8 animal figurines that, according to Feng Shui, can attract happiness to your home

Figurines with cats

A cat with one paw raised up, and in the other, holding a sign with hieroglyphs, where the wish of happiness and good luck is written - also a symbol of success and financial wealth.

They place it at the entrance, facing the door. This is how the animal figurine will lure good luck and money into the house. In addition, it can contribute to the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Mini pig

The pig is considered a symbol of prosperity in many cultures. It’s not for nothing that piggy banks are made in the shape of a round pig.

Of course, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to have a large pig at home, fattening it up to two hundred kilograms. To attract money, it is enough to get a small decorative pig, the size of a pocket dog or a small cat.

Figurines with toads

A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is perhaps the most popular and widespread symbol of wealth. It is placed in the southeast of the house, in the wealth zone.

You can also place a figurine at the front door so that wealth can easily enter through the door. It is worth remembering that toads are afraid of heights, so you should not place the talisman on the closet.


Residents of the eastern regions of ancient Rus' believed that the frog in a broad sense symbolized prosperity. It was impossible to offend her, much less kill her, so as not to invite trouble.

According to legends, a frog living under a threshold or stove could bring prosperity and a lot of money to the owner of the house, protecting him from bad weather, and also make the land fertile.

Dragon figurine

The dragon is a symbol of wisdom, success, prosperity and development. A dragon figurine will work better in the eastern part of the home.

Following the teachings of Feng Shui, many make it an element of the interior of an office or a place where work and financial issues are usually resolved.

In addition, the figurine can be placed not only in a living space, but also in an office, at work, or on the table at which you work.

Feng Shui symbols of wealth - plants

This is the famous money tree, the less popular but powerful talisman dollar tree, and other plants that create a comfortable atmosphere of benefits. Learn more about money plants.

The location of the plants is in the southeast of the room, where the flow of money energy passes and the area of ​​the wood element is located.

An interesting plant is considered to be the lucky bamboo, which combines the five elements of Feng Shui.


The dog is the standard of devotion and fidelity. It will protect the house from negative energy. An animal figurine with a pot of coins will attract a flow of cash, prosperity and wealth into your home.

There are no specific places where the figurine will bring good luck. But no matter where you place it, it will work devotedly for happiness in your home.


Cats are considered mystical creatures and are able to sense the energy of their owner. They can easily help improve any area of ​​human life: it doesn’t matter whether it’s money or, perhaps, love.

According to the sign, cats with a black nose or a tricolor color bring financial well-being. If an animal lands on your wallet, then income from an unexpected source will soon await you.

And on a full moon, if the cat starts to wash itself, place a banknote next to it. In this way, the pet will “wash” money into your home.

7: Cornucopia

Greek symbol.

In this country it was believed that the god Plutos kept such a horn. Not just food or money, but all worldly goods constantly poured out of the horn. God picked him up when the horn was accidentally broken by the divine goat Amalthea. Although there is another version: when the river god Ahelous turned into a bull, wanting to fight Hercules, he broke one of his horns - and so it went to Plutos.

In painting, this symbol is depicted as a horn from which flowers and/or ripe fruits flow.


