The key to a strong marriage: which side of the bed should the wife sleep on?

The ancient Slavs believed that a man, as the head of a family, should lie to the left of his woman in order to protect himself from betrayal and deceit. The right hand is a symbol of truth, faith, strength, therefore the closest person should be placed on the right side.

By the way, the expression “to be the right hand” is also connected with this belief. It is customary to greet a person with the same hand and take an oath, placing your hand on the Bible, icon, or heart. It would seem that everything is simple and clear, but it was not so. Psychologists, historians and followers of Feng Shui differ in their “testimonies”.

Which side of the bed should a wife and husband sleep on, from the point of view of evolutionary psychology?

For any man (not left-handed), the right side of the body, that is, the arm, leg, ear, is always ready for defense on a subconscious level, and the ear is never to be trusted at word. And so Mossad agents, if they conduct such surveillance and see that the man is lying to the right of the lady, it means that there is no trust between them. Well, or at least he's wary.

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With women it’s the other way around – everything on the left is responsible for their “combat” actions. If, when choosing where to lie, a woman lies down to the left of a man, then the agents understand that he is not her favorite person.

If the relationship in a couple is ideal, then the man will turn to the woman, and she will turn to him as trusting parties. That is, a man, lying on his back, touches a woman with his left hand, and a loving woman will turn to her man on her right side. This situation guarantees complete harmony in the couple: trust in each other and mutual readiness to confront problems from the outside.


However, some bioenergy therapists and zealots of piety believe that spouses should sleep separately, each in their own bed. Especially after sex. In this way, male and female energies are preserved in an uncomplicated form, replenished during sleep.

Psychologists object - tactile contact during sleep is extremely important and serves to establish a more trusting relationship between husband and wife. A man should sleep on the edge, this is due to his instincts as a protector. Time managers believe that in this case it is necessary to adhere to a pragmatic point of view: whoever gets up for work earlier is at the end. There is an opinion that the wife should sleep on the edge so that she can get up early and prepare breakfast without waking her husband.

But what if the bed has two edges, that is, one side of it is not pushed against the wall?

Which side of the bed should a wife sleep on, based on medieval superstitions

Psychologists took the entrepreneur on a tour of superstitious Medieval England. In those days, one of the superstitions was that if you sleep on the bed on the right, you can suffer from evil spirits, which can cause damage and bring many other troubles.

For centuries, the British believed in this superstition, so now it works on a subconscious level in people. They may not know about the superstition itself, but for some reason they don’t want to sleep on the bed on the right. It gets to the point where spouses even quarrel because they are unable to solve the problem.

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Having figured out the issue, the entrepreneur began promoting a new advertising idea to the masses. Since this is the case, it would probably be best if each spouse had their own bed. Separate sleep is more comfortable, and it is good for psychological health. Of course, it’s not bad for the manufacturer of luxury bedroom furniture - now spouses will buy not one bed each, but two.

According to the behests of our ancestors

Some peoples still have a division into the right and left sides as positive and negative. The right is considered the correct side; it is to the right of the important person that his closest, trusted person is located. Based on these considerations, in Rus' it was believed that a wife should sleep to the right of her husband. In addition, this arrangement was intended to protect the husband from the lies and deceit of his wife, who was on the right side.

This arrangement also reflected the social position of men and women in Rus': the first is the leader, the head, the second is the subordinate, companion, executor of her husband’s will. This function of the wife was reinforced, for example, by Domostroy, a book dedicated to proper family relationships and rational housekeeping.

What do primitive traditions tell us?

The English scientific journal Open Access published its findings on which side of the bed is best for spouses to sleep on. The scientist relied on deep national traditions and ancient eastern practices. Almost all European countries have the understanding that a woman usually lies down or lies in bed next to her husband's right hand and holds his palm with her left hand.

Meanwhile, in ancient times, for example, during the primitive communal system, young rivals were always in the cave to the right of the person. The woman on the left had cradles with her children. According to the scientist, the fact that this seeming trifle is neglected in traditional European society has led to many problems. A family is one whole energy, and the polarity in it has long been confused.

As a result, a modern man perceives a woman as a competitor in business and simply in solving everyday problems. And the woman who used to rock the cradle with her left hand increasingly unconsciously views the man to her left as a child who cannot decide anything and does it without the advice of his mother. This is why the number of divorces around the world is constantly increasing.

What do superstitions say about this?

Testing was carried out among middle-aged Englishmen. They were asked which side they preferred to sleep on.

Most people answered that they like to sleep on the left side. Moreover, both men and women said so. The British said that they themselves were surprised, but this way they sleep much better and get enough sleep, even if they have to get up early.

Some people became interested in why exactly this was happening, because this is the opinion of more than one person. People received clarification from psychologists.

The answer even surprised some of them. Experts have found that during the Middle Ages, people tried not to sleep on the right side for the reason that they were very afraid. People believed that if a person slept like this, then an evil spirit could take possession of him.

This superstition is so deeply rooted that even today husband and wife disagree. Many spouses fight for the left seat on the bed.

