How to make a wish map so that everything you plan comes true

I remember the evening.

I am 17 years old.

I’m making my first wish card in my room with my friends...

Many years have passed, now I am professionally engaged in the topic of wish fulfillment, teaching you this subtle art >>>

But the wish map still remains the most effective method of working with the Law of Attraction!

The Law of Attraction is a powerful and universal law that allows you to shape your life, the key to fulfilling your most cherished desires.

Its main rule: all our thoughts and our attitude towards life are a magnet for attracting certain events and circumstances. Turn the wheel of fortune in your direction.

That is, “...think about good things, I can fulfill them.”

There are many practices that allow you to fulfill your desires using this law. Today I want to talk about the wish map.

By the way, did you make your own cards? Share in the comments!

What is a wish card?

The teachings of Feng Shui have many tools that provide the opportunity to achieve harmony and realize your own dreams. Among them, the most reliable and effective is the wish card. The simplicity of its compilation makes it possible for everyone to use ancient knowledge. It is not at all difficult to comprehend this science. If you know how to make a wish map correctly, you can make significant changes in your own life, attract the attention of higher powers and achieve everything you want in life.

The article is devoted to how to correctly draw up a wish map so that it really works for good and can help in the realization of every dream without missing a single one. The teaching of Feng Shui has a long history, its tools designed to fulfill desires have been tested by many people. No one doubts their effectiveness. It is the reliability of all the instruments of the ancient teaching that explains its large-scale spread far beyond the borders of the homeland. In many countries around the world there are people who use this ancient knowledge for their own benefit.

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How to arrange pictures

Sector "Health"

Place yourself in the center, radiating happiness and health. When captioning images, do not write the particle “not”. Write: “My body is beautiful! My health is excellent!” “I'm slim! I weigh 65 kg!” Never write the word “lose weight.”

Sector "Wealth"

Glue the estate, car, diamonds, money here, drawing the desired number of zeros, signing: “It arrived in my bank account and there is 1,000,999 rubles.”

You could write it like this: “I’m driving my new car.” “We celebrated a housewarming party in our new apartment on March 12, 2019.”

Sector of “Glory and Achievements”

This is the part of the map that is associated with self-realization, authority, and recognition in society. Paste pictures that demonstrate success and achieving goals.

For example, picture yourself on the red carpet, holding trophies and awards. Show yourself on the covers of magazines or on stage - you will be congratulated, awarded a diploma or medal. Or you speak at a seminar, or arrange your own exhibition, you are interviewed or shown on TV, you are surrounded by a crowd of fans, in general, everything that symbolizes your success and fame.

We sign all our wishes.

Sector “Love, relationships and marriage”

Place pictures that show fidelity and love between husband and wife. In your captions, focus on pleasure, love, and fidelity.

Write: “I have a purposeful, strong-willed husband, leads a healthy lifestyle, loves me, our children, he is devoted and faithful to the family.”

Do not paste the faces of specific people here.

Sector "Family"

Paste a picture of a happy family with children.

Sector "Creativity and Children"

The pasted photograph should be responsible for the person’s wishes and dreams.

Sector "Career"

Place a clipping of your desired job or company with the caption “I run a company...”.

Map out the stages of your career growth. Let it be a ladder, sign the dates and positions held, your earnings, and also what kind of business you will have. Depict this with a specific date, timing and amount of income.

Sector "Knowledge"

The knowledge sector contributes to learning new things, discovering interesting facets, and improving . It is best to focus on what is important for further development.

Sector "Travel and Assistance"

Determines the possibility of receiving help from other people to solve existing problems and actively explore the world.

Watch this video, from which it will become clear to you what you can write in sectors and what you absolutely cannot.

How does a wish card work?

Before you figure out how to make a wish map, you need to understand how it works. This is important for everyone and will help you decide whether to use this tool or choose another one to realize your desires.

