Merging, overcoming and collision of heavenly trunks in Bazi

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In Eastern astrology, energies are divided into several types: heavenly trunks, earthly branches, hidden heavenly trunks and happy periods of life. The first ones are discussed in this article. Celestial trunks are signs of the decimal cycle, used in the East for calendar designations. In Bazi, heavenly trunks are the upper designations in the natal layout of the pillars of fate.

Where did the name come from?

In the unconventional science of the East, Feng Shui , it is believed that energies come from the sky and move towards the earth. Therefore, the heavenly elements are called trunks, and the earthly elements are called branches. Celestial trunks are light and airy energies that can easily change and achieve balance. What does not happen to earthly ones.

The manifested world was created from pure primary elements, which were launched into a cause-and-effect chain as a result of the activity of the primary consciousness of the dark substance. In the unmanifested world, energies are pure primary elements: metal, wood, fire, water and earth. In the manifested world, energies are always “cocktails”. But the heavenly elements are still close to the primary elements, but the earthly ones are too heavy.

Triple combinations of earthly branches in Bazi

In the East, it is believed that the earthly branches in Baz-Zi are capable of creating triangles that form new energies: 1. Tiger + Horse + Dog = fire. 2. Monkey + Rat + Dragon = water. 3. Pig + Rabbit + Goat = tree; 4. Snake + Rooster + Ox = metal.

Animals of the year, month, day and hour of birth of an individual can form new elements among themselves. And besides, the animal of tact, the new year, the next month, day and hour can create, together with the earthly branches of man, triangles and new elements.


In Eastern astrology, it is believed that celestial energies can merge in the most incomprehensible way, sometimes forming unexpected elements. In this interaction, one element overcomes the other, forming a third:

1. Yang-wood + yin-earth = earth. This is merger or trust merger. Usually it is found in the pillars of the destiny of a kind-hearted and friendly person who knows how to value human relationships. Thanks to the fusion of Yang-wood and Yin-earth, the person becomes balanced and calm. But if the earth element obtained through this interaction is unfavorable to a person, then his kindness will be used against him by other people.2. Yang metal + yin wood = metal. This is a merger of justice or a fair merger. A person with such a merger in the pillars of fate has a heightened sense of justice, sensitivity and devotion. If the metal that appears when the yin-wood and yang-metal merge is unfavorable, then the person will look for flaws in everything, which will irritate those around him.

3. Yang fire + yin metal = water. This is the fusion of wisdom or wise fusion. A person who has this type of fusion in the pillars of fate has a developed intellect. For this reason, he may be impatient with people who are not up to his level. If the water formed by the fusion of Yang fire and yin metal is beneficial, then the person will receive excellent results due to his intellectual abilities. When the water is unwholesome, the fusion will reflect negatively on the character, causing the person to be arrogant. Which can cause problems with others.

4. Yang-water + yin-fire = wood. This is a fusion of empathy. Typically, people in whose pillars this type of fusion can be found are sensitive and caring, but at the same time jealous. If the tree formed by the fusion of yin-fire and yang-water is useful, the person takes care of loved ones. When the wood element is not useful, the person suffers from painful jealousy. Therefore, people usually try to escape from its control.

5. Yang-earth + yin-water = fire. This is a fusion of morality or moral fusion. A person in whose natal chart this type of transformation can be found is characterized by morality and decency. These types of people always try to create a good impression of themselves.

These mergers are worth identifying when analyzing the four pillars of destiny. celestial trunks can merge with each other , forming new elements. That is, if, for example, in the pillars there is a Yang tree at the hour of birth, and a Yin earth at the day a person is born, then earth is created. However, still, the Yang tree of the hour should be taken into account when identifying the strength element . After all, energies never create static and unchangeable structures and mechanisms. Simply in this case it will be possible to conclude that the tree in the pillars is weak if there are no other woody elements in the natal chart, and the earth is strong if it is not depleted by other elements or the energy of the season.

