Is it bad or good to install a mirror on the entrance doors to a room?

Do you want to leave home every day in a good mood and return with a smile? Designers insist that a stylish and cozy interior should make a statement from the threshold. Since ancient times, the design of the entrance area has played a decisive role in maintaining harmony and attracting positive energy into the house. An incorrectly placed mirror can block the entrance to the house of luck, health and prosperity. Following the Lenten rules of Feng Shui can improve the condition of the family and indicate where to hang a mirror in the hallway.

Mirror in a beautiful carved frame for the hallway according to Feng Shui

Tips for choosing

Sliding interior doors with a mirror as a design element can visually change the room. Therefore, when choosing, you need to carefully study all the characteristics and features of the model.

Experts recommend:

  1. evaluate the quality of fabric and accessories;
  2. make sure the mirror is securely fastened (at least 6 fasteners);
  3. check the condition of the reflective surface (no abrasions, chips, scratches).

When purchasing, it is recommended to consult with the seller, who must provide all the information on the list of necessary components of the design.

Placing a mirror in an apartment according to Feng Shui

If the hallway is the main entrance to your home of vital energy Qi, then other places in your home carry no less energy load. It is worth considering the placement of mirrors and other reflective objects in different rooms. Here are some helpful tips to maintain your well-being and sanity:

The bedroom is the place where we spend quite a large part of our lives. Moreover, we are there in a relaxed, sleeping state

It is important for us not only to get enough sleep and recover, but also not to waste our energy potential. Therefore, Feng Shui experts do not recommend hanging a mirror so that your sleeping place is reflected in it.

It is advisable that there are no mirror surfaces in an open space in the bedroom.

During sleep, you relax and all the negativity you have accumulated during the day leaves your calm body. But, if there are a lot of mirrors in the bedroom, then they will absorb this unfavorable energy and begin to return it to you while you are awake. Can you imagine what happens to you when you are constantly reflected in a mirrored ceiling in a dream? The situation when the mirror is located in such a way that you are not reflected in it when you are sitting or lying on the bed is not the most deplorable. But in any case, the direction of movement of Qi energy is disrupted and one should not expect a positive effect from this.

It is best to place mirrors in the bedroom on the inside of the closet and dressing room. This way you can always see how you look without disturbing your energy balance. Mirrored ceilings or floors are not recommended in other rooms either, since you will see yourself upside down, head down, and the movement of energy flow will also change. No wonder this will bring chaos into your life.

You should not hang mirrors so that they reflect chimneys, stairs to the attic, or toilet. So all the positive energy will quickly leave your home through these holes. In the dining room and kitchen, placing mirrors will only interfere with eating and preparing food, and will not bring you any bonuses.

As with the front door, mirrors opposite the windows will prevent new flows of wealth from entering your home, according to Feng Shui experts.

Now you know whether it is possible to hang a mirror on the front door according to Feng Shui in an apartment, where to place it in the hallway, the meaning and consequences of its placement in your home. These simple and centuries-tested recommendations will help you maintain and increase the health, peace, and well-being of your family.

Installed mirror on the front door: signs

You can install a mirror directly on the front door, which, by the way, even Feng Shui allows. But at the same time, you need to choose such an arrangement so that other mirror objects cannot be reflected in it.

Quite often, apartment owners prefer to mount a mirror directly on the front door

If you comply with this condition, the signs promise only good things:

  • The health of everyone living in the house will improve;
  • Financial security will appear;
  • Scandals and quarrels will disappear;
  • Peace and comfort will reign in the house;
  • All household members will be in a great mood.

A mirror hanging on the front door may well improve the overall atmosphere of the house, but at the same time you need to attach this item very securely so as not to accidentally break it and get yourself into trouble. If the door leaf cannot boast of its unreliability, it is better not to hang anything on it.

Entrance door with mirror decoration

People who know at least a little about making entrance doors look at such an invention very skeptically. At the same time, many of them, without trying to fully understand, assign many flaws to such doors and almost label them “the worst purchase for the interior.”

