Calculate Gua number online for Happiness in your home

Gua number is a person’s personal feng shui. A competent calculation of the Gua number will allow you to specify the recommendations of ancient Chinese science for you personally.

To find out which side of the world and the corresponding zone in space are harmoniously in tune with you in terms of energy, you need to calculate the Gua number.

General recommendations regarding the harmonization of space according to Feng Shui certainly work, but individual ones are amazingly accurate!

After reading the article, you will learn:

  • your personal Gua number,
  • what is the practical benefit of this knowledge,
  • How to improve your life today without much effort

How to calculate Gua number

Calculating the Gua number can be quite simple and quick, but you should remember some features.

First, the Gua number is calculated differently for women and men born before 2000, and for girls and boys born after 2000.

Secondly, the Chinese lunar calendar is different from ours: the date of the new year is constantly changing ranging from January 21 to February 20. That is, if you were born before February 20, then it is best to first check with the Chinese calendar and if the New Year in China came later than the date of your birth, then the previous year, that is, the year before January 1, must be taken as the reference year.

For example, your date of birth is January 29, 1986. According to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year began on February 9, 1986. This means that when calculating the Gua number, you need to take 1985.

You can view the Chinese lunar calendar here.

Calculation of Gua number for women born before 2000

1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. You should end up with a one-digit number. If you get a two-digit number, add the numbers again to reduce them to one.

For example, year of birth – 1989: 8 + 9 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8

2. To the resulting number you need to add 5. If you again get a two-digit number, then you need to reduce it again to one digit.

Example: year of birth – 1978:

add up the last digits of the year of birth: 7 + 8 = 15

reduce to one number: 1 + 5 = 6

add 5: 6 + 5 = 11

reduce to one number: 1 + 1 = 2

Gua number – 2

Calculation of Gua number for girls born in 2000 and later

Also add the last two digits of the year of birth and add to the result not 5, as indicated above, but 6.

Calculation of Gua number for men born before 2000

1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. You should end up with a one-digit number. If you get a two-digit number, add the numbers again to reduce them to one.

2. The result must be subtracted from 10.

For example, the year of birth is 1967:

add up the last digits of the year of birth: 6 + 7 = 13

reduce to one number: 1 + 3 = 4

subtract from 10: 10 – 4 = 6

Gua Number – 6

Calculation of Gua number for boys born in 2000 and later

The result of adding the last two digits of the year of birth must be subtracted not from 10, but from 9. By the way, there is no Gua number equal to 0, so a boy born in 2009 has a Gua number of 9.

Important note : for women, if the result is 5, the Gua number is considered to be 8, and for men - 2.

There are two groups depending on the number of Gua: eastern and western. If your Gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9, then you belong to the Eastern group. Favorable directions in this case are South, North, East and Southeast.

If your Gua number is 2, 6, 7 or 8, you belong to the Western group. Favorable directions for people of the Western group are considered to be Northeast, Southwest, West and Northwest.

Favorable directions

  1. Success is the direction that is responsible for wealth, prosperity, luck and well-being. This direction is considered the most favorable, as it guarantees success in any endeavor. Feng Shui recommends looking in this direction more often: you can turn your desk in the direction of Success, and try to sit facing this direction at the dinner table.
  2. Personal development is a direction that promotes the disclosure of internal potential, self-development and self-improvement. This direction helps develop creative abilities and also helps improve professional qualities.
  3. The heavenly doctor is the direction responsible for health, strength and energy.
  4. Love and marriage are a direction with which you can improve these areas of life, build harmonious relationships, and create a favorable atmosphere in the family.

Unfavorable directions

  1. Obstacles - a direction that brings minor troubles and promises small quarrels. It is considered the weakest of the four inauspicious directions.
  2. Five spirits or ghosts are a more dangerous direction than obstacles; it is fraught with financial difficulties, losses, and fires.
  3. Six killers is a direction that promises serious problems. They can happen one at a time or all at once. These include financial difficulties, illness, and legal problems.
  4. Total collapse is a direction that threatens losses, losses, bankruptcy and even death. This is the most dangerous of all unfavorable directions.

Working with favorable and unfavorable directions is quite simple. To improve any area of ​​life, try to look, eat food facing in favorable directions (whichever you like best), place the head of the bed in your favorable direction. Conversely, to avoid the unpleasant consequences of unfavorable directions, try to avoid them in such important moments as sleeping, eating, studying, working, signing important contracts, etc.

Directions favorable for numbers

Favorable directions according to Gua number should be taken into account in life every day:

  1. The direction of success and favorable energy currents is Sheng Qi. This flow promotes success in love and finance. The house will be full, people will be lucky. A person will be able to earn a high social status. The direction is suitable for turning your life for the better, while all events will develop easily.
  2. Tien-Yi is the direction of health. It is good when the head of the bed or the front door is turned in this direction. It is also beneficial to bring dishes and at the same time face this direction. This knowledge will help you stay active and healthy for many years.
  3. Yan-Nian is the direction of love and harmony in the sexual sphere of life. Knowledge helps maintain peace in all family relationships: both between husband and wife, and between parents and children. You can achieve harmony like this: place the bed in the Yan-Nian direction.
  4. Stability in living quarters is a merit of the Fu-Wei direction. Serves to ensure clarity of mind, flexibility of thinking, and logic. Therefore, it is worth organizing a workplace here; the direction will help you move up the career ladder and make a big profit.

