Horoscope compatibility of the Ox with other zodiac signs

Author: Irina Zavodina

Publication date: 04/19/2020

The astrological Ox is an abyss of patience and enormous thoroughness, it is endurance and wisdom (and primarily in the everyday, earthly sense). This animal is not capable of recklessness and in a calm state is slow and extremely calm. However, the Ox can be very purposeful and active when he sees a goal in front of him and concentrates on it.

The Ox is strongly associated with the element of Earth. He vitally needs large spaces, warmed by the generous sun. It cannot exist without fragrant herbs sprouting in the meadows, gardens quietly rustling with lush green foliage, lakes with their mirror-like surface. The bull does not require large company, and he does not tolerate crowded conditions at all. He never fusses and is highly diligent. And there is one fundamentally important point that must be kept in mind when approaching the Ox: he does not tolerate aggression. Because he can lose control of himself, and then you can expect anything from him.

In the years patronized by the Ox, it is good to build and create. Such time periods contribute to increased material well-being, fertility, and development. Those who know how to stick to the golden mean and are not inclined to go to extremes are especially lucky.

Character traits

People born in the year of the Ox are characterized by many wonderful natural qualities that can be truly envied. This includes modesty, taciturnity, and hard work. This entire successful “set” allows them to save face in most difficult situations, when other representatives of the eastern astrological circle either leave the “distance” or behave inappropriately. On the other hand, Bulls can be both aggressive and uncontrollable. And sometimes people around them are given the impression of intolerant or eccentric personalities.

It should be noted that the theme of aggression occupies a special place in the characteristics of representatives of this sign. The fact is that they are not very excitable, but if this happens, the consequences can be severe. Therefore, maximum diplomacy and flexibility are strongly recommended to those around them. It’s best not to cross red lines when it comes to the Bulls. After all, it is usually quite difficult to dodge their anger.

Bulls are logical and have fairly high intelligence. Plus they are characterized by pragmatism. This makes them independent from other people's opinions and manipulations. The benefits of this state of affairs are felt by both the Bulls themselves and those around them, since even after a short acquaintance with them it becomes obvious that they can be completely relied upon, and their opinions are based on reliable sources.

The most important point for Oxen is their personal living space. They value it very much. In addition, it should be noted that Bulls are also big conservatives. That’s why it’s quite difficult for them to leave their comfort zone. And this manifests itself both in the sphere of communication and in the formation of a worldview position. As a result, among the Bulls there are many people who are touchy, demanding and dogmatic.

Sexual Compatibility

In such a union, both partners have a hot temperament, so the bed will become one of the best places for them. Everyday life is very calm and measured, but it is in sex that all emotions and passion manifest themselves.

Intimate life is always bright and active. They both love experiments and are always open to new achievements. The desire for a fulfilling sex life allows a couple to enjoy each other's company. They resolve most scandals and quarrels in bed, which is important and a very right choice.

Areas of success

Bulls should definitely try themselves in applied professions - from agriculture to hand-made. Accordingly, they can build a successful career both at a large industrial enterprise and in an individual workshop. Typical examples of successful areas of activity include landscape design, pharmaceuticals, wood or metalworking, and real estate.

Sports is definitely a promising area of ​​professional activity for the Bulls. With their endurance and determination, simply amazing results can be achieved here. And regardless of the type of sport.

The financial sector and politics are considered quite promising for the Bulls. Oxen are prudent and reasonable, attentive to details, and resistant to stress. They know how not to blurt out too much, and their decisions are usually verified and thought out. Therefore, those of them who choose finance or politics as a profession, as a rule, over time occupy a strong and respectable position and enjoy great respect.

In addition, Bulls sometimes reach significant heights in art. They make excellent artists. Plus, undoubtedly, acting, directing and writing are potentially successful professions for them.

Year of the Ox what years

Thanks to the table below, you can find out when the year of the Ox will be and on what dates, what element it will be in, and what year will be the next after the Ox.

February 19, 1901 - February 7, 1902Metal Bull
February 6, 1913 - January 25, 1914Water Ox
January 24, 1925 - February 12, 1926Wood Bull
February 11, 1937 - January 30, 1938Fire Bull
January 29, 1949 – February 16, 1950Earth Bull
February 15, 1961 - February 4, 1962Metal Bull
February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974Water Ox
February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986Wood Bull
February 7, 1997 - January 27, 1998Fire Bull
January 26, 2009 – February 13, 2010Earth Bull
February 12, 2021 – January 31, 2022Metal Bull
January 31, 2033 – February 18, 2034Water Ox

Now you know in which years the Year of the Ox begins and you can answer 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033 the year of whom or what animal according to the eastern calendar.

Personal life and relationships

In love relationships, Oxen often manage to demonstrate qualities that are quite difficult to combine with each other - naivety and pragmatism, sensitivity and lack of romanticism, a desire for personal freedom and comprehensive care for their partner. The reason for all this lies, of course, in the character of the people of this sign. After all, on the one hand, Oxen are characterized by self-confidence, which forces them to act in their own way, not paying attention to the opinions of those around them, and on the other hand, they are characterized by a desire for emotional comfort, which makes them dependent on the character traits of loved ones.

