Pillar of the Day #28 乙亥 Yi Hai (Yin Tree on Pig)

Today I want to write about the colors of our life. Of course, we are talking about women belonging to the Yin Tree element. Let's consider the characteristics of the Yin Tree woman and what distinguishes her from others?

Firstly, these are creative individuals with a refined taste and sense of style. Their home is always cozy and comfortable.

Secondly, it is softness, flexibility and complaisance. Depending on the circumstances, it is able to change and adapt to any conditions. Yin women achieve whatever they want through flexibility. Never directly, but smoothly bypassing the interests of other people, this woman takes hers. Elegance and fluidity is a manner of purposeful movement. They also say about such women that they always get away with it.

Also, the Yin Tree woman does not become attached to anything and easily adapts to new conditions. She can easily change her place of work and residence.

Yin Tree women are good diplomats. They know how to negotiate and have a special gift for reaching agreement on everything. Non-conflict, tactful, stress-resistant.

The symbol of the Yin tree is climbing plants that need support to grow. Thanks to support and support, they can grow upward. Likewise, the Yin Tree woman needs support and support, allowing her to grow and develop. Such a woman moves upward, not noticing obstacles, trying to find a workaround when difficulty arises on her way. The classic version of such support is close people, friends of the element Yang tree.

Among the disadvantages of such women, I would include their ease with which they succumb to the influence of others. Also, women of the Yin tree are good manipulators who use other people for their own purposes.

Do you want to compare yourself with famous women of the Yin Tree?

First you need to know your Personality Element. You will learn how to do this here.

Now let's look at the base cards of famous women of the Yin Tree.

Women's Bazi Yin Tree - Opry Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is an American television presenter, actress, producer, public figure, and host of the talk show “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Date and Place of Birth: January 29, 1954 (age 67), USA. You can find out the biography here.

Oprah's personality element is the Yin Tree (I have highlighted this element with a red arrow in the map). And as we know, the Yin Tree has flexibility and pliability. It bends easily, but is difficult to break. The season (Ox month) does not support the personality element. The pillar of the year is what first impression we make on people. The annual pillar contains Yin Water (Oblique Seal) and Yin Fire (Spirit of Pleasure). Water in Bazi is traditionally responsible for wisdom, intelligence and sociability, and Fire is for brightness, playing to the public, and attracting attention. Therefore, Oprah's talent manifested itself at a fairly early age.

The annual pillar contains Yin Water (Oblique Seal) and Yin Fire (Spirit of Pleasure). The oblique seal says that Oprah was raised not by her mother, but by her grandmother.

Now let's look at the House of Marriage. The Yin Tree Day Pillar on the Rooster is quite problematic for relationships. Here the Element of Personality sits on the 7th Killer. It is difficult to have a happy marriage. Moreover, it is also a peach flower whose root has been cut off. The Rooster's Yin metal is like cutting off Oprah's flower. Getting married with such a pillar is a rather risky undertaking.

Yin tree

The Yin Yi Tree is an ivy, flexible shrub or vine that creeps along the ground. People of this pillar are sociable, full of positivity and charm. They are smart, can solve problems effectively, and strive to expand their knowledge and skills. They are contactable, diplomatic, know how to subtly use flattery, and often make a good career. For the success of a common cause, they are able to neglect their own interests, but in a desperate situation they can play dirty games and step over other people. Their emotions are unstable and can influence judgment.

Yin heavenly trunks are combined with Yin earthly branches. In the case of Yi, six trunks are formed: Yi Chou, Yi Mao, Yi Si, Yi Wei, Yi Yu, Yi Hai.

Yi Chow, Yin Tree on the Ox

The Yi Chou pillar has several images: a snowdrop, a plant in hibernation, or a tree in dirty ground. Behind each of them is hidden resilience and the ability to withstand difficult external conditions. Pillar people are practical, decisive, energetic and persuasive. They love to be the center of attention, are smart and strive to look great. The end goal is important to them—when they see it, they become methodical, attentive, and extremely focused. For a good result, it is important for them to have assistants next to them and receive support, although partnership with them is not very comfortable: And Chow may not fulfill their promises, they cannot always be relied on.

