Butterfly effect: jewelry that will bring magic into your life

butterfly, moth Greek
. ψυχή - “soul”, “butterfly”
. butterfly ————

Insect of the order Lepidoptera of the family Papilio.

In many cultures, it symbolizes both the ability to transform and beauty, as well as the transitory nature of joy and life.

As a symbol of the soul, it is found in Zaire, Central Asia, Mexico, New Zealand, and among the Maori.

There are numerous signs and superstitions that connect butterflies, especially night ones, with the souls of the dead. The most striking example of this is the death's head butterfly.

The cycle of its development is of greatest importance for the symbolism of the butterfly:

  • gluttonous worldly caterpillar - life;
  • a dark pupa that survived the winter - death;
  • a carefree and carefree butterfly (Which does not eat or drink and whose purpose is only love) - rebirth, flight of the soul.

Connects symbolism:

  • death (doll swaddled in a shroud),
  • cyclicality and immortality (rebirth) of life.

Perhaps the practice of mummification in Dr. Egypt had as its model the metamorphosis of insects.

“The miracle of states transforming one into another, this miracle of the transformation of a sluggish caterpillar, a stupid pupa, into a tenderly beautiful butterfly, deeply touched a person, became for him a semblance of his own spiritual transformations, gave him the hope that someday he would get off the ground and will rise into the light-illuminated spheres of eternity.” E. Eppley

Currently, it is a metaphor for frivolity and frivolity, a cheerful and carefree perception and lifestyle, or beauty, often empty and seductive. Compare: “one-day butterfly”, flutter like a butterfly.”

In a number of graphic emblems and pictograms, it indicates art, multicolor, and is often associated with children's creativity.

———— An insect that in many cultures symbolizes, on the one hand, the ability to transform and beauty, and on the other, the transitory nature of joy. For this reason, the butterfly was also depicted on old gravestones (see Death symbols). As its Greek name, psyche, indicates, the butterfly, like the bird, is a “animate being.” In popular belief, an insect associated with the other world is the embodiment of the soul. Another facet of butterfly symbolism is based on their metamorphosis. Like an egg, a butterfly's pupa is seen as a container of potential existence (life), and the emergence of an adult insect from it is a symbol of resurrection, birth or liberation from the grave. The myth of Psyche, depicted with the wings of a butterfly, appeals precisely to this aspect in the symbolism of the butterfly.

Basic values:

  • lightness, inconstancy - a moth in the West;
  • soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, renewal and immortality;
  • something sublime;
  • one of the forms of Psyche.


  • 1 Basic values:
  • 2 Africa
  • 3 Antiquity
  • 4 Northern tradition
  • 5 Slavs
  • 6 Central Asia
  • 7 China
  • 8 Japan
  • 9 Mesoamerica
  • 10 Gnosticism
  • 11 Christianity
  • 12 Emblems
  • 13 Psychology
  • 14 Art
  • 15 Literature
  • 16 Illustrations
  • 17 Notes and comments

See also:

Insects Moth Psyche Xochipili Itzpapalotl Ora Zephyr Hypnos Somnus Soul Cocoon Pupa Caterpillar Labrys Bird Fly Fire Death symbols Witch Plum Number 70 Fire

What is so attractive about the black butterfly of loneliness?

Some people associate black butterflies with a symbol of possible trouble, loneliness, death, but what other meaning can be seen in it...

The topic of loneliness is very frightening and disturbing. It seems that this butterfly is a harbinger of something bad, this is the end, death. This butterfly is alone, as if it doesn’t need anyone, it just exists and that’s all. There is a flower on which she sits, there is her desire to live. She is not fast and is in no hurry. She just sits and sometimes flaps her wings. But it just seems that she is a symbol of something unpleasant. In fact, this butterfly is one of the most interesting and significant in a person’s life.