To begin with, let us note that the Universe hears each of us if he addresses it correctly. The strongest and most sincere desires will certainly be fulfilled by her. People who correctly formulate their own desires and sincerely believe in the possibility of their realization never go unnoticed. Creating a wish map is a unique tool on the path to your own happiness, providing the opportunity to realize any, even the most unrealistic dream.

It is no secret that man is an amazing creature, whose capabilities have not yet been fully explored. If he sets his goals correctly, everything around him comes to the rescue, if the connection with the Universe is organized in the right way. After creating the card, you will need to hang it by your bed, in your office, or any other place where you often visit. It should be considered daily and imagine that each of the desires has already been realized. If you are looking for true love for many years, you will need to visualize your future chosen one:

  • “see” his face, height, physique,
  • “understand” habits and interests,
  • “find out” your field of activity, hobby, etc.

If your cherished desire is a certain position, you need to visualize it, imagine how you perform duties, give orders, etc. If you want, for example, to buy a car, you should imagine the exact model, how you drive it, go to work and travel .

Such visualization will allow you to send a message to the Universe so that the Higher Powers can hear all desires without exception and fulfill them. The more clearly you imagine your thoughts, “see” your own dreams, the faster they will become reality. The Feng Shui wish card really works, and it is absolutely easy for anyone to verify this.

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When is the best time to create it?

There are certain rules that apply to creating a wish card. Experts disagree on when it is best to create it. Some argue that it is better to create a map during the New Year (Chinese style), others talk about the new moon. It is then that you can get a good energy charge that would be used to fulfill your requests to the Universe. In any case, the best time for the card will be when you are calm and in a favorable mood. Turn on relaxing music, turn off your phone, let nothing interfere.

Map sectors

We will tell you in detail how to create a wish map so that all readers have the opportunity to use such a simple and effective tool to realize their wishes. Don't worry, it's absolutely easy to put together. To do this, it is best to take a sheet of Whatman paper or thick paper. In accordance with the Bagua grid, it will need to be divided into nine zones. It is important that all parts are the same size. The central zone is responsible for health; for it you will need to find one of the most positive photos of yourself, in which you are cheerful and happy. This is the photo you should place in the health zone.

In the fame zone, located at the top and responsible for the opportunity to achieve fame, you should mark a picture corresponding to your dream. This will allow you to achieve the desired fame in the simplest way. At the bottom of the health zone is the sector responsible for career success. It is important to imagine exactly what you want to achieve while climbing the career ladder, and place the appropriate image there.

The zone located in the upper left corner is responsible for material well-being. If you want material well-being, you need to place images of money, gold, various riches, etc. This will definitely help to significantly improve your financial situation.

The lower left sector will help you gain wisdom and get an education. Pictures of successful people with diplomas who are happy to receive a quality education are suitable for placement in it.

Between the zones responsible for wisdom and well-being, there is a sector that will help create a happy family. It should contain photos of happy families with children. If there is no desire to have a child, then no children.

Love is ruled by the sector located in the upper right corner. If you have a loved one, you can simply post his photo. If the dream is connected with the presence of a soulmate, then in this zone you will need to place any image that is a symbol of this bright feeling, its fullness and integrity.

The area responsible for creativity is located under the love sector. It should contain an image of the type of creativity in which you want to develop and achieve perfection. For a musician it is a favorite instrument, for a writer it is a book, etc.

The last remaining zone, which is located in the lower right corner, is responsible for assistants and travel. You can place images of various cities and countries in it, as well as people or saints who help and protect. In the online store you can order unique bracelets and talismans to make your wishes come true. There you can buy a bracelet in the shape of a cloud with the inscription “Everything will come true”, which will help you make your dreams come true. You can also choose a bracelet with the three H rule or a unique set of Success bracelets. Any of these accessories, as well as many others, will become important assistants on the way to your cherished goal. Such bracelets are endowed with magical powers and provide the opportunity to fulfill all your plans in order to live happily in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

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What images should be placed on the visualization map?

Try to make the symbol clear to your subconscious.

