The role of the social teacher for the Tarot card is Hierophant (High Priest), the most appropriate definition

The fifth Major Arcana of the Hierophant Tarot, like any other card in the deck, has its own meaning and is responsible for specific actions, feelings and personal qualities. It represents connection with the inner world, morality, mentoring, identifying authenticity.


The motto of the card: you came to earth to learn and know the truth.

Keywords 5 Arcana Tarot

Keywords capture the essence of the map and are easy to remember.

Social choice

The Hierophant Tarot is a social card; it affects a person’s role in society and his internal position, which was so beautifully described by Eric Byrne in his theory - “Parent, Adult Child”. First of all, the card indicates the choice that a person will have to make.

Usually the choice is associated with a change in status: he was single, he became married, the card, among other things, indicates an official marriage, or, for example, he was a janitor, he became a minister.

The Hierophant is a positive card that gives a positive answer, so it is most often about improving social status, for example, career growth.

The important point is that it really is a choice and a person can choose from the proposed alternatives the one that seems most suitable to him.


The Priest card in the Tarot concerns the church primarily as an organization. Most often it appears in this meaning in matters related to the elimination of damage, the evil eye and other risks from negativity. The card indicates that in order to remove the damage, a person needs to turn to the church to which he associates himself.


The social aspect of the High Priest card is also manifested in the development of norms and traditions accepted in a given society. The Hierophant does not so much convey knowledge as teach correct behavior and social norms, traditions and unwritten laws.

In fortune telling, the card usually insists on exclusively correct behavior, following laws, and observing norms. It excludes fraud, deception and attempts to “talk” and “cunning”. The card may also indicate interaction with various kinds of government officials.

The fifth Major Arcana, the High Priest, like any other card in the deck, has its own meaning and is responsible for specific actions, feelings and personal qualities. It represents connection with the inner world, morality, mentoring, identifying authenticity.

general description

Hierophant (High Priest, Pope, High Priest) - V Major Arcana in the deck. Made in the style of the Catholic Church. Rider Waite did not present a clear understanding in his writings. But traditionally the card is compared with a spiritual hypostasis.

Image details:

  1. Number 5 is a symbol of people, reason; the mystery of creation.
  2. Two gray columns are the golden mean; between good and evil; light and darkness.
  3. Clergyman - traditionalism, knowledge.
  4. Red robe - prosperity, independence.
  5. Three-level crown - 3 spheres: Heaven, our world, the underworld; spirit, soul, body.
  6. The divine gesture of the right hand (raised up) - comprehension of what is hidden from human eyes; protection; decency.
  7. A scepter with crossbars - authority, deep research, power.
  8. Crosses on a white border are a religious sign.
  9. Crossed keys at the feet - esoteric, orthodox, physical parts; apostles Peter and Paul; papacy.
  10. Monks are initiates; mentoring.
  11. Roses on the left - love, divinity;
  12. Lilies on the right - purity, ideals.

Often compared to the High Priestess. Considered a masculine card. A symbol of beliefs, worldview, rationality. Brings optimism. Promises satisfactory results. Sets you in a positive mood.

Significator of the person to whom the questioner turns for help or advice. Father, grandfather, close relative. Inclined to conservatism, following old customs.

The Priest takes the starting position in the deck for a reason. He shows the right path and teaches. The devil tests discipline, suggests breaking the rules, exposing all weaknesses. Justice evens things out by passing the point between good and bad.

The main meaning of the Hierophant

The appearance of the High Priest in the reading indicates a conscientious, morally observant person. He constantly develops spiritually and passes on his knowledge to those in need. The card speaks of the need for internal renewal, this will make it possible to avoid future troubles. It is necessary to return to the path of observing generally accepted rules and canons in order for the future to be successful.

Falling in an inverted position, the meaning of the Supreme Priest symbolizes the falsity of the fortuneteller’s moral principles, the excessiveness of religious and ethical views. Sometimes it is reckless adherence to outdated norms and observance of ridiculous rituals.

Choosing a promising profession

For those who have the High Priest card in their reading, you need to pay attention to the following tips when choosing a profession:

  • Your activities should bring people joy and new knowledge. Most often, the work will be related to the word that the person will carry to the masses. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on pedagogical direction, journalism, advertising and public relations.
  • It is worth considering, first of all, your own job satisfaction. And not to prioritize the material benefits that it is able to provide today.

If a step is taken in the right direction, fortune will turn to face you and bring more than once more pleasant surprises.

Situations and issues

If in the reading of the situation and the question falls on the Pope in the upright position, it means that everything will turn out positively and all obstacles will be eliminated. But only if the actions of the fortuneteller himself are honest and legal. If you are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, Arkan recommends seeking advice from a more experienced person.

