Feng Shui mirror - where to hang it, what should be opposite

Mirrors have long been considered objects endowed with mystical powers. They were called conductors of energies, connecting elements between parallel worlds, valuable amulets - we find all this in ancient beliefs.

With the help of mirrors you can reflect, attract, visually increase or vice versa, reduce space

Now people have become accustomed to the commonness of reflective surfaces, taking into account only design advice regarding their placement. Let's take a closer look at where it is better to hang mirrors according to the precepts of the Chinese sages.

The degree of influence it has on us and our family members depends on how the mirror is positioned, its shape and size.

The magical power of mirrors according to Feng Shui

Whatever the size of the mirror, it carries great power that can be used for both good and harm.

Mirrors surround us at home, in offices and shops. In some cases, people feel harmony and peace, even if the room is furnished rather modestly. In others - apathy, anxiety, incomprehensible fears, although at first glance the interior is decorated in accordance with a fashionable design project.

Mirrors are not only an interior item created for convenience and beauty, they are a kind of conductor between the physical and subtle worlds

One common cause could be improper placement of mirrors. Their symbolism and meaning among different peoples were considered:

  • properties of a protective amulet;
  • sources of knowledge and magical power;
  • passages to other worlds;
  • influence on the material and spiritual spheres of human life.

When it comes to traditional elements of home decoration in the Middle Kingdom, the Bagua mirror is still popular.

Bagua is an octagon made of wood, in the center of which there is a mirror.

This octagonal protective amulet, located on a backing with trigrams printed on it, according to local beliefs, has magical powers. It consists in reflecting negative flows back to their sources, so Bagua must be placed strictly outside the front door. This way, residents will be able to protect themselves from harmful influences from the outside.

Such a mirror (bagua) can bring improvement of life, good luck, prosperity into the home and change relationships between loved ones

In China, the use of such a mystical amulet in everyday life led to real “mirror wars” between neighbors. Consider the patterns: reflected objects double their influence on a person’s life. So the residents of the Chinese provinces tried to protect themselves from envy, gossip and bad wishes of their neighbors by placing Bagua towards their home. This way it was possible to return the negative with interest, especially if your own mirror was larger in size than the mirror talisman of your neighbors.

The confrontation ended only after a special decree from the authorities prohibiting the display of such magical amulets in the direction of neighbors.

Best form

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, mirrors play a huge role in the process of home improvement. They are the ones who are able to control the movement of two energies: favorable (Qi) and negative (Sha), on which the health, well-being and relationships of everyone who lives under the same roof depend.

The mirror can have absolutely any shape: circle, oval, rectangle or square. But according to Chinese Feng Shui, the best form is considered to be those with rounded edges , thanks to which positive energy does not dissipate. And the frame edging the mirror will allow you to accumulate, multiply and fill any room with it as much as possible.

In addition, the house must certainly have at least one mirror in which the tallest member of the family is reflected in full height, and at the same time there is some space above his head, providing both physical and spiritual growth.


The Bagua Mirror is a special feng shui symbol that has the most powerful power of reflection and neutralization of negative energy. It looks like a wooden octagon, in the center of which there is a reflective surface, surrounded by eight trigrams - the most ancient symbols of protection of absolutely all spheres of human life.

There are several types of such mirrors:

  • precelestial (June), denoting a place in the house of the male owner;
  • post-heavenly (Yang) – relating to the female mistress.

Bagua mirrors also differ in the shape of the lenses:

  • concave – absorb negative energy;
  • convex – reflect it;
  • flat – have a neutral effect.

An important nuance is the location of such mirrors, since they can create a negative effect. For example, by hanging it towards a neighboring house, you can, as it were, redirect negative energy from your house to another.

It is necessary to place the Bagua mirror in such a way that it has a neutral reflection (nature or emptiness).

Mirrors in the hallway according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway is almost always mandatory

Pay attention to the design of the corridor and hallway, even if they are small. The use of mirrors in this room is mandatory, and they should be placed taking into account some nuances.

  • The hallway should not be cluttered, because in this way apartment owners create barriers to the vital energy of Qi.
  • The front door should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise energy flows will not be able to penetrate into other rooms by being reflected from the surface;
    A large mirror in a spacious hallway can expand the space visually
  • A plus will be the ability to reflect amulets and indoor plants.

