How to properly use a Feng Shui compass in practice

Speaking about classical feng shui, when working we can establish two main tasks: on the one hand, the study of the environment with its countless elements and forms and, on the other hand, mathematical calculations indicated by time and space where knowledge of the determination of the cardinal directions is fundamental.
Naturally, the tool for determining the cardinal directions is the compass, a topic that we will talk about later. The invention of the compass is considered an invention to the Chinese, just like Feng Shui. Some texts cite the legend of how the Chinese emperor Huang-ti (2634 BC) used the basic properties of the compass to guide his troops in a battle invisible due to fog. The subsequent discovery of the compass in the west was without a doubt a monumental discovery that gave birth to the epic journeys of mankind.

Using a compass is not particularly difficult, but there are a few things you need to consider to make an accurate measurement. For example, if we measure the facade of a building, in many cases we will need to take several measurements. If we take just one measurement from the balcony, it is likely that it will turn out to be inaccurate, then we will talk about this in more detail.

Many Feng Shui practitioners, specifically the popular Ba Zhai and San Yuan systems, want to quickly build a geomantic map. To understand the basic concepts of the measurement process, we have included this article, which talks about the types of compasses, the main steps for taking measurements and the application of a direction table.

1.- General types of compass

A) Compass with magnetic needle

The first type is based on the work of the magnetic needle, divided into 2 colors, in the west it is mainly red, indicating the North, and black, the south (magnetic poles). In addition to the arrow, there is a 360-degree rotating disk, which is set manually to obtain degrees. Lo Pan - the traditional Chinese compass is an example of this system. Some Chinese compasses, unlike Western compasses, use white needles to indicate south and red to indicate south.

The following photographs show how, step by step, to take measurements using this type of compass. In many sports stores we can.

Usage example:

Step 1: The outer red dot serves as a reference point for us, indicating the direction we need, maybe where the facade of our building is pointing.

To read the degrees of a given direction, it is necessary to adjust the rotating disk, including the inner arrow, so that it coincides with magnetic north (the red part of the arrow). The following photo indicates the next step.

Step 2: We lined up the red arrow (magnetic north) with the inner arrow, slowly turning the dial to the left.

To read degrees, we focus on the instructions of the outer arrow. Note that the approximate indication is 100 degrees, which equates to the East.

B) Magnetic disk

In the second type of compass, instead of a needle, a magnetic disk with degrees inscribed on it. In this system, there is no subsequent installation of the arrow to the external disk, which provides a certain convenience. You just need to point the compass to a certain position and wait until the moving disk stops and then you can count the degrees. This system is used when manual installation is not practical, i.e. in airplanes, ships, cars, etc.

This rotating magnetic disk model is more advanced than the previous one. Includes a alignment system, assists in determining slopes, and provides the ability to use a tripod to maintain the compass in a static position.

This tool is recommended for Feng Shui measurements, in which we need a certain accuracy. A difference of a few degrees in a geomantic chart in a drawing can be vital to the correct interpretation.

C) Lo Pan: Traditional compass used in Feng Shui

Lo Pan uses a moving pointer system and an external disk full of information that is manually adjusted. This compass usually has two threads dividing the disc into 4 sections, accurately indicating the simultaneous reading of the degrees of the front, rear and two sides as the 4 tutelary animals of Feng Shui. There are different types of Lo Pan, which mainly differ in their bodies. We can find traditional models created for the San-Yuan, San-Hi systems, as well as those made to the taste of an individual master.

In addition to the central magnetic needle, there are various concentric rings full of information. They indicate 8 trigrams, 8 directions, 24 mountains and their directions, astrological data such as 28 constellations, celestial pillars, earthly branches and many other concepts used in Feng Shui.

Some Lo Pan rings are used in Feng Shui Yin, the study of burials and grave location. Nowadays, many Grand Masters focus their attention on Feng Shui Yang, that is, the world of living people, housing, workspace, etc.

In addition, there are electronic compasses that provide a quick reading of degrees, although if we use a classic compass we will have the advantage of an additional tool!

Feng Shui sectors - location features

Before getting down to business, it is necessary to determine the map of the Feng Shui sectors of the apartment. If you find out a description of all the energy zones of your home, you will be able to understand which of them needs to be activated first. It depends on your priorities, on what you need more at the moment: luck, happiness, wealth or something else.

  1. Career, life path – NORTH.

The main element of the North is Water, the nourishing element is Metal. To activate the northern sector of feng shui, you need white, blue, indigo and black.