By appearing in an inverted position, the High Priest shows that at the moment the questioner has no ways to resolve the situation. Perhaps an unusual approach will help solve the problem. Also, the inverted Hierophant can indicate the fortuneteller’s excessive enthusiasm for any topic.

What does inverted position mean?

Look for workarounds. Ignore the rules. Excessive freedom, unethical. It is indecent to behave around others.

Kindness and generosity that annoys everyone. Give up, give up. Capitulation, transfer of power. Recognition of failure, defeat.


  • fanaticism;
  • fallacy;
  • falsity;
  • experiments;
  • outsider;
  • fear of society;
  • rebellion, disobedience;
  • a shame;
  • slander;
  • immorality.

There is no opportunity to get an education. Lack of readiness to gain knowledge. The Guru turned out to be a deceiver, a fraud. Let yourself be led by the nose.

Key Ideas

Quit studying. Walking around, being a hooligan, being lazy. Passivity, lack of desire to learn new things. Deduction. Disciplinary offences. Disrupt classes.


  • non-standard solution;
  • wrong way;
  • nonconformism;
  • struggle with the leader, authority;
  • society disapproves.

Opposition views. Disagreement with the majority. Upholding an opinion. Consider yourself unique, special. Confrontations, verbal altercations. Rally, riot, resist. High morale. Revolutionary worldview. Sometimes violations of the law, anarchism.

Characteristics of a person and his psychological state

The Senior Arcanum the Hierophant indicates a highly moral person with a strong character. The fortuneteller tries not to reveal his true essence, because in his opinion, this prevents him from always being the first.

He adequately assesses his merits and is always confident in the correctness of his actions. A person will not be boring and pester everyone with moral teachings. At the same time, those around him firmly know that he will always help in word and action.

The High Priest in a reversed position indicates an arrogant, arrogant person with inflated self-esteem. A person with a bright exterior and a complete absence of inner world.


The Magician gives a certain degree of Freedom, since this is just the beginning, and you are free to choose your own further Path, but wherever you go, the Laws of the Universe must still be observed (the Magician indicates: “as above, so below”).

Therefore, doing only what you want will not work. But you have all the trump cards in your hands! There is nothing that you cannot achieve.

The magician drops out when conversations no longer make sense. Show your will, cast aside all doubts and act right now!

It is very important to manifest the qualities of the Magician in life, following the primary impulse, since you have maximum energy for action at this moment. . You can’t stop, but you can’t lose your head either

Do not forget that the Magician is also a clear Mind. The magician is able to change this World for himself, due to his active will. Due to this, he asserts himself.

You can’t stop, but you can’t lose your head either. Do not forget that the Magician is also a clear Mind. The magician is able to change this World for himself, due to his active will. Due to this, he asserts himself.

The actions of the Magician carry consequences, and these consequences do not always occur immediately. It may take years before the fruits ripen and appear in all their glory, but the consequences of actions will always be there; you won’t be able to sit on the sidelines. The person in question understands perfectly well what is required of him now, what area of ​​life requires him to take the initiative and take responsibility into his own hands. The magician only indicates that there are excellent prerequisites for this, and you have the necessary capabilities.

This is where the magic comes in. Doing the most, as it seems to us, insignificant action, launches unimaginable processes, which themselves, due to the will and intention of the Magician, go through a cascade of events. From the outside it will look like a miracle.

But the consequences will not necessarily be exactly what the person wanted at the very beginning. In any case, the Magician only indicates that your intentions and desires will have more power (than usual), capable of changing the World around you. Therefore, it is important to learn to manage your mind by keeping your thoughts clean.

In any case, the action plan is already ready. All that remains is to bring it to life.

Your mind has the necessary clarity and adequacy. You have a great opportunity to develop and expand the boundaries of your perception. Seeing the whole picture “as a whole.” Conscious living and acceptance. All this will release even more energy for spiritual growth and personal development.

Arkan tells you that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness. At least there are no obstacles in front of you that you cannot overcome. Even if events foreshadow further difficulties, the qualities of the Magician within you will help you emerge from the problem (crisis situations) as a winner. The advice is simple: be active, carry out your will, maintain clarity of consciousness and reason, and success awaits you.

An arcana can reflect three positions: you, another person, or your relationship. If this concerns you, then do not wait for the weather by the sea, act in the most active way. The magician will help you look more attractive in the eyes of your counterpart. If we are talking about another person, then the Magician can both give a description of this person (self-confident, active and attractive) and talk about the degree of his interest in you. In a relationship, if you had some kind of conflict, it will soon pass. If the question concerns whether there will be a wedding, then the answer is yes!