In fact, there are not so many disadvantages to such doors. And buyers who want to purchase them are interested in the following questions:

  • what density of the mirror is needed;
  • the cost of a mirror that is suitable for such doors;
  • mounting methods;
  • what accessories should be used;
  • How practical are these doors?

Naturally, all these questions are absolutely reasonable, and every buyer wants to hear a reasonable answer to them.

To begin with, let's say that manufacturers produce several types of doors: with a mirror panel or with a built-in mirror. The first type implies that the door will have a continuous mirror surface, i.e. A mirror will be attached to the entire area of ​​the product using special glue. The second type involves partially covering the door with a mirror surface, and also uses special glue.

We recommend our article Folding door book: saving space in the apartment.

This type of door, if ordered from good manufacturers, is manufactured in compliance with all technical standards. It is necessary to clearly calculate the mass of the structure and only then select the most suitable mirror option. Therefore, they are not only visually attractive, but will also last a long time.

Doors with a mirror surface, made by professionals, will not break or crack, even if the door slams in a strong draft.

Where can you hang mirrors?

Hanging a mirror opposite the door is not recommended. When there is still enough space left in the corridor to install the product, bioenergeticists say that if it is installed correctly, it will not have a strong impact on the energy of the house; on the contrary, it will attract only good things.

  1. It is better to place the mirror on the side, maintaining a small distance from the door. Such a gap will protect the canvas from accidentally touching upon entry. A mirror installed above a chest of drawers or bedside table where shoes are stored is considered ideal.
  2. With an impressive mirror area, it is much more convenient to look at your own reflection. Hence the conclusion, purchase a large product so that its surface covers the entire area above the entrance. You can install a wardrobe with mirrored doors.
  3. Floor structures look beautiful.
  4. It is allowed to install a mirror on the side of the front wall, but it should not reflect the entrance to the room;
  5. Installation can also be done at an angle relative to the door. As a result, the input will not be displayed.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to designers, the front door is the key element of the interior, the appearance of which determines the design of the hallway and the general perception of the apartment or country house. Nowadays the market offers a large number of door designs with mirrors installed inside; such models are in great demand in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

Like any design, the entrance door to an apartment with a mounted mirror has advantages and disadvantages of use. The advantages of the product include:

Practicality. Before going out, you can examine your outfit in detail thanks to a full-length mirror.

Increased space. Using an entrance door with a mirror installed inside, you can create the illusion of an infinitely long corridor and visually enlarge the room (this option is great for small apartments and small hallways).

Lightness and neutrality. Thanks to the same mirror, the door leaf visually appears lighter. In addition, such a door fits well into any room, with any style.

Metal door structures with mirror elements on the inside are very practical and easy to use. They do not require special care and allow you to radically transform your apartment. Many designers use this technique - with the help of mirrors you can “push the boundaries” of the interior.

If you are just going to use an entrance door with a mirror in your hallway, then first of all you need to study the disadvantages of such designs. These include:

Difficult and time-consuming installation of fittings. Difficulties are caused by cutting out a hole for a bell, lock or handle, especially problematic if there is a mirror insert on the entire canvas.

Difficulty in replacing the mirror. Metal doors with glass inside are difficult to dismantle. To replace the insert, you will have to remove the canvas and all the fittings, take the structure to the workshop and carry out the replacement there.

High price. Powder coated mirror or Venetian glass are very expensive.

Large weight of the structure. Depending on the thickness and size of the glass, reliable canopies and hinges are installed that can withstand heavy loads. However, such a door leaf is very massive.

Special care requirements. You need to take care of the glass and remove dust and dirt from the surface in a timely manner. In stores you can find special cleaning products for these purposes.

It is worth noting that most of the disadvantages of door designs with mirrors are typical only for cheap models. Manufacturers, even at the door manufacturing stage, try to eliminate problems that could arise during replacement or during the operation of the product. For this purpose, iron doors are equipped with hidden locking mechanisms - the so-called invisible ones.

