How to place a house on a plot: by area, by shape, by cardinal directions

The optimal location of the building relative to the cardinal directions makes it much easier to control the temperature in the rooms throughout the year. In addition, proper building orientation helps reduce energy costs.

The house should be planned so that the sun and shadow are allies all year round and at any time of the day. How can this be achieved? Not everyone comes across the perfect plot of land, but on every plot of land you can build the perfect house.

The location of the house on the cardinal points on the site needs to be considered at the site selection stage. The ideal site is on the southern slope of a small hill. The correct location of the premises in the building will help to implement an entrance from the north side. The size of the land plot is of considerable importance. The larger it is, the easier it is to position buildings correctly. An energy-efficient house can be built on a small plot of land, but it is more difficult to plan the optimal location.

The rhythm of the day, the daily habits of the family are very individual characteristics. It is difficult to find uniform rules to which they can be subjected. A universal scheme - a house with a street to the north and a garden to the south - will not suit everyone. In the article, we will refrain from simple formulations and rules, but will describe different options that help facilitate the selection of a plot of land, a finished project, and the choice of the location of rooms.

General information

A plot for housing construction (IHC) is a plot of land purchased for personal purposes. Building regulations allow not only recreation and cultivation of crops there, but also construction of residential and commercial buildings.

The status of the main house can be different (this is directly affected by the type of land):

  • Individual house.
  • Garden house (cottage).
  • Country house.

According to the norms for the development of land plots, each of the above varieties falls under the concept of “manor house”. You cannot build them wherever you want: the location of the main and auxiliary facilities is strictly regulated by SNiP.

Distance to various objects on the site

When developing a site development plan, you should be guided by the minimum permitted distances from the home to other buildings:

  1. Economic facilities and places where livestock, poultry and animals are kept - 15 m.
  2. Compost pit, country closet, garbage bin - 15 m.
  3. Filtration well with a productivity of 1 m³/day – 8 m.
  4. Filtration well with productivity up to 3 m³/day – 10 m.
  5. Septic tank with productivity up to 1 m³/day – 5 m.
  6. Septic tank with productivity up to 3 m³/day – 8 m.

As for the summer shower, it falls within the standards for a septic tank.

Minimum distances between various objects on the site

When determining the distance between the main house and various sources of pollution, specific factors are taken into account (the presence of noise, electromagnetic vibrations, vibration, radiation, unpleasant odors, etc.). There are special regulations for each situation.

Sequence (stages) of the section

Before starting the procedure, you should understand whether there is a possibility of its fragmentation. For these purposes, it is necessary to carry out an examination that will confirm or not confirm these possibilities.

The examination will also answer another question – whether the structure meets absolutely all technological conditions. In addition, in the final decision, at the request of the co-owners, the specialist has the right to add information about the actual price, redevelopment alternatives available for this property, and the costs of these types of work.

After approval of the examination, the owners are required to obtain permission for redevelopment. This can be done at local governments.

Owners will then be able to apply one of the alternatives:

  • Allocation of shares;
  • Dividing the house into 2 buildings.

This is only possible when divided into separate rooms with a separate entrance.

Distance to objects in the neighboring area

You should also take into account the distance of elements of the neighboring area specified by the rules:

  1. Country house – 3 m.
  2. Auxiliary buildings – 1 m.
  3. Barn, pigsty, chicken coop - 4 m.
  4. Tall trees - 3 m.
  5. Trees are of average height – 2 m.
  6. Bushes - 1 m.

Minimum distance between objects in adjacent areas

These standards apply to facilities in each of the neighboring areas.

Distance between two residential buildings

The distance from a residential building to a similar structure on a neighboring site is regulated by separate fire safety standards, and depends on the fire safety class.

There are three such classes in total:

  1. A (concrete, stone, reinforced concrete and other houses made of non-combustible materials).
  2. B (dwellings made of non-combustible materials, where wood treated with fire retardants is used as flooring or finishing).
  3. C (wooden or frame houses).

When determining the distance (it can be from 6 to 15 m) between residential buildings on neighboring plots, their class is taken into account. Two stone cottages must be separated from each other at a distance of at least 6 m. The distance between a stone and wooden dwelling should be increased to 8 m. Fire safety standards require the greatest distance for two wooden houses: there must be at least 15 m between them.