For example, in the wealth sector they like to post pictures of gold bars. Of course, gold is a symbol of wealth. But have you ever seen a gold bar in your life? Can you imagine its real cost? To your subconscious, such an ingot is just a photograph of a yellow cobblestone. Its materialization is impossible.

On the subject: How to correctly draw up a wish map that will fulfill all your Dreams

To depict wealth, it is better to choose the currency you use. Or draw a bank statement in your name.

To create a wish map, choose images whose embodiments exist in your reality.

But don't be afraid to dream. For example, a luxury home is your reality. Even though it doesn’t belong to you, you walk past it every day.

And you can try on gold jewelry with diamonds at a jewelry store. And take a ride in a black Mercedes.

The question often arises: what to draw or stick in an area that you don’t want to activate.

For example, a housewife is not at all interested in her career; she wants a flower from her husband.

But you can achieve considerable heights in housekeeping! But for some, a trip to the opposite end of the city is already a journey. Therefore, if you decide to design by zones, activate all sectors.

When is the best time to make a wish map?

The main thing is not any specific day, but the state of mind. You should be in high spirits and have firm confidence that everything will work out!

In our country there is a tradition of making wishes for the New Year. If you believe in New Year's magic, create a card for December 31st.

If you are an expert in Old Slavonic rituals, you can time everything to coincide with the summer solstice.

Or for your birthday.

If you plan events according to the lunar calendar, use this when drawing up your map. Astrologers consider the 2nd and 7th lunar days favorable. Avoid negative lunar days: 9, 19, 23, 26 and especially 29.

The main thing here is to understand and believe that this day will become a guide for you and your desires!

How to do it correctly according to Feng Shui?

We have figured out the principles in accordance with which a desire visualization card should be made. Now let's talk about the important rules and approaches to its manufacture. All photographs and images should be selected without haste, carefully thinking about them and comparing them with your own dreams. Such pictures must be of high quality and bright, causing maximum positive emotions. When selecting, it is important to carefully consider each one and listen to your own feelings.

You can find pictures for your wish card anywhere. The main thing is that you really like them, evoke maximum positive emotions and live up to your dreams. To do this, you can use posters or magazines, the Internet. If you wish, you can draw everything yourself. Many Feng Shui experts claim that such cards work even more effectively.

When all the pictures are selected, it’s time to start making the card. For this, the period of the waxing Moon, which is able to endow it with its magical power, is better suited. Only in this case will the card work as efficiently as possible and will be able to help not only fulfill your own desires, but also bring this moment closer.

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To get the most out of your wish card, you need to take into account all the details. It’s not enough to find photos and place them in squares of the appropriate color. You need to respect the Universe and your environment, believe in your own strengths and not listen to negative thoughts. Only a person who lives in harmony with his own desires will be helped by Fate in his aspirations.

One card per couple/family

The most effective cards are those made collectively. After all, more strength, energy, and emotions are invested in them. It is important that everyone supports the idea. If a person does not believe in the power of the card, you should not involve him in the process.

When preparing a family vision board, everyone's interests need to be taken into account. Discuss goals and only when they are perceived with enthusiasm by everyone should they be placed on paper. It is impossible for interests and aspirations to coincide in all sectors. This is especially true for education and career. You can place such desires separately, but you need to differentiate between who wants to do yoga and who wants to do numismatics.

The child's wishes can also be pasted on the board. Especially if he is small and cannot create a map himself. Parents help the already grown child and suggest how to correctly place the images he has chosen.

Adding a card after activation

Changes can be made to a ready-made map. Doing this is not prohibited at any time, even after its activation. The only way to charge new targets with energy is to place them on favorable days when the moon is waxing. You can even replace your own photo if you no longer like it. After all, the most important thing is the smile and the desire to move forward, which appear when looking at the treasure board.

Using black and white photos

The main thing when drawing up a map is to follow the sectors and not make mistakes. It is also important that she inspires. If you want to use black and white photos, then there is nothing wrong with that. This will not affect the operation of the card; what is important is the feeling that appears when working with images. If it seems that such pictures are what is needed at the moment, then the card is being made correctly. At the same time, photographs should be clear and understandable, without blurry details that can be interpreted in different ways.

