The power and meaning of the Serpentine symbol among the Slavs. How to clean and activate the amulet?

  • Household and religious symbolism of the snake
  • Snake in decorations
  • Snake in tattoos

Snakes have fascinated people at all times: in India, China, and European countries, various symbolism was attributed to them, and belief in the magical powers of these reptiles was also strong. Today we will get acquainted with the meanings of snake images in popular symbols, tattoos and jewelry.

The image of a snake is contradictory and depends on the cultural heritage of the area, traditions and beliefs, and the geographical location of the country

Perceptions of the snake range from disgust and fear to worship and respect. In the Bible, the serpent tempting Eve is a reptile that poisons the mind and body in every sense, but on the other hand, the serpent is a recognized symbol of wisdom, rebirth, and healing.

The serpent tempts Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit

Amulets and talismans with a snake and in the form of a snake

People are accustomed to associate snakes with deceit, cunning and anger.
Many are afraid of these reptiles and try to avoid them. Still, snakes can be seen in amulets, paintings, and amulets. Superstitious people place figurines with animals in their homes, wanting to enlist the support of higher powers. They do not believe that reptiles are dangerous and symbolize deceit. Amulets with them have incredible properties that every person can use to their advantage. It is recommended to understand who will benefit from mystical amulets and for what purposes. ATTENTION! If a person wears an imperial amulet on himself, he will never be poor. His debts are closed and a streak of luck sets in, which brings him into a comfortable life. With the Imperial Amulet, money will come in abundance - much more than you expect. Read more"

What do snake amulets mean?

The snake is a multi-valued symbol that personifies the lunar and solar principles, as well as blind passion and wisdom. The sign is contradictory and ambiguous, like the reptile itself. The snake is poisonous, but it has the ability to heal. The symbol means transformation, transfiguration, feminine and masculine principles.

The mysterious amulet is popular in many countries. There are a lot of legends about him, because the image of a snake has always been interesting to people. For example, in Ancient Greece this animal had a direct connection with the goddess Athena. She patronizes reptiles. In Ancient Rome, the amulet was used to maintain a youthful appearance longer and not lose vitality. In Egypt, they believed that the symbol of the snake would help get rid of a heavy burden and also protect the family hearth.

In India, women of all ages wore rings and bracelets in the shape of a reptile. They believed that this would help them get rid of infertility. Many peoples believe that the snake symbolizes eternity, and they are right. This symbol prolongs human life, gives a boost of energy, and imparts wisdom. The snake brings people good luck, gives them courage and helps in all their endeavors.

People must understand why they are using a mysterious amulet. This is an ambiguous symbol that can be interpreted in different ways. One thing is clear - the snake protects from evil forces, from poisons, from damage. It is important to respect your patron so that he really helps in all matters.

Husband will be the last to know

The expression “warm a snake on your chest” means black ingratitude. It is believed that the author of the expression is the ancient Greek poet Aesop, who lived around 600 BC: in one of his fables, he described a peasant who found a frozen snake on his plot and decided to warm it up in his bosom. Having come to his senses, the snake remembered its predatory nature and bit the savior. Before his death, the poor man cried, wailing:

- Serves me right: why did I save a dying creature when it should have been killed even if it was alive?

Morality depends on point of view. The pessimist draws his own conclusion: if you don’t do good, you won’t receive evil. An optimist is one of his own: be prepared for betrayal, even when you are absolutely sure of the opposite.

She is wise, dangerous, careful, prudent. Always warns of her attack if someone has invaded her space. It stings or coils only when it senses hunger or danger. It hatches from an egg like a bird, but it can also be viviparous, like mammals, and moves silently, like a cat. She is hated and idolized, learned from and worshiped.

In the popular consciousness, an ambivalent attitude towards the snake has remained. Its multifaceted nature has been known since biblical times. The snake became a key character in the story of Adam and Eve. True, she was then masculine - nahash, speaking in Hebrew, the tempting serpent. Nachash tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Having done this, the woman realized the power of her charm and immediately persuaded Adam to sin, for which both were expelled from the Garden of Eden. By the way, it was only thanks to this incident that you and I were born.

But what happens: Eve is the same tempter as her teacher, who entwined the tree of knowledge. Well, isn't it a snake?!

However, a man can say this with a tinge of secret envy: by right of birthright, he should have known various secrets before a woman made from his side (in the Torah it is the side, not the rib, that is indicated). But, as you know, the husband is always the last to know about everything.


The serpent's palace is the fourth sector in the starry sky, which is patronized by Semargl. According to legends, God was the guardian of the Milky Way. He is also known as a powerful warrior, as a symbol of bright fire.

The hall covers the period of the year, starting from November 24th and ending on December 17th. People born at this time may turn to the symbol of the snake. They will be able to use the talisman for their own purposes. People will receive protection from the reptile and will receive support in all endeavors.

Despite how modern people view the snake, it is not a mean animal. It is known for its wisdom and justice. This symbol is recommended for kind people who live honestly. The snake will not help cunning people, as well as those who commit evil.

