In which direction should you sleep with your head to be healthy?

Most people do not care where to sleep with their head correctly; usually the location of the bed is decided based on considerations of convenience and saving space. However, it has long been proven that with a certain body position and bed placement you can significantly influence your health and overall well-being. Different ethnic groups, religions and groups of scientists have their own vision of an ideal sleeping place for excellent health and strength of spirit. Let's look into these opinions and decide which sleeping arrangement will be ideal for you.

Where is it customary for the Slavs to go to sleep with their heads?

Surely you have heard from your grandmothers that it is undesirable to sleep with your feet towards the exit of the room, because everyone knows the well-established expression “to carry it forward with your feet”, that is, to die, to say goodbye to life. This belief came to us from the ancient Slavs, who considered the door to be a gateway to the other world. It was believed that when a person sleeps, the soul leaves its shell and travels until awakening, and if you decide to go to bed with your feet towards the exit, it may not find the way back. Therefore, in Rus', the question of “where to sleep with your head correctly” was resolved quickly and uncompromisingly - however you like, just away from the exit. Now only grandmothers and those who are interested in studying ancient ethnic groups remember this sign.

The Slavs, who were interested in the issue of sleep, determined the most favorable sleeping positions based on the cardinal directions. Sleeping with your head in the north direction means health improvement and strengthening of the immune system; in the east - to vigor and energy; sleeping with your head in a western direction - to the development of skills and abilities; Those who wanted to gain wealth slept with their heads in the south direction.

Attention - on the neck

What positions are unfavorable for sleeping?

On the stomach . In this case, the person has to turn his head to the side. In this position, not only the airways are bent and twisted, but also the arteries and veins of the neck, which provide blood circulation to the brain. Therefore, this position is undesirable unless all others are contraindicated and do not cause pain. Let’s say that with arthrosis of the hip joint, a person cannot sleep on his side. Or if the ribs are broken - on the back. Under normal conditions, lying on your stomach should be avoided.

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This is a more favorable position. But not the best. When a person is with straightened arms and legs, this is not entirely physiological. When sleeping on your back, a relaxed tongue can move to the back of the throat and seriously impede breathing. On too soft, thin or very high pillow or without it. In the first case, the head is thrown back or to the side; accordingly, the venous vessels can be pinched on one side and stretched on the other. Therefore, after such sleep, headaches may occur the next morning because venous outflow slows down. If the pillow is high, then the head will rise above the level of the back, which also has an adverse effect on the blood vessels and impairs the outflow of blood from the brain. The density and height of the pillow should be such as to allow the cervical, lumbar, thoracic spine and head to be in the same plane.

On an orthopedic pillow . Those that have a bulge under the neck are not recommended. Such a pillow supports the cervical spine not due to a balanced load, but due to pressure on it. That is, the orthopedic bulge puts pressure primarily on the veins, and not on the vertebrae. For example, a person lies on his right side; blood flows from his head mainly through the veins of the right side. If you press them down with a pillow, the outflow of blood through them will slow down. And this can have a detrimental effect on physiological sleep standards. Some Chinese even sleep on a wooden block. And they place their head in such a way as to balance the head-neck complex. Then the neck remains free for venous outflow. If the block is placed closer to the crown, the neck will bend. Closer to the neck, the head will fall back.

On an orthopedic mattress that remembers the position of the body during sleep . There is an opinion that the mattress should be of optimal rigidity and follow all the curves of the spine. However, this advice is suitable for healthy people with normal posture. But there are almost no such people due to the fact that most of us are in a forced wrong position most of the day. If a person sits at a computer all day, moves incorrectly, or experiences unphysiological stress (for example, a hairdresser stands in a half-bent position all day), then he needs to straighten his spine at night. And not lie in such a way that the mattress repeats his forced and incorrect postures. Therefore, the mattress should be semi-rigid and orthopedic, not from the point of view of repeating the bends of incorrect spinal posture, but from the point of view of correction - to contribute to the optimal restoration of the normal position of the spine.

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Do you need to put pillows between your legs, under your feet, in your arms?

As a rule, if the patient has no health problems and no diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then additional sleep devices are not required. And even the pose is by and large not so critical. Our body is optimized for different positions without any aids. But if a person moves incorrectly, the reserve capacity is narrowed, leading to a problem that cannot be compensated for by sleep. Then the wrong posture aggravates the negativity accumulated due to insufficient and incorrect movements, forced postures during the day.

Where to sleep with your head and where with your feet according to Orthodoxy

Orthodox Christians do not have guidelines on how to place a sleeping place. Orthodox teachings are based on the primacy of the spirit, not the body, so the location of the bed for them is a practical matter. Christians reject various teachings related to the arrangement of furniture in a room and do not recognize signs. However, Orthodox Christians also have their own superstitions. For example, Christians try not to sleep opposite the door. There is a belief here that is already familiar to us, which says that sleeping with your feet facing the exit is a bad idea. In this position, the coffin is taken out of the house - with the feet towards the exit of the room, so it is better to find a different position for placing the bed. The head of an Orthodox Christian's sleeping place is placed near the window, and his legs are strictly against the wall.

