Feng Shui fan - an amulet that can change your life

A fan is an object that has been used by people since ancient times. But it helps not only in hot weather. According to ancient teachings, a Feng Shui fan also serves as a kind of amulet that can protect its owner, bringing positive energy into his life.

The history of the fan goes back about 2000 years. This item first appeared in China, and at first it was used only by men who did not part with the talisman even during battles. Later, women began to use it to protect themselves from evil influence. To do this, there is no need to carry the amulet with you everywhere; just hang it in your living room or office.

The meaning of the fan in Chinese teaching

Fan has several meanings. In China it is considered a symbol of eternal life. Once upon a time, this item belonged to people belonging to the highest strata of society, who were respected and feared. The amulet is also credited with erotic properties, and it is also believed that it attracts career growth and good luck, and protects against menacing natural phenomena and evil people. The benefit a fan brings depends on what is drawn on it. But the main thing is that the signs carry good energy.

How to make a fan with your own hands.

Remember in childhood, almost all of us easily folded a paper fan. Then it was just a game, but today we will make a talisman or talisman to attract whatever you want. First, choose the paper: if you want, you can take silver or gold foil paper. If you can and want, make a fan and paint it with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. Paint your creation on both sides. What it will be depends on your desires: sakura or hearts, cranes or storks, trees with flowers or houses; any ornament or patterns, stripes or circles - draw and fantasize. You can also decorate your talisman: with beads or beads, ribbons or lace, in short, with any decorative elements. And wrap the very bottom of the fan (the handle) with a narrow satin ribbon (place it on glue), it turns out very nicely if a couple of narrow ribbons hang from the handle of the fan (wind them on not too hot tongs, do not burn them). That's it, place it on the wall or give it as a gift with a corresponding wish (you can attach a wish or congratulation to the handle of the fan, on the same hanging ribbons), and receive positivity and good luck in everything.

Legend of appearance according to Feng Shui

According to ancient mythology, people were given a fan by Nemiza, the almighty goddess of the wind. Descending from heaven, Nemiza saw exhausted, sick people. Then her soul and heart overflowed with tenderness and compassion. Wanting to help the unfortunate, she left them a fan, containing in it an unusual ability, thanks to which people could be healed of illness and suffering. If necessary, the man waved his fan, and Nemiza immediately came to his aid, relieving him of torment and pain.

As another Chinese legend tells, a Taoist monk named Jun Lioan was able to achieve immortality. After that, using his golden Chinese fan, he brought people back to life.

Facts from history: why is the fan so popular in China?

In ancient China, there was a legend according to which the Taoist monk Zhong Lio'an gained eternal life and could bring dead people back to life with the help of his fan. The fan was revered as a symbol of wealth, success, a sign of high society and belonging to it.

In ancient times, the fan was used not only as a mysterious amulet in the practice of Feng Shui, but also as a means of seduction and flirtation. There were whole secret signs and gestures that could indicate to a man that a woman was interested in him. Thus, a fully open fan, leaning close to a woman’s face, and a look from under it symbolized the desire to get to know each other better and flared passion.

The fan in Chinese homes was traditionally hung in the so-called “glory zone,” located in the south of the house. Such a talisman helped to attract success, well-being and prosperity to the home.

The long-standing mythology of mysterious China claims that the all-powerful wind goddess Nemiza brought a fan to earth in order to relieve people from suffering and pain. If a person needed the help of the goddess of the wind, then it was enough to wave a fan, and then the goddess responded to the call of the sufferer, moderating his pain.

The first fans appeared in China two thousand years BC, and they were so huge that they fanned nobles and emperors like fans. Traditionally, fans were used exclusively by men, they even took them with them into battle, and later, thanks to the fan, a whole system of secret signs was developed to transmit encrypted messages.

Later, the fan gained popularity in Japan, and small hand-painted bamboo fans throughout the East were revered by the nobility and aristocrats as an invariable attribute of clothing.

The location of the fan in the apartment according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui masters recommend hanging an amulet in your home to ward off evil demons and get a boost of energy. The talisman personifies the element of Air and creates the power of energy flows in the living space. If the owner wants to use this item as decoration, then you can hang it in the southern sector. In case of loss of strength, fatigue and insomnia, the amulet must be placed near the head of the bed, but not above the head, so that the opposite effect does not occur.