When a person is alone, it seems to him that it is scary to be alone. A lot of anxiety arises before this state, a lot of thoughts and worries that something will end, die, leave, and there will be no one else around. But in fact, in this “dark butterfly”, in a state of loneliness, there is a lot of resource and potential, however, this is hidden from the eyes of the common person. When a person enters this state, recognizes that this dark butterfly is part of his personality and an important part of life, only then can he find out what is hidden and what is in this state.

The state of loneliness is considered from different angles. You can be alone with yourself, not hear or notice your desires. It is possible to be lonely from other people, the so-called “social loneliness”, when a person cannot meet, be with, and communicate with others. And there is existential loneliness - something similar to experiencing oneself as a small grain of sand, a small person in this world, not attaching importance to oneself as an important component of this world.

These experiences are unbearable for many, because if you leave everything and everyone, you will have to face yourself. And this is oh, how difficult it is... Most often, we do not know how to communicate with ourselves, how we can interest ourselves, how we can arrange a conversation, how we can share important experiences with ourselves. It’s easier to find someone outside, tell someone else, amuse yourself with external events, people... After all, we are often afraid to penetrate into ourselves because we are afraid to discover emptiness.

What's behind this emptiness? Who's there? What if there is nothing valuable? So maybe it’s better to hide behind external attributes, statuses, roles, the emptiness is not so noticeable... Yes, for a while it saves. A “beautiful dress” and a “suit” can cover up gaps and shortcomings, but when you have to be alone with yourself, a “dress” doesn’t really help...

However, like the dark butterfly, it frightens from a distance, and if you look closely at it, you will notice how its wings shimmer with different colors of the rainbow. She becomes beautiful, captivating, and attention-grabbing. I want to look at her and admire her. The same is true for our state of loneliness: if we truly enter into it, sensing and feeling how it fills our inner state, then we will be able to discover how much there is in us.

Loneliness (when taken in parts, this word means "alone" plus "-ness" - the meaning of the state) means "to be in a state of one." One is already a whole, separate, significant, individual. It is in one thing that the potential of the whole lies. The main thing is to accept, acknowledge and see.

In a state of one, or rather, being in a state of loneliness, you can discover not only various inherent opportunities and potentials, but also find support and solidity.

In solitude we can truly get closer to ourselves, discover who we are, what we want and what is in us. It is within us that we have all the resources that help us move through life, include us in life, give us confidence, calmness and bring a state of harmony.

Only when there is silence around can we hear the subtle voice of our soul. When we are with ourselves, we can notice how individual, unique and special we are. We are born alone and die in a state of loneliness. Despite the fact that we may be surrounded by a very different number of people, the closest person to us is ourselves. Why then are we so eager to forget about ourselves and connect ourselves with someone? Why are we trying to look for a soul mate when we are already whole...

Of course, thanks to communication with people, we, like a diamond, create our own facets, begin to play differently, shimmer, and as a result we acquire new sides of ourselves. However, all the charms are already inherent in us and it is worth recognizing this.

How often, when we meet different people, we single out those who are special, unique, and unique. We like people with a twist, with an inner basis, with special exclusivity, difference. And a person can learn all this about himself and see if he can immerse himself in himself for some time.

Some people go into a state of loneliness on purpose. To find yourself there, fill yourself with strength and resources, and go out to people refreshed again. The desire to be with yourself, to do only what is very dear and dear to your heart, is a resource state. True, in order to receive all the bonuses of this state, you need to voluntarily and with pleasure immerse yourself in solitude.

Do not be afraid to enter into it, it is a wonderful state, but only for those who can truly immerse themselves in it and grasp all the delights. Being with yourself is a great achievement for an individual. After all, circling next to him and being afraid, you will increasingly experience yourself as separate both from yourself and from other people. Courage to you!

Tags: introspection, personal psychology, self-knowledge, loneliness, experiences


Due to its similarity to the shape of the labrys, the butterfly is one of the symbols of the Great Goddess, who contains “all previous incarnations and hopes of future generations.”

According to the general opinion of classical antiquity, the soul leaves the body in the form of a butterfly. Emerging from a cocoon, the butterfly is a symbol of the soul being released from the body at the moment of death. It is often associated with the deceased himself[2].

