Which direction should you lay your head to sleep according to Feng Shui?

Greetings my dears. In this article we will examine in detail the question of where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to get enough sleep, and typical mistakes in the location of the bed.

A person’s well-being is influenced by many factors, especially sound, healthy sleep. The interior of a bedroom according to Feng Shui gives a feeling of comfort, protection, helps to recover faster and even brings spouses closer together.

Everything is important in the bedroom: the quantity and shape of furniture, its position, colors, talismans for different purposes. The direction of the bed also affects quality of life. Which side of the world should you sleep your head towards? Let's see what Feng Shui says.

How to calculate the optimal place to sleep?

Followers of Eastern teaching insist that we must proceed from the theory of the magnetic field. The German scientist Werner Heisenberg put forward an assumption: over millions of years, the human body has tuned into the Earth’s magnetic field. Each of us has our own electromagnetic field: head - north, legs - south. If you combine the fields of man and our planet so that they coincide, you can achieve the correct circulation of energy flows. That is why the bed should be positioned with the head of the bed facing north or northeast.

When choosing a place to install it, you need to start from which group the person belongs to - Eastern or Western. This is determined using Gua numbers.

Bed layout

Gua Numbers

The Gua number can be calculated in several steps:

  • You need to start from the year of birth. The final pair of digits must be summed until a single-digit number remains. For example, the year of birth is 1991. The total is: 9 + 1 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1.
  • Next, you need to act based on gender and age: men need to subtract the resulting value from 10;
  • for women - add 5 to it;
  • boys born in 2000 (and later) subtract the resulting value from 9;
  • girls born in 2000 or later add 6.
  • If Gua turns out to be equal to 5, the value is 2 for men, and 8 for women.
  • Next we determine the result:
      with a value of 1, the recommended directions are south, southeast, east and north;
  • if you end up with 2, you need to choose the northeast direction, northwest, southwest, west;
  • at 3, you should choose the north, east, south or southeast direction;
  • 4 means that you need to prefer the southern, southeastern, eastern or northern direction to all others;
  • if it is 6, it is recommended to stick to northeast, west, southwest, northwest;
  • those who get 7 must choose the northeast, south, southwest or northwest direction;
  • for people who get 8, northeast, west, southwest and northwest are recommended;
  • For those with a value of 9, it is better to choose the east, southeast, north or south.
  • Factors on which adequate sleep depends

    Sleep consists of fast and slow stages. To fully restore the body and assimilate new information, you will need to go through 5 full cycles, each of which is 1.5 hours. Expert advice will help you fall asleep quickly and improve your quality of rest:

    Factors of quality restRecommendations
    Proper nutrition• Don't overeat at night. • Take your last meal several hours before rest.
    No irritants• Try to eliminate ambient noise or use earplugs. • Create a dark environment in the room. Thick curtains and/or a sleep mask will help.
    Fresh air• Ventilate the room in the evening. • Before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air.
    Mild fatigue• Exercise approximately 2 hours before rest. It is not recommended to overload. • Before going to bed, meditate and do breathing exercises.
    No visual strain• Give up sitting at the computer, watching TV and playing on the phone in favor of reading a book and other relaxing and monotonous hobbies.
    Following a work-rest schedule• Get up and go to bed at the same time. • Avoid overworking beyond the prescribed norm.
    Moderate rest at lunchtime• Avoid daytime sleep lasting more than 2 hours. • Take a nap during lunch for no more than 20-30 minutes. As a last resort, you need to wake up after 1.5 hours.
    Lack of stimulants in the blood• Do not drink coffee, energy drinks or other stimulants 5-7 hours before going to bed at night. • In the evening you can drink tea or a decoction of sedative herbs.

    Healthy sleep according to Feng Shui means the correct layout of the room and the optimal choice of place for the bed. The Gua number will help with the latter. Based on the obtained figure, you can choose the best direction of the head, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the cardinal directions. It is equally important to follow the recommendations of somnologists to improve the quality of your rest.

    Harmonization of sleep according to Feng Shui

    There is a whole theory about how to properly organize a sleeping space according to Feng Shui: how to position the bed, in which direction you should lie with your head, etc.

    Sleeping area

    Adherents and followers of Feng Shui agree on the following:

    It is not advisable to place the sleeping place next to the doorway;

    No foreign objects, including bookshelves or lamps, should be placed above the bed;

    the head of the bed should be pressed against the wall.

    If sleep is torn, light, or even does not come at all, you need to try to change position, lie with your head in the other direction or move the bed to another part of the bedroom. Listen carefully to your own feelings, your body will definitely tell you the best option.

