Pillar of the Day #3 庚午 Gen Wu (Yang Metal on Yang Fire Horse)

Today I decided to write an article about women whose Personality element is Yang Metal. Perhaps, due to the presence of the Metal element, such women are also called “iron ladies.” These include Margaret Thatcher, Elena Baturina, Scarlett Johansson, Cindy Crawford. And the Lord of the Day, Metal Yang, unites them all. The male Yang energy is strongly manifested in the Cards of these women. Therefore, they are more energetic, open and decisive. One can say about them “he will stop a horse in its tracks and enter a hot hut.” Let's look at the general characteristics of women of Yang Metal.

Characteristics of Yang Metal Women

First, let us remember that Yang Metal (Gen) is an image of raw metal, it is a material for making weapons. Therefore, women of Yang Metal are distinguished by rigidity and sharpness, integrity and stubbornness. They find it difficult to compromise. For such people, a strong sense of equality and justice is expressed.

Metal Yang women have a serious attitude towards life and have a strong desire to achieve more. The internal metal rod helps with this.

They set goals and achieve them. In this they are helped by endurance, observation, assertiveness and determination.

If Metal has to make a choice between career and personal life, then believe me, the choice will be made in the direction of career. The ambitions of such women prevail. They are ambitious and often ruthless.

However, at times such women can become depressed and prone to self-examination and self-criticism. But she needs such periods to restore strength and energy.

In some mythical way, women belonging to this element almost always succeed in any field of activity. They love to manage and dominate. And most importantly, they know how to do it. These are born leaders.

What also makes Yang Metal women stand out is their self-confidence, that they are right. She can easily convince everyone around her of this. Believe me, for most people this task seems almost unattainable.

These are strong women who take life seriously. When communicating with them, you may feel that they are cold, devoid of feelings and love. However, they have nerves of steel, strong intuition, and are able to withstand where others break.

Yang Metal women do not like to show emotions. It is important for them to impress other people with their calmness and composure, keeping the situation under control.

They are also usually good speakers and have good vocal abilities.

Let's consider how the bazi card plays out in the fate of strong women of Yang Metal.

But first, let me remind you that bazi is Chinese astrology, in which the day, month, year and hour of birth are transformed into 4 pillars, each of which has two hieroglyphs. The top row is the Heavenly trunks, the bottom row is the Earthly branches. So, from the interactions of these hieroglyphs, their combinations, we can learn a lot about a person. To do this, you need to go to the Bazi calculator and build a map. Read how to do this here.

Yang Metal, Yang Metal.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


Metal Yang on the Horse in Margaret Thatcher's card

One of the brightest representatives of the Metal Yang personality element is the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher. Date of birth: October 13, 1925, England. Thatcher's tenure as Prime Minister of Great Britain lasted 11 years. Let's look at her destiny card.

Personality element – ​​Yang Metal. He is surrounded by Yang Fire in the palace of marriage (Horse) and in the celestial trunk of the month. Using the example of a card, we see how fire tempers the steel of its Personality element, melting it into a sharp and valuable weapon. Yang Fire is the element of extraordinary or extreme power, which is called the 7th killer. Power is manifested in the Heavenly trunks and represented by Fire. And Fire gives action, charisma, power over people. We see extreme power exerted, which is seen and felt by other people. It manifests itself in a person’s ability to stand up for himself, the desire to command and manage.

In Margaret Thatcher's chart, the element of children and self-expression (Water element) are not manifested in the main map, but are located in the hidden celestial trunks (SNS). This indicates that children and their upbringing are not in the first place in her life. She devoted all her strength to her work and political activities.

We see a lot of the Earth element in the Earthy branches of her chart, which gave her a good physique, highlighted by Metal.

But the Earth is also reflection, a penchant for analysis, philosophy. For a person, Geng is a resource, support, intelligence. Therefore, Margaret Thatcher is an educated and thinking person. I would like to give a few quotes from her statements that reveal the character of Jansky Metal:

As a rule, 10 seconds are enough for me to form an opinion about a person, and then it rarely changes.

Being powerful is like being a real lady. If you have to remind people that you are, you definitely aren't.

Jansky Metal

In nature, Yang Metal is compared to the metal of weapons, steel, and iron.

A person of Yang Metal has an inner core, extraordinary inner strength, which cannot always be seen at the first meeting. Only after talking for some time, it becomes clear that it is difficult to “break” this person, to force him to deviate from his principles, to turn away from his path. And this person marks his path quite early, at an age when his peers do not even think about their future, let alone set themselves some specific, quite ambitious goals and objectives.

Yang Metal often knows already in early childhood what he will do, what his social and material status will be. And very rigidly and even aggressively, Yan Metal follows its goals, not particularly caring that along the way it can break a lot of wood in the pursuit of its luck. However, it is worth noting that, regardless of the environment and upbringing that he is destined to receive, Yan Metal, most often, has high moral principles; when moving towards his goals, he most often acts fairly and honestly.

