Favorable days according to Feng Shui: how to determine a lucky date

» Feng Shui » Favorable days according to Feng Shui



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The teaching of Feng Shui helps to harmonize various areas of human life. The Chinese calendar helps determine favorable days according to Feng Shui.

Favorable days according to feng shui

Solar calendar

In Feng Shui, time is perceived as energy, because, according to Eastern philosophy, everything in the world is the embodiment of Qi energy, which combines two opposite, equivalent energies - Yin and Yang.

Yin is feminine, cold, dark, while Yang is masculine, hot and light. These energies, when interacting, form a balance.

The Sun completely controls the manifestations of each opposite. And the strength of the influence of energies on each other depends on where the Sun is located.

Elemental influence

In Feng Shui philosophy, it is believed that the entire world around us consists of the following five elements or elements:

  • tree;
  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • water.

Each year is associated with one of them, and each element can manifest itself through the masculine or feminine principle. The years follow each other in the same order as the elements.

With this knowledge, you can determine how the energy component of the Earth will change in a certain year or time of year. This helps in choosing favorable days and dates for working in agriculture.

Choosing a favorable date

Using a Feng Shui calendar, you can schedule the following events:

  • business deal;
  • wedding;
  • holiday with family;
  • choosing new housing;
  • study.

Depending on which element and energy corresponds to the day, 12 types of days are determined, and each of them has its own purpose.

By days

We choose days depending on the elements

  1. The first type is the day of Establishment. The day is suitable for any endeavor in work or study. All negotiations, interviews, exams will have a positive result. It is also recommended to spend this day with your loved ones. There is no need to do repairs or organizational work.
  2. On the Day of Deliverance, you should say goodbye to unloved things, unnecessary things, and break contacts with people who bring negativity into a person’s life.
  3. On the Day of Filling, it is good to resolve issues related to finances. There is no need to resolve your legal and property matters.
  4. The Day of Balance is ideal for starting travel, plowing the land, creative endeavors, weddings and other special occasions. An attempt to resolve conflicts on this day may not be successful.
  5. Another type is the day of Stability. On this day you need to put aside your affairs, spend time with your family outdoors or at home, rest and relax.
  6. On the day of Retention, minor domestic problems and quarrels with family are possible. You should not attend noisy events or organize parties.
  7. Any undertaking on the day of Destruction will have negative consequences, be it a simple purchase or the signing of an important contract. It is advisable to devote several hours to therapeutic procedures.
  8. Danger Day is a time when it is better to postpone extreme sports or hiking. After the day of Destruction, Qi energy needs to be restored. This type of day is ideal for helping those in need and engaging in spiritual practices.
  9. Success Day rewards a person for the difficulties he has endured and helps in absolutely any endeavor: business, family affairs, creativity, travel, and so on. It is one of the most favorable days.
  10. On Acceptance Day, you should take care of your debts. It is not recommended to visit hospitals. This is the time to be active and successful in many things.
  11. The penultimate type is Opening Day. It is suitable for any events and presentations, outdoor activities with friends and the like.
  12. The final day of the cycle is the Closing day. A time of calm, suitable for summing up the work done.

You can determine what type a particular day belongs to using the Chinese calendar.

Features of Feng Shui technology

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According to the Chinese horoscope, all people are divided according to their personality characteristics, which are presented as a combination of 8 hieroglyphs. Moreover, for all hieroglyphs there is a correspondence in the form of a specific animal sign and one of the elements.

It turns out that each person is a unique combination that combines 5 elements in certain proportions. And due to the interplay of these combinations, there are such strong differences between people, and because of this, their fates are so different.

In this case, it is also possible to divide each of the time periods (year, month, day or specific date) into eight hieroglyphs. All elements act differently on each other (one can weaken the effect of the second element or enter into dissonance with it), as a result of which all time intervals have a different effect on a person.

For example, a person born in the year of the Dog can use the positive influences of the year of the Tiger, because the Tiger and the Dog are harmonious signs. As for the Monkeys, on the contrary, they may experience difficulties, since for them the Tiger is the main antagonist. People born in the year of the Monkey can worsen their situation if they start an important business on the day or month patronized by the Tiger.

Of course, this is a fairly simplified technique that explains how time affects a person. Today, there are various special techniques that can be used to predict future events. But this is quite enough to realize how important this forecast is.

In addition to personal techniques, many methods and formulas are also known that will allow you to create a general description of each day. At the same time, it is possible to assess how favorable one or another of the periods of time is to carry out certain events.

Lunar Chinese calendar

Lunar day is the time from sunrise to sunset of the Moon. The month begins with the appearance of the young Moon and lasts during the change of lunar phases. The Chinese calendar year, like the European one, consists of 12 months, but they do not have names. In the Feng Shui calendar, January is the first month, February is the second month, and so on. The whole year lasts 354 days.

The moon has a huge influence on natural phenomena on Earth and on human life. Therefore, when choosing an important date, people often turn to the Chinese lunar calendar according to Feng Shui.

Choosing a favorable date

Most often, the solar calendar is used to select favorable dates, but there are traditions associated with the lunar calendar according to Feng Shui.

