide what type it will be.

Everyone has their own requirements according to the law.

When placing a bathhouse, you should not forget about your neighbors. Take into account all the rules and sanitary standards when building a bathhouse, which regulates its distance from the neighboring property, wells, etc. This way you can avoid conflicts on this matter.

In the photo - a bathhouse next to an artificial pond

Today, special rules have been developed for the location of the bathhouse on the site, as well as other buildings, which must be strictly followed.

Below is a brief guide to the main distances to objects on the site:

These conditions must be observed between buildings on the same site and between buildings on adjacent sites. Make a sanitary approval for the planned facilities in advance, and always keep a copy with you.

After dividing the area into zones according to Feng Shui, the bathhouse should be placed in the sector of minor troubles so that you are not haunted by injuries during the procedures. When choosing a place for construction, you should pay attention to areas located in the southwest and northeast of the house. This is the most preferable option, since it is undesirable to build a bathhouse on the south side.

Delineation of a site according to Feng Shui

When laying sewer drains, take into account their direction, which should also be unfavorable. When preparing places for windows, remember the Feng Shui rule - you cannot install more than 3 windows in a room if there is only one door. By the way, it should open inward.

Tip: Place the sauna entrance in a good direction.

If you have decided how to place the bathhouse on the site, one more important question remains - creating a real recreation area near it so that the sun does not get hot and it is not cool.

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Experts tend to:

With their help, you can create a corner in your garden for spending time with friends and family.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The bathhouse is an excellent place for relaxation and psychological relief, plus, according to the principles of Feng Shui, it is a place for spiritual cleansing of a person from negative energy. Therefore, it was not in vain that the sages in the East tried to collect as much knowledge about it as possible, especially regarding its arrangement.

And in order for relaxation in the bathhouse to be beneficial, according to Feng Shui experts, it is necessary to arrange its space correctly. For example, it is advisable to locate the bathhouse in the trouble zone (in the east). With this arrangement, you can not only cleanse yourself of troubles, but also avoid burns and loss of consciousness from strong steam.

To improve the circulation of positive Qi energy, it is necessary to pacify the fiery element of the water bath. To do this, it is desirable that there is at least a small pond next to the bathhouse.

Feng Shui experts strongly recommend that the bathhouse create a harmonious tandem with nature. To do this, choose materials for construction from those trees that will surround it in the future.

Remember, you don’t need to have too many windows in the bathhouse, otherwise positive energy will not accumulate. There should be a maximum of three windows per door. In this case, it is advisable to place the windows on the east side, but in no case opposite the door.

To improve the circulation of Qi energy, it is necessary to place the door in the south, and it should open into the room.

The heart of the sauna is rightfully the stove, so special attention should be paid to it. Since the stove belongs to the element of fire, it is it that gives you spiritual energy and strength to achieve success and confront problems.

Related article: How to melt coconut oil in a water bath

In order to be filled with as much positive flow as possible after going to the bathhouse, it is better to leave the accessories in the steam room. At the same time, give them their own space in a wooden cabinet. You can place it on the wall where the door is located.

Now all the bath feng shui puzzles have formed a beautiful mosaic. Enjoy Your Bath!

The bathhouse is an excellent place for relaxation and psychological relief, plus, according to the principles of Feng Shui, it is a place for spiritual cleansing of a person from negative energy. Therefore, it was not in vain that the sages in the East tried to collect as much knowledge about it as possible, especially regarding its arrangement.

And in order for relaxation in the bathhouse to be beneficial, according to Feng Shui experts, it is necessary to arrange its space correctly. For example, it is advisable to locate the bathhouse in the trouble zone (in the east). With this arrangement, you can not only cleanse yourself of troubles, but also avoid burns and loss of consciousness from strong steam.

To improve the circulation of positive Qi energy, it is necessary to pacify the fiery element of the water bath. To do this, it is desirable that there is at least a small pond next to the bathhouse.

Feng Shui experts strongly recommend that the bathhouse create a harmonious tandem with nature. To do this, choose materials for construction from those trees that will surround it in the future.

Remember, you don’t need to have too many windows in the bathhouse, otherwise positive energy will not accumulate. There should be a maximum of three windows per door. In this case, it is advisable to place the windows on the east side, but in no case opposite the door.

To improve the circulation of Qi energy, it is necessary to place the door in the south, and it should open into the room.

The heart of the sauna is rightfully the stove, so special attention should be paid to it. Since the stove belongs to the element of fire, it is it that gives you spiritual energy and strength to achieve success and confront problems.

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In order to be filled with as much positive flow as possible after going to the bathhouse, it is better to leave the accessories in the steam room. At the same time, give them their own space in a wooden cabinet. You can place it on the wall where the door is located.

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