Japanese characters. Japanese character for "luck", Japanese character for "happiness", Japanese character for "love", "health"

If you've been learning Japanese for a long time, then it's likely that Japanese characters have become part of your everyday life and are not something outlandish. However, for a beginner or someone completely unfamiliar with Japanese writing, Japanese characters can evoke a lot of feelings, from complete misunderstanding of the meaning of these mysterious squiggles to intense curiosity.

If you see a hieroglyph, for example, as a tattoo or on someone's wall as a decoration, then it is likely that you will want to know its meaning. Well, it’s not just that a person chose this set of lines and sticks, which intricately adds up to a meaning accessible to a select few.

Eastern culture remains popular in Russia, and a large number of people strive to understand the mysterious eastern world.
For what purposes do people look for specific hieroglyphs?
Primarily for tattoos. A hieroglyph tattoo attracts the attention of others (it is likely that many people, having seen the tattoo, will want to know the meaning). A stuffed hieroglyph is an identifier of belonging to a secret for its owner, and can also tell others (if they know the meaning of the kanji) what the person with the hieroglyph pays attention to, for example, health, love or wealth, and in some cases all of this at once.

For a person of European culture, hieroglyphs carry an aura of mystery and a kind of magic. For the same reason, people buy talismans or amulets in the form of hieroglyphs and believe in their protection, trying to join Eastern wisdom.

Some people are fascinated by the magic of calligraphy . Beautiful writing of hieroglyphs is an entire art, which consists not only of using a brush competently, but also focusing your mind on the meaning of the hieroglyph, gathering all the power of the brush, drawing the treasured sign.

Another area of ​​application of hieroglyphs is Feng Shui. This is an ancient Chinese teaching about the harmonization of space. It is believed that characters placed in the right place (for example, the Japanese character for “Wealth” in a wallet) attract what they mean. They contain deep meaning and are believed to have great power.

So, below you can get acquainted with the hieroglyphs that are in greatest demand, as well as the order in which they are written. Imagine the surprise of your friends when you can easily not only tell the meaning of a hieroglyph depicted, for example, on the hand of your interlocutor, but also read it.

Japanese character for “love”

愛(ai). Perhaps one of the most popular hieroglyphs, especially among married couples. Helps attract true feelings. Not to be confused with 恋 (koi). In the first case, we mean love not only for the opposite sex, but also for nature, life, and art. In the second case - romantic love for a specific person, even to some extent manifested in the desire to possess.

The order of strokes of the character 愛:

Hieroglyph wealth in Chinese: photo, writing, meaning

The “qi” sign is most often placed in the home or office. The symbol helps to increase not only financial status, but also spiritual wealth, helps to immerse its owner in an atmosphere of prosperity. It will help eliminate all problems on the way to achieving your goal.

For the symbol to really work, it is better to place it in places that are related to finance: wallets, safes, piggy banks. You can make a special red wallet to store it. This sign is often presented to friends along with a gift. It is believed that everything that a person wishes will return to him.

Money sign

The sign contributes to the rapid increase in finances. It is located in places where money is stored.


The sign is relevant not only for the sphere of wealth, but also for others: love, success, health. For it to work, it is advisable to combine it with another necessary sign. Looking at the hieroglyph, we can say that it represents a bowl containing a bouquet of ears of grain. Serves as an excellent addition to the sign of wealth and fertility.

Japanese character for “health”

健康 (kenkou). It is the combination of two kanji that forms the word “health”. It is believed that the image of this hieroglyph helps to improve the well-being of its owner. Sometimes you can simply find the character 健, but separately it means “healthy.”

What else can you do with hieroglyphs?

