The power of elephants according to Feng Shui - characteristics of the talisman and location rules

In Taoist teaching, the symbol of the elephant occupies one of the leading places. In many Asian countries, it is not only considered a hardworking animal, but also symbolizes wisdom. In Buddhism it is considered sacred. A figurine of this animal, being on its owner’s desk or standing on a shelf in his house, will help improve life for the better and prevent unwanted consequences. If you are looking for an answer to the question of what the elephant is a symbol of, then we will tell you about it in this article.

Experts are confident that an elephant’s trunk can attract prosperity and success in the home. You need to install the figure near the window so that the trunk is turned towards the street, it is in this position that it will attract good luck into your home

Elephants in the culture of Asian peoples

These majestic animals have long been revered in China, India and Africa. In many countries where Buddhism is preached, the emblems of royal power contain the symbolism of elephants. This animal manifests physical and spiritual strength. They are very resilient and can overcome long distances and many obstacles along the way. This animal is considered holy in Asia because it is endowed with:

In India, Thailand and China, the elephant is considered the king of all animals, a sacred animal. In these countries they have a special attitude. In China, a gift of an elephant figurine is always priceless, as it gives the owner many years of happiness and good health.

In India, it is generally accepted that elephants hold the whole world on their tusks. According to mythology, humanity will exist as long as these mighty animals hold us. Indian girls turn to this symbol for help in love, and women turn to this symbol to save their marriage. An animal figurine in the house symbolizes mutual understanding and marital fidelity. Drawings and figurines of elephants decorate homes, offices and Buddhist temples. The peoples of India have a Buddha with the head of an elephant. He is the god of wisdom and he fulfills all desires.

In African culture, elephants are endowed with mythical powers. The peoples of Africa used this symbol in witchcraft and magical rituals. The depicted elephant with its trunk raised means a symbol of victory for Africans.

These animals took a direct part in the battles. Such images are found on ancient frescoes that have survived to this day. Source:

What does an elephant mean in Feng Shui?

When arranging a house or apartment in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, experts often place an elephant figurine on a bookshelf or fireplace. This ritual has its own meaning. In India, the elephant is a sacred animal, which is credited with noble qualities. The animal is associated with wisdom, strength, calmness, longevity, and reliability.

Buddhists believe that a figurine and even an image of an elephant can protect household members from negative energy and attract success, happiness and prosperity into the owner’s life with its long and strong trunk.

The size of the figurine of the sacred animal does not matter. According to Feng Shui experts, positive Qi energy will not leave a house if an elephant lives in it. In ancient times, people believed that the Earth stood on 3 elephants and 1 turtle. This is a strong and resilient animal that lays the foundation for warmth and joy.

By placing the figurine in a prominent place, you protect yourself and your household from conflicts and negativity. Buddhists say that the amulet will also protect against thoughtless spending and actions.

Please note that Feng Shui strictly prohibits the creation of figurines of elephants or other living creatures, the basis for which is ivory. This is due to the fact that such amulets are thoroughly saturated with the energy of death and cannot bring happiness to a person.

Even small elephants are sure to attract trust, love, harmony into your home and fill you with warmth. In addition, such figures attract positive Qi energy, necessary for a happy and successful life.

An elephant located in a prominent place in the home will protect people from unfavorable energy and contribute to solving problems and conflict situations in the family. Also, this symbol in the art of Feng Shui is a real generator of luck and stability.

Elephants are animals that stand firmly on their feet, so their figurines will help create a solid foundation for stability in life. It is also believed that an elephant in the form of a talisman will definitely help its owner not to make inappropriate and thoughtless expenses.

When you buy a figurine, pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is not recommended to purchase a product made of ivory, because... it brings deadly energy and misfortune. Remember that the figurine should please the eye, then it will fulfill its functions and properties. Another important point that requires attention is the direction of the animal’s trunk.

With his trunk raised

Figurines of elephants with their trunks raised and bent upward are more common; they evoke joyful associations. The animal bends its trunk upward, enjoys life and attracts positive energy.

An elephant with its trunk raised attracts happiness, luck, and joy into life. The figurine will inspire, protect from despondency, and motivate the owner. If an animal does not lower its trunk in the face of difficulties, then its owner should not lower his nose and give up in the face of obstacles. Place such a figurine on your desktop and look at it every time you want to put things off and give in to laziness.

