Tools of Chinese metaphysics to improve your destiny

More about the Spirit of Pleasure and the Injury of an Officer

The other day we had a great conversation at the webinar “How to do good to the spirit of pleasure.” Time flew by somehow, we stayed too long) I would like to say thank you to all the participants in the webinar. For me it also became an interesting experience - it’s useful to look at yourself through the prism of your own structure :)

To follow up, I wanted to share a couple more “tricks”. Structures of Self-Expression do not like restrictions and rules; The Officer’s injury is because he knows what’s best, and the Food Spirit is injured because the new rules may prevent him from getting the usual thrill from what is happening. It is difficult for them to discipline themselves, since it is Self-Expression that controls Power, which is responsible for self-control. But, you see, there are situations when you have to follow the rules, change something in your way of life in order to achieve some goal.

What to do in this case? The technique “freedom in small things” helps. The essence of the method is that, when trying on new rules, you follow the main thing, but with a certain degree of freedom treat details that are insignificant for the result and change them “to suit you.”

For example, “Self-Expressor” decided to profess a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, various groups on social networks are quite common, by joining which you can enlist support, receive tasks and report on the work done. For the structure of Self-Expression, this option is well suited, since it is better for them to use external disciplinary factors (Self-Expression has its own Power). So, having received tasks for the week, having read the list of prohibited items, the Wounded Officer experiences justifiable indignation at the topic of “all this nonsense,” and the Food Spirit is quietly sad about the loss of comfort.

If you immediately dramatically violate the established routine, the resulting negative emotions may outweigh the ideas about the illusory benefits of innovations and the whole idea will fail even before the result can be seen. You'll have to resort to a little deception.

The wounded Officer should be allowed to break the rules a little. But they are secondary, not fundamental, of course. For example, start not on Monday, together with the group, but on Tuesday. Or do something forbidden, but only once. At the same time, repeat to himself that if he wants, he can break other rules. This greatly inspires the self-expressor and gives him the strength to move on. The Spirit of Food must be given the opportunity to maintain the level of pleasure from life that is necessary for him - to leave a couple of bad habits that are so dear to him, eliminating them very gradually, or to assign himself “rewards” for the hardships associated with changing his usual lifestyle. Rewards, of course, should be from a different area - if the Spirit of Pleasure has decided to lose weight, there is no need to promise yourself a cake for a couple of days of abstaining from harmful foods. Give yourself a massage, for example, or something else that you love.

The same technique works very well with children who have a bazi card - the structure of Self-Expression.

Reminder: the Self-Expression structure is formed when the hidden sky trunk (Officer's Wound or Food Spirit) from the month grows into the open sky trunk of the card. Similar character traits can be seen in those for whom self-expression is an integral pillar in the chart.

© Natalia Tsyganova 2016

*Any use of copyright materials is possible only with the consent of the author and by posting a link to the original article.


What is this mess again? I don't like it...

And he starts picking at food, being picky, capricious, and driving mom and dad into hysterics.

This is how the Spirit of Pleasure (Food) manifests itself in the child’s chart)

How to find the Spirit of Food in a child's chart?


Go to the website


Select the date, month, year, hour (if known) of the child.



The pillar called “DAY” is your child. We look only at the Heavenly Stem (NS).


We find the Spirit of Pleasure in the map.

If your child:

Yang Tree Jia, then the Spirit of Pleasure is the Yang Fire Bingi Horse

Insk Tree I—Insk Fire Dinand Snake

Yang Fire Bin—Yang Earth Wu, Dragonand Dog

Insky Fire—Insky Earth Ji, Goatand Ox

Yang Earth Wu—Yang Metal Genand Monkey

Ying Earth Ji— Ying Metal Xini Rooster

Yang Metal Gen—Yang Water Renand Pig

Ying Metal Xin— Ying Water Guiand Rat

Yang Water Ren—Yang Tree Jiaand Tiger

Inskaya Water Gui—Inskaya Tree Iand Rabbit

Characteristics of the Spirit of Food in a children's chart:

- daydreaming, good imagination, often retreats into one’s reality,

- creativity, resourcefulness, many talents,

- from childhood he has his own habits and his own attachments, this is for life,

- easy to learn (if the Spirit of Food is unfavorable, then it gives laziness),

- always strives to learn something new, craves change,

- worries very much if his expectations are not met,

- it is important for him to have people he can rely on and trust in life,

- does not know how to manage his time, gets carried away,

- endowed with a wonderful sense of humor, knows how to make people laugh,

- grateful, devoted and demanding,

- he needs time and space for himself,

- gets upset when bored, feels guilty,

- afraid of not being understood, not being taken seriously.

The more Spirit of Pleasure there is in the chart, the more clearly these characteristics appear.

What books should such a child read?

Or, if he is already an adult, what would be interesting for him to read?

Firstly, the book should have beautiful illustrations so that it is pleasant to pick up and look at. Secondly, these are adventures with an exciting plot, where the hero single-handedly defeats everyone. They will also like it if this hero has fantastic abilities - flying, becoming invisible, being very strong, and so on.

Tips for parents:

- don’t say in an orderly tone what needs to be done, but sit down and calmly

explain. The child will not tolerate any pressure;

— there must be a choice (“Are you going to do your homework now or in 10 minutes?”);

- you need to listen to the child carefully, he loves it very much and will appreciate it;

- after a failure, the child will withdraw into himself and become isolated, so teach him to speak out loud about his problems.

Who has a child with a strong Food Spirit? What character traits did he exhibit?

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Map structure

NameWhich person does it point to?
Direct (correct) wealthA pragmatic person who knows how to save and accumulate capital
Wealth bias (lateral or false wealth)Looks for profit in everything and is not afraid of losing money
Food Spirit (Eating Deity)Selfish, hypocritical, with the habits of a person from high society.
Assault on authorities (injuring an officer)Does not want to submit to authority and generally accepted norms.
Correct Resources (true seal)An individual capable of accurate analysis of all received information and scientific activity.
Oblique print (indirect resource)An unconventional person.
Direct official (correct authority)A balanced pedant who loves precision in everything.
False (wrong) officialAn emotionally unbalanced, calculating and petty person, accustomed to daily veneration and self-abasement before his superiors.

Compilation method

To compile the correct map of Ba Zi, one turns to the “calendar dial” - an image of all the dates of birth along with the year. Then they recognize the hieroglyph corresponding to the person (energy movement). At the intersection of the time and birthday columns, the animal assigned to the person will be indicated. It is worth considering that the time is indicated in Beijing; it is translated into local, taking into account the time zone. After a person has found the necessary cell, he must compare the element and animal to which the individual belongs.

Luck Factors

There are five factors that influence a person's success:

  1. Fate (Ba Zi).
  2. Luck (Ba Tzu).
  3. Feng Shui.
  4. The level of education.
  5. Virtues.

Ba Zi Map

The most important factor for the appearance of luck is Fate. According to the ancient followers of Chinese theory, the date and time of birth directly influence the intricacies of future events. A special system developed in the ancient Middle Empire has become an integral part of Feng Shui. It is used for the following purposes:

  1. Get to know the world around you.
  2. Determine the possibilities and ways of interaction of a person with the society around him.
  3. Predict the distant future.
  4. Improve your financial and social situation.
  5. Find harmony within yourself.
  6. To seize the balance between the individual and nature.

This is only a small part of the aspects that the teaching touches on. Unfortunately, the lack of a high-quality translation does not allow foreigners to plunge headlong into the fascinating study of the theory of the wisest inhabitants of Ancient China.

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