Ant : Ants are hardworking, sociable, purposeful builders. They symbolize patience, self-sacrifice, planning, faith in the future, completion, accumulation of energy, work, tight-fistedness, foresight, virtue and order. They are associated with Wang-ta Hsien, Demeter and Ceres. Bat: Bats symbolize rebirth, reincarnation, ritual death, initiation, facing fear, giving up old habits, happiness, good fortune, health, wealth, long life, peace, misfortune, anxiety, chaos, incomplete understanding, avoiding obstacles, transformation and past lives. They are associated with Shou-Hsing and the Underworld. Bear : Bears symbolize healing, divinity, invulnerability, spirit guide, protection, introspection, truth, feminine receptive energy, prophecy, endurance, harmony, patience, protection, revenge, transformation, intuition, answers from the Dream World, benevolence, strength and courage . They are associated with Artemis, Zeus, Callisto, Dea Artia, Thor, Odin, Freya and the Norse goddesses of the moon and water. Cat : Cats as protectors. They symbolize strength, cunning, dexterity, isolation, independence and the vision of spirits. They are associated with Freya, Artemis, Diana, Liberty, Shasti, Bast and Pasht. Coyote : Coyotes are tricksters who teach you not to be so serious. They symbolize lessons about yourself, humor, whimsy, night, werewolf, opportunity, mystery, creativity and experience. Deer : The deer symbolizes gentleness, grace, speed, abundance, intuition, introspection, a different way to achieve a goal, a message from the patrons, love, security, tranquility, sun, fertility and the warrior aspect (male deer). They are associated with Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Diana, Elaphaia, Dionysus, Apollo, Lu-Hsing, Cernynnos, Cocidius and Shou-Hsieng. Dog : Dogs are servants and guards. They symbolize loyalty, friendship, unconditional love, understanding, need for approval, stalking, camaraderie, intuition and truth. They are associated with Gula, Belit-ili, Astarte, Ashtareth, Amenti, Cybele, Artemis, Diana, Hecate, the Celtic Mother Goddesses, Arawn, Nodens, Hel, Odin, Saram, the moon goddesses, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl. Fox : Foxes are deceivers. They symbolize camouflage, surveillance, adaptability, cunning, family, travel, unity, shapeshifting, wisdom and invisibility. They are associated with Enki, Dionysus and Inari. Frog/Toad: Frogs and toads symbolize feminine energy, fertility, water, new life, a new beginning, the mystery of creation, cleansing, refreshing, refilling, dispelling negativity, fulfillment, positive energy, transformation, beginning a new cycle, long life, good luck, change of luck, start of new projects and prosperity. They are a symbol of the Goddess and are associated with the moon. They are associated with Heket, Isis, Hathor, Ch'ing-Wa Sheng, Aphrodite, Sabatius and Ahriman. Horse : The horse symbolizes strength, ability to work alone and in a group, speed, endurance, endurance, loyalty, friendship, cooperation, travel, overcoming obstacles, loyalty, independence, caution, unconditional support, selflessness, freedom, strength, balance, compassion and generosity . She is associated with Epona, Quannon, Anakita, Vesta, Apollo, Mithra, Surya, Odin, Freya, Rhiannon, Leucippe, Velsi and Veles. Leopard : See panther. Leo : Lions symbolize royalty, tranquility, family, strength, courage and relaxation. They are strongly associated with the sun and with Ra, Osiris, Sekhmet, Apollo, Durga and the sun deities in general. Lizard : Lizards symbolize understanding dreams, wisdom, luck, facing fear and confrontation, death and rebirth. They are associated with the world of dreams, Hermes, Serapis, Ahriman and Moko. Lynx : Lynx is the keeper of secrets. Lynxes symbolize honesty, openness, uncritical politeness, secrecy, silence, clairvoyance of the secrets of others, suspicion and vigilance. They can help with spiritual skills, especially clairvoyance. Mouse : The mouse symbolizes silence, mystery, foresight, careful study, attention to detail, order, organization, shyness, stealth, invisibility, trust, innocence, initiative and discovery. Be careful because they may not see the full picture. Mice are associated with Apollo and Zeus. Panther/Leopard: Panthers and leopards symbolize the unknown, silence, silence, mystery, night, healing, darkness, hidden truth, fearlessness, speed, perseverance, beauty, cunning and strength. They teach you not to fear the future. They are associated with Dionysus, Pan and Argus. Mantis : The praying mantis symbolizes strength, adaptability, and ease of communication. Rabbit : rabbits are deceivers, companions of witches and “guardians of the gates” of the night and other types of consciousness. Rabbits symbolize fertility, mystery, fear of tragedy, long life, quick thinking, growing intuition, illness and disaster. They bring your mental fears into real life. They teach you to stop thinking “what would happen if...”