In addition to tattoos, Feng Shui and talismans, Japanese characters can be used in the following cases:

  1. Use your favorite hieroglyph when creating a hand-made postcard. This will be a memorable gift with which you will express your feelings or wishes in an unusual way. The postcard will be especially valuable for those who are interested in martial arts.
  2. In addition to the postcard, a mug with a hieroglyph would be a great gift idea
  3. Writing on a T-shirt is much less risky than getting a tattoo. Moreover, it is much more pleasant to wear a T-shirt with an inscription, the meaning of which is close to your spirit, than to try with difficulty to find a thing with an inscription on which would suit you.
  4. Japanese-style interiors are very popular these days. Well, what is Japanese style without a hieroglyph? If you want to contemplate a Japanese symbol on the wall of your room, you can watch a video with calligraphy lessons and create a real masterpiece on beautiful paper or a bamboo napkin. Another option is to make a custom photo wallpaper or poster.
  5. For those who are fond of needlework (embroidery, beads, etc.), creating a pattern on a pillow or panel will be akin to calligraphy. The main thing is to choose a beautiful layout.
  6. If you are invited to a Japanese-themed party (or even a simple party), bring candy, but not plain candy. Wrap each candy with a wish in the form of a hieroglyph to the person who will receive this candy.

If you want to learn how to write the most popular Japanese characters, then remember the most important rule - kanji are always written in a strict sequence of strokes. According to one Japanese scholar, if you write a hieroglyph without following the sequence, then you are committing a violent act on it.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the meanings of hieroglyphs, so as not to get into an awkward situation when meeting a native speaker or a person who understands hieroglyphs. It is better not to spontaneously search for the meanings of hieroglyphs on the Internet, but to contact a Japanese friend (if you have one) or an experienced Japanese scholar.

But, you see, just knowing a few hieroglyphs is not that interesting. Especially if you plan to seriously study the Japanese language, you will face many difficulties, which often become the reason for the fading of interest in learning the language. And all because many people simply do not know how to learn kanji correctly. But we have great news for you - you can learn how to effectively memorize hieroglyphs in our course “Effective techniques for memorizing hieroglyphs.” Thanks to these activities, you will be able to predict not only the sequence of features even in hieroglyphs that are unfamiliar to you, but also the meaning and even the reading! There are not very many places in the group, so hurry up before all the basics are covered without you! You can find out more and purchase the course here.

Hieroglyphs were and remain to this day a beautiful and fascinating type of writing that can be mastered and improved endlessly.

Want to learn more about hieroglyphs?

Then sign up for a free course on effectively learning Japanese characters

Did you manage to write down the hieroglyphs given above? Please share in the comments.

Feng Shui: meanings of hieroglyphs

There are a large number of hieroglyphs, and there is simply not enough time to list them all. However, there are the most popular symbols that are especially often installed in your home and at work as talismans. What are these hieroglyphs and what do they mean?

• Hieroglyph “Money”

It is one of the most popular symbols. Its action is aimed not only at attracting money, but also at finding new sources of income. By placing such a symbol in your home, you will quickly feel how cash flow will soon flow into your hands.

• Hieroglyph “Wealth”

This symbol is not similar to the previous one, although it is similar in theme. The hieroglyph “Wealth” means complete financial independence and prosperity. Money luck accompanies you in all endeavors and enterprises. There will not just be enough money, but there will be enough money in abundance.

• Hieroglyph “Double Happiness”

This symbol helps to establish family harmony, happiness in the family, and eliminates conflicts. Such a sign can bring good luck not only to the person who acquired it, but also to his marital partner.

• Hieroglyph “Prosperity”

The action of this hieroglyph is aimed at attracting monetary luck. In addition, it helps to preserve and increase all existing capital.

• Hieroglyph “Happiness”

Capable of bringing peace and harmony to the place where the image of this symbol will be located. Thanks to this hieroglyph, the circulation of positive Qi energy improves, and people quickly gain peace of mind.

• Hieroglyph “Abundance”

It is considered one of the strongest symbols of Chinese writing. Such a sign is able to bring many different benefits to its owner. Fate will generously give the owner of such a hieroglyph good health, an impetus for good career growth, money and prosperity in all endeavors.