Why the wish card doesn't work

It happens that a correctly prepared card refuses to fulfill wishes.

This can be explained as follows:

  • They stopped believing in the dream board and treat it with disrespect, like a household item. But you need to love her, thank her for her help, and most importantly, not doubt her strength;
  • The Universe helps those who give love and kindness to the world. She is unlikely to agree to show an angry and envious person the right path. And it's not just about actions. Even negative thoughts, offensive words thrown in jest can spoil karma. Therefore, if you really ask for help from the Universe, then you should reconsider your attitude towards life, friends and acquaintances. If you trust them, help them, thinking positively, then Fate will not be in debt.

5 ways to stop bending over to others and live more for yourself

Tips from the experts

Experts in the field of psychology and positive thinking support the technique of drawing up a wish map. But they also emphasize that making a collage is not enough, it is important to move in the intended direction. You cannot trust fate without taking action to achieve your goals.

Alina Gess

Alina Hess has helped many people achieve their deepest desires. She works with a variety of techniques, including practicing dream card making and advising on how to properly make them.

She calls for caution when designing the “Children and Creativity” zone. Photos of babies should be pasted only when there is a desire to get pregnant. If a couple no longer wants to have children, then there is no point in posting images of them. You don’t even need to use a photo of your own baby, wishing him health and happiness. When there is a girl in the family, and mom and dad want to give her a brother, then it’s better to find a picture with a boy. There is no need to use a photo of your daughter.

Yulia Voronina

Feng Shui consultant Yulia Voronina is known as a specialist in the Wish Fulfillment System. She considers the treasure board to be a living thing and talks about it as if it were a person. She shares the concepts of “vision board” and “dream collage”. The latter must contain personal photographs. It combines reality and dreams. And therefore it is considered more effective.

Vasilisa Volodina

The famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina refers to the wish map as a motivator. She believes this technique works. But simple planning also works, when a person sets a goal and breaks it down into separate tasks. Once he understands what actions he needs to perform, the dream will begin to approach. Without work, it is impossible to achieve a single dream.

Vasilisa advises setting priorities every year and trying to move towards your goals. After 12 months, you need to check whether everything was completed. Usually, if a person is really interested, most of the cases are successfully completed. The wish card also works.

Natalya Pravdina

Writer and positive psychology specialist Natalya Pravdina also gives advice to those trying to create a wish map. She encourages you to put on the board only what you really dream about. You shouldn't think about a luxury car if you don't plan to get a license. Also, you don’t need to imagine yourself in a huge house when you like to live in a small and cozy apartment.

It is important to believe that wishes will come true, they will not harm anyone, and their fulfillment works for the common good. This thought can be reformulated in your own way and captured on a map so that it catches your eye and becomes entrenched in your subconscious.

Where to place and how to activate?

It is important not only to know how to correctly make a wish visualization card. It must be remembered that no one except the author should see it. This condition is mandatory and will help prevent others from influencing your own destiny. It is most practical to place the card in the bedroom, so that every morning or evening you can devote a little time to your own dreams and speed up the time of fulfillment of desires. If this is not possible, you can choose an office or other place to place it, where you can be alone with your own thoughts, comfortably dream and visualize.

Activation is an important step that allows the card to begin working for the benefit of the originator. On the sector in which you hope for changes, you should attach, for example, a movie poster or an image of your favorite dish from a cafe. After this, you will need to immediately go to a session or taste the dish depicted. Despite the simplicity of activation, it works and endows the compiled card with magical properties. Now, with its help, you can achieve all your goals and make any desires come true, including those that seem unrealizable for now.

