Specificity of Yin-Yang energies: indivisibility and relationship of Yin - Yang

Sections of the article

  • Yin qualities
  • Yang qualities
  • Too much yin
  • Too much yang
  • How to balance

Everything in this world consists of male and female energy. Different traditions have different names for these energies: Yin and Yang, Shakti and Shiva, Prakriti and Purusha, Matter and Spirit. But the essence remains the same in all traditions.

There is not a single object that has only feminine energy or only masculine energy. Everything is in harmonious balance with its nature, just like the Tai Chi sign.

A woman is a potential carrier of Yin energy, or Shakti, but she cannot and should not be filled only with Yin energy, otherwise this will inevitably lead to an imbalance in life and many problems. Nowadays, the often imposed image of femininity has exclusively Yin energy: soft, flexible, often at home and caring for children, obeys her husband, wears only long dresses, submissive, does not make decisions without consulting her husband, humble, flexible and adapts to the man. Those who have tried to maintain themselves in this image for a long time know what problems come later.

“Each of us has both of these energies, Yin and Yang. Yin energy is more intuitive, fluid, and receptive. Yang energy is aggressive, it is creative and active energy. Yin intuitively knows what is right, and Yang gives us the power to manifest what is right into reality. Most people experience the power and beauty of both of these energies internally. Men with more yang energy are more active, while women with more yin energy are more nurturing. However, by transcending gender roles, we feel the presence of both energies within ourselves. They can serve us wonderfully, bringing harmony and perfection into our lives.

Rabbi Singh

— When Yin reaches its maximum, it turns into Yang.

"Su Wen"

Our nature is harmonious, and it will still unconsciously strive for the necessary balance and awaken your yang energy. And if you don’t allow yourself to do this, then they will:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • attacks and outbursts of aggression and irritability;
  • temperature for no reason, fever;
  • aggressive sexual dreams;
  • wounds and bruises;
  • burns;
  • accidents;
  • desire for films with violence and cruelty;
  • getting stuck with aggressive, rude men or vice versa;
  • constant caustic complaints towards loved ones;
  • aggression from others - we provoke those around us to show Yang in order to feed on energy (and this explains why outwardly humble women often have aggressive and loud husbands).

To understand this topic more deeply, let’s consider the qualities of male and female energy.

Energy qualities

Feminine: Shakti, Yin, Prakriti

Time of day: night, darkness.

Planets: Moon, Venus.

Qualities: flexibility, softness, pliability, humility, obedience, compliance, agreement, acceptance, following, fluidity, chaos, inertia, coldness, heaviness, slowness to the point of lethargy, grounding energy, always tends downward. Represents matter.

In the human body, Yin is responsible for the lower part.

Yin energy can be compared to flowing water. Imagine this image. Water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world. She adapts, fills herself.

The earth also possesses powerful Yin energy: it obediently grows seeds within itself, humbly fills with strength not only cultivated plants, but even weeds. It does not act - it lies as a potential force and waits to be used.

Yin energy calms, grounds, and gives deep strength. But to better understand its nature, you need to imagine a clot of energy that looks like a ball. It doesn't move anywhere because it's inert. It simply sits in space, waiting for a movement vector and the opportunity to be used.

That is, female energy is strength without a vector! Strength in itself, because the word “shakti” is translated exactly like that: “power.” Shakti contains enormous energy potential.

The scriptures say: being separated from Shakti, Shiva (the male principle) was in emptiness in non-action, his whole being was immersed in a trance, his body was immobilized. And when Shakti united with Shiva, Shiva awakened and began to act.

This often happens in life: a man lives alone, he has a sofa, a stove and a refrigerator with instant food. For example, one single man I know in his house has a large bed, a table with a computer, a refrigerator and a stove, nothing else - no dining table, no chairs, although the apartment is huge. And such men live calmly, they don’t need anything special. And then a woman appears in the life of such a man

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