He likes to keep his distance and does not like it when someone interferes in his affairs and, especially, in his personal life. Yang Metal itself rarely lets anyone in beyond the boundaries of its inner world and prefers to solve all its affairs independently, without devoting others to its affairs and without asking anyone for help. Yang Metal will not cry into its vest and complain about its fate. He lives with his head, not his heart, and therefore it often seems that Metal people are cold and callous. And indeed it is.

Everything changes if there is Yin Fire in the Yang Metal chart or this element comes in time. It also makes sense for Metal People to pay attention to people in the environment whose Ba-Tzu chart contains a large amount of the Fire element: they can teach a Metal Man a lot. In these cases, Yang Metal becomes very charming and pleasant to talk to. Such a man is the dream of every woman, since cold restraint and masculine firmness are softened, and the man becomes lenient and pliable. And what woman doesn’t want to conquer a real macho man?

And many men prefer to give their heart to a woman whom they have long sought after in a tough struggle, than to one who gets it easily. But a woman of Yang Metal doesn’t just give up. It must be conquered.

A distinctive feature of people of this type is a love of order and discipline. Rare Metal will tolerate disorder and chaos in the home or at work, and will not adhere to the daily routine. Yang Metal is always dressed impeccably and loves strictness and neatness in clothing.

Employers should definitely look for Yansky Metal for the position of executives and managers if they want employees to come to work on time and not spend half a day on social media. networks. Yang Metal will quickly restore order where anarchy and disorder have reigned.

However, not everyone will find it easy to work under this tough boss. Creative and freedom-loving individuals will quickly begin to look for another place of work, since Metal is not flexible and will not understand what inspiration and creative search are, but will demand that everyone be at work at exactly a quarter to nine, regardless of what time they left work yesterday.

Yang Metal does not tolerate lies, flattery and falsehood; it is honest and fair. It is difficult to manipulate him, to play on his feelings. If you want to win the favor of Yang Metal, be direct and honest, don’t pretend or pretend. Then there is a chance to enlist the support of this person and he will always come to the rescue if the need arises.

Yang Metal usually does not pay attention to rank, social and material status if it is necessary to restore justice and punish the guilty. The best military officers, prosecutors and judges are the people of Yansk Metal. But Yang Metal can also make the most cold-blooded gangster given certain components of his Ba-Tzu card.

Yang Metal is a master at making enemies and ill-wishers for itself, as it easily criticizes others and directly says what it thinks.

In their personal life, not everyone gets along with typical Yang Metal, which is not warmed by the element of Fire. There are too many conventions, requirements and restrictions by which Yansky Metal itself lives and by which it begins to force others to live. There is little sincerity and warmth in the heart of this person. An internal ban on sentiment and the inability to share his experiences with others forces him to keep his emotions to himself and can lead to severe depression and stress, as well as loneliness.

A few keywords to describe the features of this type:

Firmness, purposefulness, reliability, discipline, decisiveness, realism, endurance, composure, justice, honesty, responsibility, restraint, accuracy, tendency to order, logic, foresight, independence, isolation, inflexibility, secrecy, isolation, closedness, ambition, arrogance, toughness, criticism, do not forgive, snobbery, aggressiveness, cynicism, loneliness, sadness, melancholy, melancholy.