The most important aspect of relationships for Oxen is devotion. Few of them could be accused of fickleness or polygamy. With their loved ones they are sincere, simple, truthful. And in return, of course, they expect the same. And if they don’t get what they expect, they experience a lot of negativity, which can lead to very disastrous consequences. In most cases, Bulls simply do not forgive someone who deceived or even only caused them to doubt.

Bulls are sexy. However, they do not know how to furnish this area of ​​their relationship with all sorts of “tricks”, which in many ways make it so attractive. One can hardly expect any beautiful stupidity or spectacular organization of intimate pastime from representatives of this sign. Most likely, everything will be good, reliable, but not original.

Bulls may appear clumsy or callous. Which, of course, is not the case. Although the visual manifestations of their behavior may indicate just that. For example, an Ox may not notice his partner’s efforts to please him (a new dress, a change in hairstyle, etc.), and compliments are often neglected. It can be quite difficult to get the initiative from them to take certain actions (say, to declare their love or to propose their hand). But the Bulls gladly welcome tactful and reasonable activity on the part of their partners, since they perceive it as proof of the seriousness of their intentions. And, if such illusions are not destroyed in the future, i.e. do not give the Ox any reason to suspect infidelity or lack of feelings, then he will be ready to maintain stability and seriousness in the relationship for many years.

Compatibility in friendship

Compatibility of Oxen with each other in friendship will be good only if they are representatives of the same sex. An increased tendency to idealize does not allow one to evaluate a person of the opposite sex without sympathy. The Ox will immediately offer his heart to the object of his love, and in case of refusal, he will prefer to break off communication forever.

If no romantic notes have arisen between a man and a woman, then friendly communication may well develop, but this option is rare. Such people have the best compatibility in working relationships. All the most positive qualities of the sign will lead them to success in every planned task.

Bull in the elements

Metal Bull (1901, 1961, 2021)

more sociable and tolerant than others. His interests are usually diverse. The importance of his comfort zone is moderate, and therefore he adapts to new realities more easily than other Bulls. He is less conservative and has quite a lot of freedom of expression. Plus he has a truly iron will. The Metal Ox is no stranger to vanity and values ​​recognition and popularity. And since he is not afraid to experiment, his life successes can be truly impressive.

Water Bull (1913, 1973)

– nature is softer and more positive. He is no stranger to romance, prone to beautiful and even noble deeds. True, it’s still difficult to expect effective words from him. Such an Ox loves comfort very much and is sensitive to manifestations of beauty in people and in the environment. Many of these Bulls are philanthropists. In the family, the Water Ox is caring and ready to make every effort to provide himself and his loved ones with all possible material benefits. He is ambitious in career matters. But at the same time he will never commit injustice.

Wooden Bull (1925, 1985)

emphatically restrained. Getting him to show emotion is extremely difficult. As a rule, this is always a person with a high degree of responsibility. Orderliness is important to him; he normally perceives routine and monotony. The Wooden Ox is completely uninspiring. He is extremely reasonable and can take a very long time to make decisions. It is impossible to manipulate or put pressure on him, but you can gain his trust and become for him something like an extension of his own brain. Such an Ox greatly values ​​social success and strives in every possible way to achieve its high level.

Fire Bull (1937, 1997)

emotional, very devoted, determined. As a rule, he is a faithful spouse who does not even think about betrayal. But such an Ox can be both caring and tyrannical. In general, the Fire Ox is inclined to order and strict adherence to established rules. And quite often it is he who takes upon himself the responsibility (or the right) to write them. However, there is no need to fear that these rules will be meaningless or dictated by his tyranny; on the contrary, they will certainly turn out to be pragmatic and vitally justified. These people are mostly successful, and they achieve success largely due to their personal irresistibility, which can be quite difficult for others to resist.

Earth Bull (1949, 2009)

concentrates in itself the best characteristics inherent in this sign in general. He is a very hard worker and there seems to be no limit to his patience and endurance. Such an Ox is not inclined to exaggerate and tries to think optimistically in any situation. He is extremely obliging and honest; in relationships with loved ones he is extremely faithful and sincere. If he makes a promise, then there is no doubt at all that it will definitely be fulfilled. Another positive trait of the Earth Ox is prudence. Thanks to her, he avoids extreme manifestations of emotionality and knows how to avoid getting into situations that are too problematic for himself.

Ox Woman: characteristics of the sign

Such a woman is the personification of hard work, reliability and thrift. They will never build castles in the air. The Ox Woman always thinks things through. She can hardly be called mercantile or spending money.

Next to her, such a woman sees only a down-to-earth man who does not commit rash and drastic actions. Since childhood, the Ox woman dreams of a strong and friendly family. If she manages to meet the one, then the whole world begins to revolve only around him. For the sake of her family, she is ready to give up all career advancements, desires, and even her own ambitions.

Often, Oxen women lack a bit of femininity. It is worth wearing more dresses, women's accessories, and not forgetting about your original nature.

These are wonderful wives and mothers who will become a real outlet for those guys who are looking for a cozy home. Sometimes a woman becomes so immersed in everyday life that her man simply loses all interest in her.