If in the map there is a merging of the personality element with another celestial trunk of the pillars of fate, 2 sets of energies will operate for the person. For example, if the element of the personality is “Yang-tree”, and the celestial trunk of the hour is “yin-earth”, then the element of the personality will become earth. Under these conditions, metal will be an element of self-realization for her.

But mergers arise only temporarily, like any other energy structures. As long as conditions are favorable for fusion, a new element is formed. When conditions become unfavorable, the personality element regains its original qualities. That is, in this case, when the merger does not occur, the element of self-realization remains fire. By analogy with all other components of human destiny.

It will be easier for such an ever-changing personality to find a job in the direction of fire (south) in a company founded in the year of the Monkey or Rooster (metal). She will feel more comfortable if wood and earth (elements of her personality) are strengthened at once. She will be lucky with money when earth and water are strengthened. For her, the profession of an artist (water) in ceramics (earth) could become profitable.

Terms of merger

1. Different schools of Bazi recognize different conditions under which the heavenly trunks can connect to create a new element. Some specialists in Eastern astrology believe that only the celestial trunk of the year and month can merge, others allow the merging of the day and month.

In fact, any heavenly trunks can merge with each other without any conditions. For example, the celestial trunk of the year is capable of merging with the celestial trunk of the day or hour.

2. Another condition in most Ba Tzu schools is that the season supports the energy that is created between the heavenly trunks. That is, the season must feed this energy or have an identical element.

But in fact, energies can merge without the element they generate being supported by the season. It’s just that in the season when the element that arises from the interaction of two heavenly trunks is suppressed, it will be extremely weak, and therefore its manifestation may be invisible even to the master Ba-Tzu.

3. In many schools of Eastern astrology, it is believed that the merging of the heavenly trunks is possible only if the chart has corresponding supporting earthly branches:

a) Yang wood and yin earth create earth only if the earth branch of the month contains an Ox, Goat, Dragon, Dog, Horse or Snake. That is, animals whose energies support the element that arises during the merger.

b) Yang metal and yin wood turn into metal when one of the following demons is located in the earthly branch of the month: Ox, Dog, Goat, Dragon, Rooster or Monkey.

c) Yang fire and yin metal create water if Monkey, Rooster, Rat or Pig is located in the earthly branch of the month.

d) Yang-water and yin-fire turn into a tree if it is supported by the earthly branch of the month of the Tiger, Rabbit, Rat or Pig.

e) Yang-earth and yin-water create fire when there is a Tiger, Rabbit, Horse or Snake in the earthly branch of the month.

In fact, the celestial trunks can merge without the element they generate being supported by the earthly branch of the month. For example, if the celestial trunks of the day and month of a person’s birth merge to form the earth, then in the absence of one of the earthly branches listed above and if there is a medium or large amount of the earth element in the pillars, this element will arise and be strong. And with a small amount of land it will arise, but it will be weak. In other words, the presence of an animal with supporting energy in the earthly branch of the month is not a condition for merger. These are just conventions accepted in some schools of Ba-Tzu.

Emptiness of earthly branches

In the pillars of fate calculated in the Ba-Tzu calculator, an empty earthly branch may be observed. It is identified using a special table or list. This one is available at this link.

If the element of the earthly branch, like the heavenly trunks hidden in it, is unfavorable for a person, then an empty earthly branch will not bring anything negative to a person’s destiny. If the earthly branch of the next year, month or period of a person’s life collides with an empty earthly branch, then the collision does not occur. When the element of an empty earthly branch and the heavenly trunks hidden in it are favorable to a person, then this harms him. Read more about emptiness in Ba Tzu.


Heavenly trunks can collide with each other, causing difficulties in life. But if the elements of a collision are useful to a person, then they will not harm. If only one of the two elements is useful, then it will not have a bad influence if it is stronger than the second energy it encounters. Here the strength of the element is taken into account, and not the interaction of elements according to the type of suppression.

1. Yang metal collides with yang wood, causing head injuries and diseases. 2. Yang-water collides with Yang-fire, causing accidents, health problems and problems with other people. 3. Yin metal collides with yin wood, creating situations where surgical intervention is required. 4. Yin water collides with yin fire, causing accidents and health problems.