Examples of the location of mirrors in the corridor

The shape of mirrors in the teachings of ancient China does not have much significance. You can safely choose square, oval, round decorative items. In this matter, trust your own ideas about beauty, and also take into account the features of the interior design project.

The ideal option is when the hallway wall with a mirror forms a right angle with the wall with the main exit

What does science say?

Even modern scientific approaches do not refute the fact that a mirror can give people higher knowledge. From a scientific point of view, everything is explained simply. If you create appropriate conditions, low lighting and various accompanying factors, inhibition of the cerebral cortex occurs. What happens is what is called self-hypnosis.

A person is immersed in a special state, which is caused by appropriate conditions. As a result, various phenomena can be observed, popularly called visions. In them, informative messages come to people in an allegorical or direct form, which, with appropriate interpretation, take on a certain form.

Here are some tips on what you should and should not do with a mirror according to the science of Feng Shui. For example, a mirror opposite the toilet, according to Feng Shui, helps to dispel negative Qi and prevent all good thoughts from flowing down the drain.

Feng Shui mirrors in the bedroom

A mirror in the bedroom is not desirable according to Feng Shui, but can still be present

The bedroom is a place where people relax and gain strength, and success in any area of ​​activity directly depends on the comfort and duration of rest. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place a mirror here or in guest rooms, given how vulnerable a person is during sleep.

It is necessary to ensure that the bed and people sleeping there are not reflected in the mirror.

If you cannot refuse mirror attributes in the bedroom, then pay attention to round or oval models of modest sizes. Do not place a mirror opposite the beds, and also hang dressing doors with reflective surfaces.

You cannot place a mirror on wardrobes if the bed is visible in them

Important. Do not keep cracked and broken mirrors at home, otherwise the energy flows necessary for harmony and health will “leave” the house. The symbolic death of a looking-glass double when the integrity of the surface is violated can bring negative consequences to the life of a real person. There are similar warnings in the customs of the Slavic peoples: reflection in the fragments promises many years of failure and illness.

The mirror on the dressing table should be large enough and preferably oval or round

We find a hint about what will help negate the possible negativity of such an unpleasant event in the traditions of Feng Shui. You need to carefully collect all the fragments and rinse under cold running water. Such actions symbolize cleansing of accumulated energy, after which everything can be thrown away without fear of unpleasant consequences.

What can you put next to it?

Since a mirror can amplify both positive and negative energy , it is extremely important to pay attention to what is in front of it. It is very important that these are things or objects that evoke exclusively positive emotions in the people living in the house.

If you want to attract success in any area, you can place a corresponding talisman in front of a reflective surface, which is associated with well-being, success, financial wealth, love, happiness, etc. However, you should be extremely careful with feng shui symbols (especially this applies to trigrams), which, depicted upside down in the mirror, can carry a completely opposite energy charge.

Another important nuance is that in no case should mirrors reflect ugliness, devastation and ugliness (garbage cans, loose wallpaper, fallen tiles or plaster and any disorder).

Dining room and mirrors according to Feng Shui

In the kitchen, the presence of mirrors is permissible only in two places: where the dining table is reflected, and near the stove

The placement of mirrors in the dining room will be a big plus. This creates a favorable atmosphere and a feeling of spaciousness. In addition, ladies will be able to evaluate their figure during a meal and, as a result, will not forget to reduce (increase) the portion.

A mirror that reflects what is on the table visually doubles your food and symbolically multiplies your wealth

A mirror opposite the work surface in the kitchen is still undesirable. The appearance of unnecessary troubles for the housewife can ruin the mood, which can cause the taste of culinary delights to deteriorate.

Important! In addition to location, the size of the mirror also matters. Experts in Feng Shui traditions note that in a living space it is necessary to hang at least one such decorative item in full human height. A kind of foundation for spiritual growth and increase in material wealth will be achieved if there is free space in the reflection above your head.