Compatibility of the Ox according to the eastern horoscope

The astrological friends of the Ox are the Snake and the Rooster. The Snake perceives the Ox as a reliable rear, and he appreciates the Snake for its balance and ability to make decisions with a cool head. And, even if (or when) misunderstandings arise between them, each will try to ensure that the problem is resolved privately and the image of both is not damaged.

And the Ox-Rooster pair is an excellent example of a harmonious combination of opposites. These two will not encroach on their partner’s personal comfort zone and will create many positive points of contact, since they will discover enough common opinions and interests in each other.

Less promising, but quite possible, is the successful unification of two other opposites - the Ox and the Monkey. They have radically different temperaments. However, the dominant element of Earth (in the Ox) strengthens the element of Metal (in the Monkey) and, if the Monkey wishes to understand the advantages of the Ox and decides to demonstrate his respect for them, then such a union may well take place.

The Rat can become a reliable ally for the Ox. These signs complement each other perfectly, smoothing out their partner’s shortcomings and making the most of their own strengths. The Ox forces the Rat to be more consistent, thanks to which it achieves its goals more successfully. She, in turn, teaches the Ox to calmly deal with everyday difficulties and helps him become more positive and flexible. And over time, such a couple has every chance of building an almost ideal relationship.

The two Bulls have pretty good prospects. Similar habits and common goals serve as a serious “cementing” moment for them. But there are a couple of mandatory conditions, without which the chances of a positive and long-term relationship are significantly reduced. The first of them is the correct distribution of responsibilities. The second is prioritization, because at every stage of life, both Oxen should strive for the same things.

The successful development of the relationship between the Ox and the Dog is a matter of chance. They have quite a few points of contact. However, each of them knows how to see the positive traits of nature in the other and correctly evaluate them. Therefore, some of these couples managed to get along well with each other.

There is no guarantee of a successful relationship between the Ox and the Horse. The resistance that the Horse will provide to the Ox may be perceived as excessive, especially if it concerns issues of fundamental importance to him. But at the same time, both may be seriously interested in an alliance. And then, over time - after a certain grinding in - a compromise will be found.

Compatibility between the Ox and the Pig is not very high. For their union to take place, everyone must restrain their sense of selfishness. And, if this succeeds, then happiness is quite possible.

But the Ox and Rabbit have potentially quite high compatibility. But this does not prevent them from finding reasons for disagreement from time to time. However, with rare exceptions, this does not lead to critical consequences.

The future of the Ox and Dragon is little predictable. These two can create a strong union of a pair of extraordinary personalities, in which they will not be bored for years, or they can run away as soon as they get together. But theoretically, the combination of these signs is very interesting and attractive.

Ox and Tiger, as well as Ox and Sheep, are unlikely to find a common language. The Ox and Tiger have too strong leadership qualities for one to want to give in to the other. So, sooner or later, these two inevitably begin to compete, and therefore to conflict. As for the Ox and the Sheep, she will probably seem to him too capricious and even unpredictable. And he is unlikely to want to understand the emotional intricacies of the Sheep.

Compatibility in love

When falling in love, both experience strong emotions, but there is very little romance in their relationship. They stay close only to those with whom they feel calm and comfortable. Each couple has their own special values ​​in life, which are often similar. The Ox always knows what his other half wants, understanding her perfectly. It is very important for them to know where their loved one is now, what plans he has for the day, and also what time to expect him to return home.

Bulls are extremely loyal, but at the same time jealous. It is very important for them to completely own their loved one. The smallest lie and omission can lead not only to a scandal, but also to a breakup. Despite this, the compatibility horoscope of Oxen with Oxen gives a very high chance of creating a strong unit of society. They can be together for a really long time.

No one in the couple is characterized by such character traits as increased energy, spontaneity and impulsiveness, so after a few years things will begin to “grow cold” between them.

No one in such a union is romantic, but despite this, each of them wants to receive unexpected surprises, and even be taken aback by the unpredictability of their other half. In order for the union to last, everyone will have to work a little on themselves and their relationships, introducing various innovations into them.

Ox and Zodiac


able to overcome almost any obstacle. This is a born leader, distinguished by excellent self-control and truly fiery energy. Those. he is not so hot-tempered as to be pointlessly stubborn and pursue short-term goals at the expense of long-term ones. When moving towards a goal, he knows how not to waste time on trifles. It is difficult to confuse or convince the Aries Ox, because he has a ready answer to everything and has his own opinion. Therefore, it is not recommended to argue with him.

Ox Taurus

– this is redoubled determination and perseverance. However, both of these are not at the expense of decency. And therefore, the methods that such a person chooses to solve his problems are quite acceptable. However, their reliability, of course, does not suffer from this. Taurus Ox always has many plans for the future and, as a rule, has a rather optimistic view of the situation around him. Another distinctive feature of this person’s nature is discipline. And not only in relation to yourself; He usually demands it from those around him too.

Gemini Ox

is, in fact, a light version of the classic Bull character. He is more sociable than other brothers in the sign, he quite simply and willingly expresses his thoughts out loud and is quite optimistic about life. He is no stranger to daydreaming; some fantasies often wander through his head. Plus, Gemini Ox is characterized by wit and visual attractiveness. Such an Ox is easily trained, and therefore gradually becomes competent in a wide range of areas of activity, so that the problem of employment for him is quite rare.