Minimum distance between different types of residential buildings

We look at videos and photos of neighbors

If there are people and the Internet around the house you are interested in, then probably the interiors of the entrances and panoramas of the courtyards have appeared on social networks. Here are three services that display images on the map with links to the pages of their authors:

Instagram/Flickr/Twitter — Photos from VK — Video on YouTube —

"Red line"

In construction, the red line is the boundary separating roads, driveways, highways and other public facilities from the house. As the rules say, the street boundary should be 5 m away from the home, and the driveway should be 3 m away.

Location of the “Red Line” a - residential building, b - red line (fence line of the site), c - outbuilding.

Location of the house by cardinal directions

Having decided on the location of the house, it is necessary to correctly orient it in space: this will allow you to fill the home with natural light as much as possible, significantly saving costs on lighting and heating. As you know, the sun shines more intensely from some directions, and less intensely from others. In addition, the prevailing wind rose in this area is also taken into account. Despite the fact that each region has its own specifics, there are average statistics for the country. According to it, the western, northern, and northwestern directions are considered the most unfavorable: most often cold and gusty winds blow from there.

Ideally, the orientation of the home according to the cardinal directions looks like this:

  • North side. A place to accommodate various technical and utility rooms and non-residential areas. If the house design has a built-in garage, then it is best to plan it on the north side. It is also possible to locate a boiler room, storage room (it can be heated or unheated) and a toilet without natural light. Since the northern wall is almost not illuminated and is not heated by the sun, it is usually made completely blank (without windows).
  • Northeast side. An excellent option for the location of the entrance (porch, door, vestibule). In the dwelling itself along this side, heated premises for utility purposes are usually planned - laundries, workshops, tool rooms. Quite often the kitchen and bathroom face northeast.
  • East side. The most favorable side, along with the south. It is suitable for most general purpose premises. If sports facilities (swimming pool, gym) are planned in the house, then it is recommended to place them in the eastern direction. There are also bedrooms for people with an active lifestyle who love physical work and getting up early. It is also convenient to plan a dressing room on the east side.
  • Southeast side. An ideal option for placing a kitchen: it can be designed as a separate room, or combined with a dining room. Breakfast in the early sun has a very beneficial effect on appetite. This same wing is the most suitable place for placing offices and bedrooms for people with a creative character, as well as workers in mental professions. If there is a guest room, it is also recommended to place it on the southeast side.
  • South side. A place for common areas where all family members are most often present. In the standard list, this applies to the living room, dining room, and children's room. If we are talking about a large house with additional rooms, then the southern wall is the optimal location for the winter garden, music and games room. If there is a terrace in the project, it is best to attach it from the south.
  • West side. This direction, along with the north, is considered the most unfavorable. However, they can only be present here in non-residential premises. From a practical point of view, it is best to place a storage room, hallway and staircase on the west wall. When planning a toilet, it is better to design it with a window, but you need to prepare for the fact that it will be quite cool.

An example of the orientation of a house and its premises according to the cardinal directions

Along with generally accepted standards, each home owner also has his own personal preferences. Therefore, the orientation of the house according to the cardinal directions can be influenced by the habits of the owners and the family’s lifestyle. For example, not every housewife likes a kitchen flooded with sunlight: during prolonged cooking, this can become a serious drawback. To ensure that the air already heated by a stove or oven is also heated by the sun's rays, it is sometimes more advisable to place the kitchen in the north or northeast.


In conclusion, we can say that the correct placement of the house regarding the cardinal directions will have a beneficial effect on the life and well-being of the building and the people living in it.

According to the centuries-old experience of house builders, which include the Slavs. History knows both majestic buildings and classic huts, once built by the Slavs. All these structures were erected with orientation towards the cardinal directions. Perhaps our ancestors were much wiser and had more knowledge than modern people.

Another important aspect is that: windows, rooms, corridors, utility rooms were placed in a certain combination with orientation to the cardinal directions for more comfortable practical use.

Well, the most important positive effect of such a house orientation is significant savings in money, materials, energy and fuel for the long period of operation of a residential building.

Location of the house depending on the area of ​​the plot

The size of the land area is a serious factor that requires taking into account the location of the house in the planning.

Location of the house on a plot of 6 acres

It’s a very small area, so you have to try a lot to squeeze all the important objects into it.

Typically, any site, regardless of its size, consists of three zones:

  1. House and outbuildings.
  2. Garden Garden.
  3. A place to relax.

The house is the most important element of the site, so first of all it is necessary to determine its location. If the lion's share of a small area will be occupied by a garden and a vegetable garden, then the most suitable place for a cottage will be the northern part of the site, directly next to the fence. This will protect the planted plants from shade and cold northern winds. If the land was purchased for recreation, then any place is suitable for housing: the main thing is to achieve harmony and comfort.