How to replace a mirror in front of a door

In principle, a mirror installed in a small hallway visually adds volume. But when you constantly see your own reflection, it becomes unpleasant. That is why you cannot mount a mirror opposite the bed, or completely lay out the bathroom with mirror tiles.

Feng Shui says that water absorbs the energy of money, it will begin to flow away like water through your fingers.

If you want to admire your reflection at full height, you can put a small wardrobe with mirrored doors in the hallway.

Convenient, functional floor mirror

If there is no space for a wardrobe, install a floor mirror. It can stand anywhere, since energy does not apply to it.

Everyone decides for themselves where to hang the mirror. To believe or not to believe signs, this decision is made depending on one’s own beliefs. Therefore, when creating design in an apartment, listen to your own feelings.

Since placing a mirror opposite the entrance ceiling is highly discouraged, an excellent solution would be to install a partition with a full-length mirror. It will allow you to save space, avoid purchasing a floor product, and comply with all superstitious signs.

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Modern justification will take

Many will say that you need to hang a mirror on the front door.

Signs of ancestors should not be taken into account. But from the standpoint of etiquette and the usual rhythm of life, the following negative aspects can be identified:

  • Hallway. The first place where upon entering they see themselves, their own reflection in the mirror. “Dark” people can come into the house and the mirror absorbs their negativity.
  • If there are children in the family no older than 3 years old, they can meet negative subjects and spirits in the mirror. As a result, fear and stuttering, many childhood phobias.
  • The threshold is a feature that allows entry into other worlds and through it a variety of spirits and evil spirits can be reflected in the mirror surface.

That’s why it’s so important to know how to hang a mirror correctly. And not just bring it into the apartment, placing it in the room

How to properly hang and where is the best place to place a mirror so that the correct, positively charged flow of energy fills the house without attracting negativity.

  • You should choose a large, full-length mirror that does not “divide” the image in half, otherwise illnesses cannot be avoided.
  • There should be a lot of space left between the floor and the edge of the mirror - this is some kind of space for growth, spiritual and physical.
  • Do not place two mirrors opposite each other - this opens a corridor for evil spirits, they penetrate into our world. Place a painting, a floor lamp, and beautiful flowers between them. Anything associated with positive emotions.
  • It is optimal to place a mirror in furniture - in a closet on the back walls or internal sliding walls.
  • If placed at an angle of more than 90 degrees, it will attract positive energy into the apartment, cutting off negativity.

Beauty is in the details. How else to complement the interior of the hallway

Feng Shui masters advise placing in front of the mirror something that evokes positive associations in you, thereby increasing your joy. However, no figures, symbols, talismans or trigrams should be placed in front of it, since the mirror will reflect their meaning the other way around. It is better to replace them with pleasant paintings with views of nature and fresh flowers.

How to place a painting in the hallway

Mirrors were endowed with special powers not only in China. There are a great many Russian folk legends about them. Even in the 21st century, when returning home to retrieve a forgotten item, many glance at the mirror at random. Similarly, Slavic tradition prohibits keeping broken, cracked and dusty mirrors at home. And when getting ready for a new life or moving, you shouldn’t take an old mirror, especially if it has seen a lot of grief, to a new place. To a new life with a new mirror!

You can have different attitudes towards signs and feng shui, but listening to the wisdom of generations can be useful. Moreover, modern designers agree with many of the ideas of their ancestors in arranging a comfortable hallway.

Differences between mirrors

Interior doors with mirror

An important point that must be taken into account when choosing such a door is the type of mirror installed. Mirrors come in glass and made of plastic. The former are endowed with all the qualities of ordinary glass, which makes their cost significantly higher than the cost of the latter, plastic ones.

In addition, mirrors are divided according to the degree of tinting. Today there are three types of mirrors:

  • with tinting;
  • without applying tinting;
  • matte.

In some door models, the types of inserts listed above may complement each other.