They are often educated and gifted with talents, but may underestimate their potential and depend on the opinions of others. They open themselves up and share their experiences only with those closest to them. They themselves often lack organization, but at the same time they strive to lead and control others. Others may be hostile to Yi Chow's assertiveness. They often become even more active in their old age. They may be vain and strive for rewards, but they are not willing to share. They show the best results when they find something they like. And the Chows can provide themselves with a comfortable life, often finding the most financially profitable options.

Yi Mao, Yin Tree on Rabbit

The image of the pillar is a flowering bush in spring. Yi Mao people are confident, beautiful, kind, smart, noble, stubborn and ambitious. They are able to understand others, communicate easily, and can unite like-minded people around them. They are devoted to their loved ones, but those around them often do not understand them. They are characterized by honesty, peacefulness and some changeability of nature, so sometimes they fall under the influence of others.

Yi Mao are energetic and passionate about what they do. They can be quite successful, but they rarely analyze the experience, stepping on the same rake. They easily ask for help, and their innate attractiveness helps them get it. At the same time, they are resourceful and can easily cope on their own. They may not be responsible enough or lazy. They are responsive, but they won’t give away their last shirt. They do not like routine, they strive for variety and freedom, and sometimes they can surprise others with non-standard actions. Sometimes they get so inspired that they start doing something right away. In other situations they give up quickly, especially if they are under stress. They constantly rush between idealism and materialism, but they cause the greatest harm to themselves.

Yi Sy, Yin Tree on the Snake

The image of the pillar is a flowering creeping bush on a mountain. Behind him lies the personality of an active, strong-willed, ambitious, and at times greedy person. And Sy are easy-going, love travel, and value freedom. Restless, inventive, focusing on external manifestations of well-being. They may be vain and not keep their word. They speak easily in public, do not hesitate to express their emotions, are responsive, and often help others. Yi Sys are usually flexible and capable of compromise, but they can also be stubborn. They are persistent and hardworking, although their efforts may be more useful to others than to themselves. People and Sy can be idealists: they are fascinated, then disappointed and again look for change.

It happens that they are unlucky in their youth, but with age they achieve success. They are overly focused on the material side of life, and this prevents them from solving complex issues. Their ambitions and high expectations can cause anxiety and skepticism. Under stress, they are capable of unexpected, often unreasonable actions.

Yi Wei, Yin Tree on Goat

The image of a pillar is a bush on dry ground. A plant living in drought conditions represents people of great will, able to survive and cope with circumstances. Yi Wei are stubborn, action-oriented, and mindful of their interests. They are easy-going, often make plans, but do not always follow them through. They are easy to communicate with, have a kind heart, and are capable of understanding and empathy. Due to increased sensitivity, they may strive for loneliness, fearing suffering due to painful feelings.

They are often self-sufficient. They are not bored in their own company, and intuition is their best adviser. When they work alone, they develop spiritually. A clear goal mobilizes all their hard work and endurance, they go towards it and do not retreat due to failures. Yi Wei people can be attracted by comfort, luxury and some extravagance, and they are ready to achieve what they want with their work. They rely on their activities, but sometimes they may lack creativity. Over time, work becomes more and more important for Yi Wei. It happens that they cannot find a permanent source of income. They are not strong in analytics and planning. They can be selfish, seek to control, and sometimes seem rude.

Yi Yu, Yin Tree on the Rooster

The most accurate image for this pillar is a potted plant or pruned shrub. Yi Yu people strive to attract public attention. They are creative, full of ideas and optimism, grasp knowledge on the fly, and make decisions quickly. Straightforward, generous, independent, charming. People around them perceive them as leaders and trust their knowledge, energy and success. They are not worried about possible difficulties, are ready to work for success, and adapt well to the situation. It is important for Yi Yu to be inspired and believe in the idea. Creativity always helps them achieve unique results. At the same time, they are ready to firmly defend their principles, which may cause hostility from others.