Which pillow to use for cervical osteochondrosis?

Headaches and dizziness that occur in the morning are the main sign of poor circulation, and the pillow plays an important role here. There is an opinion that if you have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you should abandon the pillow altogether, but vertebrologists do not recommend doing this. Anatomically, our head is comfortable being above the level of the spine. Otherwise, the muscles will be tense all night, and the neck will take an incorrect “hanging” position.

The pillow must be present during sleep, meeting the following characteristics:

  • Form. During rest, it must certainly be square or rectangular. Elongated or horseshoe-shaped bolster pillows are good only for short-term daytime rest.
  • Height. According to medical indicators - 9-14 cm. It is this height that guarantees the correct position of the body: the shoulders are slightly raised, the neck is slightly higher than the level of the head.
  • Size. It remains individual, but is selected based on the width of the sleeper’s shoulders. The main thing is that the width of the pillow is no less.
  • Rigidity. It should be moderate. Here you should pay attention to your own physical sensations. If osteochondrosis worsens, you need to consult a specialist.
  • Elasticity. Make sure your head doesn't sink. In this position, the cervical vertebrae are tense and unable to completely relax.

How to go to bed correctly according to Feng Shui

When choosing a place to sleep according to this teaching, you will have to resort to arithmetic. The teaching divides all people into two groups: Eastern and Western, which are determined based on the year of your birth. The calculation algorithm is quite simple; this technique promises to accurately determine the ideal location of the sleeping place just for you.

So, how does the calculation work:

  • you need to add the last two digits of your year of birth;
  • If the resulting number consists of two digits, add the resulting digits. For example, the year of birth is 1985, you add 8 and 5. It turns out 13, two digits, so we add it again, but this time 1 and 3. The resulting number is 4;
  • For male representatives, the resulting number must be subtracted from 10 (10-4), and for female representatives, it must be added to 5 (4+5). If the resulting number is two-digit, add its components again;
  • the final number cannot be equal to 5, if you received exactly that, then the number 8 (for women) or 2 (if a man is doing the calculation) is suitable for you.

The number we came up with is called Gua - an individual indicator that will help determine where to sleep with your head correctly for you. “Western” people include those whose calculated magical Gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9; "Eastern" people work with numbers - 2, 6, 7 or 8. The head position for "Western people" is best in the direction of the north, east, southeast and south, and for "Eastern" people - northeast, south-east west, west, northwest.

Each cardinal direction has its own meaning:

  • north – development of intuition;
  • south – helps to make new acquaintances;
  • east - to find peace;
  • West - to find a strong family;
  • Northeast – suitable for those who want to develop their career;
  • north-west - helps to find true friends;
  • southeast - helps to gain confidence;
  • southwest - helps in the search for love.

A sleeping place organized according to the canons of Feng Shui will have a beneficial effect on all areas of a person’s life, from financial to love. An unfavorable position of the bed is considered to be the space between the window and the door; this position has a bad effect on a person’s well-being and can lead to family quarrels. Feng Shui also warns that sleeping in front of a mirror is unsafe for mental health, and if you suffer from anxiety, choose a place near the wall.

A few more tips for a restful sleep

As a general rule, most people sleep best in the direction of north to south, east to west, and west to east. The direction is from south to north, i.e. when the head is in the south, it interferes with sleep for many people. Except in cases where this direction corresponds to the received gua number.

Also, your bedroom should be free from electromagnetic fields. This means you need to remove the TV, smartphone and laptop from the bedroom.

Since we spend a third of our lives in bed, it's worth trying these tips for positioning your bed relative to the cardinal directions. If you also follow additional Feng Shui guidelines, then you are on the right path to restful sleep.

Healthy sleep is very important for good health, and the direction in which we sleep can have a positive effect on the quality of our sleep.

Best sleep direction according to Vastu


- Indian science that divides a house into several sectors according to the cardinal directions. Knowing the meanings of each side, you can figure out where to sleep with your head.

Each side is responsible for certain life processes, which depend on the position of the head in sleep:

  • East – responsible for position in society, creative activity;
  • south – for those who want to improve their health and find harmony with the body;
  • north - can add cruelty, coldness, harshness;
  • West – adds narcissism and commercialism.

The most favorable directions for placing your head in a dream are the east and south, but if you are prone to low self-esteem or consider yourself too timid and soft-bodied, try sleeping with your head facing north or west.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The cervical region is anatomically located between seven intervertebral discs, the task of which is to ensure free rotation of the head. This part of the body is characterized by weak, inactive muscles, the condition of which is only aggravated by an inactive lifestyle. However, this does not prevent them from taking on regular loads, which leads to various pathologies. The main signs of a progressive disease remain:

  • headache;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • the appearance of ringing and noise in the ears;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • night snoring, whistling;
  • frequent dizziness, lightheadedness;
  • violation of movement coordination.