    Once, doctors conducted an experiment: several people slept on the floor. The next morning they analyzed the state before and after sleep. It turned out that the very overtired and overexcited participants in the experiment, without saying a word, lay down with their heads to the east.

    You can follow their example and spend the night on the floor, and in the morning pay attention to the direction in which you lie with your head when you wake up. Most likely, this will be what is required.

    It is recommended to listen to your own feelings, assessing your condition before sleep and after waking up. After all, there are exceptions to any rule.

    Finding out where to sleep with your head correctly

    Correct house layout

    The layout of the house should be taken seriously: the correct circulation of energy flows, and therefore the well-being of the owners, depends on how correctly the interior items are positioned.

    When choosing a room for a bedroom, you need to consider the following points:

    1. The bedroom should be located far from the entrance to the house or apartment.
    2. The room should be square or rectangular in shape.
    3. Arranging a place to sleep next to the bathroom is unacceptable.
    4. If there is no other option, it is necessary to place the sleeping place as far as possible from the wall adjacent to these rooms.
    5. The bed must have a headboard. The headboard protects against negative energies.

    The location of the bedroom in the house and the furnishings in the room

    The bedroom is located away from the entrance and kitchen. There should not be a door to the toilet opposite it. The best directions according to the cardinal directions: southwest, west and north (zones Health, Pleasure and Relatives according to Bagua), the least favorable is the southeast (Money sector). The guest bedroom is assigned to the Friends zone - in the northwestern part of the house. Walk-through rooms are not suitable, especially for adults, because A lot of energy is spent on unconscious constant monitoring of inputs.

    If the bedroom is located in a less favorable part of the house, you can calm or activate the flow of Qi as follows:

    • in the northeast, to cope with worries about children or increase fertility, paint the walls a rich color;
    • if the window faces south, pacify the flow of Qi with a light canopy.

    The main piece of furniture is the bed. There should be no ceiling beams or other structures with corners above it. The energy of the areas where they intersect is especially harmful to health. If the size of the bedroom does not allow you to place the bed differently, protect yourself from negative Sha by placing the bed along the main beams, but so that you do not have to sleep with your feet towards the window, and hang 2 bamboo flutes above it. If the bedroom has a domed ceiling, the bed is placed above its high part.

    Apart from the bed, there should not be much furniture in the bedroom. Feng Shui makes the following requirements for it:

    • The wardrobe should not be cluttered with items that have served their purpose - if you do not need this or that clothing within a year, get rid of it, because. even clean and well-packed things lead to stagnation of Qi energy;
    • bedside tables should be at the same level as the bed or slightly lower, and a bedside table with a rounded top can be high;
    • if there are exercise equipment or a workspace with a computer in the bedroom, attract Qi to this area with good lighting and place a crystal on the table.

    A good option for lighting a bedroom is a chandelier with crystal pendants, and a salt lamp as an additional source or night light. In Feng Shui, crystals are traditional talismans. They are used together with “wind chimes”. Thus, lamps with pink crystals located in the southwestern part of the bedroom and talismans with hearts will fill it with a romantic atmosphere and add tenderness to relationships. Red accessories will bring passion.

    Read more: wind chime talisman in Feng Shui

    The mirror in the bedroom is placed so that you do not see your reflection as soon as you enter the room and when you lie in bed. Mirrors negatively affect the energy of a sleeping person and cause discord in relationships, so a reflective ceiling and headboard mirrors, especially those consisting of small segments, are not suitable for the bedroom.

    According to Feng Shui, problems in intimate relationships can arise if children's toys are constantly in the spouses' bedroom - this returns a person to childhood, and it is more difficult for a man to play the role of master in the house and bed. You can activate the marriage area by hanging a large round framed mirror above the bed so that it reflects the chandelier.

    Which side of the world should you go to sleep with your head on?

    For optimal organization of sleep according to the cardinal directions, Feng Shui gives the following recommendations.


    Sleeping with your head to the west is recommended for those who are engaged in creative activities: this direction helps to unlock your inner potential. For poets, writers, musicians and artists, the Western direction is most suitable.


    The north should be chosen by those who are tired of life's upheavals and strive for peace. By positioning your bed with the head of your bed facing north, you will activate energies that will attract balance and stability into your life.

    It is recommended for spouses who often quarrel to choose the north side. Flows of energy will bring harmony to their relationship and awaken strong spiritual affection.


    Sleeping with your feet facing east is recommended for those who strive for energy and determination. The East charges with vigor, awakens internal energy, helping to overcome fear on the way to the cherished goal.


