How to choose a place in an apartment for an aquarium according to Feng Shui?

The aquarium itself is a wonderful addition to the home interior. It helps to create coziness, as well as bring a piece of wildlife into a person’s home. Various fish, shellfish, algae. Every minute the boiling life attracts a person and makes the one who watches it relax.

Many people pay special attention to creating an interior; everything should be in its place, arranged beautifully and conveniently. But lately, many have been fascinated by the idea of ​​Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment can bring both wealth and poverty into the life of its owners, and all this will depend on the right location .

The name Feng Shui itself means “wind and water”. The aquarium consists almost entirely of water. Those. this element is capable of making significant adjustments to the life of household members. The main thing is to choose the right place for it in the house.

Activating zones using an aquarium

There is not enough space in a one-room apartment, however, it is possible to allocate a corner for an aquarium even in a small area.

So, following these rules, you can place an aquarium according to Feng Shui:

  • Sharp corners of walls and various pieces of furniture should not be directed at the aquarium;
  • You should avoid placing the aquarium opposite a window or door.

A lot depends on the size of the aquarium. A small one cannot in any way affect the change in the flow of energy in the apartment, while a large aquarium can influence the attraction of positive or negative energy, depending on its location.

Wherever the location for the aquarium is chosen, you need to choose stable furniture for it. After all, large aquariums weigh a lot.

When choosing a place, keep in mind that the aquarium should not be placed in the South, West, North-East, North-West, such places will affect the deterioration of the financial condition of the house.

What is not recommended to do

There are a number of prohibitions that should not be violated. These include:

  1. The location of the water feature should not be opposite or between 2 doors, under beams, in arches and under ledges, since these places block positive flows.
  2. It is not recommended to place the tank so that sharp corners of furniture or walls are directed at it.
  3. It is forbidden to install an aquarium in the kitchen, since there is a stove in this room, and combining fire and water is impossible. Hallways with fireplaces are also “fiery” rooms. There is no place for water in these rooms.
  4. The red-fiery color of the container stand should be avoided, especially in the northern sector.

If you follow the rules of ancient teaching, an aquarium can attract various favorable currents into the house, and besides, it will become a beautiful addition to the design of the room. In order for the positive effect to last for a long time, it is important to feed the fish and clean the tank in a timely manner.

Aquarium size and number of fish

The shape of the aquarium can be either round or rectangular. The size depends on your financial situation; choose one on which you can spend your money painlessly. Remember, large aquariums cost a lot. In addition, they require the use of additional equipment, which is also quite expensive.

And the size of the aquarium depends on the number of fish that will live there and their size. All this needs to be calculated in advance.

According to the laws of Feng Shui, an odd number of fish should live in an aquarium . If it is small in size, then you can stop at three. If finances allow you to purchase a large aquarium, then you can have 8 goldfish and 1 black. It is believed that the color gold will attract wealth and financial well-being, but black is responsible for good luck.

In principle, Feng Shui experts say that you can have different types of fish. This does not affect energy in any way. The most important thing is that they are cheerful, healthy and active. Only then will they be able to fill the space of the house with positive energy and direct its flows in the right direction.

You cannot have an odd number of fish according to Feng Shui.

How to strengthen the energy of Water in the house

The water element is responsible for the material well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is so important to enhance it with the correct organization of space and decorations.

The recommendations are as follows:

  • decorate the wealth zone in the apartment in shades of blue. It should be bright and as spacious as possible;
  • keep the window glass clean, and also do not clutter the window and door openings: you do not need to put anything on the windowsill, for example;
  • decorate the wealth sector with objects symbolizing water: decorative fountains, paintings with seascapes, etc.;
  • place fresh flowers there to enhance the flow of positive energy around the apartment;
  • place 2-3 Feng Shui money talismans in the prosperity zone: it could be a golden bowl, a ship, a toad with a coin in its teeth, or Chinese coins tied with a red thread;
  • don’t overdo it - there shouldn’t be too many oriental symbols in the house;
  • make sure that the interior design does not contain a contrast between two opposing elements: fire and water;
  • You can’t have red and blue objects standing next to each other;
  • “water” talismans should be kept away from the “wooden” elements. But they combine perfectly with the energy of Metal and Soil

To summarize: from the point of view of Feng Shui, an aquarium is not only an aesthetic decoration of the interior, but also a powerful tool for increasing the flow of monetary energy. This is a very “living” talisman. But you need to carefully care for it; if you are not ready to do this, it is better to purchase decorative fountains.

Other places to install an aquarium

It is also not recommended to place an aquarium in the kitchen. This is especially true for pregnant girls; it is believed that this can even harm the baby and hinder its proper development.

But the hallway is the most ideal place to place an aquarium. The only point you need to remember is not to place aquatic inhabitants in front of the front door, but otherwise you can realize any fantasies.

An aquarium in the living room would also be a good location. This room is best suited for installing an aquarium. Firstly, it is the largest and, therefore, illuminated. Secondly, it will perfectly complement the interior of the room.

Consider the existing interior style and the availability of furniture. The aquarium should not be too large and bulky in relation to other items.