According to Feng Shui, the Career sector is responsible for how you earn money. Thanks to it, you can see the direction of your life path and determine the goals you are striving for. If the chosen activity completely suits you, and your work enthusiasm simply overwhelms you, then everything is in order. Otherwise, you should think about changes in the northern sector of the house.

  1. Relationships and love - SOUTHWEST.

The main element of the southwestern sector of feng shui is Earth, the nourishing element is Fire. Activating colors are red, pink and all shades of brown.

The name of the sector of love and relationships, designed according to Feng Shui, speaks for itself. A person’s connection with family and friends depends on the functioning of this zone. Single people should take care of this location first. The same should be done for those who have problems in the family. You can activate the marriage sector according to Feng Shui using paired things: two candles, vases, etc.

  1. Family – EAST.

The main and nourishing elements are Wood and Water. The Feng Shui sector is activated by the colors brown, green, blue and black. You can also add a little red.

If the eastern sector is in order according to Feng Shui, then there will be no problems in your relationships with children, parents and other relatives. When there are disagreements in the family, something is wrong, and the Feng Shui sector needs to be activated. Fresh flowers are good for this.

  1. Wealth - SOUTH-EAST.

In the southeastern sector, according to Feng Shui, the main and feeding elements are the same as in the previous case. But the colors for activation are different. Lilac, green, violet and again a little red are suitable here.

According to Feng Shui, your financial situation in your apartment is directly related to the Wealth sector. When the zone is activated, wealth and prosperity reign in the family. If the Feng Shui sector has uncleaned rubble, it is in complete disarray, then you will be haunted by financial failures. To make geofencing work, use a fish tank or water fountain. Flowers with round leaves can also help with activation. By the way, according to Feng Shui, the money sector is responsible not only for wealth, but also for your inner perception of the world. The order in the geofence directly determines how happy and satisfied with life you feel.

  1. Health – Center.

The Feng Shui colors of this sector are beige and yellow, orange and terracotta. The main and nourishing elements are Earth and Fire.

This feng shui sector is responsible for health in the broadest sense of the word. The zone controls how quickly your strength is restored and how you feel in general. Also, the central location, uniting all sectors around itself, affects their health too. If there is disorder in the Center, this will certainly have a negative impact on the surrounding areas - and therefore on many aspects of your life. On the other hand, it is worth activating this feng shui sector, so positive vital energy will spread around and “correct” all other zones in the home.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Set of figurines “Snow Watch” Two figurines of white wolves, 15.6 cm

2 690 ₽


Shungite ball 10 cm Polished shungite ball

1 950 ₽


Incense HEM Hexa Feng Shui “Feng Shui 5 in 1” Indian incense

65 ₽


  1. Helpers and travel – NORTHWEST.

The main element of the northwestern sector according to Feng Shui is Metal, the nourishing element is Earth. The following colors activate the zone: gray, white and silver, yellow and golden.

This feng shui sector has many “responsibilities”. The support of friends at those moments when it is needed depends on his good work. It gives us the opportunity to meet spiritual mentors and patrons. Responsible for intuition and, of course, travel. If you are going through a difficult moment in your life and have absolutely no one to turn to for help, you should immediately start putting this feng shui sector in order.

  1. Creativity and children - WEST.

The main and feeding elements of the Western sector of Feng Shui are similar to the previous ones. The same applies to activation colors.

The zone is associated with your free time and outdoor activities. Self-expression through sports or art, raising children and relationships with them depend on this sector of feng shui. You should pay attention to the zone if you have problems conceiving a child. Setting goals in life, their implementation, fulfillment of desires - all this is also directly related to this sector of Feng Shui.

  1. Knowledge and wisdom - NORTHEAST.

According to Feng Shui, the main and nourishing elements of the northeastern sector are, respectively, Earth and Fire. Activating colors – orange, yellow, beige, terracotta.

Your success in understanding the world and your ability to gain experience depend on this zone. When this sector of the house is in order according to Feng Shui, there are no problems with studying. If you do yoga or meditation, there is no better place in the apartment for this.

  1. Glory and aspiration - SOUTH.

The feng shui colors of the southern sector are red and green. The main element is Fire, the nourishing element is Wood.

A lot depends on the correct design of the Glory sector according to Feng Shui. In particular, your social status, ways to succeed in life. Your aspirations and desires are directly related to the zone. If you activate this feng shui sector, you will receive inspiration and clarity of vision, spiritual awareness and high appreciation of your activities by the people around you. Diplomas and awards you receive can act as sector activators.

Which compass should I buy?

