Feng Shui treasure map - what is it and how to make it

If you want to make your dreams come true as quickly as possible, use a fail-safe method: a treasure map. This is perhaps the most effective, most interesting, coolest and means that can radically change your life for the better, fulfill your wildest dreams and desires.

What is needed for that? Just a little: a few magazines, scissors, glue, your photograph (exactly the one in which you like yourself), a list of your wishes and dreams, whatman paper or just a large sheet of paper, and most importantly, the belief that your dreams and desires, will be fulfilled. So, on the waxing moon, take whatman paper or a sheet of paper, line it into 9 squares, i.e. Apply a Bagua or Lo-Shu grid to the sheet. (link to our Bagua article). Then paste cutouts and images of your desires in the required sectors. From your list of hopefully numerous desires, choose a few, ten, twelve, I think that’s enough for a start. Choose two or three from each category. Let's look at each category of desires in relation to the Bagua grid. In general, there are nine categories into which any desire fits. I will list: wealth (southeast, Bagua grids); health (center, Bagua grids), fame (south, Bagua grids), love, relationships (southwest, Bagua), creativity, hobbies, children (west, Bagua grids), travel, helpers (northwest, Bagua grids) , career (north, Bagua grids), knowledge and wisdom (northeast, Bagua grids), family (east, Bagua grids). Now, re-read your desires, and think about which of your desires falls into which category, I think any of your dreams will find its place in the list of Bagua categories. So, I repeat, cut out images of your dreams and desires and paste them in the appropriate sectors. If you don’t find a clipping or photograph of the embodiment of your dream, you can draw your desire, even if you don’t know how to draw, it doesn’t matter, just depict it as best you can. We'll look at each category in more detail later. But first, the safety precautions for using a treasure map.

Safety precautions for using treasure maps.

