Feng Shui tips on how to position your bed according to the cardinal directions

» Signs » Is it possible to sleep with your feet towards the window - the meaning of the sign



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Sleeping with your feet facing the window is not a good idea, according to ancient folk wisdom. This is far from the worst possible option, but it has significant drawbacks. The window and door are exactly those places in the room from which the bed is located further away.

Where did the belief come from?

The belief that you should not sleep with your feet facing the window comes from ancient times. It was once common, but today is mentioned in passing or not considered important at all.

According to the majority, the direction towards the entrance is much more dangerous for sleep, since the dead are carried out of the house with their feet towards the door. However, during pagan times, the dead were moved precisely through a window opening or another specially cut into the wall. After the funeral, the window was closed (the hole was sealed) so that the spirit would not find its way back.

In an energetic sense, a window is not too different from a door: it is also considered a portal connecting the internal space with the external one, as well as with the mystical other world.

Unlike door shutters, it is transparent, which plays into the hands of evil spirits: it can appear, frighten and thus enter inside - through excited human emotions. In a position where the legs are directed towards the window opening, the face also looks there - the person sees everything that is happening behind the glass and at the same time is clearly visible to himself.

From a practical point of view

Our ancestors noticed long ago that there is a draft from the window, and a person is more susceptible to colds in a dream (all body systems work in energy saving mode). Especially if the bed is also in line with the door, it creates a draft. No matter how insulated the window is, strong winds can blow through it.

Of course, it is dangerous to overcool your head, but cold feet no less often lead to illness.

In addition, positioning your feet towards the window encourages you to wake up too early. If there are no thick curtains, the rising sun mercilessly awakens those sleeping. If you need to wake up at dawn, the situation is suitable, but if you want to sleep longer, the morning rays will greatly interfere.

Where and how to arrange a play area according to Feng Shui?

If the child is not yet in school, then the second important area will be the play area. In this part, it is important to create structure and order in the storage of toys, books, and office supplies. Chaos in the play area will create chaos inside the child! And if everything is orderly, has its place, and the baby himself has access and the opportunity to create this order, then his health will be much better.

It is important to ensure that the corners of cabinets and other furniture are not directed towards the bed or study area.

Games are yang energies, they activate energy, and sleep is yin energies, they calm and relax. To ensure that your child sleeps peacefully, it is not advisable to place the play area opposite the bed. It is better to place them on the same line, separate, separate or zone these two spaces so that the child does not see the toys while lying in bed.

Signs and superstitions

What does the sign promise:

  • illness or death - the belief is based on the ancient custom of carrying the dead out of the window with their feet, as well as on the potential danger of hypothermia.
  • inappropriate actions and habits of wandering “in three pines” - people say that penetrating through glass, evil spirits pull a person by the feet and lead him astray, forcing him to perform meaningless actions.
  • bad dreams and nightmares - otherworldly entities look into the window and scare you. They cause difficult and intermittent dreams, insomnia and obsessive thoughts.
  • loss of well-being - this position of the bed completely opens the sleeper and makes him vulnerable to evil beings of a subtle plane. Objectively, he is not aware of the influence, but he becomes anxious and exhausted because he loses energy at night. Along with good health, optimism and confidence, material wealth also goes away.


A well-placed bed is the key to excellent well-being. Do not rush to place it near the window or opposite the door.

It will fit into the space if it stands with its head towards the side wall from the entrance.

You can install the bed with the headboard against the wall on which the door is located.

If it is placed opposite the door, it is necessary to create an artificial partition.

A mirror placed opposite the bed, standing diagonally, also looks interesting.

If you adhere to all these rules, then you will have a sound, restful sleep, and the day will pass in a great mood.

Find out more about the assembly process for these types of beds: single, double, loft, dolphin, wooden. We also suggest you read interesting materials about whether it is possible to update this important piece of furniture in your home - strengthen or enlarge the structure, make a headboard yourself, or simply remake the sleeping area to your liking.

Yoga philosophy

Yoga followers do not attach much importance to the position of the bed in relation to the windows.

They are more concerned about the situation depending on the parts of the world. In this they are quite original, since they advise sleeping with your head to the north, northwest or northeast, believing that in this way the human body coincides with the corresponding poles of the Earth. In addition, in their opinion, the northern direction helps to increase spiritual strength.

Interestingly, Ayurveda, Vastu and Feng Shui completely disagree with this and most often recommend the south or east. The Christian religion also prefers the eastern side of the world, claiming that it promotes communication with God.

And the Indian philosopher and yogi Sadhguru clarifies: classical recommendations are not suitable for residents of the northern hemispheres; they really prefer to sleep with their heads to the east.

Favorable wallpaper color in a nursery

It is useful to use calm and muted tones, especially around the bed.