Design features

Each of the designs has distinctive features that affect not only the appearance, but also the operational features of the doors.

Swing structures with mirror

The design can be framed or frameless. Externally, the completely mirrored canvas looks weightless. The sash is secured using fittings and a clamping profile located at the bottom and top.

Clamping profile for glass

Silent and easy opening of the doors is ensured by hinges, which are divided into three categories. The following types are used for frame structures.

Table 3. Types of loops.

MountedUniversal. Suitable for any frames.
Screw-inUsing pins, the hinges are screwed into the box and into the canvas. The number of pins is selected depending on the plumb line of the web.
HiddenSuch hinges are cut into the canvas and into the box: the movable hinge is inserted inside the metal case.

The number of door leaves is selected based on the width of the opening. If the opening is high (above 2.1 m), then a transom is installed above the door - the upper vertical sash. Due to this, the massiveness and weight of the door leaf is reduced and its reliability is increased.

Door with transom

To make a swing mirror door, a clear, colored or matte mirror can be used.

Colored mirror

When choosing a swing mirror door, consider the following:

  1. Sound and heat insulation properties of the structure.
  2. Service life declared by the manufacturer.
  3. Wear resistance level.
  4. Resistance to external influences.

These indicators largely depend on the frame material, which can be metal-plastic, aluminum, wood, PVC or steel.

Sliding mechanism

When opening a sliding door leaf, only one plane is involved, which saves free space. However, in some cases it is not possible to install a sliding door. For example, if the corridor is narrow and the length of the guide is greater than its width

The design of a sliding door consists of a door frame, leaf, trim, moving mechanism, guide and fittings. If the canvas moves with the help of one - the upper guide, then this design is called suspended. If there is additionally a lower guide, then this is a “compartment” door.

Sliding door for a modern interior

The sliding mechanism consists of the following elements:

  1. A roller device with which the web moves along the rail.
  2. Stopper and limiters.
  3. Some designs include a cassette into which the door leaf slides.

The sliding design can be double or single-leaf.

Folding mechanism

Depending on the number of leaves (modules), the folding door operates as an “accordion” (from 3 more leaves) or as a “book”. The folding door looks original and saves space. If we compare the duration of operation, then “book” type doors are more reliable.

Accordion folding door

The control mechanism includes aluminum guides. Smooth and silent movement of the elements is ensured by plastic or steel carriages and rollers with a polymer layer. The doors are fastened together with hinges.

Position of mirrors relative to doorways

Mirror located in the hallway

The ability to use mirrors in the art of Feng Shui seems to be a great success. So a typical object is endowed with the power to reflect and attract Qi energy. Incorrect placement can lead to the most serious consequences. The Chinese have long been aware of the hidden and dangerous power of mirrors, and attached special importance to them. Often mirrors are placed in the hallway, considering the typical location to be quite convenient in relation to several target directions:

  • Hanging mirrors in the hallway of an apartment visually increases the space. The reflection of small hallways, inherent in the layout of multi-story buildings, in mirrors gives a visual expansion of a small area.
  • An additional reason for the placement of large mirror surfaces in a small hallway corridor is the ability of the surfaces to reflect both natural and artificial light, which makes the area lighter and therefore larger.
  • Of course, the use of mirror surfaces in the hallway at the exit of their apartment also has a direct function. So, before leaving the house, everyone wants to see their own reflection, making sure they look decent before going out into the world. The mirror opposite the door, as many people think, seems to see off the inhabitants.

When asked whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door, regarding the opinion of adherents of ancient Chinese culture, the question is clearly negative. Why this is not possible is explained by this factor simply by the ability of mirror surfaces to reflect the main flows of energy coming into the house.