. They are associated with Eostra, Holda, Andraste, Freya, Hermes, Aphrodite, Eros and Chandra. Raccoon : Raccoons symbolize ingenuity, adaptability, generosity, caring for others, goodwill, lack of greed, creativity, playfulness, curiosity, new ideas and new jobs or studies. They protect those who cannot protect themselves. Rat : Rats symbolize fertility, wealth, cunning, timidity, stinginess, wisdom, resourcefulness, caution and foresight. They are associated with Daikoku and Ganesha. Scorpio : Scorpios symbolize revenge, returning negative energy to those who sent it and dark magic. They are often considered a sign of evil. They are associated with the South and the Sun, Ishtar, Nanna, Siduri Sabithu, Set, Selket, Isis, Dadofori and Sabatius. Snake : Snakes symbolize knowledge, change, creation, wisdom, secrets, mystery, reincarnation, immortality, sexuality, reproduction, Fire element, duality, solar/lunar, good/evil, healing/poison, life/death/rebirth. They are an early symbol of the Great Mother Earth. They are associated with Isis, Thoth, Apep, Hermes, Sabatius, Bel, Ra, Ariamnes, Mithra, Kadi, Kadru, Akkadian Ningursag, Atargatis, Syria, Asclepius, Hygeia, Persephone, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Hecate, Gaia, Brownie, Shakti, Ananta, Suzanu, Uga-Jin, Nu Kua, Fu Xi, Bridget, Quetzalcoatl, Kulkulkan, Soatlikyu, coyolxauhqui, Vitzliputzli and Julungghul. Spider : Spiders are weavers and tricksters. They symbolize rock, feminine energy, creative energy, wisdom, creativity, new life, confusion, caution, divine inspiration, starting a project, conception, hard work, warning signs, illusions. They can serve as a sign warning of danger. They are associated with Nith, Ishtar, Atargatis, Athena, Moirai, Norns, Holda, Inktomi, Kokyangwuti, Tsitsicnako and Sussistanako. Squirrel : Squirrels symbolize meetings, foresight, energy, irrational behavior, storage, gossip, warning, change, discovery, truth, balance and harmony. They are messengers of the Gods and naughty people. They warn you to be careful about useless hoarding and teach you to take life lightly. Tiger : Tigers act quickly, are cunning and stealthy. They symbolize rage, royalty, fearlessness, authority, the warrior aspect, lack of procrastination and willpower. They are associated with Arc, Shiva, Dionysus and Tsai Chen. Toad : See frog. Turtle : Turtles symbolize longevity, strength, endurance, wisdom, patience, becoming defensive, goddess energy, grounding, shields, betrayal, perseverance, and slowing down to enjoy life. They are associated with the elements of earth, water and moon. They are associated with Prajapati, P'an Ku, Pan, Aphrodite, Venus, Hermes and Mercury. Wolf : Wolves symbolize family, learning, cooperation, insight, mystery, strength, leadership, loyalty, freedom, individuality, spiritual energy associated with the moon (hidden wisdom), sharing knowledge and wisdom, cunning, hunting, searching, introspection, listening, magic, dreams. They are associated with the moon and with Wepwawet, Zeus of Lycaeum, Apollo, Ares, Mars, Silvanus, Sernannos and Odin. Dolphin/porpoise : Dolphins and porpoises are guides to the Underworld and messengers of the world of dreams and progress. They symbolize joy, playfulness, inhibitions, strength, speed, the sea, eloquence, magic (especially water magic), discovery, communication, trust, truth, balance, harmony, breath, rhythm patterns and relaxation. They are associated with Water and Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, Apollo of Delphi and sea deities in general. Fish : Pisces symbolize love, fertility, victory over death, healing, prophecy, abundance, prosperity, harmony, regeneration, children, pregnancy and the arrival of love in your life. They are associated with the Moon, Water, Atargatis, Ishtar. Derseto, Isis, Aphrodite, Freya, Venus, Dagon, Poseidon and Kuan Yin. Otter : Otters symbolize playfulness, balanced feminine energy, curiosity, joy for oneself and others, lack of jealousy and envy, lack of worry, talent, fidelity, social life and happiness. They are deceivers. They are associated with the elements of Earth and Water and are associated with Sernannos. Seal : Seals symbolize playfulness, parenthood, and protection (especially protection during water travel, a complete life change, divorce or a painful breakup with a loved one, from gossip and danger). Whale : Whales symbolize elegance, ancient teachings, history, clear hearing, telepathy, spiritual abilities, healing through music and sound, death and rebirth, initiation, waters of life, regeneration, the sea, music, longevity, family and friends, learning magic, magic elements and trust. Whales keep knowledge. They are associated with Derceto. Bee : Bees symbolize hard work, community, concentration, planning and saving, working with the spirits of the dead, prosperity, purity, achieving the so-called impossible, birth, death, resurrection, good luck, bad luck and the wisdom of the Other World. They are associated with Bridget, Ra, Vishnu, Krishna, Indra, Aphrodite, Demeter, Cybele, Artemis, Diana, Rhea, Zeus, Dionysus, Pan and Priapus. Butterfly : Butterflies symbolize joy, freedom, living in one moment, transformation, the