Traditional and scientific ideas about which direction you should sleep with your head

As Chinese philosophers say

The teaching of Feng Shui has its own opinion about the optimal place to sleep. Ancient philosophers argued that correct head position would be the key to healthy sleep and a successful life. They believed that, being a part of the universe, a person must follow its laws. Each side of the world has its own energy. If a person sleeps with his head towards her, he will involuntarily feel her power. Energy will pass through a person, giving him happiness and wealth. And if you make the wrong choice, it can cause illness and misfortune.

If a person has gone through a difficult period in his life, then perhaps the reason is due to improper sleep. By turning to ancient teachings for help, it is possible to find harmony with the world around you. First of all, Feng Shui advises removing all equipment and unnecessary objects from the room and creating minimal lighting. Chinese teaching has its own opinion on which direction you should sleep with your head, namely:

  • People experiencing health problems should sleep with their heads facing North. This will help them improve their health and heal. Thanks to the energy of the north, they will receive prosperity and stability.
  • People who experience serious difficulties in making important decisions should sleep with their heads facing the Northeast. New energy will help them better analyze the situation and quickly find a way out of difficult situations.
  • By turning their heads to the East while sleeping, people will receive the energy of the sun. As a result, vigor and additional strength will appear.
  • People who feel unsure of their own abilities should sleep with their heads facing the Southeast. This will help you believe in yourself and look at the world around you from a different perspective.
  • By turning their heads to the South while sleeping, people can attract financial well-being into their lives. The energy of the south will help solve financial difficulties. Choosing this side of the world as a dream is not recommended for overly vulnerable and impressionable people.
  • Adventure lovers should turn their heads to the West while sleeping. This will help decorate your life with new impressions, bright events and long-awaited emotions. But the Slavs avoided this place, believing that the dead were laid with their feet towards the East.
  • Sleeping with your head facing the North-West is ideal for future leaders and those who want to achieve financial well-being.

Place and choice of bed

Of course, the quality of rest is affected not only by the position of the body, but also by the furniture on which a person rests.

The bed should not be round, nor should it have heavy solid pieces of wood.

The furniture should be positioned so that the headboard does not coincide with the window, and there should be a distance of at least 25 cm from the walls. The bed should not be reflected in mirrors or the ceiling.

When choosing bed linen, preference is given to soft colors and without obvious patterns.

The bed base or mattress does not have to be orthopedic. First of all, they should be comfortable. It is recommended to select a mattress from a hypoallergenic filler.

The most important thing is that after sleep a person should feel rested and full of energy.

Head towards the window?

Many teachings and religions claim that sleeping with your head towards the window is very dangerous. Ancient beliefs claim that at night a dark force roams the earth. Evil spirits look into houses through windows. Seeing a person, she can easily harm him or even take over him. This will lead to illness, health or life problems. Speaking of a more realistic reason, you should not sleep with your head towards the window because there is a risk of catching a cold. There are often openings and cracks in the window area from which cold air can blow through a person. The result will be colds and malaise.

What do somnologists say?

So who is right? Who to listen to: researchers or sages? After all, as we see, each teaching puts forward its own theory and often they do not coincide. Somnologists for the most part advise, first of all, to pay attention directly to the comfort of the position itself - it is on this that your well-being and mood after the alarm rings largely depend. After all, there is a high probability that the problem of morning fatigue lies in a creaky mattress or an uncomfortable pillow.

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Other ways to normalize your night's rest

If the cause of fatigue and a broken state in the morning after waking up is an uncomfortable bed, posture, or conditions in the room, then you need to listen to the advice of somnologists.

  1. You should learn to follow a daily routine.
  2. Prepare properly for bed.
  3. Relax the nervous system.
  4. Organize a sleeping place.
  5. Change the time and quality of dinner.
  6. Improve the microclimate of the rest room.
  7. Distribute physical and mental stress.

Is it possible to sleep with your head facing east, southeast and northeast?

A person's head should be directed to the north or northeast during sleep; this is considered the most correct body position, which benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned, you should turn the head of the bed to the east.

Is it possible to sleep with your head facing east, southeast and northeast?

Feng Shui

Among the rich variety of oriental teachings, the famous Chinese Feng Shui is especially popular.
It is with him that they often consult when the need arises to decide how to sleep correctly. According to Feng Shui, all people can be divided into 2 groups:

  • western;
  • eastern

For each group there is a very specific direction in which you need to sleep with your head. You can find out which group a person belongs to by calculating his ideal Gua number. It is calculated using a special formula.

So, you will need to add the 3rd and 4th digits from the year of your birth (for example, you were born in 1985 - add 8 and 5). If the result of this arithmetic operation is a 2-digit number (13 in our example), you need to add it again (1+3 = 4). Then the man needs to subtract this last digit from 10 (it turns out 6). And the woman must add the number 5 to it (it comes out to 9).

Now the most interesting part:

  • the eastern group includes those whose Gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9;
  • The Western group includes people who received a score of 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

Thus, the man born in 1985 from our example is enrolled in the Western group, and the woman is in the Eastern group.