Aristotle points to its (like that of a bird) “animation”[3].

The myth of Psyche freed from death for delighting Zeus with the power of her love for Cupid is widely known. In Pompeian frescoes, Psyche is depicted as a young girl (or girl) with butterfly wings[4]. As the personification of the soul, the breath, Psyche often appears as a butterfly flying out of a funeral pyre. Perhaps these emblems go back to those common in the 3rd-1st centuries. BC e. gems with the plot of catching a Psyche butterfly while holding a burning torch by Cupid.

Moths (moths) serve as a symbol of secret wisdom hidden in darkness (ignorance).

The stages of butterfly development correspond to the stages of initiation (dedication):

  • from egg to larva - an ignorant, helpless, “still dead” person;
  • from the larva to the pupa (the tomb of the mysteries) - a searching and reflective person;
  • from the pupa to the adult, the evolved, perfected and enlightened soul of the initiate leaving the grave of its original nature.

DIY methods

A talisman, in which a piece of the soul is embedded, will reliably protect the owner. The right time to work is when the moon is in its waning phase. You need to think about how many butterflies there will be, create or choose a sketch, and choose a color. The most favorable are pink, golden, green, blue, red, silver tones and their combinations.

When making a magic item, you can use different materials. It is important to be in a good mood and focus on what excites you. Then you need to mentally ask the universe for love, prosperity, a reliable life partner, and the birth of offspring. At the same time, the artifact is filled with power.

Images of butterflies can be cut out of paper, embroidered on a towel or neckerchief, drawn, or decorated as a pillow. A simple amulet can be easily made using a church candle, asking for its support. Light the wick and drip wax onto the cardboard or plastic, giving it the shape of a butterfly. When the material has hardened, unfasten it, charge it and wrap it in a piece of fabric. It is recommended to carry it with you to attract the blessings of life.

Various materials are used to make butterflies.

Materials used in the work

To create a symbol use:

  1. Metal . Figurines made from this material bring vivid emotions and passion to life. Amulets can be decorated with natural stones, which attracts the power of earthly elements.
  2. Tree . Brings peace, tranquility, helps create comfort.
  3. Ceramics . Creates an aura of harmony and joy in the house, giving optimism to every family member.
  4. The music of wind . Attracts happiness, prevents stagnation of energy.
  5. Silver, gold, bronze . Help you find a partner for family life.

Images of moths can be found in paintings, items of clothing, furniture, and home textiles. Insects are often used to decorate gifts. In this form, the meaning of the symbol is saved.

Northern tradition

The personification of soul and fire among the Celts, their fluttering wings symbolized the heat of the sun.

In the Irish tale of the mythological cycle “Matchmaking to Etain” (Tochmarc Étaíne), the goddess personifying royal power, marries the god Midir. Out of jealousy, Midir's first wife turns Etain into a puddle of water, from which a worm soon emerges, turning into a magnificent butterfly (option: a fly), which for some time is guarded and protected by the god Mag-Ok (Oengus).

“The water turned into a worm, and that turned into a purple fly, which was as big as a warrior’s head, and was the most beautiful of the flies in the world, with a voice and buzz sweeter than the songs of bagpipes, horns and harps, with eyes shining like precious stones in the dark. Her aroma quenched the hunger and thirst of those around whom she fluttered, and drops of dew from her wings could heal any suffering, illness or plague in any person.”

Where to place it in the house

According to Feng Shui, butterflies are good for decorating a bedroom. They should be placed in pairs or in a group so that when waking up, the gaze immediately lingers on the wings. Such proximity forms a powerful whirlwind of energy that attracts love and good luck.

The love relationship zone is located in the southwestern part of the house. Here you need to place a picture or figurine with a paired image of flying butterflies or decorate a wall or ceiling with them. Bright wings and correct placement will enhance the effect of the magical artifact by 2 times.