cycle of birth-death-rebirth, mental powers, magic, life cycle prediction, understanding your place in the cycle of life, inspiration, immortality, leisure, beauty in old age, longevity, love , happiness, falsehood, vanity and soul. They are associated with the element Air, Orami and Zochiquetzal. Crow/Rook: Crows and rooks symbolize ingenuity, survival, death, the call to the magic and mystery that surrounds us, law, the supernatural, the mysteries of creation, werewolf, change, harmony, justice, integrity, bad omens, audacity, dexterity, cunning, prophecy , eloquence and prediction. These are the tricksters associated with Morrigan, Varuna, Rhea Kronia, Apollo, Macha and Babd. Dragonfly : The dragonfly symbolizes illusion, dreams, change, enlightenment, irresponsibility, insecurity, weakness, instability, speed and seeing the truth. They are messengers of the world of elements and gods/goddesses. They are associated with Summer. Eagle : Eagles symbolize nobility, clarity of vision, balance between the spirit world and everyday life, the ability to rise above the everyday, lightning, rising above the material in search of the spiritual, connecting with the spirit world, timely rain, warrior spirit, fearlessness, keen vision, war, freedom , greatness, authority, strength, victory and courage. They are associated with the divine and with the Sun, as well as with Air, Fire and Spirit. They are associated with Ninurta, Marduk, Ashur, Pan, Zeus, Indra, Vishnu, Mithra and Odin. Falcon : Falcons symbolize freedom, quick action, foresight, magic, astral travel, clear vision and healing. They help the dying to die. They are associated with Horse, Circe, Ra, Mentu, Freya and Odin. Hawk : Hawks are observant and receptive messengers of the spirit world. They symbolize embracing the big picture, using your talents, omens, dreams, courage, protection, wisdom, enlightenment, truth and experience. They are associated with Horse, Ptah, Rehu, Seker, Amenti, Apollo, Artemis, Indra, Ahura Mazda and Mithra. Hummingbird : Hummingbirds symbolize freedom of movement, energy, joy without tiring and feeding on the nectar of life, completing what is considered impossible, finding joy in life and learning from experience, flowers, love, beauty, art, relaxation and fearlessness. They are associated with Quetzalcoatl and Vitzliputzli. Owl : Owls symbolize wisdom, seeing hidden things, mystery, speed, darkness, freedom, dreams, werewolf, secrets, omens, clairvoyance, astral projection, magic, deception, observation, the full truth, night, death and failure. They are associated with the Lower World and the Moon. They are associated with the Goddess in general, as well as with Athena, Marie, Lilith, Anat, Gwynn ap Nudd, Blodeuwedd, Yama and Cailleach. Barn Owl: Barn owls see without seeing and hear without hearing; they hear the unspoken and see without physical vision. Raven : Ravens symbolize magic, inner fears, change in consciousness, healing, relief from illness, the unknown, mischief, adaptability, intelligence, ingenuity, death, war, bloodshed, battle, divination and the destruction necessary for creation. They are messengers of the spirit world. They are associated with the Old Man, the Sun, Odin, Apollo, Athena, Chronos, Asclepius, Brahma, Morrigan, Babd, Nantosuelta and Lugh. Swan : Swans symbolize grace, healing, altered states, intuition, transformation, transitions, spiritual growth, premonitions, omens, divinity of spirit, dignity, monogamy, milking and silence. They are associated with Apollo, Aphrodite, the Muses, Venus, Zeus, Saraswati, Brahma and Devi. Dragon : Dragons are teachers, warriors and protectors. They symbolize the Great Mother Goddess, matriarchy, benevolence, divinity, royalty, the supernatural, infinity, change, elemental magic and spiritual guidance. They are associated with Mithra, Horse, Apollo, Indra, Aruna and Soma. Eastern dragons are more serpentine and often have mustaches. They symbolize the ruler's power, masculinity, yang, prosperity, rain, wisdom and hidden secrets. Western dragons are more reptile-like, more massive, and often have large, bat-like wings. They symbolize fire, confrontation, danger and solitude. Griffin : Griffins are guards. They symbolize spiritual enlightenment, the seasons, and the connection between spiritual energy and cosmic forces. They are associated with the Sun, Sky, Earth, Nemesis and Apollo. Pegasus : Pegasus symbolize inspiration, poetry, grace, freedom from earthly worries, the astral level, the transformation of evil into good, glory and eloquence. They are associated with Demeter and Osiris. Phoenix : The Phoenix is ​​a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, spiritual growth, strength and energy to overcome life's challenges, fire and royalty. This is a moon/sun symbol associated with Osiris, Ra and Circe. Unicorn : Unicorns are a symbol of innocence, goodwill, glory, prosperity, healing, gentleness, purity of mind, personal strength, naivety, joy, life, nature and freedom. They are associated with Artemis, Diana and moon goddesses in general.


