What fruits should be brought into the house to bring money and good luck: oranges, peaches, pomegranates and others

Of course, even if you load yourself with tons of fruit, it won't help you change your life dramatically if you don't make an effort in all directions. But still, their wonderful aromas, solar energy and color change the aura of our home in a certain way. Admire and admire the fruit before you eat it, prepare a beautiful vase for it.

Ancient texts promise that they will bring prosperity, good relationships and good luck.

When choosing fruits to attract money, listen to your inner voice and the feeling of the energy of the fruit.

And if it is not possible to always have fruit on the table, then paintings, decorative items and beautiful photographs will help.

Pomegranates increase fertility

It is not surprising that a pomegranate full of juicy scarlet seeds has become a symbol of fertility. He brings happiness to the family. Feng Shui experts often recommend buying paintings with pomegranates to attract good luck and the birth of healthy children.

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Fruits and fruits - symbols and meanings in Chinese culture

In the life cycle of nature, after flowering, a fruit is formed - therefore, in Chinese art, often the main symbolism of plants refers not to the flower phase, but specifically to their fruits.

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In the traditional Chinese calendar, the apricot symbolizes the second month, which is when these trees bloom.

The apricot fruit and the associated almond are compared to an elegant woman, perhaps due to the similarity in the shape of the almond and the eyes of an oriental beauty.

A juicy apricot of bright red color is associated in Chinese art with a woman having a love affair.

An apricot orchard can mean wishes for success in exams, since celebrations after passing exams were traditionally held in the apricot grove.

Orange and tangerine

These fruits are grown in the southern provinces of China; previously, tribute to these citrus fruits was sent to Beijing for the spring holidays.

Oranges and tangerines are popular children's gifts and are also widely consumed during the New Year holidays.

This fruit is traditionally associated with good luck and happiness. Together with tangerines and persimmons - wishes for success in all areas of life.


The name of this vegetable sounds like qié zi, so photographers use it as an analogue to the word “cheese” to make clients smile in their photos.

Eggplants also symbolize Chinese officials - since the place where the fruit is attached to the stem is shaped like official hats.


It is a symbol of the tenth month of the traditional Chinese calendar.

In art and culture, the symbolic meaning of this fruit is based on a direct analogy: the pomegranate fruit has many seeds - and we wish you many children. The image of pomegranate fruits and children emphasizes and enhances this meaning and this wish.

Pomegranate is a traditional wedding gift with parting words: one hundred seeds - one hundred sons. Also, with the help of this image, they wish for the continuation of all the virtues and titles of the family in future generations.

The pomegranate is also given as a gift for sixteenth birthdays - due to the fact that its name sounds like the number 16.


The pear tree is known to be long-lived (about 350 years). Therefore, the pear is a symbol of long life and its image carries a corresponding wish.

However, due to the subtleties of Chinese word formation, it is recommended to give only one pear or depict only one pear tree, since the meaning of the hieroglyphs used in its name means “to separate, to separate.” You understand that for a partnership a pair of pears as a gift will be an obvious wish for separation, parting and some kind of separation.

The motif of a blossoming pear with raindrops signifies the beauty of a girl.

“Followers of the Pear Orchard” is one of the names of representatives of the theatrical profession, due to the fact that Emperor Xuan Zong had an opera house with a theater troupe in his pear orchard.


Melons in their shape remind the Chinese of the round belly of a pregnant woman, in addition, in meaning - the melon is full of seeds, and the woman carries a child inside her. Therefore, it is not surprising that the image of this melon crop symbolizes the wish of many children (especially sons).


Chinese cabbage has a happy meaning, it also means wealth, money that comes to a good person. This symbolism is based on the fact that the core of the cabbage fork is white and pure, just like the human soul.

Fruit basket

It is a symbol of wealth and a popular wish for good luck during the Spring Festival.

Also, a basket of fruits (or flowers) is associated with the Taoist immortal Lan Kaihe, who, in the form of a woman or hermaphrodite, sings a heavenly melody in which he laments the short and fleeting life of mortals.


