Paintings for the hallway on the wall: how to choose the look, plot, design and location

In accordance with Taoist teachings, feng shui paintings in the hallway contribute to the formation of correct energy flows that create harmony in the home.

Guests, as a rule, form their first impression of the living space upon entering the corridor in the apartment.

A person’s perception of home largely depends on external factors such as:

  • color scheme used in finishing;
  • odors present in the room;
  • degree of illumination of the room;
  • lighting style.

The corridor in the apartment is the first internal space into which guests find themselves, so the perception of the apartment as a whole depends on the extent to which it is comfortable and comfortable.

In accordance with Taoist teachings, feng shui paintings in the hallway contribute to the formation of correct energy flows that create harmony in the home

The entrance corridor is the place in the apartment that is the most modest in size and most in demand in terms of functionality.

This space in standard city apartments rarely receives good natural light.

Attention! For this reason, every little detail is important in the design of the entrance corridor, from the choice of the type of finishing materials to such elements as a rug, various panels on the walls and small accessories.

When choosing finishing materials for decorating a corridor, you should take into account not only the area of ​​the room, but also the degree of its lighting.

The entrance corridor is the place in the apartment that is the most modest in size and most in demand in terms of functionality.

The ideal setting of the entrance corridor space can be considered from the point of view of human psychology and based on the basic laws of ergonomics. One of the ways to ergonomically design this area is to use the principles of Taoist practice of organizing living space - the teachings of Feng Shui.

Designing a space in accordance with the requirements of Asian ancient teachings requires compliance with certain rules for the arrangement of furniture and interior items, which involves the redistribution of energy flows in the room, allowing one to achieve harmony in the house.

When decorating a home in accordance with this doctrine, it is necessary to adhere to a whole set of requirements and rules

When decorating a home in accordance with this doctrine, it is necessary to adhere to a whole set of requirements and rules.

The role of paintings: mood and correction of space

Based on how carefully and in detail the interior of the hallway is designed, the guests’ opinion about the inhabitants of the home is formed. But still, the main role of artistic paintings is to create a good mood. They are needed to please the eye and evoke positive emotions. If you want to look at the canvas again and again, then the main goal has been achieved.

The entrance area can be simply decorated, and that’s good. And you can further adjust the space if the paintings in the hallway on the wall are selected in the right way.

Modular painting in eco-style Source

So, when choosing, it is important to balance the size of the room and the future decor. If the hallway is modest in size, it is better to decorate the walls with several small paintings. They will fit perfectly into the setting and will be perceived as parts of the whole, especially if you take care of the same (or matching style) frames.

If you want to raise the ceiling, opt for narrower, vertical patterns. A large-scale canvas will make a small room even more cramped and visually reduce the height of the ceilings. In addition, it is difficult to evaluate it when viewing it from a distance of a meter and a half. The lucky ones who have a spacious hallway have a wider choice of suitable sizes and ways of placing paintings.

Costume collection Source

In addition to choosing the right size, correction methods using paintings include the following methods:

  • Taking into account the color palette of the canvas. Warm (red, yellow, brown) shades create coziness, but at the same time visually narrow the space. Cool (blue, white, green) shades have the opposite effect: they expand and refresh the interior.

In warm colors Source

  • Using the contrast effect. On dark walls, a composition of small light canvases looks good (the opposite is also true). The hallway receives additional structuring, which is perceived by the subconscious as calming.
  • Using Feng Shui methods. In the Eastern tradition, the presence of a mirror is considered important. Its location should contribute to the correct flow of qi energy, the same applies to the plot of the paintings. The relative position of these objects is allowed, in which the canvas is reflected in the mirror. Followers of the teaching claim that if the plot is chosen correctly, it will attract harmony and success to the house.

Strictly according to Feng Shui Source

  • Using a mirror. Even if you are not a follower of oriental practices and the placement of paintings in the hallway according to Feng Shui, the canvas reflected in the mirror creates a volume effect, which will not hurt in a cramped corridor.
  • Most corridors suffer from a lack of natural light, so it would be correct to organize lighting for paintings. This can be either special LED lighting or regular wall sconces. To prevent the image from fading, it is protected with anti-reflective glass.

Loft in the interior Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the production of finishing materials and glazing

Indoor location rules

If it is possible to create paintings on the walls in the form of frescoes, then using perspective will help to visually expand the boundaries of the room. However, when choosing a picture, you must remember that this picture in the hallway in the apartment cannot be replaced as easily as a regular one, so the image should be such that you don’t get bored with it too quickly.

When placing a painting, you need to take into account the features of the room and the rules for its location in it.

