Pictures that bring good luck, love and happiness. Happiness picture

Paintings that bring good luck and happiness –

A painting that brings good luck

The famous portrait of a gypsy woman -

This is the most ordinary-looking portrait of a black-haired girl, interesting and beautiful.
The picture would hardly have been noticed if not for the gypsy woman herself, who brings happiness. The American Carbone family has the original of the painting, and three generations of this family associate all their achievements and successes with this portrait of the gypsy woman.

Success brings communication with the heroine of the film

, and not the picture itself.
The Carbone family often gave a reproduction of the painting to friends and acquaintances, after which dramatic positive changes occurred in their lives. The gypsy who brings happiness has changed the lives of many people for the better. There are several portraits known in history that bring happiness, however, the portrait of a gypsy woman is the most mysterious and amazing of all. The connection between some life events and the portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness was discovered quite by accident. More than a century ago, in Italy, the portrait was purchased as a gift for Luigi Carbone's wife.

Some time after purchasing a portrait of a gypsy woman bringing happiness, it actually came to the house. The head of the family himself successfully developed his business, and his wife, who had previously suffered from infertility, gave birth to twins, to the surprise of doctors.

But when moving the painting to the barn, which happened after the next renovation, the family failed. Gradually everything got better only after the painting was returned to its original place.

The magical effect of the portrait did not stop there. A portrait that brings happiness has brought and continues to bring happiness to thousands of people.

First, a photograph of the portrait and the accompanying history of the Carbone family was published in a popular American weekly, then other publications published it. All publishing houses that printed a photograph of a portrait of a gypsy woman bringing happiness became the most successful in the United States. Such publishing houses included the Daily News newspaper, today the most famous and richest corporation. The picture is painted on canvas.

A painting that brings happiness! - Arts and crafts fair

Believe it or check it!

I received an unusual order. The girl, tired of loneliness and problems in her personal life, was looking for a way out of this situation. She began to engage in self-development and self-improvement and came to the main law of life. Few people know that the main law of life is the Law of Attraction! What we think about... what and who we surround ourselves with is what we attract into our lives!

Analyzing her life, she realized that everything she has... is her doing... or rather, her thoughts!

In her bedroom, a poster hung above her bed for a long time: “Lonely woman under an umbrella... gray dull weather, empty park...” When she realized that this “sign” was not working in her favor, she immediately removed the image from the wall.

And she turned to me for help. She really wanted that instead of this poster, the room was decorated with another picture, carrying a completely opposite meaning. So that the best symbols that bring Happiness, Luck, Health, Love fit in it competently and comfortably.

We started looking.....)

The first symbol that I have been using in my works for a long time is Peony.

Peony, as you know, brings its owners not only Prosperity and Wealth, but also great Luck and helps lonely hearts find their soulmate. Or it helps to improve relationships with a partner if feelings have subsided and need to be cheered up.

If it is necessary to harmonize the relationships of partners, to make the union happy and strong, it is recommended to place an image of a peony in the spouses’ bedroom. Peony is also a symbol of Devotion and Feminine Beauty.

That is why his images are used - as a talisman that can bring the Energy of Prosperity, Abundance, Love!

In ancient China, lovers gave each other peonies. In addition, it is customary to give a bouquet of peonies on the 12th anniversary of marriage, since the twelve-year cycle lived together speaks of the sincerity of feelings and the kinship of the souls of the spouses.

And in Japan, Peony is a Symbol of Wedding (Marriage), Fertility, Spring, Glory, Wealth (Abundance) and Joy.

Also, with this symbol you will maintain warmth in relationships, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and create a flow of favorable energy in the space around you.

And now a little about the color of the flower. The color palette of peony is very rich.

White peonies symbolize innocence, romance and pristine beauty.

Red ones are especially popular because they are a symbol of life, and on an erotic level they symbolize the feminine principle, since the peony flower opens if dew (male seed) falls on it.

Cream, pink, raspberry……thousands of shades. Having rummaged through the sources, we still haven’t found a clear answer as to which color is more preferable. We turned to intuition and settled on soft pink flowers, especially since the customer really liked this shade and fit perfectly into her delicate shades of the bedroom.

The second strong symbol in the picture is the Tree!