Thus, you cannot use a mirror hung opposite the entrance doorway in a building; it does not allow positive energy to penetrate and settle in the home. Frivolous handling of the magical properties of mirrors can create an imbalance in the home and in the lives of its inhabitants. Why surfaces cannot be used in an unordered manner is discussed below:

  • The decision to hang a mirror cloth opposite the entrance to the building is fraught with loss of money earned. So there will be a feeling that money, as it were, comes in full for needs, but tends to quickly dry up. You can't treat mirrors so lightly.
  • When a mirror is placed opposite the entrance opening to a home, its inhabitants may feel constant fatigue, and even anger. Thus, the positive energy that comes into the house, without having time to enter, is reflected from the mirror surface, being instantly thrown back. A person simply has nowhere to get a charge of positive energy.
  • Among other things, the reflection of the front door in a mirror is fraught with a loss of positive energy in the house. The whole range of positive energy, the health of family members, vitality and luck, simply flow through the surface of the mirror out of the building and nothing can be done except to rehang the canvas.

A few simple tips regarding the correct placement of mirrors in a building will help you use typical surfaces to the greatest advantage:

  • It is better to place the reflective surface somewhat away from the entrance opening, so that the reflection of incoming visitors and household members occurs casually. So the surface will serve as a kind of distributing device for Qi energy, freely flowing into the house.
  • The most advantageous and correct arrangement of mirrors is accentuated on the surface of the entrance door itself, which multiplies and accumulates energy.
  • Excellent hanging of mirrors with the reflection of something beautiful and sublime: flowers, paintings. A greater flow of positive energy is thus ensured.

The mirror should not reflect negatively, it should be pleasant to look into it, and do it preferably in a good mood.

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This is interesting: Dimensions of interior doors

From an aesthetic point of view

What do you see behind you when the mirror hangs opposite the front door? If peeling paint, a garbage disposal, or indecent graffiti on the walls come into view, then a good mood and a piece of positive energy will instantly leave you even before your foot crosses the threshold of the hallway. But if a person likes a decent staircase, then why not watch yourself against its background.

The mirror accumulates negativity, so you need to approach it in a great mood, with a smile on your face, in full dress.

Tips for choosing

The presence of a mirror in the design of a room can change it beyond recognition. But the choice must be approached carefully, since the design is often quite weighty.

Sliding interior mirror doors

Experts recommend:

  • Look at the smoothness of the material of the entire door leaf. There should be no visible gaps or joints in the wood.
  • Stop your choice on high-quality fittings. Saving money on hinges and tracks may result in structural damage in the future.
  • Strength of fixing the mirror to the door. There must be a minimum of 6 fasteners on a medium-sized canvas.
  • The condition of the mirror cloth is free of chips, scuffs and scratches.
  • Prices and manufacturers. A high-quality interior door will not be cheap, so don’t skimp and give preference to trusted manufacturers of door designs.

When purchasing, be sure to ask questions to sales consultants. They must provide all the necessary information about the product - from door material to installation features.

Interior mirrored swing doors

Where to place the mirror?

This question worries many owners who decide to install a beautiful mirror in the hallway. Is it allowed to install it opposite the entrance?

In books describing Feng Shui, a clear answer is given: it is strictly forbidden to hang such products in front of the door. In Eastern countries, a mirror hanging opposite the entrance was considered a bad omen.

Whatever they say, mirror elements remain one of the main attributes of the hallway. Before going out, they will definitely stand in front of them to make sure that their clothes look normal, their hair is styled and looks elegant.

Mirror mounted on a door structure

This problem, whether it is possible to install the product directly on the door, is much higher than the choice of the shape of the mirror sheet and its corresponding quality. Before you mount your mirror, there are a few important things to consider.

If the mirror hangs in the hallway, opposite the entrance, it can be moved to the door without buying a new one.

Pros and cons of an entrance door with a mirror

You can visually expand the interior of a corridor or hallway using an entrance door with a mirror attached to the inside. Mirror surfaces are widely used by designers. They are especially important to use in rooms with limited space. A beautifully designed door with a mirror will increase the functionality and attractiveness of the interior.