  1. Skillful communicator (eloquence, flexibility).
  2. Confidence, energy for change.
  3. New ideas and thoughts, inspiration in creativity, ingenuity.
  4. Clear and pure mind.
  5. Willpower and concentration.
  6. Sex appeal.
  7. Entrepreneurial talent.
  8. Mastery in any matter.
  9. Successful resolution of problems and completion of old cases.
  10. Flow of vitality and internal energy.
  11. Ability to take risks
  12. The ability to manage business and achieve success.
  13. The ability to understand other people and see the motives of their actions.
  14. Luck and success.
  15. Ability to perceive important information.

In fact, the Magician in an inverted position means everything that it does in an upright position, but with a minus sign.

Lack of Will, selfishness, dishonor, vanity, manipulation of people around and abuse of power (including deception, violence and humiliation), lack of self-confidence (in one’s actions, in the future), in other people, inadequate perception of oneself and the surrounding reality, inexperience or low self-esteem. All of these characteristics can be the cause of current problems.

Another aspect of the Arcana Magician says that other people can use a person’s positive qualities for their own selfish purposes, while the person cannot clearly discern their intentions and the true state of affairs. These people do not seem to us to be who they really are.

In case of illness, this card can symbolize mental illness, apathy or depression, or some kind of anxiety.

In relation to himself, the Magician points out that we ignore ourselves, our talents and abilities, choosing the wrong Path on which we could realize our potential.

The card advises you to be attentive to yourself and the current state of affairs, and vice versa, to show will and initiative. But the problem is that the inverted Magician has a clouded mind. He doesn't see what needs to be done and how. In this case, the card advises you to take a short break, step back, soberly assess the situation, and only then show willpower, cast aside all your doubts and fears and do what you have to do. No other way.

The Reversed Magician says that to achieve your goals, any means are good. But the actions of the Magician are especially karmic. It is necessary to be wary of the lack of moral guidelines in your intentions and desires. Conscience is your best indicator of the voice of the Higher Self and a lifeline on the Path.

If you make a layout for another person, then two meanings are possible. The first one says that he will go to great lengths to achieve his goals. Moral standards are not specified for him, and conscience does not exist: “I want to do this, I can do it, I will do it.” For the sake of success, such people are ready to do anything. But an inverted Magician can also speak of an insecure person, with unreasonably low self-esteem, who does not realize what actions he can take, what talents and strengths are hidden in him. This card can mean a loser.

Thus, the Magician’s card in reverse can indicate two aspects, either hypertrophied will and unhealthy egoism, where “the end justifies the means,” or, conversely, blocking the will and low self-esteem, when a person underestimates himself. In any case, the Magician card may indicate the hidden talents and resources of a person who either has not learned to use them or uses them incorrectly (irrationally).

In case of delay in some actions, inverted, the Magician can say that the moment of the action itself has already been missed, and events proceed in accordance with their own laws, the result of which will be unpredictable.

The card can mean both the person himself (the questioner), and the situation, and even another person who has an influence on you (even magical).

  1. Selfishness and self-confidence.
  2. Manipulation of other people for personal gain (deception).
  3. Stagnation in business, obviously impossible goals.
  4. A clouded mind, a life of illusion.
  5. Suppressed will and indecision.
  6. Failure in projects and endeavors.
  7. Unjustified risk.
  8. Lack of goals and desire to achieve them.
  9. Empty actions that do not bring results.
  10. Lack of vitality and energy.
  11. Inability to make decisions and take responsibility.
  12. Inexperience and weakness in business.

If the position in the layout indicates a place, then the Magician can be: a study, an institute, a university, a school, a library, a stock exchange, a meditation hall.

Mag. Magician-illusionist. Speaker. Teacher. Politician. Doctor. Manipulator. Showman-presenter. Sales Manager. Entrepreneur. Marketer. Craftsman. Writer. Scientist. Psychologist. Inventor.


If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 1, then the Quintessence will be the Magician. TAROT's advice is simple: take the initiative into your own hands, try to discern your potential and devote all of yourself to this matter, completely and completely, because if not you, then who? No one can cope with this task better than you. Moreover, this situation (problem or business) is designed so that you awaken hidden talents and limitless possibilities within yourself, which you yourself are not yet aware of.

The image of the Hierophant card in an upright position in predictions for the future can have the following meanings and interpretations:

  • sympathy, favorable attitude from others;
  • love, mutual understanding between spouses;
  • an approaching marriage that will become successful and long;
  • a quick promotion at work, a successful deal;
  • blessing for worship (for believers);
  • creativity, inspiration.

In a relationship

The interpretation of the meaning of the Hierophant in relationships and love depends on the nearby arcana and the position of the card.

If the High Priest is in an upright position, then this is interpreted as a strong connection between partners, mutual understanding, and trust. In this case, the meaning of the High Priest is the keeper of traditions and vows. That is, you can trust a loved one, he will always come to the rescue.

The inverted position of the card indicates the emergence of fundamental disagreements in the relationship between a man and a woman. Perhaps one of the partners goes beyond the bounds of decency in his behavior, ignores fulfilling his duties, and is prone to deception. Quarrels and disagreements may arise, even leading to a break in the relationship.