Very active, bright colors should be avoided as the main color scheme. Red, pink, scarlet greatly excite the nervous system, preventing you from calming down before bed, getting quality rest and relaxation.

The final decision on the color scheme of the children's room can be made on the basis of the personal favorable colors of the child's elements according to Ba Tzu and calculations of the flying stars of Yue-hsing.

Favorable wallpaper color for a nursery – calm and muted tones

Feng Shui teachings

Feng Shui masters do not recommend placing the bed on the window-door line. This is not due to signs, but to the too rapid flow of Qi energy. For good health and sustainable well-being, this flow must be smooth. If the size and configuration of the room do not allow any other placement, you need to at least move the sleeping sofa a little to the side.

As for directions, it is preferable to point towards the window of the foot rather than the head. The exact position is determined by the personal Gua number, after which other factors are taken into account. Ideally, the bed should be located away from both the doors and the window, and the head of the bed should rest against a strong wall.

Recommendations for choosing a bed in the Feng Shui concept

Modern specialists who study the art of arrangement (the second name of Feng Shui) skillfully adapt it to our society. Thus, on the basis of ancient teachings, recommendations are being developed for harmonizing familiar apartments, rooms, and interior items. What kind of bed should there be within the framework of this concept:

  1. The sleeping place must have a headboard, preferably a solid, rounded one.
  2. The bed should stand on legs and have free space below (i.e., solid structures without legs that block the flow of energy are undesirable).
  3. It is better to choose an adult sleeping place without sides, because they can be perceived by the brain as self-limitation: in love, career, etc.
  4. It is desirable that the size of the bed corresponds to the social status in which the person is currently located (i.e. married people should sleep together on a double bed, single people should sleep on single or semi-size beds).
  5. A mattress for a double bed must be chosen as one piece, because individual orthopedic bases symbolically separate partners and can create discord between them.
  6. A wooden bed is considered the most optimal option for a bedroom, since this material gives peace and comfort. Beautiful, ornate metal beds, according to Feng Shui, are best avoided and not used in your homes.
  7. It is important that the bed does not have any built-in elements: drawers, lamps at the head, or lighting at the feet. They destroy the peaceful energy of the tree and accumulate negative impulses, which are then adopted by the sleeping person.
  8. The color of the bed also matters. It is better to minimize blue, cyan, and other shades of water in bedroom decoration and bedding.


  • The bed can be oriented with your feet to any side of the world. The optimal position depends on how a person wants to change his life.
  • There are only a few prohibited sleeping positions: behind the door, with your feet in the door, with your head at the window and across the wall from the toilet.
  • Buy a high bed with a massive headboard, but no backrest at the feet.
  • It’s better not to use other people’s furniture and mattresses on a regular basis, but if you have to, first clean it of accumulated extraneous energy with a special ritual.
  • Decorate your bedroom in soft colors and do not clutter it with furniture.

Briefly about Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a traditional practice of organizing space, primarily for China, but also for other countries in this region. It is based on the belief that everything around us is permeated with flows of energy.

Using these threads incorrectly can lead to failures, illnesses and similar problems. If you take into account their location and organize your space correctly, you can achieve improvements in finances, health, personal life and other areas.

Mystery of sleep

As you know, about a third of our life is spent sleeping. It is not at all surprising that people are responsible about the attributes of sleep and their location. How you sleep and wake up is very important for everyone's state of mind. We all have our own daily sleep habits. Discussion of the latter, the search for interpretation in the dream book in order to understand the mysterious vision, takes place not only among superstitious people.

For most, sleep is a mystical phenomenon, a mystery, something unidentified. Dreams allow you to understand the universe and yourself in particular, and this area has been studied by esotericists for centuries. This science positions dreams in the form of astral projection. That is, the physical body of the vacationer is at rest, and the astral body travels in the intricacies of sleep, which can move around the room, look at itself from the side, and also fly. Exit to the beyond is the name of such an action.

There are many special techniques through which you can manage and control your own astral body. In order to know themselves, many people pay special attention to the environment in the room where they sleep and relax.

Head forward or feet towards the door - how to sleep correctly?

According to popular beliefs, you cannot rest your head towards the exit: dark forces will penetrate the brain and take over the mind. A person will experience nightmares and mental disorders.

Feng Shui experts say that if the bed is facing the exit, it should have a high back so that there is no loss of energy.

There are no scientific arguments about whether you should sleep with your feet or head towards the door. The decisive arguments, as a rule, are signs and internal sensations. People who do not take superstitions seriously sleep quite peacefully with their feet and head towards the door - without nightmares or health problems.

Much in our life depends on what we believe. The main thing is to place the bed so that resting on it is truly comfortable - both physically and emotionally.

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