    Anyone who wants to improve their material well-being is recommended to sleep with their head facing south. However, you should not let everything take its course; you must make efforts to achieve your goal.

    Yoga recommendations

    Yogis recommend lying with your head to the north and your feet to the south. Only when the human and earthly poles coincide does the body have the opportunity to recharge with energy, gain strength and rejuvenate.

    If for some reason it is impossible to arrange the bed in this way, it should be installed with the head of the bed facing the east.

    The bed matters for a comfortable sleep

    Ancient teachings

    The question of where the head should be directed during sleep is also relevant in the modern world. It can be viewed from different points of view. Representatives of the well-known direction of Feng Shui recommend one thing, yoga and the Vedas advise another.

    Yoga recommendations

    This teaching of the East states that human bioenergy must be combined with the electromagnetic field of the planet. Such harmony is very important during night sleep. Therefore, you need to go to bed strictly north. Yogis believe that by keeping the head in the correct direction during sleep, life will improve due to contact with the Earth.

    If for some reason you cannot sleep strictly north, then a northeast direction is allowed. But one should not deviate too much from these sides, since life can point a person in the wrong direction. If you follow all the recommendations and sleep strictly along the lines, then during sleep every human cell is recharged with the energy of the entire planet.

    Where to sleep with your head according to the Vedas

    Another opinion that is also considered significant. But the theory completely refutes all the teachings about yogi sleep. According to the Vedas, it is absolutely forbidden to sleep with your head facing north. It is believed that the energy of the planet, on the contrary, will negatively affect the energy of the body. It is also undesirable to sleep in the west, as a person will gradually lose strength.

    According to the Vedas, you need to sleep east or south. The choice of direction is explained as follows - the energy of the earth will gently influence a person and feed only when it is really necessary.

    Correct sleep according to Feng Shui

    According to this teaching, it is proposed to make a special calculation to determine the direction. Feng Shui also gives quite reasonable advice. For example, sleeping and being reflected in the mirror at the same time is undesirable. This is explained by the fact that the energy of the mirror will be reflected and put pressure on the person. It is not allowed to place the bed near the window, and sleeping with your head towards it is even worse.

    One interesting piece of advice is what type of headboard a bed needs to have to achieve good things in life. For career growth, it should have a square edge, but it is better if it is wooden. A businessman will be more successful if he chooses a bed with a metal headboard for sleeping, a creative person - with a wavy one. It is not advisable to choose a bed with a triangular back, since all vitality and luck will go into space.

    Where to sleep with your head according to Vastu Shastra

    Vastu Shastra is a teaching that is based on the harmony of the entire universe, manifested in the lunar, solar and temporal effects on human physiology and mind. In this direction it is recommended:

    • you cannot sleep with your head to the north, since a person’s feet fall into the kingdom of Yama - the god of death;
    • if you rest with your head to the south, then your legs, which will be in the north, will themselves lead to wealth;
    • pointing your head to the east during sleep will bring kindness to life and spiritual growth;
    • Sleeping in a western direction contributes to the growth of material wealth.

    Vastu Tips

    Vastu is the Indian teaching on home improvement. Its roots go back centuries and has different names: Vastu-Villa, Vastu-Shastra, etc. From Sanskrit, “vastu” is translated as “house”, “room”, “place”. It is believed that peace and harmony always reign in a house furnished in accordance with the teachings of Vastu.

    Expert opinion

    Melnik Dmitry

    feng shui master

    Vastu is about attracting flows of positive energy into the house and blocking negative ones. Teaches how to organize space in such a way that each of the rooms justifies its purpose: the living room would be conducive to communication, the bedroom would be conducive to quiet rest, the dining room would be conducive to a pleasant pastime over a delicious meal.

    An ancient Indian teaching assures us that it is impossible to lay your head to the north: single-charge poles - human and earthly - collide. Followers of Vastu believe that this can result in loss of health, sleep disturbances and mental disorders.

    If you arrange the headboard in the south side, you can become successful in business.

    To improve material wealth and career advancement, the western direction is suitable.

    If you constantly lay your head in the east direction, you can grow spiritually.

    Unfavorable directions

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is categorically not recommended:

    • laying one's feet against the doorway; in China, this is how the dead are carried out of the house;
    • sleep with your head towards the window;
    • sleep in front of mirrors.

    If the recommendations seem unconvincing to you, it is best to experiment and observe how your well-being and sleep change depending on the location of your body in space. Energy is a subtle matter, so there cannot be single recipes that suit everyone in matters related to Feng Shui.

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