• Hieroglyph “Fulfillment of desires”

As the name implies, such a hieroglyph is capable of fulfilling the most cherished and even the most incredible dreams of its owner. But, only on the condition that the fulfillment of these desires does not harm anyone. If you have such desires, place this hieroglyph in a prominent place so that it catches your eye as often as possible. And then his action will not be long in coming.

• Hieroglyph “Business success”

This sign helps to promote your business towards prosperity. If there is none, but you really want to start your own business, this symbol will help you achieve success in all endeavors and enterprises. Everything will work out and work out. If you like your job, but you think that you have stayed too long in one place, the hieroglyph will help activate career growth.

• Hieroglyph “Love”

If you are single, this hieroglyph can help you find your soulmate. Most likely, you won’t even have to look. Fate will just push you down. For those people who already have a loved one near them, the hieroglyph will help them achieve complete harmony in relationships, well-being, happiness and mutual understanding. Feelings will become deeper and stronger than they were before.

• Hieroglyph “Eternal love”

Helps its owner in creating truly unbreakable marriage bonds. This talisman is aimed at preserving love feelings and strengthening them. This talisman is truly capable of attracting and preserving love energy. In addition, as the name implies, this talisman is able to maintain the fire of feelings for a long time.

• Hieroglyph “Health”

Take care of the well-being and eliminate all illnesses in the people in whose house it is located. As a rule, it is customary to give the image of this symbol to close people, family and friends.

• Hieroglyph “Longevity”

It is considered one of the most popular symbols. Unlike the hieroglyph “Health”, it is capable of endowing its owner with truly heroic well-being, helping to cure diseases and prolong life for a long time. It is also considered an excellent gift for loved ones and loved ones.

• Hieroglyph “100 years of married happiness”

Such a symbol is designed to protect and protect the existing marriage union. It helps protect the family from any kind of intrusion, be it physical or energetic intrusion. Helps create a strong, truly indestructible family. Promises the achievement of complete harmony and mutual understanding in relationships. In addition, the hieroglyph helps prevent infidelity on the part of both spouses.

• Hieroglyph “Talent”

Most suitable for those people who study at school, college or other educational institutions. Helps you discover your hidden abilities and talents, as well as decide on your future place in your life. Especially popular as a gift for children.

• Hieroglyph “Wisdom”

Such a talisman gives its owner the ability to make the most correct decisions when any problems arise.

Of course, there are many more hieroglyphs than are listed here. Only the most popular and in demand are described. However, as a rule, these symbols are quite enough to change your life for the better.

Here are a few rules for using hieroglyphs according to Feng Shui in order to increase well-being:

1. The action is most intense if the pattern is applied to a material of natural origin (natural fabrics, stones, wood).

2. It is best to place an item with a hieroglyph in a place where money is constantly or at least periodically. In any case, the circulation of Qi energy will be maximally improved when the place is directly connected with money (safe or storage room, wallet or purse, piggy bank).

3. Since in Feng Shui a very specific area in the house is responsible for finances - its southeastern part, then it is best to place the talisman in this zone.

4. There is another law, following which can trigger the mechanism of money inflow: the giver receives much more than he gives. Here you can combine the effect of this rule with the monetary energy of the hieroglyph. To do this, you just need to give someone such a talisman. The main thing is that the gift comes from the heart, and the wishes for well-being are sincere. Only in this case will the law of return work.

If you want to be rich, surround yourself with certain symbols.

In my store you can find or order gifts with images of favorable Feng Shui symbols (including various hieroglyphs). The hieroglyphs are written in gold leaf (the thinnest gold foil) on wooden tablets. The signs themselves are coated with a special water-based varnish with holographic gold glitter.

Gold, glitter, red background - enhance the effect of hieroglyphs designed to increase cash flows!

Hieroglyph for success in Chinese

Most often used in Feng Shui by people of creative professions and those who run business. Attracts only positive emotions and sensations. Success is possible due to the fact that the sign attracts creativity, new ideas, and positive energy.

