What is the GUA number? Favorable and unfavorable directions

The number GUA-4 corresponds to the personality trigram Shun. It consists of 2 solid yang lines, which are located above the broken yin line. Solid lines symbolize Heaven, broken lines symbolize Earth. The movement of the sky above the surface of the earth is nothing more than the wind.

Shun is the spirit of wind and wood. It is almost impossible to catch and very easy to miss. They penetrate deep into objects and endow them with completeness. He gives his energy and asks for nothing in return. It lifts you to unattainable heights and prevents you from falling to the ground. This is a symbol of the eldest daughter, integrity and inner core.

  • Element - small tree
  • Symbol - wind
  • Direction - southeast
  • Shades - green, blue, light blue
  • Season: early autumn
  • Lucky number of the month is 16
  • Body part - thighs
  • The main character traits are the desire for knowledge, productivity, and calmness.

Gua Number 4: Personality Characteristics

Gua number 4 distinguishes a person who is independent, creative and free. People who correspond to this number do not like injustice and are honest. But at the same time, such individuals are not characterized by conflict, they are indecisive and often doubt.

Gua number 4

The distinctive features of people with number 4 are softness and tenderness. These are patient people who make great friends. They are hard-working, capable of overworking and do not pay attention to rest. It is important for them to benefit society.

As for professions, the “fours” make better journalists, teachers, as well as creative specialists such as artists and writers.

Compatibility of 4 and 9 in love

The passion between these people flares up immediately, but sometimes it takes time for interest in each other to arise.

Acquaintance may begin with hostility, constant quarrels and scandals, but as communication progresses, mutual respect arises, which can develop into something more. Such people are not always able to distinguish passion from love, so disappointments are possible.

In family life they support each other, but they need time and confidence to fully open up. It is for this reason that they can date for many years and not live together, and then suddenly decide that they cannot live without each other and live in love.

Directions of Gua Number 4

After determining the gua number, you need to carefully study the favorable and unfavorable directions for it. This will help you arrange furniture correctly in your home, determine where doors and windows in your home should be better located, as well as how best to arrange rooms in order to achieve harmonious relationships both in the family and in your career. The number also affects the compatibility of people. You can find a partner whose gua number suits you too.

If you use directions correctly, you can bring good luck, career, and health into your home.

Favorable directions for number 4

For gua number 4, the main favorable directions are the following:

  1. Southeast. This direction for people 4 characterizes personal development and stability. It is recommended to sleep in this direction with your head, then the life of the “four” will be calm and stable. The more often a person is in this side of the world, the more stable his financial condition is.
  2. North. This is the sector of wealth and success. The direction gives “fours” successful career development and complete success in their endeavors.
  3. East. Provides harmony and normalizes family relationships. At the same time, it is this side that helps to put personal life in order and improve it for lonely people.
  4. South. Responsible for health. If a person with gua number 4 gets sick, then he needs to be in the southern direction of his home more often, and sleep with his head to the south.

If you take into account favorable directions, you can influence the aspects of life that are most important now.

Unfavorable directions

Gua number 4 also has unfavorable directions that negatively affect all areas of life. They are also worth knowing so as not to spoil your energy. You should not put a bed in such places, arrange a rest there, or go to bed with your head in that direction.

  1. Northwest. This is not the most dangerous direction for people with the number 4. It creates minor troubles and annoying obstacles on the way to their cherished goal.
  2. Southwest is the direction of the five ghosts. This sector can spoil both personal relationships and career growth, and therefore you should not place the bed in the southwest of the apartment, or create a personal office there, in which serious business issues are resolved. The office of people with number 4 should also be located in this sector of the building.
  3. West. One of the most dangerous directions for this gua number. The worst thing is if the front door is located in the west. This will attract a huge amount of negative energy into the house. It is not recommended to arrange a children's room and office in the west.
  4. Northeast. A dangerous direction for the “fours”. It has a negative impact on all areas of life. If the front door of gua number 4 is located in this sector, then it seems that the person is always haunted by failures: poor health, failure in business, constant problems at work and in the family.

Of course, it is not always possible to move the front door or rearrange the bed. Then devices should be used to correct the negative energy that is attracted by the unfavorable location of the home and components.

