Master class on making a souvenir “Owl - a symbol of wisdom” for children of primary school age

Owls are mysterious birds that inspire awe and fear in many people. They lead a mysterious nocturnal lifestyle, fly silently, and can scream sharply and frighteningly. These birds appear in the most unexpected places, catch mice and have had an aura of supernatural creatures since ancient times. For many peoples, the owl is a symbol of wisdom. Why the bird is perceived this way and whether it is connected with deep knowledge everywhere - we will look at it in the article.

The history of the appearance of the Owl symbol in different countries of the world

The first information about the importance of owls for people dates back to millennia BC. There were many opinions and signs. She was considered a mysterious bird that held a lot of knowledge.

Because of its nocturnal life, ability to fly, and its strength, the bird represented the patron saint of hunters and was therefore worshiped.

Basically, this is a symbol of wisdom, because before hunting, the owl watches the target for a long time, studies its habitat, behavior and habits in order to know how to attack correctly. She does this thoughtfully and shows rational thinking.

It was believed that if a bird flies over the warriors, the battle will be successful.

If a person was very sick for a long time, and they saw an owl nearby, then perhaps he will die. Some countries, peoples and empires in ancient times attached particular importance to owl symbolism.

  • In Greece, the owl accompanied the goddess of wisdom Athena and was her assistant. She constantly sat on her shoulder, watched everything that was happening behind her and reported on it. The bird was also the guardian of the Acropolis. She had a connection with the afterlife.
  • In Rome, the bird meant wisdom, femininity, fertility, the animal and plant worlds. Therefore, she was always close to the goddess of the hunt, Diana. The bird also symbolized the god of wisdom and curiosity, Maneuver.
  • Among the Celts, owls were a symbol of intelligence, cunning, patience and wisdom. People also believed that eagle owls were guides to the world of the dead.
  • In African tribes, owl symbolism was considered a bad omen, except among shamans and sorcerers. But people respected owls because they were good hunters. But white birds were a sign of wisdom and purity, harbingers of goodness, endurance, and prudence.

Variant of the amulet with an owl symbol.
The Slavs had a positive attitude towards these birds. They helped people find lost things.

Also, because of their nocturnal life, predators were considered secret messengers of the gods, because they had a connection with the other world.

In every community there were warriors who imitated them: they drew black circles around their eyes so that they could see well in the dark and attack at night.

Fairy tale

Once upon a time, an owl was a common bird. Together with other birds and animals, she rejoiced in the sun, light and even sang beautiful songs, just like the nightingale. But one day, one stormy spring, when heavy clouds constantly hid the sunny sky, a sad story happened, which is the story of this tale.

It rained all day, and the Owl hid from it in the hollow of an old, spreading oak tree. It was dark and damp, raindrops were monotonously knocking on the leaves of the trees, and she fell asleep unnoticed. She woke up only at night, from the fact that a silvery, dim light was flowing into the hole of the hollow. The owl looked outside and saw that the rain had stopped, and a huge full Moon was sparkling in the sky, its pale light fell on the night forest, and the raindrops frozen on the leaves caught its reflections and lit up with small silver fireflies. The moon was so beautiful and mysterious, and it seemed to the Owl that she was directing her silvery rays towards her and smiling sadly. Millions of small stars shone and shimmered everywhere, it seemed as if thousands of light diamonds and emeralds were playing in silver rays, and the large disk of the Moon floated royally above them. It seemed that a barely audible slow melody was heard in the night forest.

All night long the Owl admired the heavenly body, watched with bated breath its smooth movement across the sky, and the closer the Moon descended to the edge of the sky, the more

The bird enchanted by her became sadder, and her heart ached more strongly from an incomprehensible sadness. Now the Moon is touching the edge of the horizon, turning paler and paler as the pre-dawn sky becomes lighter... Gradually, Morning comes into its rightful place. Great grief struck the Owl. She fell from the branch, screamed sadly, flapped her wings and flew higher and higher, so that for the last moments she could enjoy the vision disappearing in the dawn, and then the time came when the desired mirage disappeared completely. In deep sadness, the Owl returned to his tree and hid in the hollow, without looking back at the sky, treacherously abandoned by the night queen. The Owl remained in her hollow all day and did not see how the first pink rays of the rising Sun shine in the east, how it rises, illuminates and warms the forest and its inhabitants, awakens them to life in a new day;

But the Owl did not even remember the Sun. As if enchanted, every evening she met the Moon, and all night long she admired the movement of the silvery luminary across the sky, longingly awaiting its disappearance over the horizon. And when the Moon disappeared, the distressed bird, with deep melancholy in its soul, hid in its dark hollow. She didn’t want to see a new day, admire the sun and enjoy the warmth. The Owl is looking forward to when evening comes and she can meet the sunrise of her favorite star.