With trunks down

There are talismans with both lowered and raised trunks. An elephant with its trunk down brings stability, tranquility, peace, happy motherhood, and well-being in family relationships to the home. Such figures are less common, as some believe that a lowered trunk only brings despondency and depression.

Figurines of elephants with their trunks raised and bent upward are more common; they evoke joyful associations. The animal bends its trunk upward, enjoys life and attracts positive energy.

An elephant with its trunk raised attracts happiness, luck, and joy into life. The figurine will inspire, protect from despondency, and motivate the owner. If an animal does not lower its trunk in the face of difficulties, then its owner should not lower his nose and give up in the face of obstacles. Place such a figurine on your desktop and look at it every time you want to put things off and give in to laziness.

What does the figurine placed in the house symbolize?

According to Feng Shui, the elephant is one of the four animals, along with the tiger, lion and leopard, that represent power. He is also prescribed all the qualities of a good and highly moral leader:

  • is a symbol of strength, patience, wisdom and kindness;
  • imparts prudence, energy and sanity;
  • provides reliability, stability and well-being.

The peculiarity of the elephant is that it attracts great luck associated with the fact that the head of the family gains power and occupies a high position in society , which means that a reliable foundation for life will be created for the family.

In Buddhism, the elephant is considered one of the seven treasures; its image is included in mandalas and revered during religious holidays. According to legend, Buddha was conceived by entering the side of his mother in the form of a white elephant.

In different countries, attitudes towards the elephant are different , but one thing remains unchanged - it is revered as a symbol of confidence and self-sufficiency:

  • According to Indian mythology , the earth rests on the back of an elephant standing on a turtle. It is believed that he has so much power that he is able to hold the whole world in harmony on his body. And one of the most powerful gods of Hinduism, Ganesha, who fulfills any desire, has an elephant’s head.
  • In China, the most common image is of an elephant with a lotus flower on its back, in which sits the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, personifying complete compassion.
  • In Thailand, the white elephant is a state symbol, as residents are convinced that this is a form of the future Buddha.

Reference. Elephant in Chinese sounds like “xiang”, which is absolutely consonant with the words “prime minister”.

According to ancient belief,
the elephant is the bearer of jewelry that helps to satisfy desires , so its symbolic presence in the house means good luck in the sense of dreams coming true.
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An ideal way to represent the energy of luck in your home is to place a couple of elephant figurines on either side of the front door. At the same time, if installed outside, they will protect the well-being of the family, and if placed inside, they will attract good luck.

The meaning of an elephant figurine with its proboscis raised up

The figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk symbolizes the movement of vital energy Qi , which is constantly changing. The second name for Qi is Dragon Breath. The presence of such a symbol of an elephant with a raised trunk in the house means that there will be:

  1. constant updating of luck;
  2. attracting more and more benefits;
  3. growth of position in society;
  4. achieving new goals.

The color of the elephant figurine has a specific meaning:

  • white – attracts good luck, resists negative energy, prevents quarrels and disagreements in the family;
  • golden – attracts material well-being, fulfills desires related to acquisitions and career;
  • green , made from jade, affects the energy of children, their academic success, and helps create harmony between spouses;
  • yellow , amber - improves health, attracts vitality, fulfills desires.

Important! An ivory figurine of an elephant has the opposite effect and brings bad luck and destruction to the house.

It is best to place an elephant with its trunk raised on the window, in the favorable direction of the head of the family:

  • A figurine facing the street will attract the energy of wish fulfillment.
  • The elephant looking inside the room will help keep everything in a stable state.

To improve relationships with colleagues at work and protect against troubles, you should place a figurine of a white elephant with a raised trunk on your office table, aimed at your workplace.

With omitted: what does it mean and where to put the talisman?

Huge figures of elephants with their trunks down stand along the road leading to the burial places of people belonging to famous dynasties of China. However, despite the mournful appearance of the statues, the ancient custom says that by petting this elephant, a woman will give birth to a son with a strong character, who will become a reliable support for her entire family. This is where the different interpretations of the symbol come from:

  • on the one hand, according to Feng Shui, a figurine of an elephant with a lowered trunk symbolizes motherhood;
  • on the other - grief, despondency and sadness.

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In this case, you should act according to the main rule of Feng Shui: feel the energy of the symbol with your soul.

