How to arrange a bed according to Feng Shui for favorable sleep and relaxation

Greetings, dear friends! A person spends 1/3 of his life, about 15-30 years, on sleep, so it is very important to equip the bedroom for excellent rest. If you're a rough sleeper, you might want to consider rearranging your furniture, and especially the feng shui placement of your bed. The room where you rest should have a peaceful flow of energy.

There are two correct ways to place a bed in a bedroom according to the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui.

Method 1. Placement of the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui cardinal directions

The most universal way to place the bed is in the north and, of course, the east.

For spiritual development, place the head of the bed to the north, your intuition will grow, you can add purple bedding to this to enhance it. The north will also contribute to financial success and excellent health.

A wonderful, healthy sleep will await you on the eastern side. It is suitable for everyone, especially older people are highly recommended to relax there. The East will add energy, positivity and success.

Which direction should you sleep with your head according to feng shui?

It will be good for students (schoolchildren, students) to sleep well in the northeast. But for those whose work involves brain activity, it is better to refuse such sleep.

Where should you sleep with your head according to Feng Shui for those who have problems fulfilling their dreams or achieving their goals? Southeast to the rescue. Add a canopy to the bed, create a kind of royal bed for yourself, this will also contribute to your financial wealth.

The south is responsible for communication with people. Having a bad relationship with someone? Few acquaintances? You need to sleep with your feet facing north.

The West will help improve health and inspire creative people.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui for love and marriage?

The southwest will help in your personal life, strengthen relationships and help in your career. Pink bedding will help you find your soulmate. The mattress must be intact. Hang a picture of a happy couple above the bed to activate a harmonious relationship.

Red bedding will help move things forward, but you shouldn’t sleep on it all the time, otherwise you will stop resting normally while sleeping.

How should the bed be placed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui if you suffer from depression and loneliness? The North-West will bring notes of positivity, cheerfulness and inspiration for new achievements.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the window according to Feng Shui?

No. Do not place the head of the bed towards the window, and do not sleep with your feet facing it, this is very harmful to your energy.

Common mistakes in bed placement

First, let's look at common mistakes. They are performed by people who are just beginning their steps in mastering the art of Feng Shui:

  1. The bed should not be directed directly towards the exit from the bedroom! The direction towards the door is the most unfavorable. Many people associate it with the dead.
  2. The direction towards the window is also considered unlucky.
  3. A bed next to a window is the cause of restless sleep. Place it a little further and be sure to use curtains.
  4. You should not sleep on the same line as the window and door. This is how the flow of energy rushes through the sleeper and negatively affects the quality of rest. If it is impossible to change the position of the bed, then you need to hang wind chimes above the door and window. The bells will distribute energy throughout the room.
  5. It's bad when something hangs over the bed. No beams, shelves, flowers, three-dimensional paintings, lamps or clocks! A sloping ceiling is also not suitable.
  6. Sharp angles facing the bed emit negative energy. Nightstands should be lower than the bed. Reduce the amount of furniture in the bedroom to the necessary minimum.
  7. Don't forget about basic convenience. A fairly spacious sleeping area with orthopedic accessories and comfortable bedding is the first step to a healthy sleep.
  8. The correct position of the bed is against one or two walls, so that there is a feeling of protection. It is uncomfortable to rest in the middle of the room. For right-handers, the wall should be on the left, for left-handers, vice versa.
  9. The sleeping person should not be reflected in mirrors.
  10. For spouses, the bed should be common, and not made of two halves. Moreover, free access is needed on both sides. This affects the balance in relationships.

