Pillar of the Day #19 庚申 Geng Shen (Yang Metal on Monkey)

Yang Metal, Yang Metal.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


Jansky Metal

In nature, Yang Metal is compared to the metal of weapons, steel, and iron.

A person of Yang Metal has an inner core, extraordinary inner strength, which cannot always be seen at the first meeting. Only after talking for some time, it becomes clear that it is difficult to “break” this person, to force him to deviate from his principles, to turn away from his path. And this person marks his path quite early, at an age when his peers do not even think about their future, let alone set themselves some specific, quite ambitious goals and objectives.

Yang Metal often knows already in early childhood what he will do, what his social and material status will be. And very rigidly and even aggressively, Yan Metal follows its goals, not particularly caring that along the way it can break a lot of wood in the pursuit of its luck. However, it is worth noting that, regardless of the environment and upbringing that he is destined to receive, Yan Metal, most often, has high moral principles; when moving towards his goals, he most often acts fairly and honestly.

He likes to keep his distance and does not like it when someone interferes in his affairs and, especially, in his personal life. Yang Metal itself rarely lets anyone in beyond the boundaries of its inner world and prefers to solve all its affairs independently, without devoting others to its affairs and without asking anyone for help. Yang Metal will not cry into its vest and complain about its fate. He lives with his head, not his heart, and therefore it often seems that Metal people are cold and callous. And indeed it is.

Everything changes if there is Yin Fire in the Yang Metal chart or this element comes in time. It also makes sense for Metal People to pay attention to people in the environment whose Ba-Tzu chart contains a large amount of the Fire element: they can teach a Metal Man a lot. In these cases, Yang Metal becomes very charming and pleasant to talk to. Such a man is the dream of every woman, since cold restraint and masculine firmness are softened, and the man becomes lenient and pliable. And what woman doesn’t want to conquer a real macho man?

And many men prefer to give their heart to a woman whom they have long sought after in a tough struggle, than to one who gets it easily. But a woman of Yang Metal doesn’t just give up. It must be conquered.

A distinctive feature of people of this type is a love of order and discipline. Rare Metal will tolerate disorder and chaos in the home or at work, and will not adhere to the daily routine. Yang Metal is always dressed impeccably and loves strictness and neatness in clothing.

Employers should definitely look for Yansky Metal for the position of executives and managers if they want employees to come to work on time and not spend half a day on social media. networks. Yang Metal will quickly restore order where anarchy and disorder have reigned.

However, not everyone will find it easy to work under this tough boss. Creative and freedom-loving individuals will quickly begin to look for another place of work, since Metal is not flexible and will not understand what inspiration and creative search are, but will demand that everyone be at work at exactly a quarter to nine, regardless of what time they left work yesterday.

Yang Metal does not tolerate lies, flattery and falsehood; it is honest and fair. It is difficult to manipulate him, to play on his feelings. If you want to win the favor of Yang Metal, be direct and honest, don’t pretend or pretend. Then there is a chance to enlist the support of this person and he will always come to the rescue if the need arises.

Yang Metal usually does not pay attention to rank, social and material status if it is necessary to restore justice and punish the guilty. The best military officers, prosecutors and judges are the people of Yansk Metal. But Yang Metal can also make the most cold-blooded gangster given certain components of his Ba-Tzu card.

Yang Metal is a master at making enemies and ill-wishers for itself, as it easily criticizes others and directly says what it thinks.

In their personal life, not everyone gets along with typical Yang Metal, which is not warmed by the element of Fire. There are too many conventions, requirements and restrictions by which Yansky Metal itself lives and by which it begins to force others to live. There is little sincerity and warmth in the heart of this person. An internal ban on sentiment and the inability to share his experiences with others forces him to keep his emotions to himself and can lead to severe depression and stress, as well as loneliness.

A few keywords to describe the features of this type:

Firmness, purposefulness, reliability, discipline, decisiveness, realism, endurance, composure, justice, honesty, responsibility, restraint, accuracy, tendency to order, logic, foresight, independence, isolation, inflexibility, secrecy, isolation, closedness, ambition, arrogance, toughness, criticism, do not forgive, snobbery, aggressiveness, cynicism, loneliness, sadness, melancholy, melancholy.

Six Personality Types Metal Yang

60 Jia Zi

People Metal yang

. People who are enterprising, businesslike, firmly standing on their own two feet, have a strong “inner core.” They love and know how to fight, are full of the spirit of competition, often take a tough position, and are difficult to convince. They do not like to share responsibility with others, so they are often lonely. They do not approve of “intimate conversations” and “crying into a vest.” They like to point and show direction. This is a potential leader, boss. Strong-willed, firm, powerful and demanding people. They are not afraid of hard work.