Directions of Gua Number 4

Compatibility of 4 and 9 in friendship

These people may experience hostility at the first meeting, especially if their life principles and goals are opposite.

Over time, they become closer and can become real comrades-in-arms and businessmen striving for success and prosperity. However, in some cases, such people can behave unpredictably and harshly towards each other, especially if they have something to share.

For business and collaboration, this is not the best combination. Especially if 4 works under 9. In this case, conflicts, constant quarrels and troubles are possible if 4 is in no hurry to do what 9 needs.

Combination of Gua numbers: checking compatibility

If a person knows his gua number, then he can safely check compatibility with other people, which will allow him to create strong relationships both in the family and at work.

The ideal pair is considered to be a combination of 4 and 6 or 4 and 9. Such unions usually live happily ever after.

Relationships between “fours” and people “ones” and “threes” develop with varying degrees of success. These unions can be very happy and vice versa.

“Fours” are completely incompatible with those whose numbers are 2, 5, 7 and 8. These are people without common interests and with opposite views on life.

Secrets from Violetta

In Feng Shui, the Gua number indicates a person's personal energy. We can say that the Gua number is your personal Feng Shui, which allows you to determine individual favorable and unfavorable directions. What does this mean?

Different directions, depending on where they are directed, have different energy characteristics. For some, a certain direction can be beneficial, bring good luck in business, promote health and success. But it may not suit another person at all. And to find out, you need to calculate the Gua number.

How to calculate Gua number

Calculating the Gua number is simple and straightforward , but requires some care and precision in execution. It is calculated using the following formulas:

  • For a man born before 2000, you need to calculate the Gua number like this - first add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you end up with a two-digit number, add them up again until you are left with one number. Then subtract the result from 10.
  • For a woman, add the last two digits of her year of birth in the same way, bring the result to one and add the number 5.

For people born in 2000 and later, the calculation formula will be slightly different. So, for a girl, you need to add not 5, but 6 . And for a boy, the result needs to be subtracted from 9 . If he was born in 2009, then it is clear that the Gua number cannot be equal to zero. And then it equals 9.

Important points

  • Gua number 5 does not exist! When the final total is 5, then for a woman the Gua number is 8 , and for a man it is 2 .
  • Keep in mind that the year according to the Chinese solar calendar does not begin on January 1, as is generally accepted, but at the beginning of February. Therefore, if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, then you need to carry out calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

To simplify the task, use a special calculator where you can not only determine the Gua number, but also find out your personality element.

Calculation of Gua number. Examples

For a woman born on June 20, 1951.

  • Add the last two digits of the year: 5 + 1 = 6
  • Add 5 + 6 = 11
  • Add 1 + 1 = 2
  • So, her Gua number is 2

For a boy born on January 15, 2010.

New Year according to the Chinese calendar in 2010 begins on February 4, so when calculating, we assume that the boy was born in 2009. That is, the Gua number is 9.

Depending on Gua, people are divided into eastern or western groups and have their own lucky directions. These directions point to the eight cardinal directions. Four of them will be favorable, and the other four will not be.

If, after calculating the Gua number, you received one of these results - 1, 3, 4, 9 , then you belong to the eastern group, and the cardinal directions - east, southeast, north, south will be good for you . If you received - 2, 6, 7 or 8 , then you belong to the western group and for you the best sides are west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

Compatibility of people by Gua number

There are some lucky number combinations in Feng Shui. To some extent, this affects the marriage between a man and a woman. If they have Gua numbers 1 and 6 , then their marriage together will bring wealth. Spouses with numbers 2 and 7 have every chance of a very happy life together and harmonious relationships into old age. A husband and wife with Gua 3 and 8 will not be bored together; they will have such a passionate relationship that many can only envy! And spouses with numbers 4 and 9 will go through life hand in hand, together achieving great fame and real recognition.

There is another approach to choosing a partner. It makes sense for people from the eastern group to create a family with people from their group, and for representatives of the western group - with their own. According to this principle, it is much easier to achieve overall harmonious feng shui, since the good directions of the husband and wife will coincide.

However, the Gua number does not indicate a person's character traits, so in Feng Shui there is no such thing as compatibility of people according to the Gua number in matters of love, marriage or business relationships! For this, the Bazi (pillars of fate) map is already used, which is compiled according to the full date of birth.