  • If an elephant evokes positive emotions , you should buy it and place it in the corner corresponding to the direction of the woman’s Gua, remembering to stroke it every day.
  • If an elephant really brings sadness , then you should refuse to purchase it. And as a symbol of motherhood, two figures of elephants with a raised trunk and one kneeling elephant should be installed in the bedroom.

Important! It should be remembered that in Feng Shui, images symbolizing people are often taken literally. Thus, the figure of an elephant with a small elephant calf can help with the birth of a child, but indicates an incomplete family.

Varieties of elephants according to Feng Shui

White elephants, according to Feng Shui, are designed to protect the home from unfavorable energy and contribute to the preservation of the family.

A very popular figurine of an elephant with her baby. Their tandem symbolizes motherhood; it is recommended to place it in the home of those people who dream of offspring. Families who already have children can also take advantage of it. In this case, the amulet will protect the kids from life’s failures and ensure good relationships between generations.

Three elephants symbolize the trinity of heaven, earth and man; they will help to achieve harmony in different areas of life.

Seven of elephants. According to Feng Shui, it is a very favorable number, meaning the completion of a cycle (the duration of lunar cycles is 7 days). Thanks to this, the seven elephants will attract various benefits to your home: great luck, long life, health, love, mutual understanding, happiness, and wealth.

You can also find elephants with additional talismans, for example, the Feng Shui combination of elephant + toad is very popular.

But pay attention to the fact that Feng Shui calls for harmony and does not recommend placing different talismans in the same sector, as this can lead to an imbalance in energy. The elephant acts as a self-sufficient talisman that has enormous power. And the best thing to do would be to use it yourself.

The only exception will be the activation of the amulet through various decorations (chains, beads, etc.). With their help, you will cajole your elephant so that he will perform his service even better. Why should you focus on jewelry? There is an explanation for this.

Previously, when elephants were used as carriers, they were decorated with very beautiful embroidered capes, pom-poms and so on.


Combination with other symbols

Elephant figurines are often found, complemented by symbols of good luck:

  • According to Feng Shui, a toad on an elephant means good luck and wealth. A monkey on an elephant means success in business. An elephant on a handful of gold coins means wealth and stable income.

Some Feng Shui masters believe that additional symbolism does not enhance the effect of the talisman, but, on the contrary, weakens it.

Figurine material

On sale you can find sculptures made from various materials. Even soft and rubber children's toys can work great as a mascot. Let's look at the feng shui properties of an elephant depending on its material:

  • Golden helps to concentrate on goals and achieve them, develops leadership qualities, firmness and perseverance.
  • A silver elephant means wisdom. He is especially supportive of female leaders.
  • The crystal talisman protects against misfortunes and blows of fate.
  • A white marble figurine strengthens the nerves, makes a person resistant to stress and helps to withstand failures.
  • The jasper elephant strengthens self-confidence, strengthens intuition and protects against the negative energy of sha-qi.
  • The malachite amulet will instill confidence and optimism in those who dream of starting their own business, changing their profession or getting an education.
  • An amber figurine relieves jealousy and increases self-esteem.

Do not keep an ivory figurine of an elephant in your house! Otherwise, the thing will begin to exude negative energy and attract negativity into the house.

How many elephants should there be in a house according to feng shui

We need to talk in more detail about how many elephants there should be in the house. There are many different opinions, but we will focus on the more common ones.

  • “1” - strengthens the owner’s faith in himself;
  • “2” - will speed up the meeting with your soulmate;
  • “3” - promises the appearance of children;
  • “4” - will bring wealth and stability;
  • “5” - will help you open your own business;
  • “6” - will attract romantic luck;
  • “8” - will provide protection in the event of trouble;
  • “9” - will give an additional impetus to intellectual development;
  • “10” - portends positive changes in life;
  • “11” - creates the prerequisites for gaining health.

Seven elephants feng shui. What does this quantity mean?

Let's take a closer look at the set of figures consisting of 7 elephants. Their magical significance is difficult to overestimate and here's why.

Elephant figurine with trunk up feng shui

The number “7” appears very often in our lives. For example:

  • in the distant past there was a doctrine of seven basic metals;
  • 7 wonders of the world discovered;
  • famous cities of the world are built on seven hills (Paris, Moscow, Rome, London, and others);
  • 7 notes in musical notation;
  • 7 deadly sins of man;
  • 7 days of the week;
  • seven-day phase of the lunar cycle;
  • 7 colors of the rainbow;
  • the seven Chinese Gods of luck, as well as many other facts.