"From Dusk Till Dawn"

How can you imagine what Hollywood star Salma Hayek, who had been terrified of snakes since childhood, felt when she decided to hang one on her charming neck in the film “From Dusk Till Dawn”? She played the seductive vampire Santa ni Pandemonium, who is not afraid of any snake. After all, the image of Santanico is inspired by snake-like creatures from Aztec mythology. Myths are myths, but the actress is a very living creature. When asked what it was like for her on set, Salma answered evasively:

— When working with a snake, you always feel something especially mysterious.

In the film, the snake entwined Salma in the same way as the rod of the god of medicine or the biblical tree of life. I wonder if the actress got rid of her fear of snakes during filming or if the heart in her chest, on which the reptile was warming up, sank?


The Serpentine amulet raises a lot of questions among people. The history of the unique sign is lost over the centuries. The Slavs believed that Serpentine personified Veles. This is a strong god who helped people find a connection with nature. There is an opinion that the serpentine symbol came from Byzantium. An interesting fact is that the Serpentine symbol was often placed next to the face of saints. The Church did not protest against such talismans, but it interpreted the snake completely differently. Next to the saints, this animal became the personification of sin and evil.

In ancient times, the Serpentine symbolized reliability and powerful protection. People believed that the talisman could make the land fertile. They asked their patron for a harvest, since their lives depended on it. In ancient times, it was believed that a snake settling next to a dwelling was a sign of good fortune. He protected people from diseases and troubles.

Serpentine has an interesting property. It protects a person from any adversity, from the evil eye, from bad people. The amulet simultaneously serves as the personification of both light and dark.

In ancient times, people believed that the serpent protected humanity from evil. This animal sent a negative flow to enemies and ill-wishers. At the same time, Serpentine helps good people achieve their goals and avoid troubles.

What does the amulet look like?

A common version of the Serpentine contains an image of four intertwined snakes, in which you can recognize the Kolovrat symbol.
The serpentine amulet is found in different designs. One thing remains the same - the sign is always based on snakes, hence the name. The most common image is of four intertwined snakes, in which you can recognize the Kolovrat symbol. This once again confirms the theory about the ancient pagan origin of the sign.

There are also unusual variants of the symbol that deserve attention:

  • a male Ophiuchus, or a snake shield, in the form of closely intertwined reptiles - the amulet was worn by warriors to attract good luck during campaigns and protect themselves from enemy swords;
  • Gorgon Medusa is a mythical creature who personifies the combination of beauty and horror, calm and movement, life and death. It was used as a talisman that endows the owner with harmony, helping to establish a balance between good and bad personality traits.

The most commonly used form of amulet is a pendant or pendant. There are double-sided options. On one side there is the Serpentine itself, and on the other there is an additional image. At different historical times, different images were used: during pagan times, people painted images of ancient gods, and with the advent of the Christian era, they painted the faces of saints.

During pagan times, the front side of the medallion was the one on which the Serpentine was located. But with the advent of Christianity, everything changed - the faces of saints became the main image on the pendant, thereby showing victory over evil (reptile in Christianity means the snake that persuaded Eve and Adam to fall into sin).

How to make a snake amulet with your own hands?

A talisman made independently has incredible power. In this case, its size is not important. It is saturated with the owner’s energy, so you don’t have to wait long for changes in life. If a person wants to receive a powerful amulet, it is worth considering how to make it. The Snake Charm can be bought in a store, but it will not be considered as effective.

Recommendations for making an amulet:

  • When creating an amulet, you need to think about what meaning you want to put into it. The amulet is suitable for all adults, but for minors it is better to take a closer look at other talismans. They will not be able to discover for themselves all the properties of a unique sign.
  • You can choose stone, metal or wood as a material. It all depends on what a person knows how to work with. Silver or gold would be perfect. Each of these metals has its own properties.
  • It doesn't matter how beautifully the Nadder is depicted. The main thing is that the symbol is present on the talisman. You can supplement it with runes or other elements. Still, it’s better to make sure in advance whether they will conflict with the snake.
  • The finished amulet can be worn around the neck so that it is close to the heart. In this case, the person will receive powerful protection. The figurine is perfect for home. You can place it in a visible place and ask for help. The coil is capable of protecting not only a person, but also a home. You need to make sure that it doesn't break.

The talisman must always be near the person. Only in this case will it always protect from evil forces, attract good luck and impart wisdom. A talisman is not a decoration or a useless thing. He is endowed with fantastic power, which must be treated with respect. The snake symbol is considered one of the most popular in the world. It is many people who choose it as a shore. It is important to remember the properties of the coil, as well as who this symbol is suitable for.

A money amulet, according to the ritual, is made and tied to a specific person, in his Name. The ritual is based on the power of prayer and ancestors. The basis from which the talisman is made and the ritual is performed is the royal coin.

We use only real coins from royal times! (These are coins of various denominations that were minted from the time of Peter I until 1916). We receive them from long-standing donations from old monasteries. The coins are clean based on the mining method. The making ritual takes place at dawn and does not carry any negative connotations. More details at the link.