There are six types of metal yang

庚子 Yang Metal on the Rat. People are fast-paced and active. They like to challenge society, to be different from everyone else. They hate routine. Ready to take risks. They don't like to lose. They often strive to destroy established traditions and create new ones. They love to be the center of attention. They are sociable, but will maintain relationships only as long as they are interested in the person. Quite emotional, sensitive to criticism, and can be capricious. They are easily irritated and can express their opinions sharply, but not because they are angry or want to hurt their interlocutor. They just always have a willingness inside them to challenge and fight. So they fight. Even where it is not required. They have good speaking skills and often have a pleasant and even sexy voice. And such a person is often attractive in appearance too. In relationships, they are ready to help and support their partner. There is a tendency towards multiple marriages.

庚午 Yang Metal on the Horse. Brave, cheerful and hardworking people. Very independent and capable. They can do a lot on their own and do not need much help from others. Well organized, not afraid of difficulties, able to take responsibility. They are distinguished by a high consciousness and sense of duty. Hardworking and very resilient. For the sake of business, they can forget about their own needs. They know how and can sympathize, but if necessary they can be demanding and harsh. They have the ability to be compassionate, and they will offer help not in words, but in deeds. Often these are very beautiful, well-groomed people. They exude a sense of confidence. They will not blindly obey their partner because they are too practical. Women with this sign can be beautifully looked after, and also jealous of them.

庚寅 Metal yang on the Tiger. People are principled and prefer to speak openly and truthfully. They are beautiful in appearance and can look young until old age. They can be a little naive, especially when it comes to relationships with people. Not too flexible, they insist quite stubbornly on their own. But they do it calmly, with self-esteem. Easily establish relationships. But they quickly become irritated if they believe that people are not behaving as they should. They easily achieve success on their own. They like to control their life, their partner, themselves. These are quite energetic people. They do not sit still, they love to travel and get fresh impressions. Curious. Active and athletic. They try to watch their figure. Often there are sharp ups and downs in their lives.

庚申 Yang Metal on Monkey. People are stubborn, inflexible, with their own principles and beliefs. Strong-willed, persistent, tenacious. They are good where you have to go ahead, fight and win. They have a rich inner world, but they can hide their emotions and experiences from others. There is a tendency to overthink, sadness and melancholy. These are people of extremes, “all or nothing.” They do not know how and do not want to adapt to circumstances. They often have their own ideology. They have a strong internal contradiction between the desire to enjoy life and internal prohibitions. But they have great willpower. They are able to overcome a lot and not break down. They finish what they start. They prefer to build relationships on equal terms.

庚辰 Yang Metal on the Dragon. People with leadership qualities. It's hard to shake their confidence. They don't give up under any circumstances. The idea is important to them. But these are not just fighters. They are smart and educated. have extraordinary abilities. Many people of this sign achieve great success. They are durable, strong, stable. This is a pillar called Kuigang. The person has a very tough, stubborn character. It is impossible to convince him. If such a person is insulted, he will take any measures to get even with the offender. People are determined and achieve a lot in life. When achieving success, they can be aggressive and merciless. Competitive. They easily find their way to wealth and prosperity. They know how to organize people so that they support them and work for them. They don't know how to obey.

庚戌 Yang Metal on the Dog. Another pillar of Kuigang. People with leadership qualities. They love to fight. These are fighters by nature, energetic, strong, self-confident. It is important for them to subjugate others, to make them obedient, they need people to be on his side. But these people can be sensitive and intuitive. There is the ability to foresee a situation. There is often an interest in mysticism. Can develop well in the topic of mysticism and esotericism. Very talented, this is not only the image of a rude warrior. They know how to speak and interest. Attract attention. They have an interest in religion, philosophy, and the unknown. They can be ascetic and not interested in luxury and bliss. Restrained in tastes and desires. They achieve wealth and nobility through hard work, determination and unbending will. Competitive, resilient. In relationships they like to command. It is better to have such a sign in a man’s chart; girls with this type of personality are recommended to command at work and delegate everything to their husband at home.

Each of the sixty Jia Zis is a whole layer of information about the character, abilities, and life opportunities of a person. The most complete information about the 60 Personality types described by Jia Zi in the new version of the 60 Jia Zi Handbook.

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