Easterners should go to bed with their head facing north, south, east or southeast. And Westerners can go to bed with their heads only in the West, North-West, South-West or North-East. It is highly undesirable to confuse these directions. After all, if, in accordance with ancient teachings, the north heals one, then it may present an unpleasant surprise to another.

An ordinary compass purchased in a store will help you not to miss the cardinal directions in a city apartment. If you don’t have time for shopping, you can install a special program on your smartphone (tablet) and use it.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Vastu: expert advice

Vastu is an Indian teaching. According to this religion, sleep is a time for rest and replenishing energy. To get a good night's sleep, there are many factors to consider.

Sleep rules according to Vastu:

  • You can't sleep with your head facing north. Representatives of Vastu believe that this destroys the subtle energy shell, which can cause illness.
  • It is best to sleep with your head pointing towards the East. Thus, vital energy is restored the fastest.
  • You should not sleep in the West, this can lead to increased selfishness.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Vastu: expert advice

Body position in sleep according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui divides all people into two groups: Western and Eastern. Each person has four favorable directions for sleep. The side of the world that will bring health to one will contribute to career success for another, and for a third will mark a change in love.

To determine the correct directions, you need to calculate the individual Gua number; when calculating, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. For a more accurate result, it is recommended to clarify the year in accordance with the Chinese solar-lunar calendar;
  2. If the number turns out to be two digits, add its components again. The result should be one digit. For example, if you were born in 1993, the calculation would look like this: 9+3=12; 1+2=3;
  3. the resulting value for men should be subtracted from 10 (or from 9 if you were born after 2000), and for women added to 5 (or to 6 for girls born in 2000 and later). If you get a double-digit result, add the indicators again so that you end up with one figure.

The Gua number cannot be equal to five. If the calculations led you to this value, then either the number 2 (for men) or 8 (for women) is suitable for you. The Western category includes people whose Gua number is 1, 3, 4, 9. The Eastern category is 2, 6, 7, 8.

Favorable head positions for sleeping according to Gua number:

  • 1, 3, 4, 9 – north, east, southeast, south;
  • 2, 6, 7, 8 – northeast, southwest, west, northwest.

Sleeping in a favorable direction ensures good luck in all areas of life, gives good health, energy, and promises success in love and work. It is recommended that a married couple go to bed in a position suitable for the man. Feng Shui rules advise not to place the bed between a window and a doorway.

The energy of this direction brings poor health and discord in personal relationships. For the same reasons, you should avoid a layout in which the head of the bed is located opposite the window.

Sleeping on a bed immediately outside the door will be accompanied by anxiety and unpleasant dreams. If possible, you should avoid furniture with sharp corners near the bed, and do not place various overhanging objects above the headboard: bookshelves, ceiling beams, sconces, decorations.

The location of the bed in the bedroom relative to the door and window

A resting place located opposite a mirror can adversely affect a person’s mental state. For those who lack security, it is better to go to sleep against the wall.

It is better for husband and wife to choose a solid wide bed. A bed consisting of two halves will have an adverse effect on family relationships and will bring discord and misunderstanding.

In addition, the teaching attaches importance not only to the position of the sleeper’s body, but also to the direction in which the head of the bed is turned:

  • the north develops intuition;
  • the northeast patronizes researchers and experimenters;
  • the east is suitable for those who have lost a restful sleep;
  • the southeast imparts persistence in professional activities;
  • the south promotes a positive reputation in society;
  • southwest improves the state of love relationships;
  • the West helps couples trying to have a child;
  • the north-west helps you find reliable friends.

According to Feng Shui, even the shape and material of the head of the bed can affect the quality of life. Thus, a wooden square back contributes to success in the profession and career advancement. A semicircular metal headboard can influence the financial condition of the sleeper and provide additional profit. And the headboard in the form of waves helps artists develop their creative abilities.

Properly arranging your sleeping area

In order for your life to be long, healthy, rich and happy, you need to take a responsible approach to arranging your sleeping place. To do this, follow a few rules:

  • locate the sleeping area as far as possible from the entrance;
  • the doors of the sleeping room and the bathroom should not mirror each other;
  • When choosing colors, give preference to beige and coffee shades. These colors promote good energy flow;
  • When choosing a tone for the floor, also give preference to light shades. Remember, dark colors absorb positive Qi energy, which negatively affects your well-being;
  • a bedroom in bright colors will negatively affect your well-being, bring insomnia and nightmares;
  • use a little red in your decor. This will strengthen the family unit and fill the relationship with passion and harmony;
  • When decorating a bedroom, you should not clutter it with furniture. It is enough to install a comfortable bed and a good-quality wardrobe;
  • It is advisable to purchase furniture for the room from natural wood.

And lastly, you should not sleep on furniture made of metal, since such objects have a negative electromagnetic effect on the human body.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to the Vedas: expert advice

The Vedas are not a religion at all, but ancient true knowledge. According to this teaching, you need to rest with your head to the South or East. This will cause saturation with vital energy. During sleep, you can cleanse yourself of dirty and bad thoughts.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to the Vedas: expert advice

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