But Luna doesn’t want to be Owl’s idol at all. Once, sadly looking at the owl from the sky, she quietly said:

- Little owl, you have a headache! Why did you, Owl, forget about the Sun? Why have you been looking at me all night, looking at all your eyes so that they have become round and large? Come to your senses, unfortunate one! After all, I don’t have my own light, I only reflect the one with which the great Sun shines for me!

But the Owl did not understand the words that the Moon said. She was indescribably delighted that the Moon was speaking to her, and from her excitement she did not understand the meaning of the words spoken by the Moon, but could only look at the Moon with adoration.

From that night the Moon began to gradually disappear. If before she was always full, round and light, now, feeling sorry for the Owl, she decided to step into the shadows, in order to at least show that she is not the main one in the sky, she, in comparison with the Sun, is small and dark. But the Owl did not understand this either. Every night, with ever-increasing horror, she watched the waning of the moon. When, one night, not finding the Moon at all in the sky, she fell into such despair that she sobbed all night long, and from that time on, she completely lost her voice and could no longer sing her beautiful songs. Seeing such great grief, the Moon rose to the sky again, but from that time on she rarely shows her true beauty, rarely illuminates the night forest with her rays, because the Moon does not want to be an idol, she tries to remind that it is not good for her to forget about the Sun, because only she gives both warmth and light.

Quote from Svetoyar's message

The meaning of the Owl symbol

The meaning of a symbol varies. It brings together good and bad news and is associated with secret knowledge and magic. The owl, thanks to its rational thinking, has become a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, patience and diligence.

Therefore, its symbolism is often used in many things:

  • publications, on books, textbooks and magazines (children's and school);
  • notebooks, calendars and postcards;
  • medals, figurines and sculptures.

This bird is a symbol of philosophy and science because it exhibits a mind similar to that of a human in its behavior. This opinion was formed not because of the ability to think and reason: to motionlessly stalk a prey at night, to quietly study its habitat and habits.

The bird is also associated with intuition, caution and vigilance, thanks to good hearing and keen eyesight. Therefore, psychics and soothsayers use this image to appeal to the world of the dead, making owl amulets for protection from evil spirits, deception and the evil eye.

The bird will help you understand the dark side of a person’s personality, get rid of prejudices, relieve nervous tension, give confidence and increase internal strength, and thus become a good assistant in doing business.

In Feng Shui philosophy, special attention is paid to the image of an owl. It is a symbol of wealth and a talisman.

Just like the toad, the owl will attract success, help you advance in business and improve your financial situation.

The owl figurine should be placed next to the toad holding coins. To increase income, you should plant the owl on a money tree (it should not be small). So she will also protect wealth.

To improve family relationships, you need a white or golden figurine; it should be placed in the living room or kitchen, depending on where family members are most often located. It is recommended to purchase new products in stores, not in pawn shops or antique shops, so that they do not contain foreign energy. If damage or the evil eye has recently been removed, then the figurine is necessary for protection.

It is better to choose a large figurine

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist interprets the night image strictly negatively. Gustav Miller sees in the bird of prey enemy slander, encroachment, betrayal, and loss.


Remember only the vague silhouette of a predator? Such a dream means slander and the danger of attack. People whom you previously recognized as friends will take care of the spread of notoriety.

Owl cry

A gloomy, dull hooting in a dream is a symbol of sorrows, misfortunes, and losses. Bad news, accidents, illnesses may follow. It is recommended to take utmost care in protecting your life and the well-being of your loved ones.

Dead bird

Seeing a corpse is a sign of positive changes. The dead owl prophesies:

  1. Recovery for the sick person or his family.
  2. A lucky chance that allows you not to suffer from a disaster. For example, a car will crash, but the sleeping person will not receive a scratch.

A predator who died of natural causes means liberation from old grievances and new friendships.

Variants of Owl mascots and who it suits

The owl mascot has strong energy. The purpose of the amulet depends on its type, details and location.