  • The center of the picture should be at eye level of the standing person.
  • The canvas should ideally occupy 1/3 of the width and height of the wall on which it will be located.
  • If the reproduction is framed in a mat, then the size of the proportion is calculated from the image itself.
  • Long walls in a narrow hallway can be balanced by hanging symmetrical posters in glazed frames on them.
  • It is better to hang modular paintings in the hallway opposite the front door. They will immediately attract the attention of the visitor, visually shorten the length of the room and at the same time organically fit into the interior of any room.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Drywall in the interior of an apartment: structures on the walls and ceiling 10 photos

  • It is good to use photos in a two-level hallway that will be arranged in steps.
  • If you need to hang several paintings on the wall, then hang one, the main one, which will be the center of the composition, and then a selection of other images is made around it.
  • When placing several canvases in a row, they should be aligned with either the top or bottom edge. The most difficult option is alignment along the central axis. Segments of modular paintings can be located at different levels in accordance with the author’s idea.

How to choose a painting: 6 subtleties of the process

Size is not the only thing that influences the choice of canvas. It is equally important to take into account points that will affect the result and overall impression. When choosing a painting, take into account the following nuances:

  • Trusting your inner voice. If you are afraid of making the wrong choice, focus on your inner feelings. It is important whether you have internal acceptance or, conversely, non-acceptance of the art object.

The plot with the balcony Source

  • Pictures in frames look harmonious if their size is proportional to the size of the wall. In general, the exhibition should not occupy more than a third of the free space. In a cramped corridor, it is better to limit yourself to one or three frames, which are placed at eye level.

Home gallery Source

  • The canvases are selected according to the style of the room. The components of the right painting are not only the right colors, but also the right theme.

When space is tight Source

  • The decoration details of the hallway should be positive, and the same applies to the color scheme of the paintings. It is worth abandoning dark shades and gray (“dirty”) blurry images if this does not play into the style.
  • To create coziness, it is not necessary to use only muted shades. The desired mood will also be supported by richer tones: green, yellow, lilac, diluted with white.

In contemporary style Source

  • The color, style and texture of the frame are of great importance. It’s good if the frame of the picture is combined with other interior elements, maintaining the unity of style. If you plan to hang several pictures, it is better to choose frames from the same material. This rule can be broken if you know how to combine different frames with each other.

For lovers of abstract painting Source

Modern photos or timeless classics

Becoming the owner of an original oil painting is not always affordable in terms of financial costs. And the functions of the corridor are not entirely suitable for contemplating artistic masterpieces. Much more often, the interior of the hallway is decorated with a printed image, which is called a poster. With high quality workmanship, they look no worse than real canvases and will become a worthy element of the interior.

A relatively new design trend is to decorate walls with frameless panels. The painting, not weighed down by a baguette, looks light and laconic, which fully meets the criteria for decorating a modern interior. An additional bonus is that the cost of such decor is in the budget segment and is available to a wide range of consumers.

Comment! Among the advantages of photo paintings is the opportunity to place an individual order and get a unique image in the interior of the corridor.

Among the ready-made copies, you can also easily find a plot suitable for the style of the hallway. The decision to decorate the interior with inexpensive photo panels is suitable for people who have not set priorities and have not developed a clear concept for the design of the corridor. In this case, you can replace or completely remove the painting from the interior without much pity.

Types of paintings

Whether you need paintings for a corridor or a spacious hall, the question of choosing the type of canvas will definitely arise. In addition to standard canvas printing, the following options are available to decorate the entrance area:

  • Copyright. Original paintings, painted in oil, watercolor or pencil, add a touch of luxury to the interior. To demonstrate taste, you don’t have to be able to draw yourself. Art salons and theme fairs offer works of varied style; many canvases are very aesthetic and cost a relatively small amount.

Design with accent details Source

  • Poster. A popular type of decor, the plot of which can include comics, motivational inscriptions, and humorous drawings. The graphically clear design of the poster will decorate any modern interior. Often several posters in identical neutral frames are hung on the wall; the composition does not have to be symmetrical.

Posters Source

  • Embroidery. An embroidered picture in a suitable frame gives the room a special flavor, and therefore is used in strictly defined styles (country, Provence). Embroidery is done in different styles (usually satin stitch or cross stitch), and, like any hand-made decor, it greatly enlivens the decor. Silk embroidery in the Chinese tradition looks impressive.

In pastel shades Source

  • Modular. The image consists of separate sections that are located side by side, without changing the order, but often with horizontal and vertical offsets. Despite the fact that the picture consists of fragments, it looks solid and looks stylish. The theme of modular compositions can be anything, from a natural landscape and city view, to a still life and a photo of your favorite dog. You can make interesting decor with your own hands from photo wallpaper.