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To generate a good mood and improve performance, the talisman should be located behind your back. You should hang the fan on the wall so that it forms an acute angle and looks up with a fully open fan. If the amulet does not open enough, then it will not have sufficient power, and it is better to replace it with another. In China, according to tradition, a talisman was hung in the southern part of the house. This placement attracts prosperity, financial success and prosperity.

The color of the amulet can be any, but the size should be selected in accordance with the volume of the room. If you hang a large fan in a small sector, the balance will be disrupted due to an excess of energy, which will not benefit the people in the room. And, conversely, a small talisman placed in a large living space will accumulate a minimal amount of energy and will be practically useless.

A red talisman is good for entering the house of good luck at the main door. A golden-colored object will help increase prosperity and facilitate mutual understanding among family members. If you need to maintain your health, then hang a fan with pine trees, bamboo or cranes on it in the eastern zone. For the Glory sector, which is located in the southern part of the room, a talisman with a design of an eagle or a peacock is placed.

An amulet with a picture of a fish or even a school of fish, located in the eastern zone, will increase your financial condition. An amulet with a ship and a sail will increase wealth and bring profit in business. In the sector of marital relations, it is recommended to place a golden-colored talisman on which any paired figures are drawn: Fu dogs, birds, mandarin ducks. An amulet with cherry blossoms, lotus, peonies, and peacock, located in the southwestern sector, attracts love and promotes the birth of boys.

Read more: southwestern sector of the house according to Feng Shui.

With the help of a talisman it is easy to activate any area of ​​the room. If the owner of the house believes that there is stagnation of positive energy in some room, then you can place a talisman in this place, which will quickly lead to an improvement in the situation. Energy flows are easy to control; you just need to direct the open part of the amulet in the right direction.

Safety precautions for using a fan.

1) Do not use (or better yet, do not even buy) a fan with threatening designs, negative, sharp, angular, aggressive elements (yes, there are such), nothing positive, they will not bring you, and may even harm you. 2) If the room is small in volume, then you should not place a huge fan in it. Otherwise, he will simply “blow away” the positive energy with his energy. If you place a small fan in a large room, then it will simply be like “an elephant’s grain,” i.e. there will be no effect. 3) Do not hang a black, brown or any dark shade of fan in the room. With this technique, you can attract something that is not at all what you expected, but completely the opposite. 4) If the fan depicts an unknown hieroglyph or symbol (not always, images of a positive, positive nature are depicted), find out more about it, but if this is not possible, it is better to play it safe and buy another fan.

Amulet activation

In order for the amulet to serve its owner faithfully, it is necessary to use it more often directly for its intended purpose. The beneficial effects can be felt just by fanning yourself and receiving a surge of strength and energy. To activate the talisman in the desired direction, the color and images on it must be appropriate. If the desired image is not found, it is not difficult to apply it yourself.

The pattern of spruce or cedar is good for the health of the family. A powerful combination in achieving marital happiness is a Feng Shui fan in the bedroom, which depicts the Phoenix next to the Dragon. In Chinese mythology, this is considered the main Yin-Yang symbol, representing complete harmony, a prosperous, fruitful marriage, beautiful children and financial well-being of the family.

Which fan to choose

Most often, a large wall fan is used in the interior. However, you can also hang a small attribute of Taoist practice. The choice of size depends, first of all, on the dimensions of the room. You should not hang a fan that is too large in a modest bedroom, otherwise its strong vibrations will only worsen the condition of the household. In a spacious room, the power of the fan is not enough to saturate it with positive energy.

On store shelves there are attributes with one-sided and double-sided designs. For your home, you can choose a one-sided option.

Two sides with a pattern are more suitable for a fan, which is used for its intended purpose. So, in case of loss of strength, you need to fan yourself with it several times to feel relief and increase your tone.

The picture of a fan does not have the properties of a separate attribute. It performs only a decorative function. The same goes for fan-shaped mirrors.

Where should you not place a fan?

There are places where it is better not to place a fan. These include:

  1. The area above the bed. You cannot hang a fan directly above your sleeping place, otherwise insomnia and nightmares will occur.
  2. The wall in front of the desk. A fan in this place can cause confusion.
  3. Place opposite the front door. Such placement of an object will provoke the release of energy from the house to the street. However, it is acceptable to place a red attribute here to attract good luck.