Chinese character prosperity

Will help you grow and prosper in all areas of life. It can be placed both in the office and at home. It can attract health, success, prosperity. It will give its owner peace and tranquility.

Tattoo color

Traditionally, Chinese characters for tattoos can be chosen in a tattoo parlor in a black version, but there are also images using color, the so-called “pure” colors, of which there are 5 in Chinese culture.

Each color has its own symbolic meaning that must be taken into account:

  1. Blue-green (the Chinese have one color) - symbolizes wind , embodies the element of wood, the tendency to growth and development. The green hue is associated in Chinese culture with the birth of new life. Blue-green is considered the most “fickle color” and can mean both the color of the sky and wisdom, and the element that brings destruction.
  2. Red is the color of fire and sun. Symbolizes joy, upward movement. The power of the sun and fire is capable, according to the inhabitants of heaven, of scaring away evil, protecting, and bringing harmony and joy to the house. Red is associated with good omens, success, celebration, profit, vitality, enthusiasm.
  3. Yellow represents the element of earth and its associated properties: fertility, constancy, stability, inviolability, eternity. Yellow is the color of gold, and as a result, success and prosperity.
  4. White in Chinese culture is associated with the metal element and with the completion of the cycle (autumn), going beyond the world of the living. The inconsistency of the symbols associated with white is caused by the fact that it was both the color of mourning and the color of amulets against the inhabitants of the other world.
  5. Black is associated in traditional Chinese culture with the element water , associated with mystery and mysticism, the unknown, the ability to remember everything and change. Therefore, color symbolizes wisdom, the desire for knowledge, immersion in the study of the secrets of existence.

In tattoos, colors are used to give greater power to images and hieroglyphs (for example, there may be a red outline of symbols to reinforce their auspicious meaning).

Chinese character for wish fulfillment: step-by-step writing, photo

It can awaken energy that will allow you to fulfill your cherished desires and dreams. It is best if the symbol is at home, as it will help you quickly realize all your desires not only personally, but also financially.

It is very difficult to write a symbol step by step; you need to study all the details and the order in which they are written, because if you depict even one line incorrectly, you can get a word with the opposite meaning.

For all the hieroglyphs to really work, it is better to draw them yourself. But be sure to follow all the rules of writing and think only about something positive. Alternatively, the sign can be engraved, burned into wood or embroidered.

Hieroglyphs faith, hope, love, fidelity, harmony

愛 Hieroglyph of Love - attracts feelings and restores reciprocity in a couple. It will strengthen marriage bonds and quench family quarrels. Will allow you to find harmony and peace in the family. If you always have it with you or in your room, you can quickly find your soulmate. 信仰Faith - it is believed that the sign helps to believe in yourself and quickly complete all your plans. Helps you believe and move towards a bright future. 希望 Hope - allows you not to give up and is one of the keys to a person’s successful existence. Helps you achieve your goals faster.

和諧 – Harmony – allows you to live in peace and balance with the world around you and yourself.

忠誠 – the symbol attracts mutual love and fidelity.

Traditional Chinese writing

Hanzi is the traditional Chinese script officially used in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and even outside the country. There are about 47 thousand hieroglyphs in this language, but not all are used. To write correctly, you need to know about four thousand characters.

Many Chinese words are made up of several characters, with one character representing one syllable. In addition to traditional Chinese writing, there is also a simplified one, which was invented to improve literacy in the country. In simplified writing, characters have fewer strokes than in traditional writing; such writing is used in China, Singapore and Malaysia.

Chinese characters are considered the most ancient compared to others; they are used in Chinese, as well as in Korean and Japanese. Until 1945, this script was used even in Vietnam.

No one knows how many hieroglyphs exist (it is assumed that about 50 thousand), since their number and type are constantly changing.

Around the world, about a thousand different hieroglyphs are used every day. This amount is enough for approximately 93% of printed material.


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