Feng Shui masters recommend decorating a child’s bedroom and the interior of any living space where there is a lack of positive energy with fluttering insects.


In different regions of Russia, when they see a butterfly or moth, they say: “Someone’s darling is flying.” Sometimes they are called souls or darlings. According to Poles, the soul of a dying person leaves the body in the form of a butterfly. Rhodope Bulgarians believe that the soul of the deceased, in the form of a butterfly or fly, visits his home on the fortieth day after death. The idea of ​​a butterfly as the soul of the deceased gives rise to the belief that it is a harbinger of death, and sometimes an image of death. Belarusians tell how one day an old woman was sitting by the open window in the evening and a moth that flew into the window landed on her sleeve. “You are a mortal,” the woman said affectionately. She died that same night.

According to the belief of Bulgarians, Serbs and Croats, the soul of a witch leaves her body in the form of a butterfly during sleep. Such a butterfly can strangle sleeping people at night and suck their blood, like a vampire.

In a number of cases, the belief about the soul of a witch in the form of a butterfly is transformed into a belief about the witch herself taking the form of a butterfly, or into a belief about the butterfly as a servant or assistant of the witch, carrying out her will. Among the southern Slavs, the moth is often called a “witch.” Serbs sometimes deliberately torture and mutilate a moth, in whom they see a converted witch, in order to identify someone as a witch in the morning by burns and wounds on the body. A moth that flies into a house is set on fire and released with the words: “Come tomorrow, I’ll give you salt.” And if the next day someone comes to ask for salt, then he is identified with that evil soul that flew into the house in the form of a butterfly. Bulgarians believe that a witch releases large colorful butterflies on cattle, which land on cows or sheep, crawl on them and take away their milk. On St. George’s Day, the large butterfly of the witch Magesnitsa, flying through the fields, is able to take away the harvest of life (the witch herself can do the same), so early in the morning on this day a cross is squeezed out of the field. According to legend, a large black butterfly, sent by a witch to steal milk from sheep, is magically hatched by the witch from a large egg [5].

Among the Western Slavs, the moth is associated with another demon - “mora” or “zmora”, which torments people at night. According to Poles, the appearance of a night butterfly takes on the form of a “zmora” - a neighbor in the form of a butterfly or mosquito enters the house through the window cracks at midnight and, sitting on the sleeping people, leans on the chest, crushes, and suffocates them. The ability to strangle sleeping people is often attributed to some other animals and demons, especially the frog and the brownie.

Some signs are associated with the first spring butterflies:

  • In Polesie they believe that if a lot of red or yellow butterflies appear in the spring, then there will be a dry summer and a lot of honey, and if there are white ones, there will be a wet summer and an abundance of milk.
  • In Moravia, the symbolism of the color of butterflies is different: if you see the first white butterfly in the spring, you will die in the coming year, and if it is red, you will live (according to other beliefs, your eyes will hurt).
  • In Bulgaria they believe that a person will have a white or red face depending on whether the first butterfly he sees in the spring is white or red.
  • Belarusians of Vitebsk province. They guessed by the flight of the first spring butterflies: the higher they fly, the higher the flax will grow.
See also: • Fly • Witch • Mora

Taoist practice

It is worth mentioning briefly what butterflies symbolize according to Feng Shui. The short answer is that they represent all that is good. According to Feng Shui, these insects should be present in every home. They are believed to attract joy and love. Therefore, decorative elements in the form of these creatures need to be placed in pairs.

You just need to choose the right decorations. There should be no dried insects in the house, much less pinned to one or another surface with needles. These are bad decorative elements. They pump up the energy of nothingness and despondency. And this is not at all what a butterfly symbolizes in the traditional sense of Feng Shui.

A successful and simple solution to help diversify the interior would be elegant paper garlands in the shape of these insects, wallpaper or “bell” pendants on the door.


A butterfly or moth (hu-di) is an emblem of longevity (renewal and immortality -?), entertainment (leisure in abundance) and lovers.