Since ancient times, artists have sung this theme in their paintings. And this is not surprising! A tree is a conductor between Earth and Heaven! It is a symbol of Knowledge and Wisdom, Strength and Stability.... A strong stable position!

Thus the idea was born to create a PEONY TREE!

And, of course, Life should have appeared on such a tree!

Two birds, a nest with eggs - a very big symbol of Love, Family, Loyalty!

This is such an interesting painting that carries an amazing idea and power - to give Harmony and Happiness to its owner.

Now this picture decorates a wonderful bedroom and reminds every second that Happiness, Love and Harmony will very soon settle in this house and remain there forever!

And I, inspired…..spiritualized…..accept orders for “Peony Trees”.

I will make your world Brighter and Happier! May Prosperity and Prosperity come into your life! Let every lonely heart meet its Love! Let children's laughter sound in every home where they dream of children! Let loving hearts meet every morning with a tender kiss! Let Peace and Harmony settle in your Heart!

And, let me tell you a big secret))))……my room is now also decorated with a painting that brings Happiness!

Be Lucky, Healthy, Rich and Loved!

A portrait that brings happiness. All about the legendary portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness

Our world can be divided into material and otherworldly, mysterious. The material world is already known to us, since we encounter it every day. As for the mysterious, practically nothing is known about it. So, for example, certain words or some object bring good luck, and another object - vice versa. It is still not known exactly what gives power to amulets, amulets and talismans. Despite the fact that all these phenomena have existed since humanity appeared, they still remain mysteries. Now we call them supernatural. Many people are afraid of these phenomena because they do not know whether they can be controlled or not. These include a portrait that brings happiness. What kind of portrait is this, and how did it appear?

The history of its appearance

In one Italian town lived a small family called Carbone. The husband loved his wife very much, but they had no children. All my strength went into work, but things did not move forward. In 1897, Luigi Carbone saw a street artist’s portrait of a beautiful gypsy girl. He really liked this image, he decided to buy the painting and give it to his wife. Soon after purchasing this portrait, Luigi's business began to improve. Even minor transactions brought him unexpected income, and he became rich. During this period, another surprising incident occurred for the family: contrary to the doctors’ diagnosis, Luigi’s wife became pregnant and gave birth to healthy twins. Married life improved. At that time, the Carbone family did not even suspect that they had acquired a portrait that brought happiness.

Description of the portrait of a gypsy

The portrait of a gypsy woman, which brings happiness, cannot be called either a masterpiece or some kind of significant work of art. It was painted in the 19th century by an unknown artist. The canvas depicts a beautiful gypsy girl with long black, slightly curly thick hair. She has large brown eyes and long black eyelashes. Correct facial features emphasize the beauty of the image. In addition to everything, she has big beautiful lips. The canvas well conveys the youth of the girl, who to a certain extent is the standard of beauty. In principle, there was nothing special about this portrait. At that time, there were many similar paintings depicting beautiful girls. If it were not for the mysterious power that this portrait possesses, perhaps this image would never have attracted such widespread attention.

The first cases of miraculous power

The connection between some life events and the portrait of the gypsy was discovered by luck. When the Carbone family decided to carry out major renovations in the house, they had to remove all the objects from it, including the portrait of a gypsy who brings happiness (which, of course, they still had no idea about). Suddenly, misfortunes began to haunt the family: the children became very ill, a fire broke out in the house, the losses from which were very significant. Luigi was broken, he had lost all hope that everything would work out for him. One day, while deep in thought, he remembered the portrait. And in order to somehow console himself, he brought it from the barn and hung it in its place. In the shortest possible time, all failures left this family. It was then that Carbone realized that this portrait had a certain power that made his life, and the lives of everyone living in this house, happy. Since then, the picture has never been removed from its place.


When the Carbones discovered that the portrait had miraculous powers, they did not know whether a copy made from this painting would have such properties. In 1938, Carbone's son Mario decided to go to America. The father made a copy of the gypsy woman’s portrait and gave it to his son. Since then, Mario has always kept a portrait with him that brings happiness. The reviews that he subsequently gave during various interviews regarding this film indicated that there was not a single day when success did not accompany him. Finishing his story, Mario thanked fate for this every time.