The primitive shepherds of Babylon, followed by the Sumerians, ancient Indians, Egyptians, and later the inhabitants of China and America began to consider this number special, distinguishing it from the entire digital series. Therefore, 7 Feng Shui figurines promise to achieve well-being in seven areas of life - wealth, longevity, love, luck, health, mutual understanding, universal happiness. They help to activate the right space in the home, bringing completeness and harmony.

What material to choose for an elephant according to Feng Shui

Different paintings are suitable - photographs, images on canvas, bamboo, paper, fabric and other materials.
Figurines are most often made from natural materials - wood, clay, as well as metal, glass, plastic and porcelain. The main advisor when choosing this talisman will be only your intuition, because the thing should be liked specifically by you, “to your liking.” The only immutable taboo is figurines carved from ivory. This material is very negative, and the elephants themselves are charged with deadly energy, so they cannot bring anything good. Also, you should not store or glue broken or shattered talismans. It is best to replace them with new ones. harmony, homeliness

The right number of elephants in the house

Professionals know that the Feng Shui elephant, whose meaning changes depending on how many other talismans are in the house, can carry different energies. Some people are interested in collecting various figurines, but not everyone understands what the number of figurines used can entail:

  • 1 – strengthens self-confidence, gives the owner confidence in his actions,
  • 2 – symbolize love, will help you meet your soulmate,
  • 3 – indicate family and contribute to the birth of a child in the house, 4 – stability and wealth,
  • 5 – will help in new beginnings, save you from the daily routine. If you need support in your endeavors or are tired of a monotonous life and want new experiences and positive events, get five elephants.
  • 6 – promise good luck on the love and family front,
  • 7 – they will fulfill all your wishes, they will help you in everything and always. The seven elephants in Feng Shui will help you achieve your goals and unleash your creative potential. In general, the number 7 in Eastern philosophy carries with it self-confidence, the ability to see many opportunities and skillfully use them. According to Feng Shui, the 7 elephants attract prosperity in all areas of life. The amulet gives good health and longevity, mutual love, harmonious relationships with loved ones, as well as success in business and wealth.
  • 8 - will make you more resistant to the twists and turns of fate, 9 - often placed in a child’s room to help a child with learning and development, 10 - will change life for the better, help in difficult times,
  • 11 - will attract a strong patron, give more moral strength and good health.

You can acquire a large number of figures, but you still need to maintain a sense of proportion. Moreover, their number does not increase luck.

Which Feng Shui figurines and paintings with elephants should you choose?

Despite the variety of images, one of the main roles in them is played by the position of the trunk. For example, an elephant according to Feng Shui, the meaning “trunk up” carries financial connotations. Such a talisman will help you choose the right financial policy for the family. “Trunk down” symbolizes longevity, abundance, fertility.

A white elephant will help with problems in relationships between household members, and a mother elephant with a calf is suitable for a family planning to have a child soon. There are also often figures supplemented with elements of power, this could be a toad. But since Chinese teaching is considered the science of harmonious flow, it is still undesirable to overload the elephant, because it itself is a very powerful talisman.

Sometimes there is an opinion that, according to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk raised will bring good luck to its owner, in contrast to an animal with its trunk down, but this is far from the case. The main rule here is the correct choice of location for the figurine.

Where to put the elephant figurine

People who do not understand Feng Shui often wonder where to place the talisman. This is an important aspect, because the position of the figure affects its impact. Places where the figurine may be located:

  1. Opposite the entrance to the house. Place 2 elephants facing those entering, and the figures will protect against unpleasant guests and negative visits.
  2. Opposite sharp corners. A large number of corners in the house carry negative Sha energy. Elephants with their trunks turned towards the corners will protect you from harmful influences.
  3. Southeast of the house. A talisman in this place will bring stability in the material sphere. North-west. An elephant standing at this point in the house will support the head of the family and relationships in the home. Bedside chest of drawers in the bedroom. Place 2 elephants there to strengthen love relationships, fidelity and mutual understanding.
  4. Desktop. A figurine on your desk will increase activity and performance. She will help in all endeavors and new projects.
  5. Eastern part of the house. An elephant will help its owner improve health and stamina.