Gua Number 1

Favorable directions:

  • Success - Southeast
  • Personal Development – ​​North
  • Heavenly Doctor – East
  • Love and Marriage – South

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - West
  • Five Spirits - Northeast
  • Six Killers - North West
  • Total Collapse – Southwest

Unfavorable directions in Feng Shui

Eastern philosophers also highlight unfavorable energy flows. Knowledge will help you adjust zones in your living space and prevent unwanted events:

  1. The flow of Ho-Hai energy creates obstacles along the way. But this direction is weak, so it does not cause much trouble to people.
  2. Liu Sha is a direction in which you should not arrange a bedroom or office. Otherwise, bad events await you in love and work.
  3. Wu Gui is an unfavorable direction because it can lead to misfortunes, big expenses, fires, robberies and depression.
  4. Jue Ming is the most unfavorable place, which leads to loss of profits. A person loses luck here, so the front door should not be installed so that it faces in this direction. The bed should also not be located facing the Jue Ming stream.

Knowledge of how energy flows are distributed and which zones in a living space help men and women in business is valuable. They help you achieve prosperity in all areas of life without difficulty.

Gua Number 2

Favorable directions:

  • Success – Northeast
  • Personal Development – ​​South West
  • Heavenly Doctor – West
  • Love and Marriage – North-West

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – East
  • Five Spirits - Southeast
  • Six Killers - South
  • Total Collapse – North

Calculation method

The number needs to be calculated differently, depending on gender and year of birth. It is important to take into account that the Chinese year does not start on January 1, but from the beginning of February. Therefore, for those born after January 1, but before February 4 or 5, when calculating, the recommendation is to use not the usual year of birth, but the year earlier.

An accurate calculation of the number helps determine the entire life path of a person. The Bagua number allows you to correctly zone space so that harmony and good luck reign in all areas. The Bagua Grid demonstrates how best to use the energy of the surrounding space in order to correctly distribute energy flows for success in individual aspects of life.

According to modern interpretations, there is no Gua number 5. Therefore, instead of this number, others automatically fall out, depending on gender and year of birth. But if, during the calculation, it turns out that a person has such a number, it is believed that people with a similar indicator are conflicted, and it is difficult for them to find a match. They feel best in an alliance with partners with the same indicator.

Gua Number 3

Favorable directions:

  • Success - South
  • Personal Development – ​​East
  • Heavenly Doctor – North
  • Love and Marriage – Southeast

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - Southwest
  • Five Spirits - Northwest
  • Six Killers - Northeast
  • Total collapse - West

Definition of element

A person’s element determines his character and temperament. To find out what energy predominates in you, study this table:


  • 0 - the number of “metal” people with Yang energy. They are very purposeful, persistent, endowed with enormous willpower and righteous. But they can be overly stubborn and demanding, which complicates relationships with others. Intellectuals.
  • 1 - metal, Yin. Aesthetes, the main thing for them is the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. They strive to improve, enhance and beautify everything around them. But they can be overly arrogant, criticize people and consider themselves better than others.
  • 2 - water, total. Very active, lively, inquisitive and inquisitive people. They are interested in everything, incorrigible optimists and lovers of life. Sometimes they can be childish and live in a world of pink clouds without seeing the true reality.
  • 3 - water, Yin. Refined and noble nature. They strive to be part of “high society”, to occupy a high social status. They are prone to depression and do not tolerate stress well.
  • 4 - tree, gene. The natures are very unprincipled, stubborn and uncompromising. They live by their own clearly formulated rules, do not tolerate laxity, and still will not do anything.
  • 5 - tree, Yin. They are very tolerant of others, any negative action of a loved one will be justified and explained, kind and merciful. At the same time, they are very demanding of themselves, striving to live up to the invented ideal.
  • 6 - fire, general. Very energetic and active. They strive to try everything in life, often change jobs, place of residence, hobbies and friends. They often fall in love and just as often become disappointed.
  • 7 - fire, Yin. People are cautious and vulnerable, very sensitive to negativity, and often get offended. They do not know how to rest and relax, so they can live in constant tension.
  • 8 - land, total. Conservatives adhere to strict moral principles. Very faithful and devoted friends, they will never leave a loved one in trouble.
  • 9 - earth, Yin. Soft, obedient, flexible personality. Parents and family are revered above all else. They like to be alone and cannot stand noisy company.

Knowing your element, you can understand how to harmoniously and correctly live your inherent energy.

Gua Number 4

Favorable directions:

  • Success - North
  • Personal Development – ​​Southeast
  • Heavenly Doctor – South
  • Love and marriage – East

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - North West
  • Five Spirits - Southwest
  • Six Killers - West
  • Total Collapse – Northeast

Gua Number 6

Favorable directions:

  • Success - West
  • Personal Development – ​​North West
  • Heavenly Doctor – Northeast
  • Love and Marriage – Southwest

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - Southeast
  • Five Spirits – East
  • Six Killers – North
  • Total collapse - South

Gua number 7

Favorable directions:

  • Success – North-West
  • Personal Development - West
  • Sky Doctor – Southwest
  • Love and Marriage – Northeast

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - North
  • Five Spirits - South
  • Six Killers - Southeast
  • Total Collapse – East

Gua number 8

Favorable directions:

  • Success – South-West
  • Personal Development – ​​Northeast
  • Heavenly Doctor – North-West
  • Love and Marriage - West

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - South
  • Five Spirits - North
  • Six Killers – East
  • Total Collapse – Southeast
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