Ox -Cancer

the main distinguishing features are: 1) analytical mind, 2) developed intuition, 3) thoroughness. All this, complemented by other traditional properties of the natures of Ox and Cancer, leads to the fact that we face a person who is phlegmatic and extremely self-absorbed. This, on the one hand, deprives the Ox-Cancer of part of the protective “shell” that protects him from involvement in processes undesirable for himself, and also leads to the loss of some promising opportunities. However, on the other hand, this combination is successful, since it helps the Ox-Cancer protect its comfort zone from external encroachments for as long and completely as possible.


- a special nature. He is characterized by intelligence in thoughts and nobility in actions. He is committed to his principles and is ready to defend them in any circumstances. However, this will be done in a dignified and respectful manner, i.e. so as not to lose self-esteem. Leo Ox knows how to achieve a state of internal harmony and protect it as a great value.


distinguished by friendliness and ease of disposition (in any case, as much as is generally possible for the nature of the Ox). He is extremely balanced, knows how to be pleasant and unobtrusive in communication. Such a Bull cannot sit in one place for a long time; It is vital for him to periodically change the type of activity, and it is desirable that it includes physical activity. Ox-Virgo is usually endowed with good artistic taste and knows how to appreciate beauty even in ordinary things.

To the Ox-Libra

characterized by intelligence, sociability, and charm. As a rule, he has good taste, great endurance, and a sense of proportion. However, it would be a mistake to imagine such a bull as a soft and pliable nature. Not at all! It’s just that the influence of Libra adds flexibility and tolerance to the Ox. In addition, it leads to the fact that this Ox is not alien to a sense of justice. As a result, such a person is able to achieve success with less emotional and physical costs and knows how to organize his living space so that it strives for harmonization and order.

The Scorpio Ox

the potential associated with conquering all sorts of peaks and other successes is incredibly great. In fact, few can compare with him in this sense. And not only among the Bulls. However, from the point of view of character traits, there are many questions for such an Ox. The fact is that the Scorpio Ox is quite quarrelsome. In addition, he is a one-man farmer, unconditionally confident that he can cope with any task himself. If he sees a specific goal in front of him, he often goes towards it, as they say, without seeing any obstacles. And in most cases he perceives advice from the outside as criticism or a challenge. However, all this usually does not bother the Scorpio Bull himself.

Ox Sagittarius

stress-resistant and peaceful. He is not inclined to conflict and tries to look for an acceptable way out of the problem in any situation. And it must be admitted that he mostly succeeds, thanks to which almost each of these Bulls can boast of a fairly wide range of contacts. The Sagittarius Ox knows how to be objective and usually has developed intuition. This helps him make the right decisions in risky circumstances. This Ox goes through life with calm self-confidence, perceiving life with optimism and interest.


often called the Ox squared. And, in essence, one can agree with this. Such an Ox successfully controls his emotions and does not talk about trifles. It is capable of withstanding enormous loads and has impeccable logic. You can rely on the Capricorn Ox as the strongest support among all possible supports. But you need to take into account that he may have a poor sense of humor and sociability.

Ox Aquarius

often gives a deceptive impression. To many, he seems to be an insecure person, incapable of strong actions and held back by certain taboos. However, from time to time he certainly throws up evidence that he is quite capable of influencing his environment, achieving the desired goals, and has great perseverance and endurance. In general, the Aquarius Bull is distinguished by the stability of its moral principles and pronounced creativity. And, besides, he is no stranger to romanticism and an original view of some things.


is the type of person who is principled and flexible at the same time. He has an internal moral core that makes him steadfastly stand guard over certain rules regarding decency, interests, etc. However, such a Bull is free from excessive categoricalness. Therefore, he knows how to smooth out rough edges and defend himself diplomatically, avoiding many conflicts and without losing friends. The Ox-Pisces usually has well-developed intuition, thanks to which he knows how to cut off people who are obviously unkind to him. Plus, it helps him see his own benefit and extract it as fully as possible from the current circumstances.


years of birth: 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009

The ox belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the second sign of the Chinese horoscope and rules from 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the morning. The season that brings good luck to Ox is winter, and its apogee period is January. According to the European Zodiac, Ox corresponds to the sign of Capricorn. The color that brings them happiness is green. Flowers and plants that bring them luck are peony, violet, thyme, hops and sage. The countries most favorable for Vol's habitat are Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Argentina, Venezuela.