Positive and negative features of a door with a mirror

In apartments with small corridors and in country houses with spacious hallways, doors with a mirror will definitely come in handy. They will look attractive on any residential property, becoming a wonderful addition to the interior. Moreover, a mirror with an unusual frame will visually expand the room.

The advantages of a door with a mirror include the following advantages:

  1. A person is given the opportunity to examine himself before leaving an apartment or private house. This will allow you to fix your makeup, hairstyle, clothes or tie right next to the front door. He will not have to go to another room to evaluate his appearance.
  2. Visual increase in space. This method of expanding the boundaries of the room is especially suitable for dark rooms with a small area.
  3. There is no need to install a separate mirror. This allows you to save space in the room.

Despite the obvious advantages, metal entrance doors with a mirror have some disadvantages that are associated with their installation and operation:

  1. It is not easy to install a mirror surface on a door structure, as it is highly fragile.
  2. The need to install additional lighting fixtures that allow you to clearly see any small details in the mirror.
  3. It is difficult to attach door hardware if the mirror surface is large. In this case, you will have to cut out small fragments in the mirror to install handles, locking mechanisms and a peephole.
  4. Large mass and high cost of a durable mirror surface that is attached to the door. Glass with a small thickness is not suitable for installation on the entrance structure.
  5. Not easy to use, as the mirror surface can be easily damaged or even broken. In this case, installing a new mirror on the door will only be possible in a workshop.

When using entrance doors with a mirror, you have to regularly remove dirt from the surface. Even a drop of water leaves a visible mark on it. However, the attractive appearance and stylish design of the structure more than compensates for all its shortcomings. With the help of a door equipped with a mirror, you will be able to create an exclusive interior in the hallway or corridor. The original design will become the central composition of the room.

Mirror - a business assistant

Decorate the walls of shops or restaurants with mirrors, this will generate additional Yang Qi - the energy of life, activity, and wealth. This will attract an additional flow of buyers (visitors) and your business will flourish.

To increase profits, you can install a mirror so that it reflects the cash register. According to Feng Shui, a mirror will “double” sales. It would be nice if some symbol of good luck, previously placed next to it, would be reflected along with the cash register.

Which interior is it best suited for?

Placing a mirror surface on the entrance structure can be recommended not only to the owner of a house with a cramped corridor. Entrance doors with a mirror can be considered universal; modern designers use them in the decoration of rooms made in various styles - from classic to high-tech.

Mirror canvases will add spaciousness to a cramped space and transform even the most boring interior. The mirror surface can be easily decorated by applying various patterns and toning. Doors using frosted or satin glass look stylish. A mirror decorated with patterns will add luxury to the room.

It is important to choose the right shape and color of the frame for the mirror insert. Thus, in the interior of a hallway made in a classic style, it is preferable to use massive wooden panels; for a romantic style, a frame with carved and forged elements is suitable; the space of a hallway in a minimalist style will be decorated with a geometric combination of a mirror with aluminum and metal elements

Advantages and disadvantages of doors with a mirror

Before you start choosing a suitable door with a mirror for your home, you need to clarify the pros and cons of such a purchase. Let's start with the advantages:

visual increase in space - a mirror expands the boundaries of space and visually makes the room wider and freer.

A door with a mirror visually expands the room

  • stylish transformation of a room - models with a mirror can effectively decorate absolutely any interior, regardless of its style. The main thing is to choose the right decor option that matches the mood of the room.
  • increasing the level of illumination - interior doors with a mirrored side perfectly reflect light rays, therefore they can make even the cramped room brighter and more comfortable.
  • strength – for the manufacture of doors, impact-resistant tempered glass is used, which can withstand medium-force mechanical impacts without consequences.
  • ease of care - mirrors are easy to clean even with ordinary detergents, so they do not cause any hassle in operation.

There are two obvious disadvantages to interior doors with mirrors:

  • high susceptibility to contamination - the mirror surface is very easily soiled: the slightest fingerprints, splashes, stains are visible on it.
  • high price - models with a mirror will cost slightly more than traditionally designed interior doors. And the more spectacular the mirror is decorated, the higher the price of the product will be.