1) Cut out and paste only images of your desires and dreams onto your card.8) And only their own. And most importantly, in a good mood, with positivity and faith in your dreams. 2) On the clippings of your dreams there should be no foreign objects, especially threatening ones, for example: dry, gnarled trees, sharp objects, negative events, war scenes, or simply unnecessary ones. (for example: my friend glued an image of a house to her map, i.e. she took a photograph of the desired house, but did not notice that in the background there were several dry trees. Yes, she bought the house she wanted at an affordable price, but he ended up right next to a swamp, with a bunch of dry, gnarled trees. I probably don’t need to explain to you why such a neighborhood is not beneficial? 3) Never want to harm other people, i.e. your desire should not affect other people’s interests, and should not harm others in any way. 4) Never envy anyone, and naturally, never make a wish or wish for someone else’s things (for example: “I wish for the same nose as my friend Nadya, and a blouse like my sister Natasha’s”), after all, the same nose, like a friend’s, you may be more likely to be “disfigured,” and a blouse, like your sister’s, may simply not suit you in color. Therefore, we do not envy and do not “write off” other people’s wishes, but wish and make only our own. 5) But even if your dreams and desires are yours and only yours, then make completely feasible and realistic wishes. For example, you can, of course, wish: “Peace in the whole world,” but it is better to wish “Peace in my soul.” After all, as you know: “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved...” although peace in the whole world is also not bad... But the best thing is to still wish only for yourself. 6) And of course, your desire, under no circumstances, should harm other people, I repeat: under no circumstances! That is, never think: “I want my colleague Fyodor Ivanovich to be fired from his job” or “I want all my neighbor Tamara’s pies to burn…” or, in general, as in the joke “let the Tatars go against the Swedes ..." Such desires either will not come true, or even if they come true, you yourself will have it even worse... As they say, don’t spit in the well... or even “Tit for tat...”. This is already the law of retribution, what you sow is what you reap. Therefore, do not wish harm on others, make your kindest and noblest wishes concerning you and only you. 7) In general, all pictures should be positive, bright, light, joyful, and kind. The inscriptions (of your dreams and desires) should also be positive, without the particle “not” (the Universe does not perceive the word “not”). For example: Do not write “I don’t want to get sick.” It’s better to write: “My health is improving!” or “I’m healthy and happy!” Also, write all your desires and dreams in the present tense, and as if they have already been fulfilled. For example: if you write: “Very soon, I will become a successful businessman.” (Agree, it’s somehow vague and incomprehensible, and what does “very soon” mean?) It’s much better to write like this: “A year later, I became a successful and rich businessman.” Or better yet: “I am a successful and rich businessman!” You don’t want your dreams to remain in the future, someday, somewhere...? 9) And after each desire or dream (written or spoken), do not forget to add a wonderful formula of goodness and happiness: “For my good and the good of everyone related to this!” or “For my good and the good of everyone around me!” What is this for? And in order not to inadvertently harm anyone. Those. your credo from now on should be: “Do no harm! “ 10) Try not to make a wish card for another person or for another person. After all, you cannot know the desires of another person, and even if you know or are sure what your friend wants, for example, then you definitely will not take into account all the nuances or details of someone else’s desire. 11) One more nuance: if you don’t find the desired picture of a given city (where you want to visit), do not paste a photo of another city (the same country). Unless of course you want to visit it too. Will explain. Here is an incident that happened to me. I have always dreamed of visiting Egypt. And so my husband and I went to this country, to the Conrad Hotel, a charming hotel with excellent corals right next to the shore. We had a wonderful time. But because My husband and I have a credo: “don’t go to the same place or hotel twice” (there are so many places in the world where you want to go), then next time, of course, we decided to go to another hotel, in Egypt. And at this time, I was making another Treasure Map, and not finding the right picture of Egypt, I pasted in the travel zone a photo of the Conrad Hotel, a picture by a picture, the main thing is that it’s a photo of Egypt, and we’ll go to a different hotel, I reasoned. Probably, it’s no longer worth saying that on our next visit to Egypt, my husband and I went to the same hotel “Conrad”, no, we tried to choose another hotel, but... some hotels did not have rooms, others were too expensive , in the third there was almost no coral, in the fourth we simply didn’t like it... and time was running out, and we had to go to the same hotel as last time. Later, I noticed this photo and peeled it off the Treasure Map, leaving only the inscription of my desire, and the third time, we already went to another hotel, everything turned out as we wanted. As someone said: “Be afraid of your desires, because they can come true...” 12) And most importantly, after fulfilling the Desire Card, it does not mean that you need to sit and wait for your desires to come true, quite the opposite: we roll up our sleeves and get to work, i.e. e. We begin to fulfill our desires ourselves. Are you surprised?! As someone said: “Go to your dream, if you can’t walk, crawl, if you can’t crawl, lie down in the direction of your dreams” - a joke, but as my husband says: “There’s a grain of joke in every joke!” Did you think you’ll make a Treasure Map and that’s it, it’s done? Well, I do not! Do something!

Important nuances

For the card to work to its maximum, you need to know something else:

  1. Do not start making when you are tired, in a bad mood, or depressed. Otherwise, you will anchor this state and every time you look at the map, you will return to it.
  2. Set aside a couple of hours when no one will distract you. You can turn on relaxing music and light candles to get into the right mood. Before creating a collage, visualize your desire well and charge it with positive emotions.
  3. The lifespan of the card is 1–3 years. Keep this in mind when formulating your wishes.
  4. You should only have one card at a given time. Therefore, first deal with the old one and only then create a new one.
  5. Wish cards came to us from Feng Shui. Even if you do not believe in this teaching, try to follow the recommendations regarding the placement of sectors and the selection of colors. There are also rules for choosing production time. The most favorable period is 2 weeks after Chinese New Year. If you don’t have time, make a map during the waxing Moon.
  6. Keep old used copies as a keepsake. Review them from time to time to remind yourself how many wishes have already been fulfilled.
  7. It happens that some desires lose their relevance before they have time to come true. In this case, carefully peel off the corresponding image and stick a new one. With a cork board it is much easier in this regard.
  8. After each wish is fulfilled, mentally thank the card.

Creating a Map of Your Desires.