Yi Yu's person feels more comfortable in a team. Good relationships, harmony and peace are important to him. It’s good when there is a person nearby who is authoritative for them - he helps to curb stubbornness so that the Yi Yu do not harm themselves. They often hide their worries and problems from loved ones, but at the same time have poor mood control.

And Hai, Yin Tree on a Pig

The image of the pillar is a lotus or water lily - a beautiful flower on the surface of the water with roots hidden from prying eyes. When they first meet, people see the outer side of Yi Hai—modesty, honesty, intelligence, attention to detail. Behind this form there is also hidden rich content—talents that are discovered gradually, usually with the help of education.

They are charismatic, sincere, capable of tolerance and compassion. These qualities always attract other people to them. Creativity, luck and attention to finances allow Yi Hai to earn effectively and spend tastefully. They love travel, impressions and new meetings; it is difficult for them to stay in one place for a long time. They strive to make an impression, value comfort and beautiful things. They know how to enjoy the current moment, cherish relationships, and try not to hurt loved ones. They always remember their debts.

The disadvantage of Yi Hai can be considered a certain laziness - they do what is needed here and now, but no more.
This is partly due to restlessness. More about the 60 pillars (Jia Zi)

Bazi Beyonce

I want to stop on Beyoncé's bazi map. Date of birth September 4, 1981 Houston, USA. at 10 am

Beyonce is a Yin Tree by nature. Looking at her map, we see a skew of the Metal element, which represents the element of power. Women with such a card are power-hungry and want to rule the entire planet. They are very popular among men. Also, the prosperous metal in the chart gives her a strong voice. The year of birth brings Beyoncé charisma and the desire to shine always and everywhere.

As for her personal life, she also has a Rooster in her marriage palace. For Beyoncé, this is power, i.e. the husband's star is in place. And being her husband is not easy. Moreover, in the marriage palace there is a symbolic star “Team Influence”. It is difficult to have a happy marriage in which a woman often does not control her words and can offend. But along with this, she will do a lot so as not to remain lonely.

Looking at Beyoncé's map, we can say that we have a commander, a general and a leader all rolled into one. This is evidenced by her stage image and the presence of several other types of business.

Human Personality and the Yin Tree

The Yin tree is grass, flowers, plants. As you know, flowers create beauty - they are used for exhibitions, decorations, congratulations, and as decorations for gifts. Like a wonderful flower, a person with a Yin Tree personality is one of those who can decorate and improve the surrounding reality.

The character of a person associated with the Yin Tree is distinguished by its phenomenal flexibility. Like a climbing flower, it strives upward towards the sky and the sun, smoothly avoiding all obstacles. He knows how to adapt to circumstances in an amazing way and get away with it.

The flower looks weak, but is able to grow in very difficult conditions. It breaks through the stones, and in a strong wind it twists and bends in its direction. The flower will remain alive until its roots are torn out. Therefore, despite the gentle nature, the Yin Tree person is quite stress-resistant and is not susceptible to nervous breakdowns. His innate tact allows him to avoid difficult conflict situations both at home and at work. Depending on the situation, he can be either an objective, fair leader or an executive subordinate.

Like the Yin Tree, such a person is resilient and able to resist difficulties and hardships. Even at the risk of being trampled and ridiculed, he persistently and tirelessly “creeps upward”, sprouting again like fresh grass. He easily fits into any environment, finding a common language and enjoying the trust of the team. Thanks to his elasticity, he skillfully negotiates and finds suitable compromises for every impasse.

The Yin Tree person has a highly developed creative streak. He is very expressive, has a rich imagination and a passion for art. He has a delicate taste, knows how to create coziness, dress elegantly and support any small talk. With his graceful manners, he undoubtedly attracts attention. The resilient nature of this person deserves respect, while maintaining all the realism, prudence and sanity.

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