The Chinese words for butterfly, plum and the number seventy are homonomous / the ideogram for butterfly "t'ie" is homophonic with the expressions "venerable (great) age" and "seventy years".

“The butterfly is a sign of marital happiness; indeed, she might be called the Chinese Cupid. The origin of this is found in the story told by the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi, how a young man, while chasing a beautiful butterfly, inadvertently trespassed on the private property of a retired judge, and upon seeing his daughter, he was so mesmerized by her charms that he decided to work hard and try to get her her as his wife. In this he succeeded and rose to a high rank.”[7]

A young lover wanting to drink/drinking flower juice.

The expression “the love-crazed moth and the wild bee” denotes a sexual relationship.

A deceased lover may emerge from the grave in the form of a butterfly.

Zhuangzi's dream in which he turned into a butterfly and found great happiness, thanks to which the butterfly is often perceived as a symbol of joy and happiness.

Something similar to the image of Psyche is also found in the myth of the Immortal Gardener Yuan-k'o, whose beloved wife, who taught [people] how to breed silkworms, can herself turn into one.

In combination:

  • with a plum tree - long life, beauty in old age, longevity and beauty, virgin beauty (?);
  • with a cat - the wish to live to 80 years;
  • with a feather - longevity;
  • with chrysanthemum:

- beauty in old age, - can serve as a symbol of autumn.

Product options

To decorate your home, Feng Shui recommends using figurines and Chinese figurines in the form of:

  • moths fluttering over a flower meadow;
  • compositions of 2 butterflies that strive towards each other;
  • insects on a stone or leaf, in reeds;
  • swallowtails during flower pollination, etc.

Chinese figurines can be used to decorate your home.

The meaning of the amulet is the same. His choice depends on the specifics of the interior and personal taste.


Thanks to its grace and lightness, it serves as an emblem of femininity, a young woman, and ecstatic joy. Also - female fussiness and vanity, the craft of geishas or temporary mistresses.

A pair of butterflies “dancing” around one another represents family happiness.

The white butterfly is the spirit of the deceased. Airy, as if ethereal, butterflies are considered as wandering souls and a meeting with a butterfly foreshadows the arrival of a guest or the death of someone in the family.

Butterfly wings are a common attribute of wizards in fairy tales.

Prohibitions and restrictions

You should not make a talisman from dead, dried insects. By doing this, a woman can attract negative energies, repel men, and cause hostility in them.

When handling a magic item, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You cannot attach butterflies to a curtain or tulle, or place figurines with their image on the windowsill. This increases the risk that luck will fly out the window.
  2. There is no need to choose moths in black and gloomy colors, with a skull pattern on the wings, to decorate your home. They can attract negativity.
  3. Places near the door, near arches, toilets, showers, and storage rooms are not suitable for placing a magical assistant. They promote the outflow of positive energy.

If you want to change your life, let fresh ideas and new people into it, you should pay attention to oriental talismans. Colorful butterflies occupy one of the important places in the teachings of Feng Shui and are considered a female magnet of good luck.


Among the Aztecs, the butterfly - “papalotl”, serves as a symbol of the soul or the breath of life, flying away with the last breath of the dying.

Butterflies fluttering among the flowers represent the souls of the warriors who fell on the battlefield[8]. The fallen warriors accompany the Sun until noon, during the first half of its visible path across the sky, and then descend to the ground in the form of hummingbirds and butterflies[9].

A symbol of the souls of fallen warriors among the Aztecs, they were sacrificed to some Mexican deities.

Attribute of Shochipili (god of spring vegetation, love, playing ball), depicted sitting among flowers and butterflies.

A butterfly chopped off with stone knives (itzli) is the goddess Itzpapalotl, the night spirit of flaming stars and a symbol of the souls of women who died in childbirth.

Also - a symbol of a swaying fire symbol associated with the Sun. The association of a butterfly with a flame is probably based on the similarity of the bright wings fluttering in flight with the flickering tongues of fire. The Aztec god of fire has as an attribute an ornamental chest plate known as the "obsidian butterfly". Like flint, obsidian is considered a firestone and is also well known for its use as the blade of ritual sacrificial knives. In "The House of Eagles (or Warriors)" the Sun is depicted as a butterfly.