Energies are capable of creating energy mechanisms that produce new elements. These same mechanisms do not allow the two energies to completely stop interacting. Therefore, the heavenly pillars that collide are capable of attraction both in the same energy and between the energy systems of different people. That is, two people will be attracted to each other and quarrel if there is Yang metal in the pillars of one, and Yang wood in the pillars of the other. In the energy of one person, the same elements will create an energy mechanism that causes some difficulties when the elements are unfavorable for the individual or, conversely, creating something good if these energies are useful to the person.

Metal and wood, interacting with each other, create fire between themselves. For example, when the wind appears in the cold, warmth gradually sets in. Water creates metal with fire. For example, the water of a lake, evaporating under the rays of the sun, turns into steam, creating clouds. If a person has metal and wood in the heavenly trunks, then if the fire created by them is favorable, this collision will not harm him. And even more so if metal and wood are useful to a person. When metal and wood meet in the heavenly trunks of two people, the fire that arises from such interaction will cause them to fall in love and sexual attraction.

Energies of earthly branches

Each of these animals has its own main element: - the Pig has yin-water; - the Rat has Yang-water; — the Bull has yin earth; — the Tiger has a Yang tree; — the Rabbit has a yin tree; — the Dragon has Yang-earth; — the Snake has yin fire; — the Horse has Yang fire; - Goat has yin earth; — the Monkey has Yang metal; — the Rooster has yin metal; - The Dog has Yang-earth.

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Seasonal coefficients of earthly branches in Bazi

If the earthly branch of the day, month or hour is in its season, then it has power. For example, Snake, Horse and Goat will be strong in the summer (from May to July inclusive). Monkey and Rooster - in autumn (from August to September inclusive). Pig and Rat - in winter (from November to December inclusive). Tiger and Rabbit - in spring (from February to March inclusive). The earth element is strong every third month of the year: January, April, July, October.

But in winter (from November to December inclusive) the Snake, Horse, Goat, Dog, Ox, Monkey and Rooster will be weak. In autumn (from August to September inclusive) the Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Goat, Dog, and Ox weaken. In spring (from February to March inclusive) Dog, Ox, Goat, Dragon, Rat, Pig, Rooster and Monkey are weak. In summer (from May to July inclusive) the Pig, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster and Monkey become weaker. During the height of fire season, the earth may turn to dust if there is a lot of fire and earth in the pillars. The water element of the Rat and Pig, like the fire of the Horse and Snake and the tree of the Tiger and Rabbit, weakens every third month of the year: in January, April, July, October.

Hidden heavenly pillars in earthly branches

Heavenly trunks and earthly branches differ in that additional elements are hidden in the latter. This happens because the manifested world is the result of the interaction of primary elements. And therefore, pure energies similar to those that are outside the manifested world do not exist in it. Everything consists of a palette of energies mixed together. In every earthly branch there are hidden heavenly trunks. It can be only one element or three at once. Details about hidden trunks.

Destructions or breakdowns in the earthly branches of Ba-Tzu

Breakdowns in the earthly branches force people to make wrong decisions and behave to the detriment of others and themselves. Six breakdowns indicate that a person does not try to value relationships with others, but easily breaks them off: 1. Rat and Rooster create a breakdown in energy, causing depression, alcohol and drug abuse. 2. Snake and Monkey take away stability in life. (If there is a sprout (water) in the celestial trunk of the pillars, then a merger occurs, but there is no breakdown). 3. Tiger and Pig help to achieve great success, followed by failure. (If there is a sprout (tree) in the heavenly trunk of the pillars, then a merger occurs, but there is no breakdown). 4. The Rabbit and the Horse contribute to the breakdown of relationships and the emergence of problems with relatives. 5. Goat and Dog provoke threats from outside and the need to move. 6. The Ox and the Dragon cause nervousness, hysteria, anger, and incontinence in a person.

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