What is the meaning of the Burdock amulet Happiness and how to use it correctly

The power of the Burdock of Happiness amulet was actively used by our ancestors in everyday life. This symbol was worn by both sexes, young and old, lonely and in love. Everyone received from him what they asked for - health, happiness, love, money and, of course, protection.
The Slavs carved the sign on body jewelry, embroidered it on clothes and bedding, and applied it to household items and the walls of houses. The meaning of the pagan talisman has survived to this day. Therefore, after familiarizing yourself with the meaning of this symbol, learning its properties and capabilities, you can use this Slavic amulet in your life to change it for the better.

What it is

Burdock of Happiness is an amulet that serves to protect against the forces of evil and attracts happiness, love and good luck to the owner. The amulet is made of silver or wood, worn on the chest, hanging on a leather cord. Sometimes the symbol is embroidered on clothes and bedding, and applied to the walls of the house and pieces of furniture.

When activated, it has great power and, like a magnet, attracts luck and money to its owner.

The meaning of the Burdock of Happiness lies in its ornament, which imitates the cone of a plant. The ancient Slavs respected the forces of nature and admired this weed plant, because it is able to grow on any soil, withstand drought and high humidity, grow in the sun and in the shade.

The seeds are located in a cone, which is covered with numerous spines. They cling to the fur of passing animals or the clothes of people and are transported with them over long distances, thereby expanding their habitat. Such vitality delighted the Slavs. They believed that burdock was endowed with magical powers.

He was also appreciated for:

  • medicinal properties (infusions were used for disinfection and rapid healing of wounds, taken orally to increase immunity);
  • nutritional properties - added to food, making it more healthy.

Our ancestors believed that the Burdock of Happiness amulet absorbed all the power and benefits of the plant for humans.


Any thorny plant or sharp object was revered by the ancient Slavs as a talisman against evil spirits and the evil eye. This is due to their ability to wound, cause pain, and dig into the body.

To protect against evil people and spirits, the plant itself with thorns, and not a symbol, was used. Here are some ways to use it:

  • during pre-wedding rituals, it was the custom to sweep the road in front of the bride with a burdock broom in order to scare away evil spirits;
  • the thorns were placed in the keyhole;
  • burdock was braided around walls, windows, doors, and placed under the threshold;
  • a bunch of burdock was placed in the coffin of a supposed witch or vampire so that it would cling to the undead and not let go of the grave;
  • it was thrown into the fire if it was necessary to drive away spirits;
  • plug up all the holes and holes in the hut to get rid of mice.

The amulet was used mainly on days of rampant evil spirits: Ivan Kupala, Christmastide, Spiritual Day. Even before nightfall, huts, barns, and stables were surrounded with thorns, and fires were lit in the courtyards to ward off evil spirits that could harm people and livestock and spoil the harvest.

Similar customs have been preserved in many modern villages. In the fall, housewives place burr heads between windows, in cracks, in mouse holes, under the threshold, so that no evil will enter the house.

Amulet structure

The talisman consists of several elements, each of which has its own meaning.

  1. The double contour around the central part is orepei. This double border simultaneously acts in two different directions: it attracts good luck and drives away evil spirits and negative energy. Serves as a magnet to attract good luck. In any undertaking, he imparts positive energy to the matter. It has a positive effect on the thinking of the owner of the amulet, making his mind flexible and inventive. At the same time, it helps to maintain calm in any life circumstances.
  2. The Star of the Cross is the central part of the amulet. Looks like a grill. Serves to establish connections with the world around us and the Universe as a whole. Helps to get in touch with any person and receive mutually beneficial help from him. It helps an unmarried girl or a single guy find a soul mate and build strong relationships. Promotes the accumulation of material wealth, as well as worldly wisdom. Resists damage and the evil eye, drives away negativity encountered on a person’s path.
  3. Burdock - in the form of a jagged edge. This is the main pattern that forms a square with jagged edges in the form of angular patterns. Each corner is accompanied by small squares that symbolize fertility.
  4. All elements interact harmoniously, enhancing each other's effects. Some amulets have the shape of a circle in which the symbol itself is placed. The circle symbolizes infinity and serves as a shield, covering its owner from the forces of evil and misfortune.

Symbol Burdock of Happiness in the form of a tattoo

Modernity provides other ways to use the ancient Slavic talisman, more stylish and simpler. We're talking about tattoos. The burdock is a completely harmless symbol - it cannot harm a person, even if he has been wearing it for years.

For this reason, this sign is perfect for a permanent tattoo. The choice of body part to sketch is yours. But do not forget that strangers should not see the tattoo, otherwise the amulet will weaken.

A tattoo as a talisman does not require additional care. It does not need to be cleaned or charged. All this will happen naturally when a person takes part in rituals or purification ceremonies.

Body jewelry requires closer attention. To prevent amulets from losing their original properties, clean them with salt. Do this when you consider it necessary, but at least once every six months. After the cleaning procedure, you should definitely activate the amulet using solar energy or fire energy.

Thus, Burdock will serve you for a very long time, attract good luck and change your life for the better, fulfilling your cherished dreams.

What is it used for?

The Burdock Amulet of Happiness has several meanings and serves to improve the material and spiritual components of life.

The main purpose is as follows.