The snail is a symbol of calm and tranquility. And these emotions are a consequence of self-confidence and one’s abilities. The energy of these qualities can be generated by observing leisurely and calm snails.

They seem to remind people that haste is not at all the key to success, and the owner of a calm and balanced character is doomed to success in all areas of life. These shellfish will not bring fabulous wealth, but they will definitely provide stable income that will constantly grow.

See also:

5 most valuable things in the house that we don't even notice

Making a talisman of happiness with your own hands

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a symbol of happiness, you can always make it yourself. Now we will tell you about the easiest ways to get a talisman.

What can you use to make an amulet for good luck:

  • From paper. This is the most budget option. It does not require any drawing skills or the purchase of expensive materials. Arm yourself with a small piece of paper and a pen and draw a protective sign on the sheet. Kolovrat, Star of David, pentacle or any other symbol of your choice. The main thing is to be sure that this is a lucky symbol and draw it exactly.
  • From stone. Apply an ancient Slavic sign or runic symbol to its surface (do not forget that you need to use waterproof paint). This could be Fehu, who brings money, Ansuz, who helps deal with the past and increases vitality, or Soulu, who fulfills wishes.
  • Made from wax. To make a talisman, you need to light a candle in a glass filled with water. Dripping from the candle, the wax will create some kind of figure. Hide it in an envelope or bag and don’t show it to anyone.

Amulets made of paper and wax will not last long, so they will have to be replaced more often than others. But the stone can be used until it becomes unusable. As soon as it cracks, get rid of it immediately and replace it with a new one. But don't throw it away! Bury it in the ground, moving away from the house and thank it for how it helped you.

Today we told you about symbols used around the world. Some of them are popular, others are little known, but all can bring happiness if you know how to handle them.

Don’t forget to please your amulets with gratitude, wash them if the material allows, and cleanse them of negativity. And, of course, believe in their strength. After all, without faith in success you will not be able to achieve anything.


The bird symbolizes wisdom. They are often used in magical rituals. It is recommended to own a bird for people who suffer from a lack of information in their heads. These creatures will strengthen the information field of your home. However, the energy of birds will be in conflict with a cat or dog; it is impossible to keep them in the same house together.

By keeping a bird together with other animals, you can destroy the harmony of the home aura.

It is especially important to place the cage correctly. According to Feng Shui, the most convenient place for it is on the eastern side of your apartment, since all the good energy of your home accumulates there. The bird will enhance it several times.

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