In Provence style Source

  • Panel. An impressive result can be obtained if you apply an image to photo wallpaper. Such a panel on the wall (in 3D format or with perspective) will help visually expand the space and make it more interesting. Natural images (for example, the edge of a forest), as well as recognizable places, pyramids or the Eiffel Tower, look attractive.

Panel Source

  • Fresco. Classic frescoes were created using a strictly defined technology - they were applied to wet plaster. Today, it is understood as wall painting with paints applied in different ways (brush, airbrush). For hallways, which are dark rooms, frescoes in light shades are suitable. The image material must be durable enough to withstand regular maintenance.

Fresco Source

The role of photography in the interior of the hallway

Since the advent of digital technology on the market, a tendency has arisen to decorate every free corner of the apartment not with hand-made works of artists, but with photo wallpapers or posters. Photo images are relevant for hallways with a simple design. Modern technologies make it possible to print high quality pictures. With their help, for little money you can give your front room a memorable look.

Remember that the scenes themselves depicted in the paintings will not significantly change the appearance of the hallway. They can be changed periodically.

Plot and style

When choosing paintings for the hallway, one takes into account not only the area of ​​the room and the prevailing color palette. Both light shades and its plot make a work of art positive; designers recommend choosing a theme based on the following rules:

  • Dark themes with natural disasters and war scenes, as well as destroyed (even picturesque) buildings and broken things should be avoided. Subconsciously, such images cause a negative reaction.

Combination of frame and furniture color Source

  • It is worth abandoning images of older people, even if it is a reproduction of a world-class painting. The same goes for drawings with a lot of details - they belong in the living room or office.
  • Abstract drawings are also not suitable for everyone. They often cause the nervous system to tense up rather than relax, as is the case with classical landscapes and still lifes.

Lilac abstraction Source
Paintings are a very diverse and flexible accessory to use. They are easy to match to a particular style if you remember the following rules:

  • Classic design. In the spacious hallway there will be luxurious reproductions of paintings by Russian and foreign masters from different eras. Sea and forest landscapes, city sketches, portraits of people and images of animals are welcome. Graphic drawings also look good.

In a classic style Source

  • Minimalism and modern laconic styles (Scandinavian, loft). Abstract subjects and graphic (often monochrome) images of trees, objects, and city landscapes look good here. Vivid designs, such as birds or flowers, are also possible - it all depends on the context.

In Scandinavian style Source

  • Country styles. For Provence and country, the most acceptable natural motifs are images of birds and animals, rural landscapes, flowers, and household utensils. The palette of designs is slightly muted, and frames are chosen to match it - simple, wooden, perhaps with an antique effect.

With French charm Source

  • Country estate style (English). The respectable and elegant style of a country house will help you create paintings depicting hunting scenes, still lifes with trophies, horses and dogs. Classic paintings would also be appropriate; they are enclosed in characteristic wooden frames covered with patina and gilding.

Elegance itself Source

  • Pop Art. All kinds of posters, photographs and stylized reproductions in the spirit of the unforgettable Andrew Warhol or the no less significant representative of modern art Roy Lichtenstein are suitable. The absence of frames will add a fashionable touch to the composition.

Pop art Source

Choice of colors

The paintings in the hallway are selected in accordance with the design of the corridor. In Feng Shui, light shades will attract positive energy into your home. Therefore, it is better to choose wallpaper in a delicate color palette.

Remember, it is not advisable to decorate the corridor in dark, gloomy colors. This will negatively affect communication with other people. Such a house will be visited by a small number of guests.

The best colors of paintings for the hallway are white, gray, peach, beige, light gray, lilac. Other pastel colors are also great. It is worth giving preference to warm shades. The optimal solution is to use paintings to make a smooth transition from one shade to another.

Feng Shui: oriental canons on the walls of the hallway

The basis of Eastern teaching is knowledge about the flow of qi energy. It says that the correct arrangement of objects in the house helps energy flow unhindered and harmonizes the life of the owners. If objects are not in the prescribed places, the flow of energy is blocked, which negatively affects health, success and other components of life.

Bright decor in a beige interior Source

Feng Shui experts advise paying attention to images of water. Paintings and photographs depicting moving water are best suited: an endless sea, a stormy mountain stream or a waterfall. The fact is that water symbolizes the flow of pure qi energy, and helps it flow along the waves of life, lifting the owners of the canvas to the crest of success.