Portrait of a black-haired girl – a legacy of the Carbone family

This relic was passed down in the Carbone family from one generation to another, and everyone had a wonderful, happy life, healthy children, and material wealth. All members of this family achieved what they wanted in life. They say about such people that luck follows them. And each of them connects their well-being with the beautiful black-haired gypsy, whose image still hangs on the wall in Carbone’s house. The portrait that brings happiness has truly helped all generations of this family. As eyewitnesses confirm, all Carbones were lucky not only in their personal lives and work, but also in gambling. As Mario Carbone said, they gave copies made from this painting to their friends. The result was amazing. It was then that it became known that this portrait helps not only the Carbone family, but also everyone who believes in the miraculous power of this painting.

First appearance in the press

Rumors that there is a portrait that brings happiness also reached the press. The latter became very interested in this painting, and after several interviews taken with members of the Carbone family and their permission to publish the material, a reproduction of the portrait of the gypsy was published in the most popular American weekly Daily News with a description of the life episodes on which the painting influenced. Readers were invited to cut out this portrait and place it in their home so that their lives would become happy. Thousands of readers took advantage of this advice, and the image of a beautiful black-haired girl could be found in many homes.

Mass distribution

After the portrait of the gypsy was published in the American weekly, the editor began to receive a huge number of letters in which people thanked the publishers of the newspaper for such a gift. All the letters told us that as soon as a portrait from a newspaper got into the house, the life of the owners changed radically for the better: some people’s incurable illnesses went away, many people’s businesses brought unexpected income, some were promoted at a rapid pace in their careers, and For some, family quarrels have stopped. In a word, they were all grateful for such a gift. Such a crazy success could not go unnoticed. Everyone around was just talking about the portrait of a gypsy, bringing happiness. Due to the fact that the story became famous, the photo of this girl was published in other publications. It should be noted that everyone who published a portrait of a gypsy in their publications began to gain popularity at a rapid pace. For example, the Daily News newspaper, which first published this portrait, is today the most successful in the United States. Subsequently, the beautiful black-haired girl, who was talked about so much in America, also appeared on the pages of European newspapers and magazines.

On the pages of Russian publications

In the 80s of the twentieth century, a portrait that brings happiness appeared in Russia. It was published by such Soviet newspapers as “Kuban News” and “Home Doctor”. People cut the illustration out of newspapers and hung it on their walls, believing that it would help them the same way it helped the Carbone family. Either this is some kind of self-hypnosis, or simply a coincidence, but the portrait really brought good luck and prosperity to these people’s homes. Today, in many homes you can still see this image on the wall. But they also say that a painting brings happiness only if you talk to it. Whether this is true or not, no one can say with certainty. However, after the image of the black-haired girl began to spread via the Internet, many reviews about it appeared. One thing is certain: the popularity of sites that published this portrait has increased significantly. Perhaps this fact was also influenced by the portrait.

Reviews from owners

After a portrait of a gypsy woman appeared on numerous websites on the Internet, bringing happiness, reviews about it became available to everyone. They are very diverse, but most of them really talk about some kind of miraculous power emanating from the image. Thus, one girl describes the doubts she had before purchasing this portrait. Previously, she believed that all this was invented by people who were clinging to any straw, trying to improve their lives. However, what happened after purchasing the portrait radically changed her opinion: her husband made a big leap in his career, children appeared, financial stability and much more, which made life happy. Another forum member also has a similar portrait of a house purchased by her mother. She talks about how she achieves everything she wants in life, and connects her luck with this picture.

Different opinion

But the portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness has not only positive reviews. So, on one of the forums, a girl says that after she put a photo of this gypsy on her computer screensaver, she was almost fired from her job. And when she removed it, everything fell into place. One young man describes a whole story connected with this portrait. By the age of 40, his sister had not found a life partner. One day, a friend gave her a portrait of a gypsy. The woman began to be haunted by nightmares, where this gypsy was the main character. After some time, she began to see a mirage of this girl in her apartment. Her life has turned into a nightmare. And if her brother had not come to the rescue in time, it is unknown how it all would have ended. After the portrait was removed, the woman gradually returned to normal life.