Feng Shui Recommendations

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui also agrees with Russian folk wisdom regarding the location of the mirror opposite the front door.

Masters of the teaching are confident that a mirror can significantly change the lives of people living in the house. Moreover, the changes can be both positive and not very positive. This depends on how well the mirror is positioned in the interior, because this item allows you to regulate the circulation of energy flows.

How to properly place a mirror in the hallway, taking into account the rules of Feng Shui?

Of course, the hallway is not a room in which household members spend a lot of time, since this is where the entrance to the house is located, proper organization of the interior allows you to correctly distribute energy throughout the rest of the rooms of the apartment.

Feng Shui gives the following recommendations:

  • There must be a mirror in the hallway;
  • It is recommended to place it on the side of the front door;
  • It is worth placing symbols of wealth, good luck and prosperity next to the mirror so that they multiply, reflected in the mirror surface.
  • If opposite the entrance there are doors to the bathroom, kitchen or toilet, then it is highly desirable to place a mirror on the wall separating these rooms, and the mirror should be located to the side of the entrance. The meaning of this action is that in the absence of a mirror, the energy penetrating through the doors will directly enter the bathroom or kitchen and, along with the water, will be washed down the drain. In Feng Shui, the element of water governs finances, so material well-being will flow away along with water and energy.

How not to position a mirror?

The teachings of Feng Shui categorically do not recommend placing a mirror strictly opposite the front door. According to this teaching, this arrangement of the mirror does not allow positive energy to penetrate into the apartment, so household members do not feel a surge of strength and are deprived of success in business.

But it is permissible to place a mirror opposite the door leading to the living room, but it is necessary that the window is not reflected in it.

Reliability above all: how to properly hang a mirror in the hallway

The wisdom of the ancient sages will not save the mirror from falling if it is not securely fastened. The choice of mounting method depends on the size and weight of the mirror, the surface and the ability to drill into walls.

Rectangular mirror in Chinese Feng Shui style

Installation without drilling or nails, is that possible?

Light mirrors weighing up to 10 kg can be glued, but not to every wall. Water-based paint, liquid wallpaper and lime whitewash are not friendly with glue and can peel off at any time. A mirror can be glued to drywall if it is first primed.

Suitable here


Round mirror in white frame Sheer

6 500 ₽

6,500 ₽ buy

Round mirror for the hallway according to Feng Shui

Wallpaper interacts well with glue only if it has been glued for a long time. A fresh canvas under the weight of a mirror can form an accordion and crawl.

to glue the mirror to the wallpaper, you need to make an intermediate screen for its back side. A fiberboard sheet 30-40% smaller than the mirror area is suitable. It is fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws.

Which glue to choose?

Of course, no one glues a mirror to the wall with ordinary stationery glue, because its average weight without a frame is 2.5 kg. It is best to choose a durable and elastic synthetic adhesive that has high adhesion to the coating on the back of the mirror. For massive objects, polyurethane glue is suitable; for lighter ones, you can use silicone or reliable double-sided construction tape.

Classic furniture and mirror for Feng Shui hallway design

Before applying glue, wallpaper and drywall must be cleaned of dust, covered with a polymer primer and strengthened with acrylic varnish or PVA.

is it possible to hang a mirror in the hallway on tiles?
Yes, but only with silicone glue. Examples of modern mirrors for the hallway

Features of installing large mirrors: that scary word “dowels”

No glue will hold the large mirrors in the hallway on the wall. For models over 10 kg, only mechanical fastening is suitable for adhesive.

How to hang a mirror on the wall in the hallway weighing more than 10 kg:

- on a wire like a painting. Well suited for medium mirrors and mounting on brick and concrete. Self-tapping screws can be wrapped into a thick frame or aluminum plates with hooks can be glued if it is thin. A nylon cord or steel wire is stretched between them with a slight sag. A dowel or plug is driven into the wall under an anchor hook, on which the mirror is hung;

- using a hook on beams screwed into the wall. Before wallpapering, a niche is cut out in the wall across the entire width of the mirror and about 20 mm deep, into which a wooden block is inserted using dowels. It should protrude from the plane by about 2 mm. Next, as in the first option, the wire is stretched and the mirror is hung.