Now let's start creating the Wish Map itself (Treasure Map). So, take whatman paper or a sheet of A3 paper; smaller, for example A4, will not be enough. Next, we cut out images of our dreams and desires from various glossy magazines. You can take a photo in the interior of your dreams (for example, you are leaving the house you dream about; or you, driving the car of your dreams, go to a fur salon and take a photo in the fur coat you want, because you don’t have to buy it yet, so tell the saleswoman: “I I’ll buy it later!”). If you can’t take such photos, there is a way out: make a collage, for example: insert your photo into the interior of the car, or find an image of your dream house and paste your photo, as if you were leaving it, or... well, dreams - it’s yours, so create, fantasize, invent... Everything is in your hands. The main thing is to do it!!! To make it easier to decide on your dreams and desires, look at the Bagua square; it represents all the groups of existing desires of humanity, i.e. any wish or dream that comes to your mind. What will it be, what do you dream about: a car, a house, diamond jewelry, a yacht, travel, good health, a career, family happiness, love, wealth, spiritual growth... A Treasure Map will help you achieve all this and much more, using the Bagua grid . The Treasure Map itself should probably be created during the waxing moon. So: take the selected sheet of paper or cardboard, line it like a Bagua grid or a Lo-Shu square, and with faith and optimism begin to glue your dreams in the appropriate sectors. In general, it is not necessary to paste images of things and objects (cars, houses, etc.), you can use images (for example: if your dream is to make a career, then paste an image of a person in a luxurious office, or a person climbing the stairs, career ladder, and be sure to sign, for example, “I am climbing the career ladder easily and quickly! For my and everyone’s good!”; or your desire is to meet the man of your dreams: paste a picture of a couple in love in a romantic setting and be sure to sign.

When can I create a vision board?

To choose the ideal time to create a treasure map, you can simply use the Feng Shui calendar with the most suitable dates for this. If it is not there, you can consider the following recommendations:

  1. The ideal time to create a treasure map is the waxing moon, as well as the full moon. The best days for its creation are: 1, 3, 7 and 11 lunar days of the calendar.
  2. The 14th day from the beginning of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar is considered favorable.
  3. Another happy date is your birthday.

What and in which sectors can be glued to the treasure map.

And now an approximate list of possible desires and dreams divided into categories by Bagua zones.8) 1) “Health” zone (the center of your map) - make the color of this sector yellow, here place your photo in which you like yourself. Preferably the most recent one (i.e. recent), and in this photo you should look healthy and cheerful. And also, since this is a health zone, images of ruddy apples, golden peaches, black and red caviar, and any other products or dishes that you associate with healthy eating, beauty, and good health would be appropriate here. You can stick fruit around your central photo. And of course, be sure to write down your desire, for example: “I am always healthy and happy” or “I have good health” or “I eat healthy and get thinner.” (note, the inscriptions are positive, without the particle “not”, and most importantly in the present tense. If you write in the future, then your desire may remain so... in the future). 2) “Wealth” zone (left, upper corner of the wish card) - make the color of this sector green, your photo would be appropriate here, where, for example, money is pouring down on you, a lot of money. Either you are lying on a pile of money, you are surrounded by money, or you are holding many stacks of money in your hands (you can make a collage). Also in this sector, images of many coins, bills, wads of money, gold bars, diamonds or expensive jewelry would be appropriate. The inscription of your desire may be: “I am rich and happy!” or “My salary has tripled this year!” or “My monthly income is 300 thousand rubles!” 3) “Glory” zone (upper, central sector of the map) - the color of the sector is preferably red, since this zone is responsible for reputation, fame, and the opinions of others, then place images of diplomas, certificates, images of your successes and achievements here. 4) “Love” zone (right, upper corner of the treasure map) - the color of this zone is preferably brown or yellow, and here you can place: if you are looking for your “prince” - images of a couple in love, intertwined hands; wedding ceremony, intertwined wedding rings (if your goal is not just love, but also to get married), it’s even better to make a collage where you will hug a young man, if there is no contender for this role yet, it is best that the man’s face is not visible (you don’t know the appearance of your future loved one yet). 5) “Creativity” zone (right, middle sector of the map) - sector color is white. And since this sector is responsible for hobbies, creativity, and the ability to communicate, here you can place any images or photos of your hobbies or hobbies, or what you want to achieve in your creativity (for example: you want to write and publish a novel, paste an image of a book... and don’t forget a positive signature: “I easily and quickly wrote and published a book!” or “My novel immediately became a bestseller!” And don’t forget, for your novel to become a bestseller, at a minimum, it must be written... 6) “Helpers” zone (lower right corner of the map) - the color of this sector is silver, metallic. This is a zone of protection, mentors and assistants, as well as the travel and travel sector, which means here you can post photographs of people who are your spiritual mentors and teachers. Also, images of angels and guardian angels. And of course photos of countries and cities you want to visit. 7) “Career” zone (lower, middle sector of your map) - sector color, black. Since this zone is the zone of career, professional activity and self-realization, here place a photo of the desired place of your ideal job, the logo of the company where you want to work, you can make a collage, for example: you are sitting in a huge and luxurious chair of the general director, you can have an image, an image a person climbing the career ladder, or any image associated with career and professional growth. “Knowledge” zone (lower, left corner) - decorate this sector in brown, ocher or yellow, and since this is a zone of self-improvement, experience, wisdom and knowledge, then this is the right place to place photos of diplomas, sages, images of higher education establishments, and everything that can help you achieve your goals. And don’t forget the inscriptions, your wishes. 9) “Family” zone (left, middle sector of your map) - design this sector in the dark green sector. This sector of relatives, ancestors, immediate environment. Here, for example, place a photo of a happy family, perhaps against the backdrop of a beautiful house.