Despite various reviews regarding this portrait, whether it brings happiness or not depends entirely on you. After all, faith has very great power, and perhaps it is what gives the portrait miraculous power.


These are raindrops. This is the glare of fire. This is air trembling. And the flight is real. This is something that everyone knows. And no one knows!

From the guest book at A. Maranova’s exhibition

A. Vivaldi's Desire - Adagio The longer you live in this world, the more clearly you understand that happiness is something that is always with you. We simply forgot (I forgot, you forgot, they forgot, but now I remember and will never forget) that happiness is almost like matches: that it is always with you - just now they fell into your pocket or behind lining. But it's still HERE.

And it doesn’t depend on anyone. Not from someone else’s love, not from our luck, not from our state of affairs, not from our non-loneliness. It JUST IS. Even if we are often unhappy. This is our inner frame, skeleton, blood composition, calcium in our bones and a constant background in our ironic minds.

Legends of the forest

Just don’t forget: that happiness is so piercing and in its essence so unbearable that when a person experiences it, he begins to spin, like Ball, who has a rattling tin can tied around his neck. Spin around just to get rid of this happiness. Because happiness is visible to everyone (and therefore shameful), because it is very loud and unusual (and therefore interferes with sleep, or rather, even interferes with lying down)... Because you can’t escape it. @ Dmitry Vodennikov




sunny wind

Winter evening




water world

Portrait with a rose

Portrait with orchids

At the carnival

Guiding star



Portrait with a British cat

Dance of Spring

By the fireplace

By the sea

At the ball

The scent of flowers

Portrait with a Persian cat

World of Roses

Spanish dance

Alexander Maranov was born in 1962 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. In 1977 he entered the Tashkent Art School named after P.P. Benkova. He is interested in music and philosophy. Travels throughout Central Asia and Russia. In 1981 he graduated from college with honors. He continues his studies at the Tashkent State Theater and Art Institute named after A.N. Ostrovsky. Since 1984 he has been participating in all-Union and foreign exhibitions. In 1987, A. Maranov graduated with honors from the institute (department of book graphics under the direction of Professor N.S. Pak). Participates in the All-Union exhibition of the best diploma works of art universities of the USSR in Minsk. Thesis works were purchased by the Museum of the East, Tashkent.


In 1988, Maranov was admitted to the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. Teaches painting at the Tashkent State Theater and Art Institute. In 1992 he moved to Moscow. Begins work on the “Shine” cycle. In 1995 he was admitted to the International Federation of Artists at UNESCO. Participates in all-Union and foreign exhibitions. Including personal and collective exhibitions at the N.K. Roerich, the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, the House of Artists on Kuznetsky Most, the Art Salon in Manege, LuxArt Salon, as well as in municipal and private galleries in Moscow. The works are in the N.K. Museum. Roerich (Moscow), Oriental Museum (Tashkent), Academy of Arts (Tashkent), corporate and private collections in Russia, USA, Germany, Spain, Croatia, France, Switzerland, Italy.


Moscow, 1997, House of Artists on Kuznetsky Most. The first personal exhibition in Moscow of the artist-painter Alexander Maranov, a series of works entitled “Radiance”: “Margarita”, “Daughter of the Sun”, “Peace to the Enterer”, “Lullaby”... First visitors... Bewilderment, literally shock...

Invisible energy, physical laws of light, secrets of harmony, heavenly and earthly, external and internal, love, suffering, beauty, intertwined in a web of shining lines - this is the reality of Alexander’s creative world. “Warmth... harmony... peace...,” they will write in the guest book. And one more thing: “I don’t want to leave this room. I want to sit and watch...", "After a hard day I came to the exhibition, and it was as if I had washed my face with clean water..."


This is how Moscow discovered Alexander Maranov - an unusual, bright, memorable and mature artist. He is compared to Vrubel, El Greco, Ciurlionis... Art critics classify him as a symbolist and neo-romanticist. And yet the work of Alexander Maranov is a unique phenomenon in modern Russian culture. And its essence lies in that incomprehensible spiritual sphere with which the concept of the life mission of a true master is connected...

gold fish

Here's what the artist says about himself:

“My parents are natives of the village of Petrakovo, on the Volga, near Uglich. In the difficult fifties, we went to work in the grain-producing city of Tashkent, and stayed there. In 1962, I was born in Tashkent. I picked up a pencil for the first time when I was seven years old. It turned out well, they say, so my mother took me to the children's art studio. He devoted all his free time to drawing. In the end, the family council decided: I should be an artist. I have never regretted this choice in my life.”