Primal Instincts

All-knowing British scientists, of course, also could not ignore the study of such an important issue. To do this, the British carefully studied ancient eastern practices. It turned out that the overwhelming number of Europeans, like the ancient Slavs mentioned above, from ancient times believed that a woman should sleep and sit on the right side of her husband, and when walking next to him, put her left hand under his elbow.

However, the study of the customs of the tribes of the primitive communal system comes into conflict with this belief. In the caves where the first people lived, on the right side of the man were his younger competitors, and on the left side of the woman were cradles.

Thus, scientists concluded that neglect of this fact in traditional European society has already given rise to many problems. The family is a single energy center, but the polarity in it has long been confused. As a result, a modern man often perceives his woman as a rival in business, and a woman who in ancient times rocked a cradle with a child with her left hand often subconsciously treats the man on her left as a child who is unable to decide or do anything without advice his "mother". This has a destructive effect on relationships and often leads to divorce.

Why a man shouldn't sleep to the left of a woman

Most of us will wave our hand and say, “What difference does it make whether I sleep on the left side of the bed or the right, on my stomach or on my side? The main thing is that it’s soft!” Yes, that's right, it should be comfortable. And that's why people have been researching sleep quality.

Recommendations have been developed on how best to go to bed so that the time spent in sleep has the greatest benefit. We will look at why scientists do not recommend a position where a man sleeps to the left of a woman.

Did you know that in Tsarist times it was considered good manners among the nobility for husband and wife to sleep separately in separate rooms? Until now, some priests recommend that newlyweds lie down separately from each other after their wedding night. They explain this by the fact that when a person sleeps alone, he will better conserve his energy and recovery in sleep will be of better quality. This is especially true for young mothers who need a lot of energy to care for their children.

But psychologists have noted the importance of tactile contact between partners during sleep. Since the person sleeping next to him trusts his partner. A representative of the stronger sex should sleep at the edge - this is indicated by the natural instincts of the protector of his offspring.

Opinions are different, there are many of them, and each situation has its own points of view. After all, many people lie down due to circumstances: someone needs to get up earlier to go to work, and someone lies down on the edge in order to straighten the blanket of a child sleeping in another bed at night.

But if you read what the inhabitants of Rus' said about this, then before there was even a custom: the one who was trusted went to bed on the right. That's why women had to sleep on the right side of their husbands. It was also believed that when a woman sleeps on her right side, she will not be able to be angry or deceive her husband.

Modern scientists have developed a whole direction in the science of sleep, which is called somnology. There is a lot of research being done into the psychological and physical processes involved in how people sleep. And it turned out that the ancient Slavs were right: it is better for men to lie to the left of women.

About what positions are best to occupy during sleep, they found out that when a person sleeps on the right side, he does not squeeze the heart and it does its job normally. However, people can sleep as they wish. Just talk to your wife, decide what will be comfortable for both of you, both physically and psychologically.

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What do traditions say?

Previously, it was believed that a woman should lie on the edge of the bed. This was due to the fact that it was more convenient to get up at night to see the baby. The bassinets stood next to the parents' bed. But, later, people began to notice that the woman who rocked the cradle with her left hand perceived the man on her right side as a child.

The wife, on a subconscious level, considered herself the head of the family and was sure that her partner could not cope without her help and tips. Maybe it is for this reason that the number of divorces around the world is increasing every day? Maybe you need to know which side you should sleep on?

According to science and feng shui

Currently, there is a special science - somnology, which studies the physiological and mental processes associated with sleep. And, paradoxically, scientists find confirmation of folk customs associated with the sleep process. Including from the point of view of the relative position of the spouses. In particular, the National Somnological Society of Russia has such data.

The Sleep Research Center at Loughborough University, UK, confirmed the correctness of the situation when the husband is to the left of his wife. This is correct from all points of view of the body’s activity and its mental component.

However, behaviorists (a branch of psychology that studies human behavior), such as John Bradus Watson, Karen Pryor, Frederick Skinner, are confident that if a man is to the left of his wife, she subconsciously perceives him as a child who needs care and protection: historically women rocked the cradle with their left hand. The man, in turn, perceives his wife on the right as a competitor and rival, and not a soul mate.

But what about the fact that among many peoples of the Earth, even those living thousands of kilometers from each other, the husband is considered canonical - to the left of the wife?

For example, in Feng Shui this is viewed from the point of view of the interpenetration and interaction of yin and yang, two opposing energies. Being to the left of his wife, a man maintains his own masculinity without suppressing her femininity and harmonizing relationships in the family.

How a woman's or a man's choice of side of the bed reveals to Mossad agents their true relationship

One of the techniques that the Israeli secret service Mossad uses in its work is careful observation of a couple of interest to them. It is important on which side of the woman the man sits, and even more so, lies down. Such observations give them food for reasoning about what the true relationship is in a couple.

Psychologists explain this technique by the long centuries of human evolution, during which the sides of the body have long been formed on a subconscious level. One side of a person is defensive, and the other is confidential.

According to secret agents, whether a person sympathizes with his opponent or is being defensive manifests itself on a subconscious level, and this can be seen by which side he turns to him.

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