Headboard according to Feng Shui (cardinal direction)

  • north - one, three, four, nine
  • northeast - two, six, seven, eight
  • northwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • south - one, three, four, nine
  • southeast - one, three, four, nine
  • southwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • east - one, three, four, nine
  • west - six, seven, eight

Bed placement according to feng shui

  1. Forget about mirrored surfaces overhead and cabinets with mirrored doors opposite the bed. If the closet mirror still reflects you, hang it up at night
  2. Do not keep the bed opposite the door, do not sleep with your feet facing it. A bad omen: “they will carry you out of the house feet first.”
  3. The bed should not be perpendicular to the door. If there is no way out, be sure to close the door while sleeping. Or fence off the entrance with something, curtains, a canopy, a screen. Some people recommend placing a large tree, but it is better not to have plants in the bedroom at all. At night, they release carbon dioxide, which is harmful to health.
  4. Do not squeeze the bed between two wardrobes; it is better to separate yourself with bedside tables.
  5. Sharp corners should not “look” at sleeping people
  6. Don't hang chandeliers above your bed. If you need light by the bed, place nightlights on the nightstand or secure them near the bed. Attach a dream catcher above your bed, although it has nothing to do with feng shui, it will only bring you the right dreams.
  7. How to properly install a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: single and double.
  • If the bed is single, its place is in the corner.
  • A double bed needs to be approached from both sides. And place a nightstand on each side.
  • Bunk beds are not recommended in feng shui, because children will be pressed by the small space above them - the upper tier and the ceiling.
  1. Where to put a bed according to Feng Shui if you have a private house or a two-story apartment? The bedroom, and most importantly the bed, should not be located UNDER the bathroom or ABOVE the kitchen.
  2. A high headboard is a must - this is a symbol of protection.
  • If you are a working "bee" you should have a square back
  • If your status is higher than this, buy a bed with a round head.
  • For spouses, the “Dragon and Phoenix” back is suitable - a wavy back, where one wave is higher than the other.
  • For creative people, a wave back is suitable.
  • The shell-shaped back supports the birth of children.
  • Also, for people who sleep together, a backrest with a depression in the middle is suitable. This way the energy flows into the middle and is distributed between the couple.

Choosing a bed

A person’s proper rest affects his health, desire to work and create, mood and success. Therefore, planning the sleeping area requires a careful approach. To feel the effect of beneficial energy flows, you need knowledge: how to place a bed according to Feng Shui.

Experts advise choosing the far corner in relation to the front door, preferably diagonally. This placement of the recreation area will add peace and confidence, because... the space in the room will be viewed.

If the head of the bed is moved towards the wall, the positive effect will increase. The seating area should not be located in the middle of the room, because... Over time, feelings of insecurity and anxiety will arise. It is prohibited to install a sleeping place between pillars.

How to properly arrange a place to sleep

For a healthy and sound sleep, it is advisable to follow the rules for positioning the bed. It is undesirable to sleep near a window to avoid direct sunlight and drafts; feet towards the door.

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  • proximity of toilet, bathroom and kitchen;
  • presence of useless things nearby;
  • objects above your head - arches, beams, shelves, chandeliers, etc.;
  • live house plants;
  • aquariums, decorative fountains, fireplaces;
  • reflection in the mirror;
  • sharp corners of cabinets, bedside tables, chests of drawers, etc.

The right bed

To avoid disagreements in the family, you should not make a bed from 2 separate parts of the mattress and move single beds together. The matrimonial bed is a single space of classic symmetrical proportions. The size of the bed is determined by the height and weight of the owners.

A round bed design is not acceptable. The absence of backrests that perform protective functions makes the aura of a sleeping person vulnerable, and has a negative impact on energy.

Recommended headboards:
  • in the form of a pearl shell, it harmoniously distributes energy and renews the feelings of the spouses;
  • with a double bend has a beneficial effect on the sleeping couple. The energy of each, flowing, unites in one place, connecting lovers;
  • curved in the middle, meets the requirements of Feng Shui, because energy, moving on the convex side, is distributed evenly among sleeping people.

Recognition of ancient teachings

The Taoist practice of organizing the surrounding space, following which a person begins to better understand the foundations of the universe, is popular in Europe, Africa, America and other parts of the world.

The main task of the ancient teaching is to teach a person to use energy flows for good in order to achieve the desired success in work, relationships with colleagues, friends and loved ones, and other areas of life.

The goal of Feng Shui is to achieve internal and external harmony. Compliance with the rules of the theory will help change everyone’s life and will attract mutual understanding, prosperity and love into the home.

If you have doubts or questions about arranging a bedroom using generally accepted teachings, look at a photo of a Feng Shui bed on the Internet, which will help you make the right choice.

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