The living room is an ideal place to install an aquarium according to Feng Shui.

Where is the best place to put an aquarium in an apartment?

Proper installation of an aquarium in an apartment is the first step in starting an aquarium.

This is relevant for large aquariums, since they are difficult to move if it turns out that you placed the aquarium in the wrong place in the apartment.

When choosing a location for an aquarium, assume that the location of the aquarium will be permanent.

You have the exciting task of finding a compromise between installing an aquarium and your understanding of the layout of the interior of the apartment.

Don't place the aquarium near a window

An aquarium installed near a window is exposed to direct sunlight.

This leads to the rapid appearance of green algae and the growth of algae on the glass of the aquarium, which deteriorates the appearance of the aquarium.

Direct sunlight heats the water in the aquarium, which cools quickly after the sun moves away.

Such temperature fluctuations have a negative effect on aquarium fish.

During the summer, direct sunlight can heat an aquarium to temperatures above 34 degrees Celsius, which is lethal to most aquarium fish.

For the same reason, the aquarium is not installed under an air conditioner or next to a heater.

Fish need stable water temperatures.

Do not place the aquarium next to the door, in a noisy place or in a walk-through area

The fish are frightened by sharp slams of the door.

For humans this is not a loud sound, but for fish it is a deafening roar due to the acoustics of the water.

I have seen how fish, frightened by a sharp sound, began to rush around the aquarium, crashing into stones, snags and decorations.

A slamming door keeps aquarium fish under constant stress, which will affect the fish's lifespan and ability to reproduce.

Constant movement past the aquarium frightens aquarium fish as well as loud sounds from a TV or stereo system.

Interesting facts about aquarium fish and the teachings of Feng Shui

According to Eastern teachings, if an aquarium fish dies, it takes away all the misfortunes of the owner. This is the wisdom of the East, so you can find positive aspects in a sad event. This is wisdom and philosophy intertwined together that concerns life and death.

And the science of Feng Shui teaches a sense of proportion. A large aquarium with many fish is not always the best option. You can put a small aquarium and have one fish. It can also bring wealth and good fortune if the location is chosen correctly.

Where can you put an aquarium in a small room?

In a small room (for example, in a nursery, in a bedroom, in a study or in a hallway), finding a place for it is not so difficult, provided that the interior is not overloaded with furniture and things.

There is a stereotype that only small aquariums are suitable for small rooms - but this is not entirely true: if the room is not cluttered, then a large container of 100-150 liters will take up no more space than a medium-sized chest of drawers, a bedside table or a low cabinet. So, where do you place an aquarium in small rooms?

A good solution when there is a shortage of space is a corner bedside table.

Choice of inhabitants

The final, but no less important step is the correct choice of fish. First of all, you should focus on your feelings and preferences. But it is also necessary to remember that they must be in good harmony with each other. They must be active, healthy and have a beautiful color.

It is generally accepted that the best talisman is goldfish. They, as a symbol of wealth, will be able to attract money and success the fastest. This is true, but you need to remember that, first of all, you should rely on your feelings. Almost every fish can become your personal talisman.

Number of fish according to feng shui

When deciding the number of fish, you need to focus solely on the size of the vessel where they will live. It is recommended that it be equal to or a multiple of nine. To absorb negative energy, one of them must be black.

Caring for the mascot and its inhabitants

Regular care of the vessel and its inhabitants will help you achieve the desired result many times faster. For constant circulation of water, special aerators should be used.

If it happens that the fish dies, it is necessary to replace it with a healthy one as quickly as possible, clean and disinfect it.

Activation of the talisman

Of course, location and choosing the right number of inhabitants are key to success, but there are a few tricks to help maximize the performance of your aquarium. First of all, it is worth placing on one of the walls, or placing on top a talisman in the form of a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth. In addition, you can put beautiful stones, corals, treasure chests or a model of a pirate ship on the bottom inside.

According to Feng Shui, you should not clutter up the space with strange things that will create an unnatural environment for fish, since they are, first of all, living beings.

Correct placement of the mascot

To maximize the effect of an aquarium as an object for attracting wealth, you need to choose the right location for it.

The aquarium should be placed near the front door of an apartment or room, preferably on the left side of it. The optimal place is where all residents of the house can admire it: the living room is best, or you can place it in the hallway. Regarding the sides of the horizon, there are some recommendations.

  • The southeast is most favorable for attracting and retaining material values ​​and good luck in general.
  • North - will help you get promoted and accelerate your career growth. Aquariums on the north side are most often placed in an office or study in the house.
  • East - such placement will help strengthen the family and bring prosperity to the house.

Feng Shui recommends choosing a well-lit place in the apartment, but not one that receives direct sunlight, to avoid water blooms. The water must be clean and constantly circulated.

Where and how should an unusually shaped aquarium be placed?

“Balls”, “glasses” with fish and other structures that differ from a standard parallelepiped are usually small in size. They are designed to be placed on coffee tables and low bedside tables, as well as on low shelves.

It is best if they can be examined from all sides, from different points of view - since they do not have a “facade” or “ends”.

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