The more water, the better Source

Based on the same idea, images with a calm lake or forest swamp should be avoided - they can provoke complete calm in household affairs. Feng Shui paintings for the hallway with the following content will also be favorable:

  • Marine theme. A proud sailboat and mysterious sea shells will support the flow of chi in the house, provided the overall positivity of the picture.
  • It is not recommended to leave a blank wall opposite the entrance. So that luck and prosperity do not slip out, they remain in the house, they are attracted by the right image. An excellent option would be flowers or a still life with bright fruits.

Opposite the front door Source

  • One of the most favorable images for the entrance area, bringing prosperity, is the symbol of life - a tree, or its fragment, for example, a flowering branch.
  • Bright colors and scenes with positive energy are welcome in the entrance area. To activate chi energy, a dynamic landscape with a sunrise (placed on the eastern wall) or a philosophical image of late autumn (on the western wall) is suitable.

Poppies Source

Suitable scenes for Feng Shui

An important point is the choice of a suitable subject for the picture. It is worth abandoning scenes of violence, images of various natural disasters, and broken objects. It will be favorable to use still lifes, landscapes, as well as portraits of happy and cheerful people in decoration.

A pretty good alternative is to hang family photos in the hallway.

It is necessary that the painting in its style does not violate the overall concept of the hallway. Flirty versions of paintings that fit perfectly into the entrance area will look very touching.

Light support for paintings

Most hallways do without daylighting. Of course, light colors are often used for their decoration, and mirrors and mirror surfaces are used for decoration. But in order for the paintings not to go unnoticed and to be successful, additional lighting will be required.

Vertical paintings with backlight Source

Lamps will help create suitable conditions, and it is important not only to choose good accessories, but also to find the right place for them. When choosing, you must also take into account the type of fastening of the canvas. If the canvas hangs on beams (there is no gap), it is preferable to use spots that provide bright, directional light. If the frame is fixed on cables, a special thin lamp that is attached to the wall above the picture will help.

In a narrow corridor Source

Different styles of paintings for the hallway

Abstractionism is a rather unusual solution for a hallway, but it would be appropriate for a home decorated in a minimalist style. In this case, you can hang pictures made in a modern style, without using frames or framed in narrow simple metal or plastic frames.

The ideal solution for a classic hallway would be to use creations of impressionism, romantic paintings, as well as images of baroque and realism. Paintings of these styles must be placed in beautiful wooden or gilded frames.

Images of horses or dogs will become a mandatory attribute of an English interior.

It must be said that the paintings would be quite appropriate even in an ordinary village hallway. In this case, it is worth focusing on panoramic options placed in wooden frames that depict the structure of the wood in detail.

Interesting point. It is not at all necessary that the paintings be independent hanging elements. You can easily purchase furniture decorated with different images or opt for functional elements: a key holder, a clock or a lamp.

Paintings can be hung not only on walls, but also on hanger hooks, and also placed on shelves or tables.

Separately, we need to talk about the frescoes. With their help, a significant visual expansion of space is possible, which is created by the perspective of the drawing. This solution is quite attractive, but it is very important to carefully select the subject of the fresco. After all, if you want change, it will be much more difficult to do so than in the case of paintings.

Briefly about the main thing

If you want to create a stylish interior in your hallway, you can’t do without paintings. They complete a room of any size, give it a personal touch and create a positive backdrop.

Properly selected canvases not only improve your mood, they can influence the perception of space, make a narrow corridor wider, and low ceilings higher. The color palette of the image adds coziness to the interior or, conversely, refreshes it.

To choose a painting, you need to trust your inner voice, taking into account the style of the hallway, the proportions of the wall and canvas, the material and texture of the frame. Don't forget about additional lighting and the potential of the mirror.

A variety of canvases are suitable for decorating a hallway: handwritten and embroidered, posters, frescoes and panels, modular options. If the style of the canvas is determined by the interior style, then the plot should be positive. It is worth abandoning dark themes; Abstract drawings will also not decorate every interior.

Feng Shui experts do not object to this approach, but supplement it with their own considerations. According to Eastern teachings, images of moving water, plants, as well as still lifes in rich colors will be useful for the entrance area.

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Place for handmade creations – small corridors

Pompous canvases are spectacular in spacious passers-by. And if you want to present your own creation to others, be it embroidery with beads or thread? Such works have a place in the interiors of small corridors with a certain stylistic solution.

Modern design implies clear lines and minimalism. Therefore, in a laconic hallway setting, such a hobby will look out of place and will cause dissonance of perception. Hand made looks more advantageous in country interiors, chalets, Provence and other rooms where the emphasis is on national flavor.

But a balanced approach is also important here. A corridor is a space with a high level of pollution, so hanging a painting made using the kanzashi technique is inappropriate. She will quickly lose her original attractiveness.

Advice! It is optimal when the embroidered fabric in the hallway interior is protected by glass or plastic film.

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