The ox is happy when he is born in winter, because the cure brings many difficulties associated with hard work. And, as a rule, summer Ox live a hard life full of troubles until the end of their days. Vol's childhood and adolescence pass without any particular complications. They are busy studying, working, and they don’t have time to do anything stupid. The ox is a dreamy animal, and therefore often in its mature years it is haunted by disappointments. They cannot be called touchy, but they do not know how to deal with the feelings of others. Perhaps this is why the outpourings of others, which sometimes even make them laugh, are alien to them. In the second half of their lives, they have difficulties in their marriage. Often partners are offended by their indifference and begin to look elsewhere for the romance that is missing in their home. If Vol does not have time to resolve these issues with his common sense, he can destroy his well-being in life. In old age they will also face difficulties, and if they overcome them, the winter of life will be very calm. But, as a rule, Oxen live a monotonous, stable life, living to an advanced age in material well-being. By the end of their lives, they completely calm their raging passions and know how to be indulgent. OX AND CHARACTER Oxen are calm and patient. When a goal is chosen, they move towards achieving it slowly, but they always follow it accurately and confidently. These people have an original and intelligent nature, which is usually hidden behind a dull appearance. Oxen have the gift of inspiring trust, which is a great trump card. Oxen do not tolerate aggression, therefore, when going to them with some unpleasant mission, you need to stock up on maximum diplomacy. For safety reasons, you can lie. But if these measures do not help and Vol loses his temper, then the torch can simply kill him. They are contemplative by nature and often like to be alone! According to Hippocrates, Oxen are considered to have a choleric temperament, so after a calm state they are easily susceptible to outbursts of anger. They are able to work for long periods of time. Their house is always in perfect order, they are neat, practical and always ready to help. People around me are even jealous of this. But if something starts to interfere with these people, they explode and sweep everything out of their way. Although they are secretive, if necessary they can show exceptional eloquence. Those born under this sign absolutely cannot stand news that could disrupt the course of their lives. They are born conservatives who cannot stand innovation, so they impose their views not only on their family, but also on others. Representatives of this sign are diligent, hardworking workers, so they are often given all kinds of responsibility, and they really like it. Oxen are stubborn, resilient and never transgress their moral ideals. They are shocked by obscene manners and unkempt clothes, and with cheeky behavior they feel uncomfortable, although they cannot be called scrupulous either. They just know when, where and what to say. Oxen have strong principles, but they cannot be denied originality. These people are incredible individualists, characterized by absolute independence. However, they also have disadvantages. Oxen do not know how to compare and weigh at all. All this happens because of their inner perfection, which cannot stand nuances. For such people, there is only black and white. The ox cannot be accused of being overly sociable, but he is a devoted friend who never abandons his responsibilities. Starting from early childhood, Vols acquire a faithful friend and never part with him again. If, by coincidence, such friends disappear, the Vols feel devastated and cannot make new friends. This happens due to their settledness and constancy. If they doubt something, they never express it out loud. But these people react instantly, believing that one cannot be a weakling. Oxen love to act, to create, and not to rant about everyday nonsense. You can trust such people and you can always rely on them. It is very rare to see a smile on their face, probably because they do not understand humor well. Sometimes a bad joke can easily piss them off. But when talking about real matters, they behave respectably. In such cases, they do not enter into discussions at all. Often, Vols pretend that they absolutely do not hear the nuances of what is being said. But sometimes they begin to persist, refusing useful advice. The oxen are not used to admitting their mistakes. But they are honest and do not take bribes. Often Oxen are judged too harshly because they do not show off their virtues in public, they believe that they should be perceived as they are. And they deserve attention, because Oxen are modest, kind and always liked by those who love reliability. Their main virtues are balance, patience and hard work. But in a negative set of circumstances, Vol poorly understands the inner world of his partner, which makes him a bad player. OX AND MATERIAL WEALTH Oxen are the most wealthy and prudent animals. They love money, but do not become slaves to it, like Rats. Oxen do not waste money; they are economical and reasonable, sometimes even too much. The only thing they cannot deny themselves is decorating their own home. In other cases, they show extreme stinginess. Of course, other signs approach finances a little differently, but Vols prefer to keep their money in the bank, receiving good interest. Their family home is well maintained and their property is treated with incredible care. Their accounts are always in perfect order. Ox women systematically run their households, in which they do not miss any details. Every Ox in his life tries to leave something behind, and, as a rule, their capital is significant. And they don’t really need this, they just want to ensure the future of their children. They usually achieve this in the second half of life. As a rule, what the Vols receive is earned fairly, without any speculation or credit. BULL AND PROFESSIONS People of this sign are quite ambitious, power-hungry and overly stubborn. But you don’t need to trust the Oxen with anyone. Although they like to work quietly, their work balance should never be disturbed. Of course, they are not openly striving for power, but still, deep down in their souls, the Vols are waiting for the moment when they are offered a responsible post. True Oxen will always prefer high responsibility to quiet work. They have incredible work ethic and therefore are always better off in a leadership position. The oxen will never come to terms with the role of an ordinary employee, and if this somehow happens, they risk simply dying. It also happens that they put too heavy a burden on their shoulders, but this cannot unsettle them. They can do everything themselves, but with deliberate intervention, the Vols lose their