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Amulet “Snake” - the history of the magic sign

Among the amulets used by our distant ancestors, the Serpentine occupied a special place. Its uniqueness lies in a certain duality, an extraordinary impact on its owner.

Usually it was worn close to the heart, hanging on a thread in the form of a pendant. The side that is open to the outside world represents goodness and bright forces. These could be images of angels, heavenly saints, the Creator.

But the part that is adjacent to the wearer’s body is associated with the dark side. On it you can see images of a demonic nature, which in legends and tales were famous for their evil deeds. And here we are talking specifically about those creatures that are associated with snakes.

If you trace the history of the origin and development of the symbol, it is obvious that the amulet was popular not only among the Slavs. Its magic was used by both the inhabitants of African lands and representatives of the Asian race. But in our time, the classic serpentine amulet is used only in the territories inhabited by Slavic peoples.

At the moment, among magical talismans for personal protection, this beautiful symbol occupies one of the leading positions.

Transformation of a legend

In pre-Christian times, when asked what a ring with a snake means, people answered depending on their status. For rulers, such decoration was the personification of supreme power. Young women believed that snake motifs helped them charm men, and sophisticated matrons saw the image of a reptile as a symbol of stability, prosperity and harmony, fertility and successful childbirth.


Many famous ladies of antiquity (including Cleopatra and Semiramis) wore bracelets, headbands or rings in the form of a snake - they saw the value of such jewelry in being able to control men. It is clear that for this they needed not physical strength, but great wisdom, a bit of cunning, an endless amount of charm and special magnetism.

Some researchers believe that it was not without banal witchcraft: if you believe ancient sources, the same Cleopatra was not at all the most beautiful woman in Egypt, which did not prevent her from becoming the main seductress of her era. Subsequently, European theologians convinced half of the world that the main attribute of a witch could be a ring with a snake - the meaning of this talisman so greatly disturbed the minds of “correct” Christians that owners of dangerous jewelry were simply burned.


The biblical legend about the insidious tempter fits perfectly, but the origins of such a prejudiced attitude lie in a completely different plane. In ancient times, the strongest women chose bracelets, rings or pendants with a snake for themselves - which means “an indicator of a dominant role in society.” In other words, it is a symbol of matriarchy, which medieval men could not even think about without shuddering. In an era when representatives of the fair sex were considered the property of their master, such thoughts were worthy of a fire!

Silent, wise and prolific

In the Chinaz area, 60 kilometers from Tashkent, during excavations, ancient bracelets in the form of intertwined snakes were discovered. Images with a snake served as a talisman for the Uzbeks and their northern neighbors, the Karakalpaks. Even a special term has become established in Karakalpak applied art: one of the jewelry patterns was called “snake trail.” In the minds of a resident of a Tajik village located high in the mountains, the image of a snake protects people from evil spirits, divination, spells, the evil eye and envy. Often these peoples presented jewelry with the image of a snake as a wedding gift to the bride.

“So that the bride is silent, wise and fertile,” they said.

A snake entwined around a pole is a symbol of the Earth goddess in the myths of the East. This is how she is depicted on numerous pieces of jewelry. The frequency of snakes appearing on earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets, and crowns is not accidental: it is widely believed that a precious stone is hidden in the head of the snake, which supposedly attracts other treasures.

Numerous knightly orders in Europe issued rings. They depicted a crowned snake giving birth to a child, a symbol of the revelation descending on a person at initiation.

A ring with a snake - what does it mean these days?

It's funny, but even despite medieval prohibitions, noble and rich ladies secretly wore jewelry such as a bracelet or a “snake” ring - the magical meaning of this symbol outweighed the fear of incurring the wrath of the Church. Some empresses (like Elizabeth I) considered precious “snakes” to be their dynastic talisman, although they did not dare to demonstrate such seditious hobbies in public.

Today, the magical background is rarely seriously appreciated by jewelers who create collections with animalistic motifs. And yet the sacred symbol continues to play a certain role. The most relaxed and passionate woman will gladly put on a “snake” ring - which means the desire to command and conquer. It is interesting that in reality such amulets work successfully, and its owners acquire special attractiveness in men’s eyes.


Snake - female Slavic amulet

What could be more beautiful and powerful than natural female beauty? Naturalness and grace, plasticity of movements and body curves fascinate men; what is a meek or deep look from under long eyelashes worth? If we add to this wealth extraordinary intelligence, wisdom, the ability to avoid and resolve conflicts, adapt to living conditions and calmly observe what is happening around, it is impossible not to love such a woman.

The snake personifies the listed character traits of a Slavic woman. Even if the owner of a bronze pendant, which is sold on our website at a reduced price, faces difficult moments, she will withstand any test. The owner of the talisman will become a real muse for her husband, a good mother for children, will fill the home with virtue, will make it clear to any envious person and gossip that he is not welcome here and will be given a worthy rebuff.

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