A symbol of daylight and solar fire - and, therefore, the soul of a warrior - the butterfly for the ancient Mexicans also served as a symbol of the “Black Sun”, which passed through the underworld on its night journey. That. the butterfly is a symbol of hidden chthonic fire, associated with the ideas of sacrifice, death and resurrection. In Aztec carvings, the butterfly often serves as an alternative symbol for the number five, the number associated with the center of the Earth[10].


You can often see jewelry made in the shape of insects. These can be pendant chains, bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches and much more. What does a butterfly symbolize in jewelry? The same as mentioned above. However, this insect has many meanings, as can already be seen, and in this case, what it will symbolize depends on the meaning invested in the product by its bearer.

In Japan, for example, almost every woman has a piece of jewelry in the shape of a butterfly. It is logical, because it is generally accepted that if you wear such jewelry, you will be able to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. And two butterflies represent family happiness and love. Nowadays, many newlyweds (and not only in Japan, by the way) release these beautiful insects into the wild after the wedding ceremony. This trend has given rise to a new idea for a nice gift. Some people present newlyweds with talismans in the form of two graceful butterflies, which is very symbolic, beautiful and, for now, original.


The cleansing of the soul by fire, represented in Romanesque art by the hot coal that an angel places in the mouth of the prophet, is depicted on a small Matthias urn in the image of love bringing a butterfly to the fire.[12]

Sometimes a butterfly can be seen in images of the Madonna and Child (usually in the Child's hand) as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. In a more general sense, the butterfly can symbolize the resurrection of all humanity - a meaning that is preserved in the emblematic still life.

As a symbol of death and resurrection, it was depicted on ancient tombstones above the skull and surrounded by other symbols of death. The same symbolism was placed on a number of pirate flags.

The symbolism of the butterfly as the soul freed from the bonds of the flesh is a Christian symbol[13] of both blessing and blessedness.

Activation of the amulet

To activate, flowering plants in bouquets or pots should be placed next to the home amulet. It is recommended to ventilate the room frequently. To attract good luck, it is important to balance the composition with the image of a bird.

A simple way to activate a decoration: holding the item in your hands, concentrate and mentally imagine its task. Then take quick breaths, exhaling forcefully into the magical assistant. Silver items can receive the support of the moon if left on the windowsill during the full moon.

To activate the amulet, you need to mentally imagine its purpose.

A charged item should not be given into the hands of strangers or lent to those who ask to wear it. An object that has been damaged or has lost its beautiful appearance must be buried in the ground. It has fulfilled its function and has accumulated a lot of negative energy that needs to be gotten rid of. Items made from precious stones can be cleansed of negativity using holy water and repaired by a jeweler.


“Clock time, or clocks, are depicted by goddesses with membranous wings, like butterflies, and with sun and other clocks[14].”

“The butterfly is a sign of stupidity, frivolity, inconstancy, sometimes a soul or heart captivated by love. Butterfly wings mean love, games, laughter and fun[15].”

In the emblems, the butterfly carries the symbolism of voluptuousness and empty, vain love; the deceitfulness of pleasures and the grave consequences of destructive whims. She is depicted almost exclusively flying towards fire or burning in flames (probably, all these images are based on Gnostic gems of the 3rd-1st centuries BC (see above).


A butterfly burning in a candle flame.

  • What seemed like pleasure to me turned out to be deadly.

The symbol warns us against voluptuousness and empty, vain love.
“The human mind strives most persistently for such things, for such a kind of love and for such a way of life, which lead to shame and destruction.” EMSI 32-1, p. 236 ———— A butterfly burning itself on a candle.

  • Pleasure is dangerous.

“We whirl around the burning flame, This bright source of pleasure, until we feel the powerful force of its attraction And we fall as its unfortunate and powerless victims.”
EMSI 19-14 p.184 ———— A butterfly burning itself on a lit candle.