balance. Therefore, they simply need rest and walks in the fresh air. If they don't do this, they definitely need to be reminded about it. Oxen, like exemplary students, when starting something, always bring it to the end. Their decisions are always fair and specific. Oxen are respected by their superiors because they are very demanding of their subordinates. You can always count on their honesty. But due to their inability to enter into the position of others, Oxen are sometimes unfair and cruel. They make excellent surgeons. They can also succeed in the arts and in managing a technical enterprise, for example, a car service center, in concluding contracts and in government administration. They can often be seen in political circles, as they are excellent leaders and follow their own conscience. They prefer real activities rather than castles in the air. But still, their vocation is agriculture. They need to avoid professions related to trade, since in this area their communication with people is very difficult. Travel-related professions are also not recommended because they may affect their health. Oxen - Excellent military men, architects, designers, photographers, hotel employees, medical workers, dentists, hairdressers, directors, economists, farmers, gardeners, farmers, skilled workers, as well as dictators and policemen. OX AND LOVE As we noted, Oxen are great realists and cannot stand any romance. Therefore, for them there are only specific ones. goals: work, getting food, protecting one’s own interests and the interests of the family. This is not to say that love and sex do not exist for them, they just treat this more coolly than other people. Oxen are sexy, but cannot stand flowery phrases and lengthy declarations of love. They can be gentle, loyal and even sensitive. For them, flirting is a waste of time, and passion sometimes aggravates them. Therefore, sometimes they seem a little inattentive, as Oxen forget to grab a bouquet of flowers on a date or pay a compliment to their beloved. Although they value their freedom, they still cannot live without love. This feeling often forces them to create their own life according to their original plan. They frantically try to implement this plan, sometimes making life together unacceptable for their partner. Oxen do not know how to be angry; rather, due to some fatal accident or as a result of their busyness, they forget about what they promised. If you love Vol, you can’t go wrong by taking him as your wife, because there is no more faithful and responsible family man. They have no equal in the kitchen; they are excellent hosts and cooks. Ox women also have a quick reaction to men, but they are used to fighting immorality, preferring the marital bed to casual meetings. Volov always claims exclusivity. They don't like suspicion because they are always too busy and don't have time to play detective. If Vol gets married, it means he trusts his partner. When cheating, they behave rather strangely, since they do not make a tragedy out of it. For them, the big tragedy is excessive spending of money. But having already lost trust once, they will never be able to regain it again. Even if they love a person, memories of mistakes will remain in their life and will gradually poison it. This rational attitude towards love is often reflected in Vol's love affairs and marriages. BULL AND HIS FAMILY We have already said that there is no better family man than Ox. Having married, they instantly turn into long-time and familiar spouses. In the Vol family, everyone must fulfill their duties as they themselves perform them. They make excellent parents; they are honest with themselves and with their children. Oxen are able to set a positive example and monitor the actions of their children. These people are a little dogmatic and are always proud of their children's successes. Oxen demand complete obedience from them and therefore often give their children strict tests. Their word is law! But in return they are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of the family. People born in the year of the Ox are not jealous of their husbands and wives, but they jealously preserve their marital rights, and fidelity is part of them. Oxen are sentimentally loyal and don't pay much attention to it. Such parents are very happy if they have children born in such flexible years as Boar, Hare and Sheep. These descendants follow the example of worthy parents and will always be resistant to any adversity. Monkeys; and the Snakes only give the impression that they obey, and secretly do all sorts of dirty tricks. The Rat is the enemy of education; the Titar and the Dragon will create great difficulties for them, because they cannot stand strictness and puritanism. Probably the same can be said about the Horse, which will run away at the first opportunity. And the Vols are very worried when children leave home early. In addition, it is very difficult for Vols with adult children who are eager to be free. Ox mothers will not like the rapid maturation of their daughters, probably because Ox mothers do not like it when children grow up quickly. THE OX AND HIS INNER WORLD Oxen are very sensitive to their surroundings, and as long as their movements are not enslaved, they behave naturally. But if someone invades their world, they turn every little thing into a tragedy. They are a little retrograde in their thinking. Oxen love old things, memorable photographs, conversations with old friends about the long past. Their home is filled with coziness and practicality, often decorated in a pseudo-rural style. Oxen always love order in everything; there is no dust on their furniture. Oxen love to warm themselves by the fireplace. Still, their inner world is virgin nature. Near their country house you can always see a small garden and well-groomed lawns. Pondering their earthly concerns, they take walks around their property, and nothing can cancel their habits - neither cold nor bad weather. They are also not very talkative in their surroundings, but you will be very surprised when you talk to them about a topic related to land or agriculture. Vol women love to spend a lot of time at the market among the gifts of nature. Afterwards, they carefully prepare them, turning them into masterpieces of culinary art. Look into their pantry and you'll see how much stock they have stashed away for a rainy day. The Volov tables are laden with food. If they live in a village, their yard looks like Noah's Ark, which is full of all kinds of living creatures. And often the city dweller-Ox lacks a spacious barn with piles of gardening tools. OX AND SEX In sexual relationships, Oxen experience deep feelings. They are able to be happier than others. In sex, they are not too impulsive, but quite seductive and suitable for people with different temperaments, because they know how to control themselves. True, they are