In Chinese art, these fruits symbolize summer and the wishes of children, which explains the important role of lychees in marriage ceremonies.

Paired with water chestnuts, they mean developed intelligence, human intelligence. These fruits are energetically associated with Yang qualities, and in traditional medicine they are recommended to be eaten to compensate for excess YIN energy.


It is a symbol of cunning, since its name contains the meaning: “smart, witty, wise.”


This fruit appeared in the Celestial Empire quite late, it came from the north. It is considered a symbol of coquetry and flirting because of the story - when a husband (who had a name similar to the name of a nut) returned from afar, and not recognizing his own wife, whom he had not seen for many years, began to flirt with her.


Peach trees grow throughout the country and are a very popular artistic image in China.

The main association associated with this fruit is the peaches of immortality from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West, which attracted gods and heroes. Peaches of immortality were believed to ripen once every three millennia. The god of longevity was often depicted as emerging from a peach. The freshness of girls not only in the Middle Kingdom, but all over the world is associated with a ruddy peach.

The time for flowering of peach trees is spring, which is also the time for marriages in China, so peaches are associated with the wedding ritual.

There is also a traditional birthday greeting with a picture of a peach tree on a mountain and with waves: “may your happiness be deep as the Eastern Sea and may your life last as long as the Southern Mountain exists.”


From ancient times, hard large pumpkin fruits were used to make water vessels (bottle gourds) that could be taken with you on trips - to do this, the fruit was dried and hollowed out. The shape of such a container resembled a “double” pumpkin - with two protuberances and a waist between them.

Wandering monks stored their magic potions in similar tanks.

The influence of the pumpkin on human life was protection and blessing; it is believed that this image depicted in the picture can ward off negativity.

There are legends in which a Taoist monk found himself trapped inside a pumpkin, but came out of there - like an analogue of the genie in the oriental fairy tale about Aladdin.

Children could swim on such pumpkins (as they do now on inflatable rings), they stayed on the water and did not drown.

One of the eight immortals, Li Tieguai, a specialist in the field of medicine, was depicted with a gourd that contained his potions. The bottle gourd was the main symbol of this character, from which white smoke could flow as a sign of the content of a magical potion.


Associated with the desire for profit and large incomes.

"Eating bean curd" (made from beans) is sometimes used as a euphemism for lovemaking.


This plant is popular for its large and tasty fruits, and persimmons may be called "Chinese rice." The brightness and juicy color of persimmon make it a dish and decoration for the holidays.

This fruit is associated primarily with material affairs, business, especially joint ones, and the creation of enterprises. It is customary to depict it with various other fruits:

  • with oranges and tangerines - wishes of good luck in business;
  • with apples - good luck and satisfaction from your affairs;
  • with pine and orange - wishes of good luck in many business matters.

Persimmon trees can often be found in Chinese temple gardens, as they are considered to have four virtues: longevity; bird shelter; creating shadows; insect pests do not grow on these trees.


In painting, an apple tree and an apple orchard can be associated with home, peace, a quiet life, as well as with the wish for scientific achievements.

In combination with magnolia, the apple tree means a wish for a life of honor and wealth.

Persimmon and apple paired are a traditional wish for success in business.

Wild apple trees are associated with female beauty.

In the “Symbols of China” section you can learn more about color symbolism, the meaning of animal totems and plants in Chinese culture.

Tags: Symbols of China

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Pineapples offer good luck

The sound of the Chinese word "pineapple" is close to the translation of "luck on your way", which already explains a lot. Pineapple is not a frequent guest in our homes, so we will try to get a decorative image of it.

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Breadfruit has round fruits that can be baked and eaten instead of bread. It is an important food item in Polynesia. Myths about the origin of breadfruit can be found on several islands in this region. In Hawaii they say that this happened during a famine. A man named Ulu, who died of starvation, was buried near a stream. At night, his family heard the rustling of flowers and falling leaves, followed by the distinct sound of falling fruit. In the morning, people found a breadfruit tree growing next to a stream, and the fruits of this tree saved them from hunger.