Floor mirrors in full human height for spiritual and material growth

The exact opposite effect will be created by using mosaic fragments with mirror surfaces to decorate walls, kitchen splashbacks and ceilings in the interior. Being in such a room, over time, one may get the impression of turmoil and the need to solve several things at the same time. In order not to get caught up in the cycle of everyday problems, avoid using small fragments of mirrors that crush the reflection of people, pets, and objects. In such cases, the sages of the Celestial Empire predicted a violation of harmony, both spiritually and materially.

According to Feng Shui, fashionable mirror mosaics in the kitchen are not recommended

Please note that it is important not only to hang mirrors correctly, following all the recommendations of the teachings of the Chinese sages, but also to wash and wipe them in a timely manner. Dirty mirror surfaces often become a kind of storage of negativity. The emergence of quarrels and intrigues will be a completely natural consequence.

Good places for a mirror

Summarizing the above, let's determine the best places to place mirrors:

  • in the dining room;

    Large mirror in a frame for the living room

  • opposite amulets, symbols of well-being, thereby increasing their positive impact on everyday life and relationships in the family;
  • in the corridor on the wall opposite the entrance.
    Also, the optimal solution would be to choose a cabinet with doors that have a mirror surface. It is better to hang a mirror in the hallway on the side of the front door

You can hang two mirrors in the bathroom without creating a “corridor” of reflections. You can protect yourself and your loved ones from all kinds of negativity by placing a mirror on the outside of the door.

Some historical facts

The first surfaces of platinum and gold polished to a shine were found by archaeologists - back in the Bronze Age, people used them as mini-mirrors. A more modern version is associated with the monk John Peckham, who learned to coat glass with a layer of tin. His invention was worse than modern mirrors in apartment interiors, because the concave elements distorted the reflection


Flat mirrors are an invention of the 16th century. The crystal purity and transparency of the mirror sheet was so beautiful that even the Queen of France bought 119 mirrors for her office! One of them is now kept in the Louvre as the most expensive in the world, because its frame is covered with precious stones, and the glass itself is decorated with onyx and agate. royally beautiful frames in a modern apartment design with mirrors

, decorated with gilding or carvings.

Bad places for mirrors

Functional area of ​​the roomNoteWhy is this placement option not recommended?
BedroomIn the Feng Shui tradition, mirrors are symbols of doors to other worlds. This line is often felt in dreams, so it is necessary to seriously consider the issue of placing them in bedrooms and guest rooms. It is best to cover the mirrored surfaces of cabinets and dressing tables with fabric at night. Otherwise, relationships in the family may deteriorate, and if the sleeping person is also reflected in the mirror, then health conditions may occur.
In the office opposite the tableChinese sages believed that the properties of reflected objects in the mirror doubled.It seems that the number of tasks has increased. Owners of workrooms and offices thus “attract” overtime work.
Opposite the window, front door, door to the bathroom or toiletPositive Qi energy, entering the house, should not encounter obstacles along the way. By correctly arranging furniture, decorative items and mirrors, you will be able to achieve positive family well-being. There is a high probability that positive energy from the outside, reflected from the mirror surface, will never enter the house.
On the front doorThe life-giving power of Qi gives peace of mind, success in business and good luck.Such placement will completely block the entrance to the flow of energies, so the family hearth will gradually fade away.
Mirror opposite mirrorIn the traditions of the Slavic people, “mirror corridors” were created for fortune telling: they believed that girls would be able to see their future groom this way. Mentions can be found in folklore and fiction. Creating a mystical corridor from several mirrors will lead to feelings of anxiety, panic, as well as depression and depression.

When placing a Feng Shui mirror in your office, you need to remember that documents and your desk should not be reflected in it.

A mirror is installed opposite the window if there is not enough natural light and nature is visible outside the window, in other cases it will cause harm

A mirror on the front door is a very dangerous and unacceptable option.

A mirror opposite a mirror creates a mystical corridor and strange sensations for the person who looks into it

The teachings of the Chinese sages give precise instructions on how to place mirrors according to Feng Shui. By following them, you will be able to create an atmosphere of harmony at home and attract good luck. It is not for nothing that the saying of the ancients is still relevant today: “You can change everything for the better if you turn to mirrors for help.”

To make your home a source of positive energy, hang mirrors correctly

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