not always inclined to courtship and Oxen cannot always be completely conquered. These people always know what their partner expects from them, but at the same time they are never sure whether he is satisfied. While in a relationship with someone, those born under this sign reserve the right to date others. They are not used to showing off their feelings, but they always know how to attract attention to themselves. If they feel that someone likes them, they become very attentive and pay in kind. They quickly ignite, even at the first meeting they can be aroused by even one gesture or look. At the same time, a real fire breaks out inside the Vols. In sex, they always prefer the leading role. And you can expect any surprises from them. Oxen are very hardy and expect the same from their partner. FIRST MEETING WITH A BULL Oxen have one distinctive feature. At first they observe, then they begin to reluctantly talk, and then, if they find their hobby worthy, they suddenly rush into battle. But if Vol is a woman, she peacefully waits, counting on her partner to take the first decisive step. If Vols are in love, they prefer not to talk about their feelings. But in life this is often necessary and, exhausted from passion, they usually loosen their tongue. They expect loyalty and respect from their partner. If they feel like they can't keep a partner, Vols will try to fork out the cash. If Vol deceives you, he will not see anything bad in it, but this happens extremely rarely, only if the lie is needed for a good cause. Oxen absolutely do not tolerate the deception of others, and if they discover this, they will definitely leave forever. In the event of a breakup, they will not start spectacular scandals. The oxen will quietly gather their things and sneak away unnoticed when you go to the store. If you want to make the Vols happy, give them a practical thing that will help in everyday life. This will definitely captivate them. Join them on a long walk. But there is no need to force yourself to talk. They themselves know when to start a conversation and they need a pause to put their thoughts in order. But if you are quite tired of Ox and have nothing else to talk about, propose marriage to him, and you will see how his heels sparkle. FAMOUS PEOPLE BORN UNDER THE SIGN OF THE OX Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Burton, Barbara Bush, King Carlos of Spain, Charlie Chaplin, Jane Fonda, Handel, Dustin Hrffman, Robert Redford, Jean Sibelius, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Madame Pompadour, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Diana, Vincent Van Gogh, Niccolo Machiavelli, Peter Rubens, Aristotle, Dante Alighieri, Auguste Renoir, Walt Disney, Richard Bertan, Hans Christian Andersen, Albert Camus, Chagall, Willy Brandt, Benjamin Britten, Peter Brook, El Greco, Marc Donskoy, Sergey Zalygin, Igor Ilyinsky, Vivien Leigh, Makarios III, Sergey Mikhalkov, Valentina Tereshkova, Maya Plisetskaya, Alexander Pokryshkin, Ivan Pyryev, Irina Rodnina, Victor Rozov, Evgeny Simonov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Yulia Solntseva, Sukarno, Mikis Theodorakis, Antonin Dvorak, Rudyard Kipling, Adolf Hitler, Clemenceau, Napoleon Bonaparte, Lafayette, Jawaharlal Nehru, Louis XIII, Richard the Lionheart. OX AND RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER SIGNS Ox and Ox They don’t have any problems in their everyday life, everything goes like clockwork. Life is built according to a schedule, everything is on time: lunch and rest. But sometimes they get bored together, because the Vols need a shake-up from time to time, otherwise they will fall asleep on the way. Perhaps this is why it is undesirable to have a partner of the same sign, since the second Ox in the harness can contribute to the manifestation of excessive laziness. If they are not spurred on by someone's whip, they will go into hibernation together. It is unlikely that they will get a common business, because friendship between them is favorable, but the union is impossible. They and the rat and they understand each other, because both bright individuals. Both the wave and the rat are very correct to the freedom of the partner. The rat needs a serious attitude, and for this purpose, the wave is perfect for it. He respects the secrets of his partner. It is much worse when the rat cannot keep his mouth shut and begins to chat about intimate details of communication with the will. And there is nothing secret that does not become obvious. If the ouck will know something, it will work on him like a red rag, and he will surely become furious. But there are other difficulties, since the ox cannot fully satisfy the sexual needs of the rat. It is too accurate, and its pedantry is a little annoying the rat, but it is always true and will never change the rat. This will be very pleased with the rat, and the Vols too. The wave and a tiger for such a bloodthirsty animal as a tiger, the volume is excellent booty, because the tiger will never stand in life in front of the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat. The wave was not too used to being attacked or dedicated to him, he will not let himself swallow. The oxen is too freedom -loving, and the one who has time to eat it will definitely ruin the stomach. The wave cannot prevent the tiger from leading a predatory lifestyle, but still tries to dominate it somehow, remind him of caution and warn against rudeness. They can’t see common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends with a stormy scandal. But women - oxen are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign and get used to the silent role if the tiger can satisfy all their needs. But subsequently they will certainly show impatience, a woman-Tigr will certainly pay attention to magnificent will, because in her eyes he is a model of pure conscience, the ox and the hare is the perfect alliance. A hare needs safety and harmony that only an alliance with the will can give it to it. The hare is a potential Don Juan, but if you look deeper, in NOM you can see the features of a family man who loves his house, the wave can show loyalty to people, but he cannot leave his suspicion. In any case, he will never spy in his life. Both beasts are afraid of life changes, so the house is considered their fortress. It is better if the union took the active side to this union, because it is more approaching the role of a fighter. And the hare will show the maximum diplomacy to smooth out all the sharp fakes of delicate situations. The only thing that can not like is blur and. The veil of the answers of the hare. In this case, the hare should be more decisive and confident. All other difficulties will decide all other difficulties. This union is beautiful for love, but not for business, because both do not like to take risks and they will need the third. The wave and the dragon of