Above are examples of different compasses in ascending order, starting with the more affordable one with a moving needle, moving to the middle model with a rotating disk, and finally reaching Lo Pan. If you want to purchase a compass that will guarantee more accurate measurements, here are some tips to consider

One important point is the degree accuracy . In this case, the smaller the scale, the more accurate the measurement. The recommended minimum is a transition of 2 to 2 degrees; for professional measurements it is advisable to reduce the scale to 1 or 0.5 degrees

The worthy Luo Pan gives us an accurate reading of degrees due to the vastness of the disk.(photo).

The next point, not so important, is the system of horizontal and vertical alignment , which presumably serves to facilitate the free movement of the magnetic needle.

Note: In actual practice, what you should keep in mind is the buoyancy of the magnetic needle itself. There may be a case where the levels are located correctly, but the arrow does not move, so it is advisable to concentrate only on the movement of the arrow.

If you want to purchase Lo Pan , you should pay attention to such things as the exact location of the threads dividing the disk , checking their exact parallelism in sections (North-South or 0-180 degrees, East-West or 90-270 degrees), also watch correct movement of the disc and, most importantly, that the inner arrow is of high quality. In terms of accuracy, these final details are details of utmost importance. For Western compasses, use a quality brand.

It is worth spending a little more when purchasing a quality compass, as in the end its accuracy and good use can make the difference between a correct and incorrect feng shui map.

Magic number table


Basic theory of cardinal directions

The compass is divided into 360 degrees. What happens if we want to find out the degrees of the 4 cardinal directions? We just need to divide 360 ​​degrees into 4 parts and we get north, south, east, west, occupying each 90 degrees. North will be between 315 and 45 degrees, east between 45 and 135 degrees, south between 135 and 225 degrees and west between 225 and 315 degrees. On a more precise scale, like 8 main divisions, we would have to divide 360 ​​degrees by 8, that is, 45 degrees for each division. Let's look at the table:

8 main directions:

North337.5 a 22.5Kan
Northeast22.5 a 67.5Gen
East67.5 a 112.5Zhen
Southeast112.5 a 157.5Xun
South157.5 a 202.5Lee
Southwest202.5 a 247.5Kun
West247.5 a 292.5Blow
Northwest292.5 a 337.5Qian

Note that north does not end at 45 degrees, but at 22.5, the result of dividing absolute north (360 degrees) into 2 parts, distributing 22.5 degrees on either side. North falls on the 8-part scale from 337.5 to 22.5 degrees. Subsequent directions are calculated in a similar way at intervals of 45 degrees.

24 directions or mountains:

Here we should divide 360 ​​degrees into 24 directions. This way we get parts of 15 degrees each. The 8 main directions are in turn divided into three categories, South1, South2, South3, North1, North2, North3, etc. 24 mountains are used for more in-depth measurements using the Xuan Kong Feng Shui system method. The table of 8 directions is used in a more simplified east/west or Ba Zhai (8 palaces) system.

The following table shows the already calculated categories of 24 mountains.

1N1Ren337,5 – 352,5Bing157,5 – 172,5
2N2Zi352,5 – 7,5Wu172,5 – 187,5
3N3Gui7,5 – 22,5Ding187,5 – 202,5
4NE1Chou22,5 – 37,5Wei202,5 – 217,5
5NE2Gen37,5 – 52,5Kun217,5 – 232,5
6NE3Yin52,5 – 67,5Shen232,5 – 247,5
7E1Jia67,5 – 82,5Geng247,5 – 262,5
8E2Mao82,5 – 97,5You262,5 – 277,5
9E3Yi97,5 – 112,5Xin277,5 – 292,5
10SE1Chen112,5 – 127,5Xu292,5 – 307,5
11SE2Xun127,5 – 142,5Qian307,5 – 322,5
12SE3Si142,5 – 157,5Hai322,5 – 337,5
13S1Bing157,5 – 172,5Ren337,5 – 352,5
14S2Wu172,5 – 187,5Zi352,5 – 7,5
15S3Ding187,5 – 202,5Gui7,5 – 22,5
16SO1Wei202,5 – 217,5Chou22,5 – 37,5
17SO2Kun217,5 – 232,5Gen37,5 – 52,5
18SO3Shen232,5 – 247,5Yin52,5 – 67,5
19O1Geng247,5 – 262,5Jia67,5 – 82,5
20O2You262,5 – 277,5Mao82,5 – 97,5
21O3Xin277,5 – 292,5Yi97,5 – 112,5
22NO1Xu292,5 – 307,5Chen112,5 – 127,5
23NO2Qian307,5 – 322,5Xun127,5 – 142,5
24NO3Hai322,5 – 337,5Si142,5 – 157,5

This information will help you distribute degrees within 24 directions. If the facade of your home has 180 degrees, then we can say that it is directed to the south2 (172.5-187.5) or simply south, if we use a scale of 8 directions. The remaining directions are calculated in the interval of 45 degrees.