If you want to achieve harmony in all areas, then do not place figurines in dark corners, scary and unkempt shelves, near faulty sockets.

Feng Shui elephants, where to place them in the house

Where to put elephants in the house
To achieve certain goals, first of all, it is worth determining the place where the elephant should stand. After all, a lot depends on this choice.

  1. To attract good luck, the elephant should be placed on the windowsill, with its trunk facing the street. With it, he will, as it were, draw positive energy from the outside. But here you should be careful, as soon as you feel a surge of well-being, the figurine must be turned to face the inside of the apartment, for its further preservation;
  2. By installing two elephants facing the entrance opening, you can protect your home from negative energy;
  3. To neutralize the negative energy “Sha” arising from a large number of sharp corners, the so-called “arrows”, figurines must be placed opposite them;
  4. If you place the talisman in the southeast of the apartment, your financial situation will stabilize;
  5. In the northwest, an elephant will help attract a strong patron, strengthen the authority of the head of the family, and in the east improve health;
  6. On the chest of drawers in the bedroom, 2 figures can strengthen family ties and improve relationships;
  7. The symbol can protect against negative energy at work in the office; for this you need to place an elephant on your desk;
  8. In a children's room, especially on a desk for studying, a talisman will increase perseverance and efficiency, and attract good luck;
  9. In a room where a lot of things along with negative energy usually accumulate, a figurine can neutralize its influence on others.

You cannot place figurines in dark corners, next to torn dirty wallpaper, broken things, otherwise their energy may affect the figurines and drown out the positive influence.

More tips on figurine placement

  • The symbol of an elephant with its trunk raised means material wealth and also attracts good luck into the room. It is best placed on the windowsill. The trunk, raised up, should face the street.
  • Feng Shui experts recommend placing a figurine of an elephant made of white porcelain or bone in the corridor. It protects the premises from evil forces trying to get inside. To protect the house from uninvited guests, two elephants are placed on opposite sides of the corridor, with their muzzles facing the front door.
  • A figurine of 3 elephants in the house helps to achieve mutual understanding between household members. They are installed in the hall where the family most often gathers. You can also place seven elephants in the hall, helping to achieve the same goal as 3 figures.
  • The elephant is a symbol of efficiency. In order for children to study harder and develop intellectually, a figurine of this powerful animal is placed on their table. You should not purchase porcelain items or figurines painted in different colors, which will distract your child from his activities.
  • By placing elephant figurines in your office or study, you will succeed in business. They will also help you achieve career growth.

Types of figurines

Today, in any souvenir shop or specialty store you can purchase various figurines:

  • White elephant. Used as an amulet to protect the family hearth. Will protect the house from dark energy and bring good luck;
  • With a baby elephant. For those who dream of having children. If you already have children, then with the help of this talisman you can save them from troubles and improve relationships between generations;
  • With other symbols. You should not purchase a figurine with several Feng Shui symbols. This will weaken the positive “work” of each of them;
  • On gold coins. A figurine that brings wealth and prosperity. Can bring stability and financial independence.

The elephant in the East symbolizes longevity, so it should find its place in every home, and preferably in the living room

IMPORTANT: You should not purchase such an ivory figurine. It has the opposite effect. The symbol of an elephant in a house made of this material is extremely negative. The animal will "revenge" its owners for using part of the real animal.

How to activate a figurine's action

People who study Feng Shui know that in order for a particular talisman to start working, it needs to be activated. The elephant is a fairly powerful talisman that does not actually require the aforementioned activation.

However, it also has its weaknesses, which can be exploited to enhance the effect. He loves various beautiful things and jewelry, so wrap him in a necklace or hang a bracelet, and the elephant will definitely thank you. An unusual, but very successful combination of circumstances will become nothing more than the influence of your personal talisman.

By the way, it is best to use jewelry made of precious metal - gold or silver. If you have a picture of an elephant hanging, hang a piece of jewelry on it as well. The elephant is a strong animal, its figures do not require activation.

But you should periodically reward him with beautiful jewelry, he loves it. Such actions will improve the owner’s financial situation and bring positive Qi energy into the house. Do not forget that the animal loves amber jewelry, silver, gold, but it will not tolerate ivory rewards and will take revenge for its dead brother.

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