In matters of health

The image of the Hierophant card in an upright position means a deterioration in health. The manifestation of the disease is most likely temporary. With the right attitude and treatment, it will quickly recede.

An inverted position signals that the body's condition is unstable. The questioner suffers from excessive suspiciousness and is unable to carry out treatment. This often leads to disappointing consequences. When it comes to identifying pathologies, Hierophant recommends checking for infectious diseases, ear and throat ailments, and kidney problems.

In work and finances

With minor Tarot cards


AceMaterial and spiritual well-being, prosperity in marriage.
DeuceMutually beneficial partnership.
TroikaReconciliation with a loved one, desire for inner growth.
FourDissatisfaction in love affairs, lack of trust in others.
FiveSeverance of family relationships.
SixAn unexpected meeting with an ex.
EightA deal with conscience.
NineInternal harmony, external influence.
TenCommon sense.
PageGood luck, marriage.
KnightConfidence in others.
QueenDecent behavior, ideal life partner.
KingSuccessful business, insight.


AceSudden insight, good luck in creativity.
DeuceDisagreements in business, lack of mutual understanding.
TroikaPre-tested actions.
FourConclusion of a marriage.
FiveDiscord in relationships with loved ones.
SixGet to the bottom of the truth.
EightMarriage of convenience.
NineResentment, jealousy, loss of trust in a partner.
TenLoss of trust in partners.
PageMessages from close relatives.
KnightMental tossing.
QueenEntry into the rank.
King Spiritual teacher.


AceReceiving a reward, spiritual intuition.
DeuceMarriage without love is confusion.
TroikaCancellation of marriage, loss of trust.
FourDeath of a loved one.
FiveInsult from an elder.
SixSearching for lost life meaning.
SevenThe appearance of a rival, loss of trust.
EightBankruptcy, moral restrictions.
NinePangs of conscience, sympathy.
TenSacrifice ceremony.
PageSuccess, excessive caution.
KnightAnger, aggressiveness.
QueenDivorce, loneliness.
KingDifference of interests.

Card of the Year

If the Major Arcana of the Tarot Hierophant is chosen as the card of the year, then the questioner needs to find the meaning of all actions performed. In the coming year there is an opportunity to find the answer to this question. But first, the fortuneteller must “look inside himself” and answer the question: are the views and rules that serve as a guide to action outdated?

If this is so, then it is time to replace old-fashioned views with modern ones. And it may turn out that after a year, the questioner will have views completely opposite to today’s.


  • Papus, translation by Troyanovsky A.V.
  • Papus - images of cards, in the appendix to the “Predictive Tarot”
  • Waite A. E. Illustrated Key to the Tarot = / illustrator Pamela Colman Smith. — 1911.
  • Mobes G.O. / Compiled from lectures by G.O.M. student N40 FFRCR. - St. Petersburg, 1912. - T. in two volumes.
  • Moebes G. O. Meditations on the Arcana of the Tarot. Additions to the Encyclopedia of Occultism, lectures. — 1921.
  • Zain K.K. - St. Petersburg: Bookplate, 2003. - ISBN 5-901620-45-3.
  • Max von Guggenheim. All about Tarot cards. - 1975 - St. Petersburg: SZKEO "Crystal", 2004, 2006, 2008. - 176 p. — ISBN 5-306-00349-4, ISBN 978-5-306-00349-8.
  • Monosov B. M. 5th lasso. Spiritual power - a prospect for development // Fireball-3: Acquaintance with the astral world. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2003. - P. 101-103. — 128 p. — ISBN 5-94371-242-9.
  • Monosov B. M. 5th lasso. Spiritual power - vertical movement of the Assemblage Point // Fireball-4: Level of the higher astral. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2003. - P. 74-84. — 128 p. — ISBN 5-94371-252-6.
  • Kostenko A. Waite's Tarot as a system. History, theory and practice. - 4th ed. - K.: Sofia, 1999-2011. — 432 p. — ISBN 5-220-00176-0, ISBN 978-5-399-00217-0, ISBN 978-5-91250-616-1.
  • Kostenko A. Mysteries of the Pyramids. Arcana of the Egyptian Tarot. - St. Petersburg: Bookplate, 2002. - 240 p. — ISBN 5-901620-29-1.
  • Kostenko A. Secrets of the Egyptian Tarot. - K.: Sofia, 2008. - 288 p. — .


The card warns that it makes sense to forget about old proven views and follow an unknown path. Tarot readers believe that, in general, the Fifth Major Arcana of the Tarot Hierophant is a positive card. It does not have a clearly bad interpretation, even in the reverse position. Therefore, the Hierophant that appears in the reading is a favorable omen.

Author of the article, practicing tarot reader

Sergey Yupatov

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