It must be remembered that the fan is not just a talisman. Depending on the design on it, it brings double benefits to its owner.

The main thing is to correctly place the Feng Shui attribute and believe in its miraculous powers, and to do this, you should fan the room with it three or four times to set the dynamics of pleasant changes.

Source: daohotei.com

Legend of the fan

Chinese mythology says that the fan was brought to earth by the domineering and powerful wind goddess Nemiza. She once descended to earth from heaven and saw many suffering people. Her heart was filled with pity for the unfortunate people. To help them, she decided to give them their own magic fan. In those days, every person in need of help could create wind by waving his fan. Thus, he had the opportunity to ask the wind goddess Nemiza for help.

Feng Shui specialists know a slightly different history of the fan. In the 2nd millennium BC, Emperor Wu Wang ruled in China. It was under him that the first fan was created. It was called, however, somewhat differently than the fan. Somewhat later, fans with long handles and smaller sizes appeared. Then these fans also spread to Japan.

In China, compact folding fans appeared in the tenth century. In those days they were already used as decorations and as powerful talismans. These fans were invented in the seventh century in Japan. The basis of the fan was thin plates made of turtle shell or bone. There were also fans made of wood. The plates were fastened together with parchment, cloth or paper. Silk was most often used.

The Japanese, by the way, even today consider fans the main attributes of their clothing. At first, only men used fans. Even warriors tried to hang a fan on their belts, next to their weapons. Then the fan began to be used to transmit certain signals to each other.

At the beginning of the tenth century, the fan was already an integral part of the life of aristocrats. They began to make them from bamboo. Bamboo sticks were connected with thick paper. Each fan was painted by hand, using only ink for painting.

To transform a fan from a simple attribute into a beautiful decoration, it was painted with landscapes, birds, animals, and flowers. At the same time, they followed the golden rule - the drawings on the fan should have only positive energy.

Summarize. In Feng Shui philosophy, a fan is considered a very powerful talisman, used when there is a lack of beneficial energy. In addition, the fan helps to cope with loss of strength and depression.

Source: www.astroguide.ru

Color and images on the fan

There are some tricks that allow you to achieve what you want using specific images on the fan. You should choose the color of the item depending on the purpose. The table will tell you more about this:

GoldPromotes success in all endeavors, has a positive effect on family and business relationships
RedBrings good luck, improves financial situation, gives power
YellowIs a symbol of wisdom, health and abundance
GreenRepresents hope and rebirth, promotes rest and peace, improves vision
WhiteIt is a manifestation of divine power, enhances the positive qualities of people

A drawing on an attribute can make adjustments to a person’s destiny. Most often it depicts the following pictures:

  1. Dragon. Attracts career growth and professional success.
  2. Sakura or lotus. They are symbols of love and attract the opposite sex.
  3. Cedar. Protects against diseases and normalizes overall well-being, gives a surge of strength and clarity of mind.
  4. Pisces. Attracts finance and family happiness.
  5. Peacock. Promotes the birth of a healthy baby.
  6. Cranes. Extend life and protect health.
  7. Ship. Attracts good luck in work.
  8. Any image of nature. Relieves fatigue and blues, gives a good mood.
  9. Hieroglyphs. Selected depending on needs. These can be signs of love, health, family well-being, etc.
  10. Oranges. They are a symbol of wealth and abundance.

Fans with images of flowers are popular, which also carry a symbolic meaning:

  • a rose speaks of purity of thoughts, is a symbol of passionate and strong love;
  • the tulip personifies pure and sincere feelings;
  • chrysanthemum helps dispel doubts and gives peace;
  • the narcissist promotes excellent career and professional growth;
  • poppies help in childbirth;
  • Sunflowers ward off evil spirits and are a symbol of life and health.

The main thing is that the fan should please the owner in terms of color and design and cause aesthetic pleasure. But we must not forget about the color scheme of the interior. Often, acidic decor colors look ridiculous and defiant. It is better to choose pastel colors.

Anyone who has not found a fan with the desired design can depict the desired object themselves or glue it to a fan. The power of the amulet will not decrease due to this.

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