A DIY wish card will definitely help you realize all your dreams. It’s no secret to anyone today that if you dream and visualize your own desires correctly, they will definitely come true. It is important to simply believe in this possibility, to avoid doubts and fears. Self-doubt is the main enemy on the way to your cherished goal. Even if the desire seems completely unrealistic, you should imagine that it has already come true. Only we ourselves are capable of sending the right signal to the Universe so that higher powers can hear it and come to our aid. It is important to remove any doubts from your head and be sure that the answer from the universe will not take long to arrive.

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Alternative Methods

1. Video affirmations

They are created in programs that make presentations. Pictures are selected and positive formulas are written on them. Music is inserted. Then they regularly watch the created video.

2. Visualization

The most popular method is done in the alpha state, mentally imagining what you want.

3. Magical practices

Suitable for advanced people. You can use rituals or spells. To do this, it is important to know the basics and subtleties of witchcraft.

What mistakes can be made?

A common mistake for many is choosing the wrong desires. There is a concept of truth, so their choice should be approached with special care. It is important to comprehensively evaluate your own dreams and the consequences of their fulfillment. The Universe hears exclusively requests that are safe for others, cherished desires and dreams that come from a person’s soul.

Selecting the wrong pictures is also often the reason why cherished dreams do not come true. That is why it is important to take time to select them so that they truly reflect your desires and evoke a lot of positive emotions.

Irregular work with the card can lead to unfulfillment of desires. If you cherish a dream, it is important to make efforts to make it come true. You need to work on yourself every day. Only this will help not only to make your dreams come true, but will also bring such a long-awaited moment closer.

Do not forget about the need to believe one hundred percent in the power of the card. Faith, as has already been emphasized, is a fundamental factor for desires to be realized. Even the slightest doubt can ruin all efforts even with daily careful work. It is equally important to fight your own fears. Such feelings block energy flows directed into the Universe. Therefore, the Higher Powers may simply not hear you.

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What to do with the old version

After a new card has appeared, it is better to get rid of the old version. It confuses the Universe and confuses thoughts. You should not keep it, even if the wishes entrusted to it did not come true. It is necessary to get rid of the vision board on days when the moon is waning:

  • thank the card for its faithful service and the Universe for its help;
  • You shouldn’t get angry if part of what you planned didn’t happen. You need to part amicably, as if saying goodbye to an old and good friend, cutting off negative emotions;
  • discard the card in any way. There are no rituals or strict rules. If you don’t want it to be seen by strangers, you can cut it into small pieces and burn it. Pictures from the card are saved if they remain in good condition, not wrinkled, not faded, not torn.

How to make a working wish card and is it possible to buy it?

When answering the question of whether it is possible to buy a wish card, we will immediately make a reservation that you should not buy a completely ready-made card, because the main thing in it is your desires and energy. It is much better to purchase a blank for a wish card - for example, on the website. In the kit for creating a wish card you will find:

  • poster in A2 format with sectors in the right order and in the right colors;
  • instructions for drawing up your wish map: the most important tips for each sector;
  • The instructions contain answers to all questions: should I sign the pictures? what to do with the card later? how to activate it?
  • stickers to decorate the card.

The wish map is a wish fulfillment tool that has long proven itself to be very effective. Do it, create it, dream it! Everything will come true!

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How to select images?

Grab a stack of magazines or look through pictures on the Internet. Choose pictures that you like and evoke positive emotions. They must be bright, colorful and correspond to the intended desires. The rule works here - the more specific, the better (if you are looking for a house on the seashore, then paste in an image of a house on the seashore, and not another building). It's great if you know how to draw. Then you can add a touch of your own creativity to each sector and the map will begin to work better. It contains exactly your desire and motivation! It is important to remember that photographs or images should not carry negativity and rejection. Do not wish anything bad for yourself or others, the Universe will not accept your request. Fill each sector of the map gradually, do not spread across several at once. Even if you see a suitable picture for another part, put it aside for later. It's better to focus on one sector and carefully articulate what you want. Step by step, its complete design will take shape. Remember that the entire map must be filled with pictures or drawings, do not leave empty sectors. They all have equal importance in your life.

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