Full length mirror for a large hallway

How to properly hang a mirror in the hallway is up to you to decide. The main thing is that it is reliable and safe.

Entrance door according to Feng Shui: how to decorate it to attract prosperity to the house

According to the canons of Feng Shui, the front door is the energetic boundary between the outside world and the house

That is why it is important to design the door correctly so that prosperity always reigns in the house

The right door and suitable design will help you make the energy of your home positive once and for all. Try to follow feng shui advice that has been collected and refined over centuries.

Door color

The most important thing for a door is its color. In Feng Shui, great importance is given to the choice of shades, because each color carries a special energy

The first important rule is a maximum of two colors for one door. A monotone door will be better, but two colors are also good. If there are more of them, the properties of each of them will be lost.

If you do not have a private house, but an apartment, then it is best to use a black door, gray, beige or very, very dark. The fact is that in an apartment building there are a lot of energy flows - both positive and negative. Therefore, black, beige, gray or their symbiosis is an excellent choice in order not to bring trouble from the outside.

In a private house, a red door would be a very good choice, because there are no other apartments nearby where enemies or ill-wishers could live. In the case of a private house, the door faces the street, and there positive energy circulates freely.

It is important to remember that the door color or set of colors and pattern must be identical on the outside and inside. This is necessary to enhance the effect

In addition to red, black and neutral colors, you can paint your doors blue or green. A blue door will scare away bad thoughts, and a green one will help maintain mutual understanding between household members.


Stripes. Vertical stripes repel negativity well. This is a very strong amulet, and the stripes can be barely noticeable. Such a house will be reliably protected from the evil eye, damage, and bad guests. Horizontal stripes attract positive energy. It is better not to mix horizontal and vertical patterns.

Acute angular patterns. Such patterns enhance protection from negativity, creating a kind of energetic insulation in the house. In this case, it is not recommended to keep cacti at home, since the room requires an outlet for the negative, and sharp-angled patterns block it. This pattern helps restore physical strength.

Round patterns. This is a good choice for those who like to communicate a lot and prefer not to stay alone for long. This is a good choice for a large family or for a single person. Such patterns help you find your soul mate. Round patterns help in financial matters and creative work.


Horseshoe. The horseshoe is placed inside. If you hang it upside down, it will protect the house from negative energy and evil people, damage. This arrangement of the horseshoe goes well with a black or gray door. If you hang it upside down, it will attract creative energy. Thus, it is better to hang a horseshoe on a red or blue door.

Red ribbon. It is better to hang the ribbon on the wall in front of the door and on the door itself too. It can be small and unnoticeable - there is no need to make it big. It should be made of natural material, preferably wool. It protects the residents of a house or apartment from misfortunes and evil people.

Good talismans that can be hung on the door: dream catcher, clover, bird feathers.

How to mitigate the negative impact

If the reflective surface is already located in an unsuitable area, the teachings of Feng Shui can effectively soften the negativity:

  1. A brass bell is hung above the front door. A decorative lantern made of the same material is suitable. These items will direct the energy along the right path.
  2. A small oval mirror is placed on the inside of the door. It will not allow positive energy to leave the room and will correctly distribute it among the rooms.
  3. In a spacious hallway, a screen, a curtain made of bamboo or translucent fabric is installed between the reflection and the doorway.
  4. The mirror surface is processed using sandblasting.
  5. They turn the mirror into a multi-colored stained glass window if it cannot be outweighed.
  6. Tilt the product slightly towards the floor. This way the favorable energy will linger in the apartment.

You can easily neutralize the negative by framing the mirror canvas in a frame made of natural wood. This natural material destroys negative energy.

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