Duration of action and frequency of replacement

It is believed that the wish card must be made again every year. It is during this period that the Earth makes a revolution around the Sun. The energy of the Universe depends on the activity of the planets. At the same time, there are desires that cannot be fulfilled in 12 months. But they still need to be fixed at the point of execution, and not at an intermediate stage. Only the final goals should be indicated on the map. The maximum validity period for a treasure board is 3 years.

You can create a flowing map. Desires that have already been fulfilled are replaced with new ones. Unfulfilled dreams remain in place to guide, to be a source of inspiration.

What to do after creating a Treasure Map.

And now you have created your treasure map, what next? Well, then the fun begins! Place your card, preferably in your bedroom, so that when you wake up you look at it. But the main thing is that no outsider sees it, you don’t need negativity and skeptical remarks, and other people’s views can deprive your card of its power and, desires and dreams may not come true. In principle, you can hang the map wherever it is convenient for you, except, of course, in the hallway, bathroom with toilet and kitchen. The best place is on the bedroom wall, opposite your bed, so that you can see your Treasure Map when you wake up. And so that no one else sees it, it can be covered with something like a screen. If this is not possible, then place the Treasure Map in your closet, because only you look there. So, every morning, look at your map, imagine, meditate, speak out your desires. You can read mantras, but most importantly, do not forget to imagine your dreams as already coming true. And of course, as we already wrote, do at least something to fulfill your desires (if you want to travel, go to a travel agency and look at advertising brochures, find out the price of your trip; if you want a car, do a test drive of the right brand, etc.) d.) As our ancestors said: “Under a lying stone, water does not flow!” And to speed up the fulfillment of your desires and dreams, do this: in the health zone, glue a picture of your favorite dish or product: strawberries or bananas, ice cream or orange juice; write under this picture, for example: “I wish today to eat ice cream!” For my good!” And having written this, you go, buy yourself some ice cream and eat it with great pleasure (not forgetting that dreams come true!), you have already fulfilled your first wish, having activated your Treasure Map. Wishes are starting to come true! Dreams come true!

Where to place it?

Many people are interested in the question - what is the best place to store the card so that it works?

The map works best in the place where you are most often, that is, in your constant field of vision. It is important to remember that it is better to store the card away from prying eyes. The ideal place for it is the bedroom, where there is no one except you, your spouse who supports you in this and the children. You can place it opposite the bed or in any other part of the room.

If you need to hide the punishment from prying eyes, you can hang it in the dressing room, in the wardrobe on the inside. Every time you look at her and the images associated with small and large dreams, you need to sincerely admire her and thank her for her work.


It is recommended to reinforce the wish card with affirmative phrases that lift your spirits and force you to act. Affirmations are settings that tune the subconscious in the right way. When repeated daily, they begin to work.

Affirmations should not contain negative particles. These include, for example, the following phrases:

  • "I am well";
  • “I am happily married”;
  • “I travel constantly”;
  • “My work inspires me.”

Positive thoughts are written under the pictures they correspond to.

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