“In 1981 I graduated from the Tashkent Art School, and in 1987 from the Tashkent State Theater and Art Institute. All these years I worked very hard, 16-18 hours a day. In addition to the obligatory tasks: sketches, etudes, sketches, he engaged in self-education, delved into the intricacies of the artistic techniques of masters of our time and past centuries, tried to discover the mysteries of color, and experimented. My early paintings were very “material”.

Changes occurred later - at the age of thirty, when, due to a big problem in my personal life, I left Tashkent for Moscow. It was at this time, after painful thoughts about the meaning of life, about the true calling of an artist, about his mission, a knowledge came to me that in an instant turned my whole life upside down - the Radiance was revealed to me.”


Daughter of the Sun

“I dream of conveying to people the beauty of the Radiance, which saved me and brought me into the wonderful world of Beauty and Tenderness, which is what man now lacks and what he strives for so much...”

“How are the images captured in paintings born? Sometimes under the impression of works of fiction. For example, “Lullaby” and “Margarita” were written after serious reflection on Goethe’s “Faust.” Sometimes during sketches, a certain image comes to mind...

Many works were born to the music of Bach, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky - I turn off the light, close my eyes and surrender to the will of the musical waves, centimeter by centimeter I “look through” my future work and until it appears to my inner vision as something whole, in all details, with a complete composition, I don’t stand up to the canvas. Sometimes this takes more than one month...”

SITE Text from here

advice from Feng Shui experts

Have you thought about learning how to manage your wealth, happiness, and luck? It is quite possible. It's enough to have a little secret. Sooner or later, every person feels that their own strengths are not limitless. There is sorely not enough time to do everything at once. Maybe that's why we feel the need for constant support from the outside in order to control our happiness, luck, and well-being? Feng Shui, an amazing, unique controller of positive energy, can provide support. Thanks to the theories of Feng Shui, every person can surround himself with objects that are suitable for him, will work to attract well-being, and “generate” good luck.

Any thing that surrounds us has a powerful energy formula.

It is very important to learn how to select the right things that can accumulate good luck and help attract money, wealth, happiness, and harmony. Such objects can be paintings that bring wealth, luck and happiness to their owners. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to learn to read the symbols. Advice from Feng Shui experts will help with this.

Birds as one of the Feng Shui symbols

Feng Shui works a lot with symbolism. Birds are considered one of the symbols of good luck and the development of personal capabilities. You can have figurines, photographs or paintings of birds in your home. Only the birds depicted must not be in a cage. You can have live birds. Just forget about bird cages! Only a free, happy bird can become a symbol that brings happiness and good luck.

If you are looking for a way to improve things at work, just place a picture of a large flock of birds on your office wall. It will attract new clients and partners, promote careful handling of finances, and restrain from wastefulness.

The image of different types of birds has a different effect, you also need to remember this:

  • birds of prey attract wealth and good luck;
  • rooster - career success;
  • small birds - messengers of good news;
  • pigeons promise love and harmony for married couples, and for single people they bring closer the time of a happy meeting with their destiny;
  • owls - personify care and patronage, the appearance of a mentor in life.

Pay attention to the color scheme of the birds in the painting - the yellow one will serve as support at work, the blue bird is considered a symbol that brings happiness.

The flying flock of birds depicted in the picture promises a well-deserved career advancement, opening up wide opportunities; a picture with the image of a peacock will contribute to good luck and success in all areas of activity.

Images that attract wealth

To attract money and wealth into your life, you can choose paintings depicting different symbols, traditionally denoting fertility, wealth, and abundance. These can be still lifes with fruit or lush orchards teeming with harvests, fountains, springs, springs, crystal clear ponds, a tree with a rich crown, green meadows or ripe cereals.

The image of a mill will bring success in business and attract wealth. The mill in all cultures serves as a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and change for the better.