Metal Woman

“Your tender, blessed white arms will encircle me with steel.”
The steely gaze of a Metal woman will unmistakably focus on the man who will be able to offer her independence within the framework of ordinary (in the understanding of the Metal woman) and honest relationship, on the one whom she can trust without fear.
However, in a relationship, she will not settle for less than the role of leader - physically and emotionally. “A magnetic person”—partners, lovers, and just friends say about her
(albeit with different intonations).
One thing is certain: whenever she charms or frightens potential partners, sparks fly in all directions! Very often, the theme of her relationships is devastation, since if a Metal woman joins her fate with someone who is not able to provide her with a lasting existence and respect, but at the same time allows her to realize her wildest desires, she will destroy this relationship without blinking an eye. union to the ground. Like the Metal man, the Metal woman admires sexuality and the power that sexuality gives. Naturally, this does not mean that at night she turns into an insatiable monster; she simply loves to enjoy the dangers and secrets of intimate, erotic sexual relationships. However, no matter how many temptations there are dangers, the Metal woman will not go on a spree: firstly, because she is a property owner and a lover of solitude; and secondly, too “extreme” behavior immediately causes her to feel guilty. Being prone to fierce competition and the realization of her own ambitions, a Metal woman can doom herself to a lonely life filled only with a career - it is clear that in such conditions it is difficult not only to create strong relationships, but also to enjoy them. But taking life seriously is not its only obstacle on the path to close relationships. Submitting to a powerful desire to survive, she involuntarily turns into a steel crowbar, which will instantly take away any desire from those who dare to approach it carelessly. The Metal Woman is allowed to penetrate the spirit of her lover, filling him with herself; but no lover is allowed to do the same to her. The Metal woman has difficulty expressing her anger, and this feature can have the most deplorable effect on those who would like to share life with such a companion. The anger of Metal tends to manifest itself in the people around him, so the partner may have to carry the rage “on behalf of and on behalf of” his better half. The Metal Woman is a born conqueror of all kinds of peaks
She will succeed on any path in life, the main thing is that she feels comfortable walking along it. The prerequisites for her happiness are the highest perfection and integrity, so the fate of a partner who does not possess at least one of these qualities is almost certainly predetermined. She needs position in society, prestige, love, honors, and all this must be presented to her by one person (although she rarely manages to meet this happy combination). This is why a woman of the Metal element prefers loneliness - despite the fact that she may suffer from it; It’s easier for her to live independently, relying only on herself, since the fear of losing love is much stronger than the hope of meeting her ideal. She compensates for this with enormous achievements in other areas of life: in her business career, business, appearance and feigned inflexibility. However, unbending Metal can melt - and the Metal woman is painfully aware of this. Communication never ranks high on her list of priorities; sometimes she may prefer music or dancing all night long to an intimate conversation with a representative of the Wood element or a passionate argument with Fire. By the way, she quite often falls in love with men belonging to the two elements mentioned above. The fact is that they complement her weak ability for abstraction and risk quite well, so the Metal woman usually submits to the provocative optimism of Fire and the freedom-loving nature of Wood. Opposites really do attract. If Fire allows Metal to enjoy its own independence and listens to the slightest changes in its need for erotic relationships, then these different elements will most likely learn to complement each other intelligently. Sexually, a Metal woman can play the role of both a seductress and the seduced. This is partly due to her strong tendency towards independence. If she is given the role of leader, she will be able to leave, but if she is in the position of a follower, she will be able to dissolve in the arms of a man so quickly that there will be no time left for intimate cooing. Like Wood, she is afraid of excessive intimacy, but for different reasons: Metal's determination to penetrate someone's heart often turns into a much greater dependence than she could bear. That is why if a moment of fun turns into a close relationship full of mutual obligations, the Metal woman feels a threat to her independence. For this lady, external shine, money and power are one and the same thing, and for the sake of them she sometimes sacrifices her sexual relationships. And yet, despite her vanity and strong instinct for self-preservation, she is not without disturbing worries. If she had been able to express these worries, she would probably have found a more harmonious life and enjoyed a calmer relationship with the rest of the world. Obviously, for her, the closest path to peace is to not let others get too close to her. But the ability to give a partner freedom, and oneself the opportunity to love and laugh, can free a Metal woman from her fears. In order to at least once look at life not through the bars of her metal cage, she will have to take advantage of the special mobility and sensitivity of the element of Water. A meeting with a man of the Metal element will only lead to a duel, when both partners cross their metal swords and each sees his reflection in the other’s eyes
. Such a union often serves as a test of the strength and courage of a Metal woman, but as a result she can prove her indestructibility and insatiability. Probably, only the strong and boundless integrity of the Earth is able to withstand a relationship with such a magnetic and certainly spiritual person. In the end, the Earth knows how to live here and now; she is able to give solid ground to the feelings of love (which the Metal woman really needs).

Yin Metal

For the element of Metal-Yin, sexual desire means, perhaps, no less than sexual satisfaction

. Subtle and sensitive Yin Metal simply irradiates a potential partner with its desire. At the same time, you, like a metal detector brought to the beach, are able to acutely sense the energy around you, subtle vibrations, the tiniest electrical charges. And this feeling is so acute, your perception system is so electrified, that sometimes it is difficult for Yin metal to even go out into the world - especially if there is a riot of passion and your own energy around you. If you belong to the element of Yin Metal, you may encounter the problem of excessive secrecy, when an intimate heart-to-heart conversation does not work out not only at the bar, but also in the bedroom. The point here isn't that you can't trust anyone; you're most likely afraid of becoming dependent on your partner for sexual satisfaction. For a person belonging to the element of Yin Metal, love is associated with deep sexual need; but his sexuality must constantly be fueled by romantic and honest relationships. You need deep erotic experiences, but at the same time you must be wary of the temptation of casual sexual encounters that have no meaning for you. Yin Metal strives for a varied and vibrant sex life precisely because love for it is Sex; So, no matter how hard it may be for you to control your need for physical control over your partner, understand that giving your partner the freedom to make sexual decisions and take initiative in the intimate sphere is the real path to inner confidence. The dilemma for Yang Metal is that it can encourage others to experiment with sex, but its own rigid energies will create a lot of internal friction. Your advocate is honesty; If you really want to explore forbidden forms of sex or its exotic variants, it is better to directly communicate your desires to your partner. No matter how crafty you are, understand that others don't always share your tastes (or your energy)!

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