The apple represents harmony in the family, good health and longevity. What this delicious fruit will bring to the owner of the house is largely determined by its color.

Red apples are a symbol of love and marriage. Greens represent youth, beauty and health.

Yellow helps strengthen connections and build relationships between business partners.


The flowers of the plum tree in East Asia are endowed with greater significance than the fruits. Blooming in early spring even before foliage appears on the trees, the flowers are a symbol of female youth and youth. Sometimes the wedding bed is covered with plum petals. The plum blossom also has another meaning. Its five petals symbolize the five Chinese gods of happiness.


The cornucopia, often curved with fruits and flowers falling from it, is a common symbol of the wealth, abundance and bounty of the Earth. The symbol originated in Greek mythology. Legend has it that Zeus, the supreme god, was raised by his adoptive mother Amalthea, who was a goat nymph or goddess who herded goats. In any case, she fed goat milk to the divine baby. One day one of the goat's horns broke. Amalthea filled the horn with fruits and flowers and gave it to Zeus, who kindly placed it in the sky, where the horn became a constellation.


Native to the Mediterranean, the fig tree appears in descriptions of the Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they made themselves loincloths from leaves believed to be fig leaves. According to Islamic tradition, there were two forbidden trees in Eden - the fig tree and the olive tree. In the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, figs are sometimes associated with Dionysus (Bacchus to the Romans), the god of wine and drunkenness, and with Priapus, symbolizing sexual desire.

The fig tree has a sacred meaning for Buddhists. According to Buddhist legend, the religion's founder, Siddhartha Gautama, or Buddha, achieved enlightenment one day in 528 BC while sitting under a Bo tree, a kind of fig tree. Bo, or the Bodhi tree, is still considered a symbol of enlightenment to this day.

Feng Shui teaching: a place in the house for indoor grape plants

Any plant is a living being, and it needs to be given constant attention, love and care so that it blooms, pleases others and reciprocates. Everyone probably knows the beneficial properties of houseplants. Some people believe that it doesn’t matter what kind of flower lives in the room, the main thing is that it is there. But the ancient Chinese said the opposite: before you acquire a domestic friend, you need to get acquainted with his properties, positive or negative traits, find out his character, element. This is not only a composition pleasing to the eye, a source of oxygen, but also an inexhaustible field of energy, aura and harmony of well-being.

According to Feng Shui, almost all house plants have many positive properties. The only exceptions are those flowers whose leaves have a pointed shape, thorns or points. The main properties of any flower is the spread of positive energy “Qi” in the room, which contributes to a prosperous atmosphere in the house. And angular flowers not only do not spread the influence of “Qi”, but also collect at their ends the negative impact of the “Sha” particle, which the supporter follows.

For example, indoor grapes are known for their fast growth and strong vigor. The grapes only need a year to grow to two meters. The rapid growth of this plant makes it similar to Sagittarius, the zodiac sign that strives for the horizon.

Indoor grapes are also popularly known as birch, and the biological name of the flower is cissus. Translated from Greek “kissos” or Cissus means “climbing plant”, which contains the energy of the feminine principle “Yin”. Therefore, indoor plants grapes, grapefruit and orchids are considered to be vampire flowers. Since they can absorb the negative field of each person. It is known that you cannot keep wilted or artificial flowers in the house: they have no life, stimulus and energy; most likely, on the contrary, they contain the meaning of death and negativity.

And evergreen indoor grapes create a strong, resilient, emotional atmosphere. Indescribably beautiful grapes, whose properties include strong fiery energy, ennoble the space around them. The best location for this plant is considered to be balconies and glassed-in verandas. The grape leaves always stretch upward, which indicates his constant desire for the best achievements. It will help people who live without a goal in life to acquire everything they dreamed of.