The meaning of the owl symbol for women is intelligence and cunning without evil thoughts.

A white or golden figurine helps create a strong family. It will help a woman choose the right words in conversations with a man and reduce nervous tension. You can wear a pendant in the shape of an owl.

The bird will also help you make important decisions in life, for example, in work. The amulet must be made of wood, clay or stone.

A girl can use an owl in the form of pendants, jewelry and costume jewelry. For example, rings and bracelets made of gold or silver would be a good option.


To protect against the evil eye, you need to put the figurine in a stroller or crib. The light brown, blue and white owl will help in training.

It is recommended to purchase a figurine or figurine of a bird with open wings or glasses, or standing on a stack of books. It promotes perseverance, reasoning and mental development. A small figurine or symbol of an eagle owl can also be taken to the exam to ensure it is successful.

The owl symbol attracts wisdom

Symbol in the house

Many people do not know what the owl symbolizes in the house, or whether it can be used. This bird is a symbol of intelligence, caution and wisdom, therefore it protects home from evil spirits and accidents, helps to make the right decisions, not make mistakes, spend money rationally and thus save.

If there are constant quarrels in the house, then you cannot use the image and figurine.

For effect, you need to place the figurine in a visible place in the room where family members are often present. You can place it next to the closet or safe where valuables are stored. It is acceptable to place it on the desktop, but not in an empty and cold room, otherwise it may cause harm.

The amulet must be made of gold or silver. These materials increase strength and improve its action. The owl will not affect the energy of other magical figurines in any way and does not depend on them.

This is what a home figurine looks like

She needs constant attention, it is recommended to touch her often, stroke her and talk to her. Then the owl's amulet will correctly direct the energy and will not cause harm. You can give an owl symbol if you wish something good, to protect against the evil eye.

Terms of use

Before using any amulet, it is cleaned and charged. The easiest way to clean it is to soak it in salt overnight. After this, the item is washed with running water.

The amulet is charged when the moon appears in the sky. Holding the figurine in your hand, you need to ask it for help in a specific matter.

It is also widely believed that the talisman should be used according to the zodiac sign:

  • Aries is characterized by an explosive temperament, so a figurine with folded wings is suitable for them to pacify passions;
  • Taurus, on the contrary, are often not too decisive, so a flying owl is recommended for them;
  • Geminis are often talkative and naive. An amulet in the form of an owl feather can help them protect themselves from deception;
  • for crayfish, family is of paramount importance; a talisman in the form of one bird or with chicks will help to establish family relationships;
  • for Leos, a pendant or brooch with such a sign will be useful: this way they will receive help in pacifying power and ambition, if in a certain situation these qualities interfere with them;
  • Virgos are advised to purchase a painting or figurine for their home to strengthen their family. For Virgos, as for Cancers, family relationships are of great importance, but they are often so absorbed in work that there is no time left for family members;
  • for Libra, the soaring owl option is suitable (representatives of this sign sometimes lack the confidence to take a decisive step);
  • Scorpios will come in handy with a wooden figurine: such an amulet energizes and calms;
  • Sagittarians are very fickle, which is why they often suffer. A figurine of a sitting bird will help to give them attentiveness and prudence;
  • For Aquarius, an image placed above the door will help attract love into life;
  • Pisces lack firmness and determination, so a flying figure is an option just for them.

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In addition, the placement of the amulet depends on the purposes for which it was purchased:

  • to improve cognitive abilities, the talisman is placed on the desktop;
  • for the development of intuition - at the head of the bed;
  • to improve family relationships - in those places of housing where the whole family most often gathers;
  • to protect the house, three birds are placed nearby;
  • for career success - in the office.

Thus, the method of application and choice of the form of the amulet depends on why it is needed, as well as on the characteristics of the person using the talisman.

Meaning in fortune telling, dreams and visions

The bird of wisdom and knowledge will help you foresee the future and reveal magical abilities. In fortune telling, there are different interpretations that describe the owl symbol and what it means. Basically, these are the difficulties ahead. If a person copes with them, then he will have success in future affairs.

Symbolism is mainly used in fortune telling on coffee grounds; it can mean different things depending on its location. For example, on:

  • day - a serious illness of the fortuneteller or his loved one;
  • bottom wall - quick death is most likely;
  • the wall above - a difficult financial situation.