Favorable Feng Shui directions for Gua numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

  • Sheng Qi - direction Success - the most favorable direction in Feng Shui with the best type of energy. It ensures success in absolutely any endeavor, brings money, fame, and a high position in society. The direction is ideal to turn the desktop in this direction. If the front door to the apartment and the worker “looks” at it, then it will be just wonderful!
  • Tien-I - Health direction . If the entrance door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are directed in this direction, or when eating food, you will face it, then this will have the most beneficial effect on your health and increase vitality.
  • Yan-Nyan - the direction of Love helps to create harmonious relationships in the family for a long life together. For this purpose, installing the bed with the headboard in the Yan-Nian direction will be especially useful. If you are single and dream of a life partner, then this direction is the best for you.
  • Fu Wei - direction Stability is perfect for developing internally, it gives clarity of thinking. This contributes to improved qualifications and, as a result, career growth. It would be good to direct your workplace in this direction.
Gua NumberSuccessHealthLoveStability
Eastern group
Western group

Unfavorable directions

Using them leads to various problems.

  • Ho-Hai - Obstacles are unpleasant, but they are the weakest of the bad ones. Means “minor setbacks” and minor problems. It's not that bad, but it's best to avoid it if possible.
  • Liu-Sha - Six Assassins. If your desk or bed is facing in this direction, then serious conflicts may arise in the family and at work, and legal problems may suddenly arise in business.
  • Wu-Gui - Five Ghosts - this direction threatens with accidents and loss of money. Fires and thefts are possible. If you sleep with your head in this direction, you can become seriously ill or depressed.
  • Jue-Ming - Complete collapse. This is the most unfortunate and harmful place. Avoid him at all costs, do not sit facing him during work or important meetings. The head of the bed should not be in this part of the house, otherwise you will have bad dreams and you simply will not be able to get enough sleep. This is also an undesirable place for the front door, since every time you leave the apartment, you attract negative energy along with failures.
Gua NumberComplete collapseSix KillersFive GhostsObstacles
Eastern group
Western group

How to apply favorable and unfavorable directions for Gua

Having calculated the Gua number and determined your favorable directions according to Feng Shui, you need to arm yourself with a magnetic compass and determine where you have which cardinal directions.

Apply this in your life

  • Try to sleep with your head in a direction that is favorable to you
  • Sit at your desk in such a way that you are facing in the “right direction.”
  • Try to ensure that your successful directions are repeated as often as possible in the house.

First of all, consider such things as the direction of the front door to the house, the entrance to the bedroom and the head of the bed, and the position of the stove in the kitchen. These are important signs that influence good feng shui.

But if you find that the head of the bed is facing in your personal unfortunate direction, then do not rush to panic ahead of time! According to other feng shui methods, this position of the bed may well be suitable.

Personal favorable and unfavorable directions have a cumulative effect. They gain greater strength only when repeated several times.

For example, if during sleep the head of your bed faces in a favorable direction, while the door to the bedroom also faces in a good direction, and in addition the door to an apartment or house is directed in your personal favorable direction - then this is very good, and you will get the maximum benefits.

If the bed is directed in an unfavorable direction, but the door to the bedroom itself faces in a good direction, then this smoothes out the negative and will not create big troubles.

In general, more often try to stick to directions that are good for your Feng Shui - Gua numbers, avoid the bad ones - and then you will notice how your life will begin to change for the better!

Find out Your Main Secret - Training “Gua Number - Destiny Number”


May you be surrounded by magnificent Feng Shui!

Personality trigram

These personalities are characterized by the spirit of wind and the element of wood. The trigram looks like two yang lines that are located above one yin line. The color of the trigram should be predominantly green or blue, with light brown also suitable. For such people, the ideal season is autumn, and the best results in business are obtained in the second part of the month.

The energy of this trigram is very active, and owners can help others with both action and advice. The problem is that they themselves are not supported by anyone and you only need to rely on yourself.

Calculating your gua number is not difficult, and the benefits of such knowledge are obvious. The teachings of Feng Shui have long been not just a fad, but real proof that with the help of proper management of energy flows, you can really change areas of life.

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