the volume are ideal for normal everyday life, he knows how to avoid excessive risk, and the dragon rushes into any unusual adventures both in work and in everyday life. Therefore, often in the life of the ox, the dragon is carried like the racing express. But for howl, such shakes are very useful: although this is very tired of it, it will benefit. The dragon will help you become a more mature, wise experience, in turn, enjoying the stability of ox. The dragon will have a rest for some time near the ox. They will feel peace from each other, but not for long. The dragon cannot be in one place for a long time and therefore will soon wish to unwind. In collaboration, they feel great when the dragon travels on business trips, the wave will definitely deal with calculations. The ox and the snake of the snake is an animal that can adapt to absolutely everything. In this union, it will seem to Vole that he can take a dominant position. Of course, at first the snake will not provide visible resistance, it will surround the ox with care and understanding and will pour the balm on his soul. The snake loves comfort, and the wave can provide it with it. Of course, she can achieve everything in life, although she will never refuse to climb a pack animal that can work for two. She will never give up the temptation to devote more time to herself than spending him on useless work in the house. The snake will try to swallow ox, and this can give him pleasure, in this case it turns out that everyone is satisfied. When the snake sees that the wave is shocking selfless devotion, it will come out of its time to look for other entertainment, but he should not know about it. In work, they complement each other. And together they can make a fairly decent state. The wave and horse are not a very good combination, because both egoists and but want to understand each other. It is difficult to hold a prancing horse in place, and the wave was used to slowly weaving along the beaten path. They just have different rhythm life, so it is very difficult to cross their ways. But if nevertheless they get acquainted, only goodwill will be kept by the goodwill. From this union, the horse is not happy) happy, it is very selfish, passionate and needs passionate love and evidence of its affection. And the wave with its slow reaction will be colder than ice for her. Without noticing it, he will begin to scare away a beautiful animal. The tragedy will end with the fact that the horse wishes to talk with someone, because she loves society, and the wave is used to loneliness and will not want to make a company. He will hear only the knock of the closing door. They and sheep are very different from each other, but, probably, with their opposites and complement each other. It is very useful to breathe the air that surrounds the sheep. From this, two only win. Because the dreamer of the sheep is not used to thinking rationally, and often even admits a mistake. But next to a reasonable, smart will, she will be able to acquire what she did not find with others. According to the classic Chinese horoscope, they are not recommended to linger together, but we would like these two signs to love each other and stay in the same team. The wave and monkey monkey is too dynamic and swivel, and therefore it is very difficult to keep up with the way. Most likely, he will lag behind very quickly. He will lose his vigilance and forget about his incredulity, watching the taller dance of the tail of a girlfriend. The monkey is the most original sign of the Chinese horoscope and she will be able to notice in the will of the balanced and interesting partner, which she lacks in life. The only thing their characters converge is - they are both not sentimental, love in their life does not take first place, and therefore they will be very happy when they meet a partner who does not know jealousy and does not speak such incomprehensible words about love. Their union is favorable for both marriage and business. In tandem, they will be very dangerous and no one will want to cunning with them. The wave and rooster these partners get along with absolutely without difficulties. The wave allows the rooster to straighten his beautiful feathers, because he knows that the rooster needs sociability very much. The Volume itself does not know how to support a secular conversation. The rooster gives the worker to the howl to earn on a piece of bread, but he prefers to sing when the wave earns on bread. The rooster is not the most hardworking animal, but still it is very diplomatic and can predict the irritation of the partner. They will always be able to achieve harmony. True, in this union it is impossible to do without friction, for example, if the wave invites his friends to dinner and will not report it in time. But these are trifles compared to all life. They are ideal for business, because they contain two driving forces: the volume - executive, the rooster is a guide. The ox and the dog is better if the dog is a man in this union, and the wave is a woman. The dog will gain the desired balance, which will give him a calm and respectable woman -wall. Only in this case, the dog will begin to sleep calmly at night, not to run around the fence in search of the desired enemy. In business, they also suit each other, because the dog is a wonderful administrator of the Volume - a wonderful financier, and in this duet they will never fail. If a woman is born in the year of the dog, everything is different. Because the dogs are very conceited and cannot live without entertainment, and the ox cannot forever wait. But in any case, these partners value each other. Vulu likes the depth of the dog’s mind, and the dog cannot resist the balance of the ox. The union between them is very happy and not without prospects, but there are no difficulties. The wave and wild boar want to be the most cunning, but in reality it turns out to be completely wrong: it can shine only with its frivolity. Therefore, the wave should always be on the alert. They really like each other and especially value honesty in the partner. The wild boar always acts as a fighter, and the wave is distinguished by exceptional peacefulness, this is their strength. But in such a union it is impossible to do without disagreement, because the boar is vibrant by nature, and the ox cannot allow such wastefulness. After all, they are pleased with different things - one is satisfied with the small, and the other is sophisticated by an abundance. The ox is an excellent economist, and the boar is wasteful and cannot live without comfort. As a rule, this becomes the cause of mutual reproaches. But on this, we can say, their disagreements end, since the boar has a perfectly developed sense of proportion. And if he understands that he was tired of the vulture, he will instantly shut up.

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