Examples of the location of houses on small plots (click on the image to enlarge):

How to arrange houses on a plot of 10 acres

Such land plots are found most often. Thanks to their larger area, there is room for a spacious cottage, bathhouse, garden, vegetable garden, gazebo, playground and modest pond. If everything is planned rationally, there is also room for a guest house and a summer kitchen. The best option for a house for a plot of 10 acres is a 10x10 building, located, as in the previous case, on the north side of the territory. This allows you to achieve the best lighting for the gardening area, providing it with protection from cold northern winds.

This is what plots of 10 acres look like

Along with the classic (geometric) layout, the plot area of ​​10 acres allows the use of other, more non-standard options. Lovers of privacy and solitude will like the option of placing a home in the middle of the garden. In this case, the starting point for its orientation is not the axis of the site, but directly the cardinal directions. A gravel driveway can be laid to the roadway from the house. A separate pedestrian path will also be required.

Examples of the location of houses on middle plots (click on the image to enlarge):

How to locate a house on a plot of 20 acres

Such a vast territory removes any restrictions on the implementation of design ideas and the placement of various auxiliary buildings. At the same time, it is important to achieve competent and rational placement of all elements in order to make the territory harmonious, functional and easy to use. As for the suitable landscape style, for plots of 15 acres or more, the so-called. "picturesque" style. It is characterized by the presence of smooth winding lines, asymmetrical placement of elements, and widespread use of decor (forged parts, lanterns, bridges, flower beds, etc.).

This is what a plot of 20 acres looks like

Eco-style, which preserves the almost original appearance of the area, is also very popular in the design of large areas. This approach will require only slight adjustments to the existing natural data, without significant investment. The chosen landscape design style will directly influence the location of the residential building. Along with the classic location (northern part of the site), the vastness of the territory allows the use of other schemes. In any case, it is advisable to choose the highest point of the area for the house, equipping it with a second exit to the backyard.

Examples of the location of houses on large plots (click on the image to enlarge):

General building codes

On a summer cottage or garden plot, you can build any household items. structures, if they do not violate the standards associated with placement. The restrictions only concern the ban on the construction of facilities for keeping animals or the regulation of their number in the territory allocated for the garden.

Min. The area of ​​any plot must be equal to six acres. The optimal type of plot size is eight or twelve acres. In such an area you can place all the necessary buildings. Their construction must comply with all rules related to development, which are specified in SNiP, SNT, SP and (Federal Law No. 66 of April 15, 1998). There are quite a lot of rules and requirements. Let's divide them into 4 groups:

  1. Location of buildings in relation to the city infrastructure.
  2. Compliance with sanitary and household recommendations during the construction of various structures and buildings is mandatory.
  3. Organization of construction work and fire safety accounting.
  4. Planning the arrangement of the internal infrastructure of the site, taking into account safety and convenience.

The above norms are very important and cannot be ignored. It’s worth remembering about them so as not to get a fine.

Influence of plot shape

In addition to the area of ​​the building area, the location of the main house is largely influenced by its shape.

How to locate a house on a narrow plot

It is most difficult with elongated sections, because... such a configuration greatly limits architectural and design thought. On many positions it is necessary to compromise, starting from the specific state of affairs. Zoning a narrow territory encounters significant difficulties, and ready-made standard designs for suitable housing are extremely rare. When determining the location for a house, in this case, the relief and orientation of the territory are taken into account.

Examples of planning a narrow plot of land

As a rule, a cottage on an elongated area is located so that its pediment faces the street. If the plot of land is adjacent to a central noisy road, the dwelling is moved deeper into a quieter sector. The third option for placing a house on a narrow plot is one of the sides (where there is the most shade). This allows for rational exploitation of the territory, expanding the space in front of the estate and bringing all other objects closer.

Layout of a narrow plot of land

How to place a house on a rectangular plot

The most convenient form of territory for construction. The location of the house in this case is designed depending on the preferences of the owners and the features of the landscape. If the site is located on a southern slope, it is best to place the house at the highest point. On the eastern or western slope, they try to move the dwelling closer to the north side, also choosing the highest place for this. The slope to the north is considered the most inconvenient: in this case, the most optimal place to place the house would be the western border, or the middle of the slope (for this you have to use bedding). Smooth rectangular plots, depending on their size, can be designed traditionally (a house on the north side) or with the housing shifted deeper into the territory.