  • Pleasure is killing me.

A symbol of the pervasiveness of pleasures and the consequences of harmful whims. “Fools caught in the flames of beauty meet death where they hope to find life.” EMSI 9-9, p.142

Butterfly totem

It may have several aspects that your subconscious wants to express and through which it communicates with you and the outside world.

Most often, the butterfly totem is additional, local, it relates to your specific chakra , energy level of manifestation and implementation. He loves the higher chakras more, starting with the heart. But sometimes it brings signs and is a prototype of what is happening with your energy at the first three chakras.

When the image of a butterfly comes to you, you may feel that you now want to live more easily and joyfully . Or your subconscious mind advises you exactly this. If this concerns relationships, then it is easier to perceive them, play, spin, dance. Enjoy the present moment, a brief moment of love and perfection.

Let your Soul sing, bask in happiness, enjoy the poetry of the moment. If you lack these qualities and abilities, you can use an amulet or talisman - a butterfly .

If during a difficult and difficult period of life a butterfly appears in you, then most likely the time has come for transformation , metamorphosis. You are already internally ready for the next stage of your development. Perhaps it's time to get out of the cocoon of your limiting beliefs and start dancing your dance of life.

Meet changes , they are always for the better. If, at the same time, you use the image of a butterfly totem, its symbolism in the form of an amulet, a talisman, then the process of change will be less painful for you and without any trauma.



The metamorphoses of a moth resemble what happens to a person in his bodily shell, when material existence creates all sorts of obstacles to the energy and activity of his heavenly soul. The numbness and insensibility of a motionless doll is a symbol of death. A transitional state of the body and its vital functions and the final liberation of the soul, which is destined to take place in fire.

The fluttering one is a heavenly soul, breaking the bonds of matter to dissolve in the ether from which it came.

Modern psychoanalysis sees the butterfly as a symbol of rebirth[16]. It is also a symbol of the soul and unconscious attraction to light[17]. Seen in a dream means rebirth associated with the process of mental transformation, liberation from the shackles of one’s own Self.

Often used as a sign of psychological parapsychological and psychiatric societies and institutions, often in combination with the letter "psi".

Butterfly as a logo

If you use butterfly symbols in your corporate identity, then your business may be associated with:

  • with the air element, the transfer of information, knowledge;
  • with the sphere of beauty;
  • with shows and entertainment, including in the field of relationships;
  • with the mystical and esoteric sphere,
  • with psychology, the theme of the Soul and its transformation.

In these areas, the butterfly can be realized in full, on semantic correspondence , on the one hand, facilitating the work process and bringing joy from changes. On the other hand, transferring the development of an organization from one stage to another.

Often, subconsciously, the head of an organization choosing a butterfly for a logo in an inappropriate field of activity would like ease in attracting clients and customers - so that they fly to him like butterflies to a light. But in reality, it often turns out the other way around: the butterfly is his own company, and the fire is a certain idea or concept that drives the business. It’s good if the company does not turn into a fly-by-night company .

In any case, with such a symbol it is necessary to tune in to gradual and step-by-step development, to serious changes in business, this applies to the market, finance, and product concepts. Marketing management by stages of the life cycle of services and products is also relevant for you.

Other articles on the topic “Totems”

Tags: Totems of birds and animals

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In secular painting, butterfly wings have as their attribute:

  • Ora or “clock time”;
  • Psyche;
  • Zephyr is Flora’s husband, “a winged baby with butterfly wings”[18];
  • Hypnos and Somnus;

“Pleasant frivolity” brings the butterfly closer to elves, geniuses and erotes (little gods of love), who are also often endowed with butterfly wings.

In paintings depicting life in paradise, the soul, placed by the Creator in the body of Adam, has similar wings.

In Christian art, the butterfly is a symbol of the resurrection of the human soul - in the hands of the Christ Child, an emblematic still life, etc. The natural cycle of caterpillars - cocoon - butterfly symbolizes life, death and resurrection.