  1. During the waxing moon, it is good to start a business and resolve your financial issues. This time is also suitable for haircuts.
  2. During the days of the waning moon, it is worth getting rid of any negativity from the past.
  3. The 9th and 29th of the lunar cycle have special destructive energy; on such days it is better not to plan anything.
  4. You should not plan important events on the days of lunar eclipses, because the energy during this period is too strong and cannot be kept under control.

Basic techniques

There is a technique called “12 Indicators of Luck”. It is used to create a Feng Shui calendar and helps determine the favorable period of time for various events.

This method is considered one of the most important when creating a general forecast. According to the indicators of good luck, there are some days when any planned endeavor is doomed to failure, while others are perfect for almost all undertakings. On some days it will be best to do something that involves development, a high probability of success and rapid growth, and on other days it will be better to do something that implies stability and long-term.

It is worth studying in more detail the 28 constellations technique used in creating a Feng Shui calendar. It's called "28 Lunar Stations". This method is considered standard. It is used when choosing the best moment for a certain significant event and is a fairly ancient technique. This technique is used not only in the Chinese horoscope, but also when planning significant events and tasks that are aimed at the long term, for example, for many years and even decades. For events of medium importance, such lunar stops are usually not taken into account.

Another fairly powerful technique is called Xuan Kong Da Gua. It is based on the relationship between time, space and man. For this technique to be successful, it must be applied with the person's Gua in mind.

Hour of the Goat (13:00-15:00)

The best qualities of the Goat will appear if you surround it with care. Therefore, do not frighten her by being too straightforward, but do not be afraid to take the initiative. To achieve your goal, you will need to prove your reliability. Be an attentive listener, but don't be too frank. Some people may use this against you.

If you correctly create your daily routine, taking into account the characteristics of the human body, then this will undoubtedly bring him considerable benefit. It is not necessary to schedule your day strictly by hours and minutes, as this will depress you and give you a feeling of discomfort and predestination. It will be very good if there is a little creativity and a touch of chaos in your regime. The main thing is that everything is fun.

Important points

  1. In Feng Shui forecasting, the category of large-scale and significant affairs includes events of a similar nature: marriage, starting a business, concluding important long-term agreements, changing place of residence, changing work or changing one’s position, the need to carry out operations, purchasing significant property (real estate, car ).
  2. It is important, when you make a forecast and plan upcoming events, to pay attention not only to the animals of the year you were born, but also to the animals of the day (for this purpose, use a special Ba Tzu calculator). Remember that the animal of the day has a greater impact on the personal sphere, the characteristics of relationships in the family, as well as with relatives, and the animal of the year is associated with the social sphere of life, external life, and career.
  3. In forecasting, it is necessary to indicate the time of the onset of the lunar day in accordance with a specific time zone.

What will the owner of the year bring to your life?

The time of the balanced White Metal Ox is gradually coming to an end. Already on February 1, 2022, he will vacate the throne, and the Black Water Tiger , with a hot and unrestrained disposition, but with a kind and soft heart, will ascend to the place of ruler. According to Feng Shui, 2022 will be filled with contradictions - periods of prosperity and calm will be replaced by unexpected news. Knowing his habits and behavioral characteristics will help you protect yourself from the Tiger’s anger.

So, the Tiger is distinguished by the following qualities:

  • Courage and bravery.
  • Self-love, even to the point of narcissism.
  • Initiative and determination.
  • Emotionality, ability to make spontaneous decisions.
  • Lack of doubt and unpredictable behavior.

Making friends with the Tiger will not be easy - you will have to make a lot of effort to earn his trust. However, having felt humility and respect, the patron of the year will give you his protection and will protect you from enemies. This is a fair and caring ruler.

Choosing gifts for 2022 according to Feng Shui

Practicality is the first condition when choosing gifts. Don't skimp on useful things - choose gifts that are not just pleasing to the eye, but also have practical value. Here are some examples of the “right” gifts: clothing and textiles, educational games, mobile equipment, accessories.

A few more rules for choosing Feng Shui gifts in 2022:

  • Feel free to give figurines and images of a tiger - this is a kind and friendly sign.
  • If you want to give jewelry, opt for items made of white metal - silver, platinum or white gold.
  • It is advisable to wrap gifts in shiny silver or golden paper.

When going on a visit, take a few tangerines with you. Wrap each fruit in gold or white foil and hand two fruits to each of the hosts. This good tradition originated in China; it helps to attract wealth to both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

Hour of the Rabbit (5:00-7:00)

The gentle and sensual Rabbit does not accept rudeness. To achieve your goal, choose the carrot method, charm and captivate. Just don’t put it off until later, don’t be lazy and don’t be selfish. It's better to wake up gradually. This does not mean that you need to set your alarm clock to sleep for “five more minutes.” You need to get up and start doing the necessary things, but it is advisable not to immediately engage “fifth gear”.

The daily routine should not be treated as some kind of strict schedule, since it does not imply a minute-by-minute schedule, where it is not necessary to follow all the points. These are rather recommendations that help us plan our personal time. If you constantly adhere to a certain daily routine, this will also have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

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