The energy of grapes is transmitted to everyone who surrounds it, because the flexibility of the plant supports and transmits the flexibility of the human body, and its growth contributes to the acceleration of the exit of almost all diseases from the body of its owner. The life-affirming particle “Qi” is fixed on every leaf of homemade grapes, so only an optimistic mood is created in its environment. A very convenient place for him would be a balcony near the bedroom. The grapes should not be placed specifically in the room itself, but not far from it. Thanks to its flexibility and mobility, grapes will prevent negative emotions from entering the house.

Indoor grapes are inherently very fair and humane: they will never inspire a person to do anything for selfish purposes or to achieve achievements ahead of them. The plant can also live in the office, but most likely only in the company of those people who are accustomed to working procedurally, that is, who know how to enjoy the process itself, and do not seek to change anything. For example, for lazy people, plants, indoor flowers, grapes, orange and fuchsia, are an incentive to start new things and move forward.

Under the influence of very flexible grapes, a person becomes more careful and avoids all kinds of obstacles and troubles. But Feng Shui says that this plant is necessary not only for those people who are looking for a stimulus in life, but also for those who have found it a long time ago. The optimistic energy that grapes radiate can become a talisman for any successful owner. Thanks to the positive attitude of this talisman, not only will everything get better, but success in achieving all sorts of intended goals is also guaranteed.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the flower, caring for it is still necessary, because indoor grapes are a living creature and should be treated as a full member of the family. The plant should be placed in rooms with windows that are oriented to the west or east. The light in the room should be diffused, because grapes do not tolerate direct sunlight: they already have enough solar energy and fire. In winter, you cannot open the window in the room where this flower is located; it should only be in the atmosphere of home warmth, keeping an eye on what is happening around.

The soil in the pot should always not be very wet. The leaves of the flower must be sprayed at least every other day. This is prevention against double spider mite infestation. And from spring to August, the flower needs to be fed weekly with floral fertilizers. In a word: homemade grapes should always feel attention and care. After all, every correctly placed flower contributes to the fact that a living soul and eternal harmony of the feminine and masculine, good and evil, good and bad live in the room. You just need to love the flower, then it begins to love its owner and watch the world around him.


In the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, pears were considered sacred and belonged to three goddesses: Hera (Juno for the Romans), Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans) and Pomona - the Italian goddess of gardens and harvests.

The ancient Chinese believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality (pear trees are truly long-livers in terms of their lifetime.) In Chinese, the word “li” means both pear and division. Therefore, according to tradition, to avoid separation, lovers and friends should not eat the same pear together.

Love and relationships

  1. A juicy peach can give you sincerity in relationships and a long love affair. If you haven’t been able to find your soul mate for a long time, and loneliness is already a burden, then place a vase of peaches in the bedroom on the west side. A mirror opposite the fruit will only double the impact.
  2. If you place a vase with plums in the southwestern part of the house, this will help you not only meet mutual love, but also find a strong, harmonious family. However, fruits should only be placed in a green ceramic vase.


In ancient China, cherry blossoms were associated with immortality.
Cherries can symbolize fertility, fun and celebration. In Japan, where cherry blossoms are a national symbol, cherries represent beauty, suaveness and modesty. The ancient Chinese believed that it was a symbol of immortality. One Chinese legend tells of the goddess Xi Wang Mu, in whose garden the cherries of immortality ripen once every thousand years. Since it is believed that the cherry tree can protect against evil spirits, the Chinese place cherry tree branches on their doors and place cherry tree carvings in front of their homes on New Year's Day.


People in tropical regions consume coconut milk and pulp and use its oil and shell for various purposes. According to a legend told in Tahiti, the first coconut tree grew from the head of an eel named Tuna. When the moon goddess Hina fell in love with an eel, her brother, Maui, killed it and told her to bury its head in the ground. However, Hina left her head near the stream and forgot about it. When she remembered Maui's instructions and returned to find the head, she discovered that a coconut tree had grown out of it.

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