The path of the moth and the man

Talking about what a butterfly symbolizes, it should be noted that ancient people traced the general principles of the development of the Universe and people directly in the origin of this insect.

Everything is logical. The butterfly begins to develop from an egg, which represents the emergence of consciousness. A larva grows from it, which begins to actively feed in order to grow. In fact, this process is an analogue of the birth and development of a person who takes care of his life and daily bread throughout his life.

The doll, in turn, is associated with the desire for change and detachment from the hustle and bustle. Why? Because a pupa is a cocoon woven by a caterpillar into which the larva has grown for its protection.

After this, a beautiful winged creature flies out of the shell. The resurrection of the soul is what the butterfly ultimately symbolizes. It is not for nothing that in Christianity those who go to heaven are depicted with the wings of this beautiful creature.


  • Gura A.V. Butterfly // SMES
  • Gura A. V. Symbolism of animals in the Slavic folk tradition. M., 1997. P. 486—492 < SMES
  • Ternovskaya O. A. Butterfly in folk demonology of the Slavs: 'ancestor soul' and 'demon'. — // Materials for the VI International Congress for the Study of Southeast European Countries. Sofia, 30.III.89-6.IX.89. Problems of culture. M., 1989. P. 151-160 < SMES
  • PENG

The meaning of butterfly tattoos for men and women

A tattoo depicting winged insects is predominantly a ladies' choice. This is a symbol of fragility and tenderness, which emphasizes the femininity of the owner.

The meaning of a tattoo depends on the type of design:

  • a fluttering butterfly symbolizes a free, independent nature;
  • an insect on the hand reflects the desire to actively participate in shaping one’s future, a refusal to go with the flow;
  • a pattern in the abdomen or waist secretly signals readiness for adventures and bold experiments;
  • paired with fairies, air creatures embody transformation, freedom, and testify to deep inner strength;
  • a moth on a rose represents passion, and on an apple tree flower it attracts good luck and prosperity;
  • the swallowtail and the angel emphasize the desire to protect and instruct the weak;
  • wings with a pattern in the form of eyes are a symbol of radical changes, the desire to understand the essence of the universe.

Men get butterfly tattoos in memory of personal tragic events. You can often find patterns of black moths, hawk moths with skulls and other gloomy attributes. They have the same meaning as for women: transformation through effort, rebirth, self-improvement.

Prohibitions regarding butterflies in the art of feng shui

Under no circumstances should beautiful winged creatures be placed close to a window. Otherwise, you will thus drive away happiness and prosperity, which, like a butterfly, will fly out the window.

Another feng shui taboo relates to dried butterflies that are pinned to panels. They are saturated with the destructive energy of death, which they will emit around themselves, and this is very bad. With the help of such “talismans” you risk worsening your relationships with other people and will not attract anything positive into your life.

Finally, watch this interesting thematic video:

What should a butterfly look like according to Feng Shui?

The material from which this talisman is made must correspond to the sector in which you plan to place it.

  • North . For the northern sector, which is responsible for careers, figures with blue or light blue wings are best suited.
  • South . For the southern sector, choose butterflies of bright colors, with wings that look like flashes of flame. You can use red or orange butterflies.
  • Southwest . In the southwest, the sector responsible for love and romance, we need airy, weightless creatures made of thin paper or fabric, painted in beige, pink, and yellowish shades.
  • East . In the east, in the health and development sector, it is best to place wooden or carved stone figurines.

It is also believed that a hand-made butterfly talisman will “work best.”

The simplest option is to cut out a winged beauty from paper according to a template and paint it in the colors that correspond to the sector it is intended to activate.

You can use a pillow in the shape of a butterfly or a picture of this insect. Just choose those image options where:

  • the butterfly flaps its wings, soaring into the heights - for the career or fame sector,
  • two butterflies flutter merrily - for placement in the bedroom,
  • a whole group of butterflies is drawn - to be placed in the assistants’ sector, in the north-west.
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