This is one of the most powerful and effective amulets that protects its owner from the forces of evil, dark spirits and evil spirits, which, according to beliefs, can cause harm by attaching to a person’s energy bodies.

There are several days a year when the doors to the other world open slightly on earth, and dangerous evil spirits come out. This is Ivan Kupala, Spiritual Day, Christmastide. To prevent the dirty trick from attacking and harming a person, they put on the Burdock of Happiness.

If you are surrounded by energy vampires, people who are constantly jealous or wish evil, using a talisman will help neutralize their power and ward off negativity.


According to tradition, the wearer of the amulet is subject to fewer misfortunes associated with injury. His body works better, recovers faster and resists diseases.

A healthy body helps its owner work more, think better and achieve significant results.


Burdock serves as a kind of magnet that attracts joy, happiness and good luck. He is able to retain them for his owner and thereby contributes to a better life. If there are matters that are stuck at some point and cannot be resolved safely, the amulet helps to find the optimal solution and creates fortunate circumstances. And the matter is quickly and successfully resolved.

Under the influence of the amulet, a person has more time to be alone with himself, nature and loved ones. He begins to understand life better and appreciate the main thing in it.

What magical powers does it have?

The Burdock of Happiness acts in three directions:

  1. Health. The amulet creates harmony not only in relationships, but also in the work of the whole organism. Improves energy flows. Helps to avoid traumatic situations and protects against accidents. All this gradually leads to improved health.
  2. Protection. Shields negative energy, reflects the evil eye and induced damage. Energy vampires surrounded by a person protected by a talisman will no longer be able to replenish their strength through it.
  3. Well-being. By attracting good luck, necessary acquaintances, happy events, the amulet helps to achieve success in any area. Controversial and protracted issues are successfully resolved. The wearer of the amulet becomes more purposeful and begins to make decisions that change their life for the better.

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Combining Burdock with another good luck talisman enhances the properties of both.

Who and how to wear it

The Burdock Amulet of Happiness is shown to absolutely everyone: men and women, young and old, married and single. However, there are moments in life when its use helps improve health and improve certain life circumstances the most.

The product has greater power if it is made of silver or wood. But it is advisable for men to wear a gold pendant, and for women a silver one. There should be no additional decorative elements on the pendant.

  1. During pregnancy, the use of an amulet creates a protective dome for mother and child, protects both from illnesses and strengthens their health. It is also good to wear for married couples who are just thinking about conceiving a child.
  2. Wearing is recommended for people with health problems.
  3. While looking for a job. The Burdock amulet helps you find a profitable job, as well as a service in which you can well develop the necessary labor skills.
  4. When starting your own business, especially in the initial stages.
  5. Unmarried young men and unmarried girls, under the influence of the talisman, will quickly meet a life partner, and also make loyal and reliable friends.
  6. It is recommended to be worn by any person in a difficult life situation, when financial difficulties arise or ill-wishers appear in the circle of acquaintances.


You need to be more careful with jewelry or figures. Before you start using or wearing it, it is advisable to perform a cleansing ritual:

  • Place the product in salt for a day.
  • After the specified time, rinse with clean water.
  • Dry in the sun.
  • Swipe over the candle flame three times.

It is important to do this not only after purchase, but also periodically when you need to “recharge” (at least once every six months).

How to do it yourself?

The Burdock amulet can be purchased or made independently. It is believed that if done with one's own hand, it will have greater power.

There are several ways to make a talisman.

  • Embroidery. The threads must be natural. Colors: purple, lilac. The embroidery method is cross stitch. Application: bed linen, clothing, bag to attract good luck.
  • Wood craft. Oak, ash, birch are suitable. A circle is cut out of a piece of wood, in the center of which a symbol is carved. It is advisable to varnish the product. This procedure does not affect its magical power in any way, but contributes to ordinary household safety.
  • Tattoo. Men apply it to the forearm or chest, women apply it to the wrist.

The main thing in independent production is a clear transfer of the scheme to the material.

The meaning of the talisman

The talisman not only brings happiness to the owner, but also increases vitality and strength. That is why the owner of such an amulet will be able to withstand life’s adversities.

A person wearing a burdock amulet becomes the darling of fate: in all matters he will be accompanied by luck and good fortune. The owner of the talisman becomes calm and positive, so the “right” people are attracted to him. Do you want to change your surroundings, weed out ill-wishers from your social circle and communicate with interesting people? A burdock amulet will help you with this. It will surround you with an aura of self-confidence and help you tune into a positive mood.

For guard

The amulet will protect you and your family from people with negative energy, from damage, the evil eye and curses. New people, sincere friends and reliable comrades will come into your life. The amulet will protect you from difficulties and adversities in life. If troubles occur, then you can easily find a way out of the situation, and serious problems will bypass you.

For good health

The talisman helps its owner cope with various diseases both on the physical and psychological levels. The worldview and life goals change: a person no longer has time to be sick, he strives for well-being and harmony. An amulet with the burdock symbol will help you give up bad habits, take care of improving your health, and increase your vitality. The amulet often depicts a sown field, so this symbol helps couples conceive a strong and healthy child, and also makes childbirth easier.

For well-being

The talisman helps its owner achieve his plans and increase his well-being. In current affairs, new perspectives will open up for you, business partners and new ideas will appear. Thanks to this, you will be especially lucky in your work, especially if it is related to trade, advertising, communication, and negotiations.

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