Circle of Old Heavens

This circle has a second name - the primordial Bagua indicates the order of things in the Universe, describes the original world of Tao and the laws of existence. The energy of the Tao world is beyond time and space. It is everywhere: in things, objects. Feng Shui masters use this energy to influence the flow of earth energy.

The circle of the former heavens can tell about the order of things in the Universe. In this circle in the south is the sky (Qian), in the north - earth (Kun), in the east - fire (Li), in the northwest - mountain (Gen), in the west - water (Kan), in the northeast - thunder (Zhen), in the southeast - a body of water (Dui), in the southwest - wind-tree (Sun). Balance is achieved by opposing positions. Each pair contains three Yin traits and, similarly, three Yang traits.

Thanks to the circle of the former heavens, one can learn the order of things in the Universe by making a complete revolution in a circle. Moving clockwise from the trigram Zhen (thunder) to Qian (sky), you can see the changes that occur as Yin and Yang wax and wane.

Yang energy begins in the northeast, reaching its highest point in the south. This is indicated by three straight lines.

Yin energy begins in the southwest, in the zone of the trigram Sun (wind), reaching its highest point in the north. This means the dotted lines of the trigram Kun (earth).

During the birth of one energy, the other necessarily weakens, and this moment is considered the beginning of a new cycle.


Facade and rear of the building

We have already become acquainted with the different types of compass and the distribution of degrees, now we need to determine the reporting point that serves for the analysis of Feng Shui. Typically this point is the main façade of the building.

In Feng Shui, the facade is considered the most important place for Qi energy to enter the space. For example, in a city apartment, the main facade is located where the main windows of the living room are or where the balcony overlooks the main street or area with the best views, while the front door may be in a completely different position. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the common mistake of associating the front door with the facade, although very often these two concepts coincide in position.

Technically, Feng Shui expresses the facade as part of the yang, where activity, brightness rules and where Qi is directed. Openness and the absence of obstacles makes it easier to direct Qi to the home. The rear is considered to be the opposite part of the facade. In some Feng Shui systems, the rear determines the types of housing.

Energy of numbers

Each number characterizes a certain type of energy, which is tied to a certain time of year. When you know your “magic” number, you can easily determine which energy is inherent in you.

1WaterWinterIndependence Intuition
2EarthLate summerMethodical
3StormSpringFocus on the future
4WindLate springAmenability
5EarthCenter ForcesPerseverance
6SkyLate fallInflexibility
8MountainLate winterEnergy

Calculation process

Once we have defined the facade, we must take the correct position to measure it.

Let's imagine that the facade of the building that we will study is directed towards the sea (beautiful landscape, large windows, movement). To take measurements, we need to stand with our backs parallel to the facade and facing the sea.

In the photograph you can easily see our physical position, for taking measurements, using the Lo Pan compass, for reading the information of the facade.

Be sure to take the necessary precautions to ensure accurate data; the following paragraph covers some of this process.

Interior color

For interior design, it is important to consider the influence of different colors. Red, bright yellow, orange, the colors of fire activate physical and mental activity. It is better to use them in an office, a sports room, but not preferably in a bedroom.

Green and blue calm and help restore strength. It is ideal to use them in the bedroom and nursery. White is a color symbolizing purity and harmony. Suitable for any room.

Precautions when taking measurements

Very often, when determining directions using a compass, seemingly accurate data measured from inside the house, to our surprise, may turn out to be completely incorrect. The main reasons may be magnetic interference, close proximity of metal objects, beams, pipes, cables and even electromagnetic pollution. In this case, you should leave the room and measure the direction of the facade from several points. Sometimes, in addition to measuring the facade, it is even recommended to measure the rear and both sides, thus ensuring the accuracy of the data.

If we do not take the necessary precautions, we may produce an inaccurate measurement, which means that all the mathematical formulas and geomantic map corrections used in the analysis will go to waste. In the process of determining directions, remove all metal jewelry from yourself, stand away from cars, poles and objects that affect the compass. Do not place the compass on the ground, as there are often underground disturbances that change magnetism.

If we have to consult remotely, we must be sure that the degree determination process was thorough and correct, as there is a high risk of working with inaccurate data.

After determining the degree, the next step is to draw up a geomantic map. In the index of this page, in the software, you will find Scott Ranson's "flying star maps" program, which will help you in this process.

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