Examples of planning rectangular plots

Location of the house on a corner plot

The most difficult situation for solving the problem of where to locate the house. Additional difficulties arise when the home has a typical rectangular or square shape. The best option for placing such a building is along the axis of the territory, or with some offset along the axis. A more optimal approach is to design a cottage based on the specific situation on the site. In addition, a corner plot of land usually has two-way street traffic. This intersection of streets has a direct impact on the location of objects on the site, limiting the choice of location for a house.

Examples of layout of corner areas (click on the image to enlarge):


The location of the house relative to the cardinal directions. How to do it right? What is required for this? This problem faces any person who has started building a house in the private sector or a summer cottage. The orientation of the building under construction regarding the cardinal directions is rooted in the traditions of our ancestors. In addition to the location of the structure with an axis to the north and south, it is also necessary to take into account the level of humidity and the direction of the underlying wind flows.

The correct location of the house allows you to create comfortable conditions for living in the future, which is why it is so important to take this factor into account during construction.

Feng Shui house location

Recently, when planning the location of a house on a site, the eastern teachings of Feng Shui have been used, taking into account the presence or absence of positive or negative energies at a person’s place of residence. In the process of research, energy flows emerging from the bowels of the earth to the surface are analyzed. It is of great importance whether there are faults in the earth’s crust in the area, and what kind of radiation comes from these formations.

An example of a site located according to Feng Shui: smooth curves, rounded shapes, water elements

Although our country is Orthodox, there is a certain soundness in the feng shui advice:

  • Don't build a house on top of a mountain. It is not recommended to choose the upper part of the slope to place the house. There is a completely logical explanation for this, because... This place is blown by strong winds and lacks shade.
  • Give preference to traditional site forms. It is better not to choose other options: if the acquired territory has an irregular configuration, it is advisable to break it up into more than several sectors of the usual shape.
  • Avoid proximity to places that have negative energy. It is not recommended to build a home near a cemetery, highway, hospital, old ruins, prison, etc. You should also move away from industrial and polluted areas.

What buildings do not need to be registered?

Non-permanent structures need not be registered. The Civil Code of Russia does not have a clear description of a non-permanent structure, but several of its characteristic features can be listed. A construction can be recognized as non-permanent if:

  • it can be transported or moved to another place without any consequences in the form of deformation or destruction;
  • it is of a temporary or seasonal nature, that is, you can live in it only in the summer;
  • it does not have a solid foundation structure that securely holds it.

The presence of these points does not always indicate that the structure is considered a non-capital construction project. Sometimes a construction inspection is required, but this procedure costs money.


The issue of proper placement of the house should be approached with all seriousness. There have been cases when it was necessary to rebuild or displace an already constructed building due to violations of fire or sanitary regulations. It is most convenient to deal with rectangular plots of land with an area of ​​10-15 acres, located on flat terrain. Almost any standard housing project is suitable for them, and there are almost no problems with placing a cottage.

How to place a house on a plot: by area, by shape, by cardinal directions

dacha House garden construction Plot

Sunny south, dark north

The optimal location of the building allows for maximum use of solar energy, obtaining additional heat and light.
It is important to correctly position the windows on the cardinal points. The south side is better lit; here it is worth planning the placement of the largest glazing area. It is advisable to arrange a living room on the south side. We must remember: the sun, which warms pleasantly in winter, becomes a burdensome factor in summer.

The problem is easy to cope with using blinds and roller shutters. The latter have the additional advantage of protecting the house from heat loss in winter. A similar effect can also be achieved by planting deciduous trees near the house, which in the summer shade the windows, and in the winter, when they lose their leaves, they open up the building. In turn, the northern side of the house can be covered with evergreen plantings, which will create a barrier from the cool wind and protect the building from excessive heat loss.

You should also pay attention to the correct design of the roof - in summer it should not overheat. Roof areas should be laid out on a slope that will provide a greater angle of incidence of sunlight in winter, and the smallest possible angle in summer.

The northern part of the house receives the least amount of solar insolation, therefore, on this side, it is better to limit the number and size of windows. In addition, on this side it is worth investing in windows with increased thermal insulation, which guarantees minimal heat loss. An advantageous solution is to position the building so that the large wall is on the east-west line, representing an effective heat storage. As a result, we will save on lighting and heating.

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