No less effective for attracting wealth are images of an aquarium with fish or “money fish”. Have you noticed such pictures from your friends, do you often see them in your partners’ offices?

It’s just that all these people already know about the wonderful property of the gold money fish, which can make wishes come true. Try an experiment: try hanging a picture of a fish above the safe where the money is kept. Soon the money will begin to multiply.

The Pursuit of Happyness

Advice for those who lack love and joy to be happy - you should immediately hang a picture with butterflies in the living room, because this is a symbol of joy and love. Let there be two or more butterflies in the picture, but an even number. Pairs of carefree bright butterflies are a guarantee of harmony in the family.

If for some reason you think that a painting with butterflies looks too frivolous and will not look harmonious in the room, think about painting bats - one of the most powerful symbols of happiness and longevity.

Pictures for good luck

Feng Shui names quite a lot of symbols of good luck. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose one of the artistic images of luck that is suitable for any interior style. Chrysanthemum, for example, is not just a beautiful flower; in the east, the image of a chrysanthemum is considered a symbol of good luck. Pictures with a bouquet of chrysanthemums look very elegant. This picture will give the interior a romantic touch and bring a feeling of tenderness. To attract good luck, it is better to hang such a picture in the office or living room.

Good luck is attracted by the famous Feng Shui symbol, the Taoist Wheel of Fortune. It will also protect the owner from adversity, troubles, and will protect from troubles while traveling. This symbol is more suitable for an interior with elements of oriental style in its design.

Trees with fruits, as mentioned above, symbolize wealth. Another meaning is the image of a tree in bloom - it is a symbol of good luck, happy love. The image of a blossoming plum has the strongest energy to attract good luck.

The image of waterfalls attracts good luck to the house. Do not overdo it by looking for a painting of Niagara Falls - such a strong stream can “wash away” the wealth from your home. To prevent this from happening, the picture should be hung so that the water flows away from the front door, and does not flow out the door along with the money.

A painting depicting a sailboat with full sails against the backdrop of a calm sea is a worthy decoration for home and office, not just an interior decoration, but one that brings good luck.

In the practice of Feng Shui, images of hieroglyphs are used that denote wealth, love, happiness, luck, and fidelity. Use such images to attract money, happiness and other benefits into your life only if you know exactly what a particular hieroglyph means. Or contact a specialist. There should be no dissonance between the image in the picture and what kind of energetic influence you expect from it.

Catch your luck, be rich, happy and prosperous.

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Pictures that change our lives. Pictures that bring happiness and fulfillment!

Painting has been around for many centuries. It has come a long evolutionary path, starting from rock paintings on the walls of caves of ancient people and ending with innovative paintings. Every art lover chooses his own direction - modernism, expressionism, cubism, landscapes, portraits, marine painting. There are many directions, but the paintings have one goal - to bring joy to the owner, to tune him into harmony and comfort . Many people prefer to buy paintings for their home, rather than just admire them in museums and art galleries. And it has often been noted that these pieces of art influence the lives of their owners.

Buy, order a painting for luck, order a painting for good luck

Paintings by Oksana Tumadin

Artist Oksana Tumadin (psychologist and art therapy specialist, her own methods, including the exact sciences, have helped many change their lives for the better) is sure that all painted paintings have a special gift to influence a person. For example, her paintings are based on one of the main sources of creating a picture - immersion in the essence of a phenomenon (concept, request), deeply understood at the level of naturally working laws and precisely working formulas . It is this mood that awakens a person’s connection with the source, plus inspiration, thoughts, feelings and sensations that the picture shows on the canvas with the help of brushes and paints. When a picture is painted from the soul, from a pure heart, there is no doubt that the owner of the picture will feel wonderful changes in his life.

Beautiful pictures about happiness (42 photos) -

Each of us wants to be happy. Of course, each person puts his own concept into this. For some it is the smile of relatives, for others it is to earn a fortune, in general, everything is individual for everyone. The main thing in this matter is to go to the end, to fight for your happiness, no matter what it is.

In this collection, we have prepared for you many kind, positive and beautiful pictures about happiness that will set you up for positive emotions, and maybe even motivate you to do some accomplishments.

Pictures that give prosperity and happiness

What paintings bring positivity, luck, happiness into life?