The main reasons for the development of the disease today are known to everyone: lack of strength loads, inactivity, poor posture, inflammatory processes (purulent infections), congenital pathologies, serious injuries and a decrease in metabolic processes that manifest themselves as a result of natural aging of the body.

The first symptoms of intervertebral disc dysfunction are pain in the back of the head, clicking sounds and discomfort when rotating the head. Neglecting these symptoms leads to other, much more serious manifestations.

How Muslims Sleep Properly for Health

Muslims often prefer floors to beds; if there is a bed in their home, it is low and small, devoid of unnecessary amenities. According to Islamic teachings, you cannot sleep with your head facing north; it is preferable to choose the south, east or southeast. According to Muslim traditions, it is necessary to sleep on your back or side; turning over on your stomach is extremely undesirable. This rule applies to both men and women. Another rule is that prayers must be read before going to bed, and the bed itself should be positioned so that you can easily approach it and lie comfortably on your left side. Such preparation for bed and the location of the sleeping place is considered correct according to Islamic teachings and helps to maintain health for a long time.

How to choose the right mattress?

A properly selected mattress is not only a comfortable rest, but also an investment in your own health. In particular, in the musculoskeletal system. For the purposes of both treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, it is worth choosing orthopedic options and changing them every 8-10 years. The size of the product should take into account the height and weight of the sleeper, the degree of rigidity should be moderate.

An excessively hard or soft mattress provokes a slow but rapid curvature of the spine and the development of the disease. On a soft bed, the spine will bend, disrupting normal blood circulation. A rigid frame will result in constant muscle tension. The best option is a latex memory foam mattress that can remember the curves of the body.

Fetal position

From a psychological point of view, this is probably the most comfortable position, but it cannot be called useful for the musculoskeletal system. During the day, the spine experiences enormous static and dynamic loads. All this is aggravated by the fact that during the day we rarely monitor our posture. Our spinal axis is constantly shifting, especially when we work at the computer. Sleeping in the fetal position only further strains the spine, loading the cervical and shoulder regions, as well as the joints. This sleeping position is also fraught with breathing and circulation problems.

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Let's sum it up

By analyzing and combining the recommendations and statements of various teachings, it is possible to determine the meaning of each direction of the world, and the influence of sleep in the chosen direction on human health and life.

  1. North. You can improve your health, increase your material well-being, attract good luck, find inner harmony and strengthen family relationships. This sleep direction is best chosen by adults and married couples.
  2. South. This direction is ideal for people seeking to climb the career ladder. The south side gives confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, gives a positive energy charge, and attracts good luck.
  3. West. Reveals hidden creative potential, brings a feeling of deep satisfaction to life, and gives a positive charge. The direction is ideal for creative individuals - musicians, artists. Also, the Western direction is often chosen by people whose profession is related to magic.
  4. East. Develops determination and gives confidence before starting a new business. Suitable for active people, those who have to work and communicate a lot.
  5. Northeast. Sleeping with your head directed towards the northeast helps restore strength and reduces depression. It is believed that it is especially useful for older people to sleep in this position.
  6. Southeast. People sleeping in this direction cope more easily with internal fears and complexes. However, this position is not suitable for everyone. If you feel discomfort in the morning after sleeping, the southeast side is not for you.

Somnologists advise sleeping with your head facing east to receive energy from the rising sun. Most often, people choose the best location for themselves by trial and error. If you are comfortable and comfortable sleeping the way you sleep, don’t rush to change anything. Perhaps a busy location is ideal for you.

But if you feel uncomfortable, try to listen to our tips to help you get the perfect sleep. Determining which direction to sleep with your head is better is quite simple. In a suitable position, your sleep will be sound, your dreams will be bright and pleasant, and your morning will be cheerful and positive.

To learn how to improve your sleep and get enough sleep, read our article - How to sleep correctly?

Russian folk traditions

There are few superstitions on this matter, but they exist. In particular, they say: do not lie with your feet towards the door - this is how they carry out the dead (which means such a dream will bring the death of the sleeper closer). It is best to “point” your head towards the door.

It is also forbidden to sleep with your head towards a mirror, especially an ancient one - this mystical object can begin to draw out vital forces, in return sending difficult dreams.

The opinion of an Orthodox priest

The Christian Church has never advised its parishioners on how to properly position a bed or place a pillow. The main thing that faith requires is sincere prayer every night before going to bed.

Moreover: Eastern teachings (feng shui, vastu, and yoga) are considered by Orthodoxy to be a sin. So if you consider yourself a believer, you can lay your head down either towards the north or towards the south - neither position in a dream will anger God.

Also, the church does not approve of omens (even if God appears in them).

Medicine about sleep position

According to doctors, the side of the world in which the sleeper’s head will be directed is not as important as the other components necessary for proper rest.

Plays an important role in good sleep

  • quality mattress,
  • pillow of suitable shape and hardness,
  • high-quality bed linen made from natural, breathable materials.

It is best to sleep in a well-ventilated area with sufficient air humidity. And, of course, for quality rest you need to adhere to a daily routine.

By getting used to going to bed at a certain time, the body will be better able to relax and gain strength during the night's rest.

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