The bird also portends possible mental health problems. Here a lot depends on the person himself. If he can muster the willpower, he can recover.

If a bird appears in a vision, then it thus reports urgent news: white symbolism means good, in plumage of a different color - it means trouble, if it attacks - it means bad.

Reading the results depends on many details and figures nearby:

  • an owl on a tree branch - good health;
  • a heart is depicted next to the bird - health is good, but you need to give up bad habits;
  • big owl - there is a high probability of an accident with serious injuries; you need to be attentive and careful on the road to avoid it.

In fortune telling about personal life, a bird can mean different things. A small image speaks of temporary loneliness. A large owl sitting on a branch portends pleasant changes in relationships and profits. But a bird hanging upside down speaks of possible unpleasant news and quarrels in the family.

The appearance of an owl in dreams means the resolution of difficult situations. She will tell you the answer to your question. To do this, you need to put her figurine or image under the pillow, and in the morning be sure to thank her for her help.

Owl tattoo

fortune teller

A wise bird will help you look into the future, reveal extrasensory abilities, and develop clairvoyance. To do this, place a figurine of an owl under your pillow, then in a dream you can get an answer to an exciting question. In the morning you should thank the owl for her assistance.

The owl talisman requires constant attention and does not like dark corners in the house. Periodically touch the talisman, stroke it, talk to it. Then the amulet will become a conductor of success, wealth and knowledge.

Alexander, March 1, 2021.

Owls, leading a mysterious nocturnal life, have long aroused not only fear in people, but also involuntary respect. After all, they easily navigate in the dark, can easily see something behind them with just one turn of their heads, and completely silently glide between trees and houses invisible in the darkness. The bird's numerous talents made its images both a gloomy symbol and a useful talisman, a conductor of dark magic and an indispensable assistant to wise prophets.

  • If you place an owl figurine next to where you store your money, it will help you be smart about your family budget, promote frugality and bring prosperity to your home. A bird sitting on a money tree will be an excellent talisman for capital.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, an owl figurine perfectly protects a house from various misfortunes if it is placed in its northeastern zone. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to place three owls next to each other.

Image of an Owl in a tattoo

To ensure that the owl is always nearby, protects you from the evil eye and helps you in business, you can get tattoos with its image. A white bird with open eyes is best.

  • For longevity, you need to apply an image of an owl next to the hour hands, right in the eye area. This symbolizes the transience of time and long life.
  • To improve your financial situation, you should apply an image of an owl with open wings. You can also choose a simple, non-colored tattoo, but with a minimal amount of black, such as a regular outline or a bird with feathers.

The owl is a powerful magical symbol with great power that can protect, help in different situations and provide answers to many questions. Since ancient times, birds have been treated with reverence and care. To use symbolism as a talisman, you should read about what the owl talisman means, where to place and store it correctly, and also how to correctly interpret fortune telling.

DIY methods

The easiest way is to make a painting with your own hands depicting an owl. It is not necessary to do it in photorealism: simpler styles will do. Even a sketch can have magical properties if such an artifact is activated correctly.

Another way to make an owl talisman is to carve an amulet from wood.

Any breed will do, but it is easiest to work with:

  • oak;
  • cedar;
  • linden;
  • alder;
  • birch.

Amulets made of wood.

Women's amulet

Today, images of birds can most often be found on jewelry for ladies. In Ancient Rome, the figurine of an owl was associated with fertility and personified with the feminine principle. In Slavic culture, the bird was associated with an old maid or widow, or an unfaithful wife.

A pendant in the shape of a bird helps a lonely woman find family happiness. The married representative will help protect her home from quarrels and disagreements, and will protect her marriage.

A large number of signs and beliefs are associated with the owl symbol:

  1. The cry of a night predator foreshadowed the imminent birth of a child. An unmarried lady should have waited for an addition outside of marriage.
  2. Representatives of France are confident that if you hear the cry of an owl during pregnancy, a girl will certainly appear.
  3. In Ukraine, it was believed that hearing or seeing a feathered animal was a sign of an imminent wedding.
  4. Scottish women were afraid of meeting a night bird during the day, considering it a bad sign.

In modern life, the symbol of the owl has retained this meaning and meaning only partially. Today it is considered a sign of female cunning and dexterity in the good sense of the word. To learn how to use the image of a bird rationally, you need to use it correctly.

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