Hello, Marina!

When decorating the interior of an apartment, house or office, the question of choosing suitable paintings often arises. They should not only be combined with furniture and decoration, but also bring positive energy to their owners. Interestingly, paintings can attract both good luck and bad luck. The importance of the plot of the picture is also spoken of in the ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui. We will talk about this today too.


Pictures with chrysanthemums can be hung both at home and in the office. These beautiful flowers are conductors of happiness and good luck. Like cherry blossoms, chrysanthemum is a favorite and revered subject of Japanese painting. Many sacred myths and legends are associated with the chrysanthemum.

Eagles in the sky

Majestically soaring eagles, like carps, in Eastern philosophy are considered a symbol of determination and success in business. Paintings depicting them are most often hung in a study or office.

Beautiful house and waterfall

Paintings depicting waterfalls are used to attract money into life and good luck in business. It is advisable to decorate the kitchen or living room with them. Paintings depicting some beautiful buildings also have a beneficial effect on the energy of the house.


Japanese cherry has long been endowed with special mystical properties. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this tree is almost idolized. Sakura flowers are believed to be a symbol of good luck. In Japan, national holidays are held in honor of sakura, during which crowds of local residents sit on the grass and admire the beautiful blossoms of this tree.

Sakura is not only a symbol of success in business, but also of renewal. Paintings with her image bring new positive energy to the house. Typical oriental landscapes are often complemented by images of mountains, which only enhance the positive impact. It is recommended to hang such landscapes in the office behind your back.


Paintings depicting fish would be appropriate both in the office and in the house. According to Eastern beliefs, they attract financial well-being and success in all endeavors.

The most popular subjects of oriental painting are carps as a symbol of perseverance and financial stability.

Sailboats at dawn

Do you want to attract success into your life? Then hang a picture in the living room that depicts a sailboat plowing the sea. The bow of the vessel should not “look” towards the window, otherwise the beneficial energy coming into the house will immediately float away. In addition, it is desirable that the picture depicts a sunrise as a symbol of the beginning of a new period in life.

birds of paradise

In order to improve your relationship with your significant other or have success in amorous affairs, we advise you to hang an image of birds of paradise in your bedroom. Rumor has it that Jin Hongjun's film "Birds of Paradise" is especially effective.

Don’t hesitate to pay special attention to decorating the room with “correct” paintings. It’s quite simple to create beneficial energy for yourself and your loved ones!

I hope my answer was helpful to you!

Best regards, Valery.

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A painting that brings happiness

People often ask: are there such paintings that bring happiness and good luck? There are all sorts of amulets, amulets, medallions, why shouldn’t paintings perform the same function?

The answer to this question is Yes, there is!

The paintings have their own aura, which can influence certain events in the life of the owner. Everyone knows that aquarium fish calm the nerves and induce calm. Paintings can do the same. Many people find themselves in difficult or difficult situations and cannot find a way out or clues. And pictures, in the essence of which there is an entrance and an exit, there is a path and implementation, suggest a way out or the right solution, invisibly guiding in the right direction.

How to choose “your” painting?

It is so difficult, people think, because there are a great many paintings, and all are beautiful, colorful and attractive. However, there is one little secret - when looking at the picture, unusual physical sensations arise - rapid heartbeat, goosebumps. This means that the painting has chosen you. It contains the option for implementing your request, request, desire that is right for you.

Oksana Tumadin paints pictures for all occasions - for inspiration, for successful business, good luck in her personal life, and for getting out of difficult situations. The main thing is to choose the one that suits you. Many people like to order their portrait, before painting which work must be done so that a transformation of energy occurs inside and the Highest disclosure and social realization of the Personality of this person is recorded in the portrait. Many owners have already found what the picture essentially conveyed; you can read reviews and kind words on the dedicated page.

✳️First, a copy of the painting you choose is made on a high-quality canvas. ✳️ Then the Author tunes in to you (for this you send your FAVORITE photos - where the eyes are burning and the smile and light are pouring through - this is the state of openness, happiness and joy that we all want to preserve and increase). ✳️You receive a video instruction, you do the work to restore energy before writing, send it via WhatsApp to the Author and the process of transformation has begun!!! ⠀

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